MediaWiki REL1_33
Go to the documentation of this file.
3// phpcs:disable MediaWiki.Commenting.PhpunitAnnotations.NotClass
8use LogicException;
30 abstract protected function newRevision( array $rowOverrides = [] );
32 private function provideAudienceCheckData( $field ) {
33 yield 'field accessible for oversighter (ALL)' => [
34 RevisionRecord::SUPPRESSED_ALL,
35 [ 'oversight' ],
36 true,
37 false
38 ];
40 yield 'field accessible for oversighter' => [
41 RevisionRecord::DELETED_RESTRICTED | $field,
42 [ 'oversight' ],
43 true,
44 false
45 ];
47 yield 'field not accessible for sysops (ALL)' => [
48 RevisionRecord::SUPPRESSED_ALL,
49 [ 'sysop' ],
50 false,
51 false
52 ];
54 yield 'field not accessible for sysops' => [
55 RevisionRecord::DELETED_RESTRICTED | $field,
56 [ 'sysop' ],
57 false,
58 false
59 ];
61 yield 'field accessible for sysops' => [
62 $field,
63 [ 'sysop' ],
64 true,
65 false
66 ];
68 yield 'field suppressed for logged in users' => [
69 $field,
70 [ 'user' ],
71 false,
72 false
73 ];
75 yield 'unrelated field suppressed' => [
76 $field === RevisionRecord::DELETED_COMMENT
77 ? RevisionRecord::DELETED_USER
78 : RevisionRecord::DELETED_COMMENT,
79 [ 'user' ],
80 true,
81 true
82 ];
84 yield 'nothing suppressed' => [
85 0,
86 [ 'user' ],
87 true,
88 true
89 ];
90 }
92 public function testSerialization_fails() {
93 $this->setExpectedException( LogicException::class );
94 $rev = $this->newRevision();
95 serialize( $rev );
96 }
98 public function provideGetComment_audience() {
99 return $this->provideAudienceCheckData( RevisionRecord::DELETED_COMMENT );
100 }
102 private function forceStandardPermissions() {
103 $this->setMwGlobals(
104 'wgGroupPermissions',
105 [
106 'user' => [
107 'viewsuppressed' => false,
108 'suppressrevision' => false,
109 'deletedtext' => false,
110 'deletedhistory' => false,
111 ],
112 'sysop' => [
113 'viewsuppressed' => false,
114 'suppressrevision' => false,
115 'deletedtext' => true,
116 'deletedhistory' => true,
117 ],
118 'oversight' => [
119 'deletedtext' => true,
120 'deletedhistory' => true,
121 'viewsuppressed' => true,
122 'suppressrevision' => true,
123 ],
124 ]
125 );
126 }
131 public function testGetComment_audience( $visibility, $groups, $userCan, $publicCan ) {
134 $user = $this->getTestUser( $groups )->getUser();
135 $rev = $this->newRevision( [ 'rev_deleted' => $visibility ] );
137 $this->assertNotNull( $rev->getComment( RevisionRecord::RAW ), 'raw can' );
139 $this->assertSame(
140 $publicCan,
141 $rev->getComment( RevisionRecord::FOR_PUBLIC ) !== null,
142 'public can'
143 );
144 $this->assertSame(
145 $userCan,
146 $rev->getComment( RevisionRecord::FOR_THIS_USER, $user ) !== null,
147 'user can'
148 );
149 }
151 public function provideGetUser_audience() {
152 return $this->provideAudienceCheckData( RevisionRecord::DELETED_USER );
153 }
158 public function testGetUser_audience( $visibility, $groups, $userCan, $publicCan ) {
161 $user = $this->getTestUser( $groups )->getUser();
162 $rev = $this->newRevision( [ 'rev_deleted' => $visibility ] );
164 $this->assertNotNull( $rev->getUser( RevisionRecord::RAW ), 'raw can' );
166 $this->assertSame(
167 $publicCan,
168 $rev->getUser( RevisionRecord::FOR_PUBLIC ) !== null,
169 'public can'
170 );
171 $this->assertSame(
172 $userCan,
173 $rev->getUser( RevisionRecord::FOR_THIS_USER, $user ) !== null,
174 'user can'
175 );
176 }
178 public function provideGetSlot_audience() {
179 return $this->provideAudienceCheckData( RevisionRecord::DELETED_TEXT );
180 }
185 public function testGetSlot_audience( $visibility, $groups, $userCan, $publicCan ) {
188 $user = $this->getTestUser( $groups )->getUser();
189 $rev = $this->newRevision( [ 'rev_deleted' => $visibility ] );
191 // NOTE: slot meta-data is never suppressed, just the content is!
