MediaWiki REL1_33
Go to the documentation of this file.
26require_once __DIR__ . '/../Maintenance.php';
36 protected $tables = null;
38 public function __construct() {
39 parent::__construct();
40 $this->addDescription( 'Migrates actors from pre-1.31 columns to the \'actor\' table' );
41 $this->addOption( 'tables', 'List of tables to process, comma-separated', false, true );
42 $this->setBatchSize( 100 );
43 }
45 protected function getUpdateKey() {
46 return __CLASS__;
47 }
49 protected function doTable( $table ) {
50 return $this->tables === null || in_array( $table, $this->tables, true );
51 }
53 protected function doDBUpdates() {
57 $this->output(
58 "...cannot update while \$wgActorTableSchemaMigrationStage lacks SCHEMA_COMPAT_WRITE_NEW\n"
59 );
60 return false;
61 }
63 $tables = $this->getOption( 'tables' );
64 if ( $tables !== null ) {
65 $this->tables = explode( ',', $tables );
66 }
68 if ( $this->doTable( 'user' ) ) {
69 $this->output( "Creating actor entries for all registered users\n" );
70 $end = 0;
71 $dbw = $this->getDB( DB_MASTER );
72 $max = $dbw->selectField( 'user', 'MAX(user_id)', '', __METHOD__ );
73 $count = 0;
74 while ( $end < $max ) {
75 $start = $end + 1;
76 $end = min( $start + $this->mBatchSize, $max );
77 $this->output( "... $start - $end\n" );
78 $dbw->insertSelect(
79 'actor',
80 'user',
81 [ 'actor_user' => 'user_id', 'actor_name' => 'user_name' ],
82 [ "user_id >= $start", "user_id <= $end" ],
83 __METHOD__,
84 [ 'IGNORE' ],
85 [ 'ORDER BY' => [ 'user_id' ] ]
86 );
87 $count += $dbw->affectedRows();
89 }
90 $this->output( "Completed actor creation, added $count new actor(s)\n" );
91 } else {
92 $this->output( "Checking that actors exist for all registered users\n" );
93 $dbr = $this->getDB( DB_REPLICA, [ 'vslow' ] );
94 $anyMissing = $dbr->selectField(
95 [ 'user', 'actor' ],
96 '1',
97 [ 'actor_id' => null ],
98 __METHOD__,
99 [ 'LIMIT 1' ],
100 [ 'actor' => [ 'LEFT JOIN', 'actor_user = user_id' ] ]
101 );
102 if ( $anyMissing ) {
103 $this->error( 'Some users lack actors; run without --tables or include `user` in --tables.' );
104 return false;
105 }
106 $this->output( "Ok, continuing.\n" );
107 }
109 $errors = 0;
110 $errors += $this->migrateToTemp(
111 'revision', 'rev_id', [ 'revactor_timestamp' => 'rev_timestamp', 'revactor_page' => 'rev_page' ],
112 'rev_user', 'rev_user_text', 'revactor_rev', 'revactor_actor'
113 );
114 $errors += $this->migrate( 'archive', 'ar_id', 'ar_user', 'ar_user_text', 'ar_actor' );
115 $errors += $this->migrate( 'ipblocks', 'ipb_id', 'ipb_by', 'ipb_by_text', 'ipb_by_actor' );
116 $errors += $this->migrate( 'image', 'img_name', 'img_user', 'img_user_text', 'img_actor' );
117 $errors += $this->migrate(
118 'oldimage', [ 'oi_name', 'oi_timestamp' ], 'oi_user', 'oi_user_text', 'oi_actor'
119 );
120 $errors += $this->migrate( 'filearchive', 'fa_id', 'fa_user', 'fa_user_text', 'fa_actor' );
121 $errors += $this->migrate( 'recentchanges', 'rc_id', 'rc_user', 'rc_user_text', 'rc_actor' );
122 $errors += $this->migrate( 'logging', 'log_id', 'log_user', 'log_user_text', 'log_actor' );
124 $errors += $this->migrateLogSearch();
126 return $errors === 0;
127 }
136 private function makeNextCond( $dbw, $primaryKey, $row ) {
137 $next = '';
138 $display = [];
139 for ( $i = count( $primaryKey ) - 1; $i >= 0; $i-- ) {
140 $field = $primaryKey[$i];
141 $display[] = $field . '=' . $row->$field;
142 $value = $dbw->addQuotes( $row->$field );
143 if ( $next === '' ) {
144 $next = "$field > $value";
145 } else {
146 $next = "$field > $value OR $field = $value AND ($next)";
147 }
148 }
149 $display = implode( ' ', array_reverse( $display ) );
