MediaWiki REL1_33
Go to the documentation of this file.
29abstract class RevisionListBase extends ContextSource implements Iterator {
31 public $title;
34 protected $ids;
37 protected $res;
40 protected $current;
48 $this->setContext( $context );
49 $this->title = $title;
50 }
56 function filterByIds( array $ids ) {
57 $this->ids = $ids;
58 }
65 public function getType() {
66 return null;
67 }
72 protected function initCurrent() {
73 $row = $this->res->current();
74 if ( $row ) {
75 $this->current = $this->newItem( $row );
76 } else {
77 $this->current = false;
78 }
79 }
85 public function reset() {
86 if ( !$this->res ) {
87 $this->res = $this->doQuery( wfGetDB( DB_REPLICA ) );
88 } else {
89 $this->res->rewind();
90 }
91 $this->initCurrent();
92 return $this->current;
93 }
95 public function rewind() {
96 $this->reset();
97 }
103 public function current() {
104 return $this->current;
105 }
111 public function next() {
112 $this->res->next();
113 $this->initCurrent();
114 return $this->current;
115 }
117 public function key() {
118 return $this->res ? $this->res->key() : 0;
119 }
121 public function valid() {
122 return $this->res ? $this->res->valid() : false;
123 }
129 public function length() {
130 if ( !$this->res ) {
131 return 0;
132 } else {
133 return $this->res->numRows();
134 }
135 }
141 abstract public function doQuery( $db );
147 abstract public function newItem( $row );
Apache License January AND DISTRIBUTION Definitions License shall mean the terms and conditions for use
wfGetDB( $db, $groups=[], $wiki=false)
Get a Database object.
The simplest way of implementing IContextSource is to hold a RequestContext as a member variable and ...
IContextSource $context
setContext(IContextSource $context)
List for revision table items for a single page.
__construct(IContextSource $context, Title $title)
Construct a revision list for a given title.
Get the internal type name of this list.
Start iteration.
newItem( $row)
Create an item object from a DB result row.
bool Revision $current
Get the current list item, or false if we are at the end.
filterByIds(array $ids)
Select items only where the ID is any of the specified values.
Get the number of items in the list.
doQuery( $db)
Do the DB query to iterate through the objects.
Initialise the current iteration pointer.
ResultWrapper bool $res
Move the iteration pointer to the next list item, and return it.
Represents a title within MediaWiki.
Definition Title.php:40
Result wrapper for grabbing data queried from an IDatabase object.
injection txt This is an overview of how MediaWiki makes use of dependency injection The design described here grew from the discussion of RFC T384 The term dependency this means that anything an object needs to operate should be injected from the the object itself should only know narrow no concrete implementation of the logic it relies on The requirement to inject everything typically results in an architecture that based on two main types of and essentially stateless service objects that use other service objects to operate on the value objects As of the beginning MediaWiki is only starting to use the DI approach Much of the code still relies on global state or direct resulting in a highly cyclical dependency which acts as the top level factory for services in MediaWiki which can be used to gain access to default instances of various services MediaWikiServices however also allows new services to be defined and default services to be redefined Services are defined or redefined by providing a callback the instantiator that will return a new instance of the service When it will create an instance of MediaWikiServices and populate it with the services defined in the files listed by thereby bootstrapping the DI framework Per $wgServiceWiringFiles lists includes ServiceWiring php
Definition injection.txt:37
Interface for objects which can provide a MediaWiki context on request.
Basic database interface for live and lazy-loaded relation database handles.
Definition IDatabase.php:38
The wiki should then use memcached to cache various data To use multiple just add more items to the array To increase the weight of a make its entry a array("", 2))
Definition defines.php:25