192 $this->assertTrue( $rev->hasSlot( SlotRecord::MAIN ), 'hasSlot is never suppressed' );
193 $this->assertNotNull( $rev->getSlot( SlotRecord::MAIN, RevisionRecord::RAW ), 'raw meta' );
194 $this->assertNotNull( $rev->getSlot( SlotRecord::MAIN, RevisionRecord::FOR_PUBLIC ),
195 'public meta' );
197 $this->assertNotNull(
198 $rev->getSlot( SlotRecord::MAIN, RevisionRecord::FOR_THIS_USER, $user ),
199 'user can'
200 );
202 try {
203 $rev->getSlot( SlotRecord::MAIN, RevisionRecord::FOR_PUBLIC )->getContent();
204 $exception = null;
205 } catch ( SuppressedDataException $ex ) {
206 $exception = $ex;
207 }
209 $this->assertSame(
210 $publicCan,
211 $exception === null,
212 'public can'
213 );
215 try {
216 $rev->getSlot( SlotRecord::MAIN, RevisionRecord::FOR_THIS_USER, $user )->getContent();
217 $exception = null;
218 } catch ( SuppressedDataException $ex ) {
219 $exception = $ex;
220 }
222 $this->assertSame(
223 $userCan,
224 $exception === null,
225 'user can'
226 );
227 }
232 public function testGetContent_audience( $visibility, $groups, $userCan, $publicCan ) {
235 $user = $this->getTestUser( $groups )->getUser();
236 $rev = $this->newRevision( [ 'rev_deleted' => $visibility ] );
238 $this->assertNotNull( $rev->getContent( SlotRecord::MAIN, RevisionRecord::RAW ), 'raw can' );
240 $this->assertSame(
241 $publicCan,
242 $rev->getContent( SlotRecord::MAIN, RevisionRecord::FOR_PUBLIC ) !== null,
243 'public can'
244 );
245 $this->assertSame(
246 $userCan,
247 $rev->getContent( SlotRecord::MAIN, RevisionRecord::FOR_THIS_USER, $user ) !== null,
248 'user can'
249 );
250 }
252 public function testGetSlot() {
253 $rev = $this->newRevision();
255 $slot = $rev->getSlot( SlotRecord::MAIN );
256 $this->assertNotNull( $slot, 'getSlot()' );
257 $this->assertSame( 'main', $slot->getRole(), 'getRole()' );
258 }
260 public function testHasSlot() {
261 $rev = $this->newRevision();
263 $this->assertTrue( $rev->hasSlot( SlotRecord::MAIN ) );
264 $this->assertFalse( $rev->hasSlot( 'xyz' ) );
265 }
267 public function testGetContent() {
268 $rev = $this->newRevision();
270 $content = $rev->getSlot( SlotRecord::MAIN );
271 $this->assertNotNull( $content, 'getContent()' );
272 $this->assertSame( CONTENT_MODEL_TEXT, $content->getModel(), 'getModel()' );
273 }
275 public function provideUserCanBitfield() {
276 yield [ 0, 0, [], null, true ];
277 // Bitfields match, user has no permissions
278 yield [
279 RevisionRecord::DELETED_TEXT,
280 RevisionRecord::DELETED_TEXT,
281 [],
282 null,
283 false
284 ];
285 yield [
286 RevisionRecord::DELETED_COMMENT,
287 RevisionRecord::DELETED_COMMENT,
288 [],
289 null,
290 false,
291 ];
292 yield [
293 RevisionRecord::DELETED_USER,
294 RevisionRecord::DELETED_USER,
295 [],
296 null,
297 false
298 ];
299 yield [
300 RevisionRecord::DELETED_RESTRICTED,
301 RevisionRecord::DELETED_RESTRICTED,
302 [],
303 null,
304 false,
305 ];
306 // Bitfields match, user (admin) does have permissions
307 yield [
308 RevisionRecord::DELETED_TEXT,
309 RevisionRecord::DELETED_TEXT,
310 [ 'sysop' ],
311 null,
312 true,
313 ];
314 yield [
315 RevisionRecord::DELETED_COMMENT,
316 RevisionRecord::DELETED_COMMENT,
317 [ 'sysop' ],
318 null,
319 true,
320 ];
321 yield [
322 RevisionRecord::DELETED_USER,
323 RevisionRecord::DELETED_USER,
324 [ 'sysop' ],
325 null,
326 true,
327 ];
328 // Bitfields match, user (admin) does not have permissions
329 yield [
330 RevisionRecord::DELETED_RESTRICTED,
331 RevisionRecord::DELETED_RESTRICTED,
332 [ 'sysop' ],
333 null,
334 false,
335 ];
336 // Bitfields match, user (oversight) does have permissions
337 yield [
338 RevisionRecord::DELETED_RESTRICTED,
339 RevisionRecord::DELETED_RESTRICTED,
340 [ 'oversight' ],
341 null,
342 true,
343 ];
344 // Check permissions using the title
345 yield [
346 RevisionRecord::DELETED_TEXT,
347 RevisionRecord::DELETED_TEXT,
348 [ 'sysop' ],
349 __METHOD__,
350 true,
351 ];
352 yield [
353 RevisionRecord::DELETED_TEXT,
354 RevisionRecord::DELETED_TEXT,
355 [],
356 __METHOD__,
357 false,
358 ];
359 }
365 public function testUserCanBitfield( $bitField, $field, $userGroups, $title, $expected ) {
366 if ( is_string( $title ) ) {
367 // NOTE: Data providers cannot instantiate Title objects! See T202641.