150 return [ $next, $display ];
151 }
160 private function makeActorIdSubquery( $dbw, $userField, $nameField ) {
161 $idSubquery = $dbw->buildSelectSubquery(
162 'actor',
163 'actor_id',
164 [ "$userField = actor_user" ],
165 __METHOD__
166 );
167 $nameSubquery = $dbw->buildSelectSubquery(
168 'actor',
169 'actor_id',
170 [ "$nameField = actor_name" ],
171 __METHOD__
172 );
173 return "CASE WHEN $userField = 0 OR $userField IS NULL THEN $nameSubquery ELSE $idSubquery END";
174 }
187 private function addActorsForRows(
188 IDatabase $dbw, $nameField, array &$rows, array &$complainedAboutUsers, &$countErrors
189 ) {
190 $needActors = [];
191 $countActors = 0;
193 $keep = [];
194 foreach ( $rows as $index => $row ) {
195 $keep[$index] = true;
196 if ( $row->actor_id === null ) {
197 // All registered users should have an actor_id already. So
198 // if we have a usable name here, it means they didn't run
199 // maintenance/cleanupUsersWithNoId.php
200 $name = $row->$nameField;
201 if ( User::isUsableName( $name ) ) {
202 if ( !isset( $complainedAboutUsers[$name] ) ) {
203 $complainedAboutUsers[$name] = true;
204 $this->error(
205 "User name \"$name\" is usable, cannot create an anonymous actor for it."
206 . " Run maintenance/cleanupUsersWithNoId.php to fix this situation.\n"
207 );
208 }
209 unset( $keep[$index] );
210 $countErrors++;
211 } else {
212 $needActors[$name] = 0;
213 }
214 }
215 }
216 $rows = array_intersect_key( $rows, $keep );
218 if ( $needActors ) {
219 $dbw->insert(
220 'actor',
221 array_map( function ( $v ) {
222 return [
223 'actor_name' => $v,
224 ];
225 }, array_keys( $needActors ) ),
226 __METHOD__
227 );
228 $countActors += $dbw->affectedRows();
230 $res = $dbw->select(
231 'actor',
232 [ 'actor_id', 'actor_name' ],
233 [ 'actor_name' => array_keys( $needActors ) ],
234 __METHOD__
235 );
236 foreach ( $res as $row ) {
237 $needActors[$row->actor_name] = $row->actor_id;
238 }
239 foreach ( $rows as $row ) {
240 if ( $row->actor_id === null ) {
241 $row->actor_id = $needActors[$row->$nameField];
242 }
243 }
244 }
246 return $countActors;
247 }
262 protected function migrate( $table, $primaryKey, $userField, $nameField, $actorField ) {
263 if ( !$this->doTable( $table ) ) {
264 $this->output( "Skipping $table, not included in --tables\n" );
265 return 0;
266 }
268 $complainedAboutUsers = [];
270 $primaryKey = (array)$primaryKey;
271 $pkFilter = array_flip( $primaryKey );
272 $this->output(
273 "Beginning migration of $table.$userField and $table.$nameField to $table.$actorField\n"
274 );
277 $dbw = $this->getDB( DB_MASTER );
278 $actorIdSubquery = $this->makeActorIdSubquery( $dbw, $userField, $nameField );
279 $next = '1=1';
280 $countUpdated = 0;
281 $countActors = 0;
282 $countErrors = 0;
283 while ( true ) {
284 // Fetch the rows needing update
285 $res = $dbw->select(
286 $table,
287 array_merge( $primaryKey, [ $userField, $nameField, 'actor_id' => $actorIdSubquery ] ),
288 [
289 $actorField => 0,
290 $next,
291 ],
292 __METHOD__,
293 [
294 'ORDER BY' => $primaryKey,
295 'LIMIT' => $this->mBatchSize,
296 ]
297 );
298 if ( !$res->numRows() ) {
299 break;
300 }
302 // Insert new actors for rows that need one
303 $rows = iterator_to_array( $res );
304 $lastRow = end( $rows );
305 $countActors += $this->addActorsForRows(
306 $dbw, $nameField, $rows, $complainedAboutUsers, $countErrors
307 );
309 // Update the existing rows
310 foreach ( $rows as $row ) {
311 if ( !$row->actor_id ) {
312 list( , $display ) = $this->makeNextCond( $dbw, $primaryKey, $row );
313 $this->error(
314 "Could not make actor for row with $display "