368 $title = Title::newFromText( $title );
369 }
373 $user = $this->getTestUser( $userGroups )->getUser();
375 $this->assertSame(
376 $expected,
377 RevisionRecord::userCanBitfield( $bitField, $field, $user, $title )
378 );
379 }
381 public function provideHasSameContent() {
382 // Create some slots with content
383 $mainA = SlotRecord::newUnsaved( SlotRecord::MAIN, new TextContent( 'A' ) );
384 $mainB = SlotRecord::newUnsaved( SlotRecord::MAIN, new TextContent( 'B' ) );
385 $auxA = SlotRecord::newUnsaved( 'aux', new TextContent( 'A' ) );
386 $auxB = SlotRecord::newUnsaved( 'aux', new TextContent( 'A' ) );
388 $initialRecordSpec = [ [ $mainA ], 12 ];
390 return [
391 'same record object' => [
392 true,
393 $initialRecordSpec,
394 $initialRecordSpec,
395 ],
396 'same record content, different object' => [
397 true,
398 [ [ $mainA ], 12 ],
399 [ [ $mainA ], 13 ],
400 ],
401 'same record content, aux slot, different object' => [
402 true,
403 [ [ $auxA ], 12 ],
404 [ [ $auxB ], 13 ],
405 ],
406 'different content' => [
407 false,
408 [ [ $mainA ], 12 ],
409 [ [ $mainB ], 13 ],
410 ],
411 'different content and number of slots' => [
412 false,
413 [ [ $mainA ], 12 ],
414 [ [ $mainA, $mainB ], 13 ],
415 ],
416 ];
417 }
427 private function makeHasSameContentTestRecord( array $slots, $revId ) {
428 $title = Title::newFromText( 'provideHasSameContent' );
429 $title->resetArticleID( 19 );
430 $slots = new RevisionSlots( $slots );
432 return new RevisionStoreRecord(
433 $title,
434 new UserIdentityValue( 11, __METHOD__, 0 ),
435 CommentStoreComment::newUnsavedComment( __METHOD__ ),
436 (object)[
437 'rev_id' => strval( $revId ),
438 'rev_page' => strval( $title->getArticleID() ),
439 'rev_timestamp' => '20200101000000',
440 'rev_deleted' => 0,
441 'rev_minor_edit' => 0,
442 'rev_parent_id' => '5',
443 'rev_len' => $slots->computeSize(),
444 'rev_sha1' => $slots->computeSha1(),
445 'page_latest' => '18',
446 ],
447 $slots
448 );
449 }
456 public function testHasSameContent(
457 $expected,
458 $recordSpec1,
459 $recordSpec2
460 ) {
461 $record1 = $this->makeHasSameContentTestRecord( ...$recordSpec1 );
462 $record2 = $this->makeHasSameContentTestRecord( ...$recordSpec2 );
464 $this->assertSame(
465 $expected,
466 $record1->hasSameContent( $record2 )
467 );
468 }
470 public function provideIsDeleted() {
471 yield 'no deletion' => [
472 0,
473 [
474 RevisionRecord::DELETED_TEXT => false,
475 RevisionRecord::DELETED_COMMENT => false,
476 RevisionRecord::DELETED_USER => false,
477 RevisionRecord::DELETED_RESTRICTED => false,
478 ]
479 ];
480 yield 'text deleted' => [
481 RevisionRecord::DELETED_TEXT,
482 [
483 RevisionRecord::DELETED_TEXT => true,
484 RevisionRecord::DELETED_COMMENT => false,
485 RevisionRecord::DELETED_USER => false,
486 RevisionRecord::DELETED_RESTRICTED => false,
487 ]
488 ];
489 yield 'text and comment deleted' => [
490 RevisionRecord::DELETED_TEXT + RevisionRecord::DELETED_COMMENT,
491 [
492 RevisionRecord::DELETED_TEXT => true,
493 RevisionRecord::DELETED_COMMENT => true,
494 RevisionRecord::DELETED_USER => false,
495 RevisionRecord::DELETED_RESTRICTED => false,
496 ]
497 ];
498 yield 'all 4 deleted' => [
499 RevisionRecord::DELETED_TEXT +
500 RevisionRecord::DELETED_COMMENT +
501 RevisionRecord::DELETED_RESTRICTED +
502 RevisionRecord::DELETED_USER,
503 [
504 RevisionRecord::DELETED_TEXT => true,
505 RevisionRecord::DELETED_COMMENT => true,
506 RevisionRecord::DELETED_USER => true,
507 RevisionRecord::DELETED_RESTRICTED => true,
508 ]
509 ];
510 }
516 public function testIsDeleted( $revDeleted, $assertionMap ) {
517 $rev = $this->newRevision( [ 'rev_deleted' => $revDeleted ] );
518 foreach ( $assertionMap as $deletionLevel => $expected ) {
519 $this->assertSame( $expected, $rev->isDeleted( $deletionLevel ) );
520 }
521 }
523 public function testIsReadyForInsertion() {
524 $rev = $this->newRevision();
525 $this->assertTrue( $rev->isReadyForInsertion() );
526 }
Apache License January AND DISTRIBUTION Definitions License shall mean the terms and conditions for use