315 . "$userField={$row->$userField} $nameField={$row->$nameField}\n"
316 );
317 $countErrors++;
318 continue;
319 }
320 $dbw->update(
321 $table,
322 [
323 $actorField => $row->actor_id,
324 ],
325 array_intersect_key( (array)$row, $pkFilter ) + [
326 $actorField => 0
327 ],
328 __METHOD__
329 );
330 $countUpdated += $dbw->affectedRows();
331 }
333 list( $next, $display ) = $this->makeNextCond( $dbw, $primaryKey, $lastRow );
334 $this->output( "... $display\n" );
336 }
338 $this->output(
339 "Completed migration, updated $countUpdated row(s) with $countActors new actor(s), "
340 . "$countErrors error(s)\n"
341 );
342 return $countErrors;
343 }
361 protected function migrateToTemp(
362 $table, $primaryKey, $extra, $userField, $nameField, $newPrimaryKey, $actorField
363 ) {
364 if ( !$this->doTable( $table ) ) {
365 $this->output( "Skipping $table, not included in --tables\n" );
366 return 0;
367 }
369 $complainedAboutUsers = [];
371 $newTable = $table . '_actor_temp';
372 $this->output(
373 "Beginning migration of $table.$userField and $table.$nameField to $newTable.$actorField\n"
374 );
377 $dbw = $this->getDB( DB_MASTER );
378 $actorIdSubquery = $this->makeActorIdSubquery( $dbw, $userField, $nameField );
379 $next = [];
380 $countUpdated = 0;
381 $countActors = 0;
382 $countErrors = 0;
383 while ( true ) {
384 // Fetch the rows needing update
385 $res = $dbw->select(
386 [ $table, $newTable ],
387 [ $primaryKey, $userField, $nameField, 'actor_id' => $actorIdSubquery ] + $extra,
388 [ $newPrimaryKey => null ] + $next,
389 __METHOD__,
390 [
391 'ORDER BY' => $primaryKey,
392 'LIMIT' => $this->mBatchSize,
393 ],
394 [
395 $newTable => [ 'LEFT JOIN', "{$primaryKey}={$newPrimaryKey}" ],
396 ]
397 );
398 if ( !$res->numRows() ) {
399 break;
400 }
402 // Insert new actors for rows that need one
403 $rows = iterator_to_array( $res );
404 $lastRow = end( $rows );
405 $countActors += $this->addActorsForRows(
406 $dbw, $nameField, $rows, $complainedAboutUsers, $countErrors
407 );
409 // Update rows
410 if ( $rows ) {
411 $inserts = [];
412 $updates = [];
413 foreach ( $rows as $row ) {
414 if ( !$row->actor_id ) {
415 list( , $display ) = $this->makeNextCond( $dbw, [ $primaryKey ], $row );
416 $this->error(
417 "Could not make actor for row with $display "
418 . "$userField={$row->$userField} $nameField={$row->$nameField}\n"
419 );
420 $countErrors++;
421 continue;
422 }
423 $ins = [
424 $newPrimaryKey => $row->$primaryKey,
425 $actorField => $row->actor_id,
426 ];
427 foreach ( $extra as $to => $from ) {
428 $ins[$to] = $row->$to; // It's aliased
429 }
430 $inserts[] = $ins;
431 $updates[] = $row->$primaryKey;
432 }
433 $this->beginTransaction( $dbw, __METHOD__ );
434 $dbw->insert( $newTable, $inserts, __METHOD__ );
435 $countUpdated += $dbw->affectedRows();
436 $this->commitTransaction( $dbw, __METHOD__ );
437 }
439 // Calculate the "next" condition
440 list( $n, $display ) = $this->makeNextCond( $dbw, [ $primaryKey ], $lastRow );
441 $next = [ $n ];
442 $this->output( "... $display\n" );
443 }
445 $this->output(
446 "Completed migration, updated $countUpdated row(s) with $countActors new actor(s), "
447 . "$countErrors error(s)\n"
448 );
449 return $countErrors;
450 }
456 protected function migrateLogSearch() {
457 if ( !$this->doTable( 'log_search' ) ) {
458 $this->output( "Skipping log_search, not included in --tables\n" );
459 return 0;
460 }
462 $complainedAboutUsers = [];
464 $primaryKey = [ 'ls_value', 'ls_log_id' ];
465 $this->output( "Beginning migration of log_search\n" );
468 $dbw = $this->getDB( DB_MASTER );
469 $countInserted = 0;
470 $countActors = 0;
471 $countErrors = 0;
473 $anyBad = $dbw->selectField(
474 'log_search',
475 1,
476 [ 'ls_field' => 'target_author_actor', 'ls_value' => '' ],
477 __METHOD__,
478 [ 'LIMIT' => 1 ]
479 );
480 if ( $anyBad ) {
481 $this->output( "... Deleting bogus rows due to T215525\n" );
482 $dbw->delete(
483 'log_search',
484 [ 'ls_field' => 'target_author_actor', 'ls_value' => '' ],
485 __METHOD__
486 );
487 $ct = $dbw->affectedRows();
488 $this->output( "... Deleted $ct bogus row(s) from T215525\n" );
490 }
492 $next = '1=1';
493 while ( true ) {
494 // Fetch the rows needing update
495 $res = $dbw->select(
496 [ 'log_search', 'actor' ],
497 [ 'ls_value', 'ls_log_id', 'actor_id' ],
498 [
499 'ls_field' => 'target_author_id',
500 $next
501 ],
502 __METHOD__,
503 [
504 'ORDER BY' => $primaryKey,
505 'LIMIT' => $this->mBatchSize,
506 ],
507 [ 'actor' => [ 'LEFT JOIN', 'actor_user = ' . $dbw->buildIntegerCast( 'ls_value' ) ] ]
508 );
509 if ( !$res->numRows() ) {
510 break;
511 }
513 // Insert a 'target_author_actor' for each 'target_author_id'
514 $ins = [];
515 foreach ( $res as $row ) {
516 $lastRow = $row;
517 if ( !$row->actor_id ) {
518 list( , $display ) = $this->makeNextCond( $dbw, $primaryKey, $row );
519 $this->error( "No actor for target_author_id row with $display\n" );
520 $countErrors++;
521 continue;
522 }
523 $ins[] = [
524 'ls_field' => 'target_author_actor',
525 'ls_value' => $row->actor_id,
526 'ls_log_id' => $row->ls_log_id,
527 ];
528 }
529 $dbw->insert( 'log_search', $ins, __METHOD__, [ 'IGNORE' ] );
530 $countInserted += $dbw->affectedRows();
532 list( $next, $display ) = $this->makeNextCond( $dbw, $primaryKey, $lastRow );
533 $this->output( "... target_author_id, $display\n" );
535 }
537 $next = '1=1';
538 while ( true ) {
539 // Fetch the rows needing update
540 $res = $dbw->select(
541 [ 'log_search', 'actor' ],
542 [ 'ls_value', 'ls_log_id', 'actor_id' ],
543 [
544 'ls_field' => 'target_author_ip',
545 $next
546 ],
547 __METHOD__,
548 [
549 'ORDER BY' => $primaryKey,
550 'LIMIT' => $this->mBatchSize,
551 ],
552 [ 'actor' => [ 'LEFT JOIN', 'ls_value = actor_name' ] ]
553 );
554 if ( !$res->numRows() ) {
555 break;
556 }
558 // Insert new actors for rows that need one
559 $rows = iterator_to_array( $res );
560 $lastRow = end( $rows );
561 $countActors += $this->addActorsForRows(
562 $dbw, 'ls_value', $rows, $complainedAboutUsers, $countErrors
563 );
565 // Insert a 'target_author_actor' for each 'target_author_ip'
566 $ins = [];
567 foreach ( $rows as $row ) {
568 if ( !$row->actor_id ) {
569 list( , $display ) = $this->makeNextCond( $dbw, $primaryKey, $row );
570 $this->error( "Could not make actor for target_author_ip row with $display\n" );
571 $countErrors++;
572 continue;
573 }
574 $ins[] = [
575 'ls_field' => 'target_author_actor',
576 'ls_value' => $row->actor_id,
577 'ls_log_id' => $row->ls_log_id,
578 ];
579 }
580 $dbw->insert( 'log_search', $ins, __METHOD__, [ 'IGNORE' ] );
581 $countInserted += $dbw->affectedRows();
583 list( $next, $display ) = $this->makeNextCond( $dbw, $primaryKey, $lastRow );
584 $this->output( "... target_author_ip, $display\n" );
586 }
588 $this->output(
589 "Completed migration, inserted $countInserted row(s) with $countActors new actor(s), "
590 . "$countErrors error(s)\n"
591 );
592 return $countErrors;
593 }
Apache License January AND DISTRIBUTION Definitions License shall mean the terms and conditions for use
int $wgActorTableSchemaMigrationStage
Actor table schema migration stage.
wfWaitForSlaves( $ifWritesSince=null, $wiki=false, $cluster=false, $timeout=null)
Waits for the replica DBs to catch up to the master position.