CommentStoreComment represents a comment stored by CommentStore.
Page revision base class.
Value object representing the set of slots belonging to a revision.
A RevisionRecord representing an existing revision persisted in the revision table.
Value object representing a content slot associated with a page revision.
Exception raised in response to an audience check when attempting to access suppressed information wi...
Value object representing a user's identity.
Content object implementation for representing flat text.
Represents a title within MediaWiki.
Definition Title.php:40
This document is intended to provide useful advice for parties seeking to redistribute MediaWiki to end users It s targeted particularly at maintainers for Linux since it s been observed that distribution packages of MediaWiki often break We ve consistently had to recommend that users seeking support use official tarballs instead of their distribution s and this often solves whatever problem the user is having It would be nice if this could such as
Definition Defines.php:247
namespace and then decline to actually register it file or subcat img or subcat $title
Definition hooks.txt:955
null means default in associative array with keys and values unescaped Should be merged with default with a value of false meaning to suppress the attribute in associative array with keys and values unescaped noclasses just before the function returns a value If you return true
Definition hooks.txt:2004
return true to allow those checks to and false if checking is done & $user
Definition hooks.txt:1510
presenting them properly to the user as errors is done by the caller return true use this to change the list i e etc $rev
Definition hooks.txt:1779
processing should stop and the error should be shown to the user * false
Definition hooks.txt:187
injection txt This is an overview of how MediaWiki makes use of dependency injection The design described here grew from the discussion of RFC T384 The term dependency this means that anything an object needs to operate should be injected from the the object itself should only know narrow no concrete implementation of the logic it relies on The requirement to inject everything typically results in an architecture that based on two main types of and essentially stateless service objects that use other service objects to operate on the value objects As of the beginning MediaWiki is only starting to use the DI approach Much of the code still relies on global state or direct resulting in a highly cyclical dependency which acts as the top level factory for services in MediaWiki which can be used to gain access to default instances of various services MediaWikiServices however also allows new services to be defined and default services to be redefined Services are defined or redefined by providing a callback the instantiator that will return a new instance of the service When it will create an instance of MediaWikiServices and populate it with the services defined in the files listed by thereby bootstrapping the DI framework Per $wgServiceWiringFiles lists includes ServiceWiring php
Definition injection.txt:37
The wiki should then use memcached to cache various data To use multiple just add more items to the array To increase the weight of a make its entry a array("", 2))
testGetUser_audience( $visibility, $groups, $userCan, $publicCan)
testHasSameContent( $expected, $recordSpec1, $recordSpec2)
provideHasSameContent \MediaWiki\Revision\RevisionRecord::hasSameContent Database
testUserCanBitfield( $bitField, $field, $userGroups, $title, $expected)
provideUserCanBitfield \MediaWiki\Revision\RevisionRecord::userCanBitfield
trait RevisionRecordTests
testGetSlot_audience( $visibility, $groups, $userCan, $publicCan)
testGetContent_audience( $visibility, $groups, $userCan, $publicCan)
testIsDeleted( $revDeleted, $assertionMap)
provideIsDeleted \MediaWiki\Revision\RevisionRecord::isDeleted
testGetComment_audience( $visibility, $groups, $userCan, $publicCan)
makeHasSameContentTestRecord(array $slots, $revId)