Class for scripts that perform database maintenance and want to log the update in updatelog so we can...
error( $err, $die=0)
Throw an error to the user.
beginTransaction(IDatabase $dbw, $fname)
Begin a transcation on a DB.
commitTransaction(IDatabase $dbw, $fname)
Commit the transcation on a DB handle and wait for replica DBs to catch up.
output( $out, $channel=null)
Throw some output to the user.
getDB( $db, $groups=[], $wiki=false)
Returns a database to be used by current maintenance script.
addDescription( $text)
Set the description text.
addOption( $name, $description, $required=false, $withArg=false, $shortName=false, $multiOccurrence=false)
Add a parameter to the script.
getOption( $name, $default=null)
Get an option, or return the default.
setBatchSize( $s=0)
Set the batch size.
Maintenance script that migrates actors from pre-1.31 columns to the 'actor' table.
addActorsForRows(IDatabase $dbw, $nameField, array &$rows, array &$complainedAboutUsers, &$countErrors)
Add actors for anons in a set of rows.
Do the actual work.
migrate( $table, $primaryKey, $userField, $nameField, $actorField)
Migrate actors in a table.
makeActorIdSubquery( $dbw, $userField, $nameField)
Make the subqueries for actor_id
Migrate actors in the log_search table.
Default constructor.
makeNextCond( $dbw, $primaryKey, $row)
Calculate a "next" condition and a display string.
migrateToTemp( $table, $primaryKey, $extra, $userField, $nameField, $newPrimaryKey, $actorField)
Migrate actors in a table to a temporary table.
Get the update key name to go in the update log table.
static isUsableName( $name)
Usernames which fail to pass this function will be blocked from user login and new account registrati...
Definition User.php:1042
Definition database.txt:21
deferred txt A few of the database updates required by various functions here can be deferred until after the result page is displayed to the user For updating the view updating the linked to tables after a etc PHP does not yet have any way to tell the server to actually return and disconnect while still running these but it might have such a feature in the future We handle these by creating a deferred update object and putting those objects on a global list
Definition deferred.txt:11
This document is intended to provide useful advice for parties seeking to redistribute MediaWiki to end users It s targeted particularly at maintainers for Linux since it s been observed that distribution packages of MediaWiki often break We ve consistently had to recommend that users seeking support use official tarballs instead of their distribution s and this often solves whatever problem the user is having It would be nice if this could such as
Definition Defines.php:295
do that in ParserLimitReportFormat instead use this to modify the parameters of the image all existing parser cache entries will be invalid To avoid you ll need to handle that somehow(e.g. with the RejectParserCacheValue hook) because MediaWiki won 't do it for you. & $defaults also a ContextSource after deleting those rows but within the same transaction $rows
Definition hooks.txt:2818
Allows to change the fields on the form that will be generated $name
Definition hooks.txt:271
injection txt This is an overview of how MediaWiki makes use of dependency injection The design described here grew from the discussion of RFC T384 The term dependency this means that anything an object needs to operate should be injected from the the object itself should only know narrow no concrete implementation of the logic it relies on The requirement to inject everything typically results in an architecture that based on two main types of and essentially stateless service objects that use other service objects to operate on the value objects As of the beginning MediaWiki is only starting to use the DI approach Much of the code still relies on global state or direct resulting in a highly cyclical dependency which acts as the top level factory for services in MediaWiki which can be used to gain access to default instances of various services MediaWikiServices however also allows new services to be defined and default services to be redefined Services are defined or redefined by providing a callback the instantiator that will return a new instance of the service When it will create an instance of MediaWikiServices and populate it with the services defined in the files listed by thereby bootstrapping the DI framework Per $wgServiceWiringFiles lists includes ServiceWiring php
Definition injection.txt:37
Basic database interface for live and lazy-loaded relation database handles.
Definition IDatabase.php:38
select( $table, $vars, $conds='', $fname=__METHOD__, $options=[], $join_conds=[])
Execute a SELECT query constructed using the various parameters provided.
Get the number of rows affected by the last write query.
insert( $table, $a, $fname=__METHOD__, $options=[])
INSERT wrapper, inserts an array into a table.
The wiki should then use memcached to cache various data To use multiple just add more items to the array To increase the weight of a make its entry a array("", 2))
In both all secondary updates will be triggered handle like object that caches derived data representing a and can trigger updates of cached copies of that e g in the links tables
Definition defines.php:25
Definition defines.php:26