MediaWiki REL1_33
UserNotLoggedIn Class Reference

Redirect a user to the login page. More...

Inheritance diagram for UserNotLoggedIn:
Collaboration diagram for UserNotLoggedIn:

Public Member Functions

 __construct ( $reasonMsg='exception-nologin-text', $titleMsg='exception-nologin', $params=[])
 report ()
 Redirect to Special:Userlogin if the specified message is compatible.
- Public Member Functions inherited from ErrorPageError
 getMessageObject ()
 Return a Message object for this exception.
- Public Member Functions inherited from MWException
 getHTML ()
 If $wgShowExceptionDetails is true, return a HTML message with a backtrace to the error, otherwise show a message to ask to set it to true to show that information.
 getPageTitle ()
 Return the title of the page when reporting this error in a HTTP response.
 getText ()
 Get the text to display when reporting the error on the command line.
 isLoggable ()
 Whether to log this exception in the exception debug log.
 msg ( $key, $fallback)
 Get a message from i18n.
 reportHTML ()
 Output the exception report using HTML.
 useMessageCache ()
 Can the extension use the Message class/wfMessage to get i18n-ed messages?
 useOutputPage ()
 Should the exception use $wgOut to output the error?

Additional Inherited Members

- Static Public Member Functions inherited from MWException
static isCommandLine ()
 Check whether we are in command line mode or not to report the exception in the correct format.
- Public Attributes inherited from ErrorPageError

Detailed Description

Redirect a user to the login page.

This is essentially an ErrorPageError exception which by default uses the 'exception-nologin' as a title and 'exception-nologin-text' for the message.

In order for this exception to redirect, the error message passed to the constructor has to be explicitly added to LoginHelper::validErrorMessages or with the LoginFormValidErrorMessages hook. Otherwise, the user will just be shown the message rather than redirected.
if( $user->isAnon() ) {
throw new UserNotLoggedIn();
Redirect a user to the login page.
return true to allow those checks to and false if checking is done & $user
Definition hooks.txt:1510

Note the parameter order differs from ErrorPageError, this allows you to simply specify a reason without overriding the default title.

if( $user->isAnon() ) {
throw new UserNotLoggedIn( 'action-require-loggedin' );
See also

Definition at line 53 of file UserNotLoggedIn.php.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ __construct()

UserNotLoggedIn::__construct (   $reasonMsg = 'exception-nologin-text',
  $titleMsg = 'exception-nologin',
  $params = [] 
The value of the $reasonMsg parameter must be set with the LoginFormValidErrorMessages hook if you want the user to be automatically redirected to the login form.
string$reasonMsgA message key containing the reason for the error. Optional, default: 'exception-nologin-text'
string$titleMsgA message key to set the page title. Optional, default: 'exception-nologin'
array$paramsParameters to wfMessage(). Optional, default: []

Reimplemented from ErrorPageError.

Definition at line 66 of file UserNotLoggedIn.php.

References ErrorPageError\$params.

Member Function Documentation

◆ report()

UserNotLoggedIn::report ( )

Redirect to Special:Userlogin if the specified message is compatible.

Otherwise, show an error page as usual.

Reimplemented from ErrorPageError.

Definition at line 78 of file UserNotLoggedIn.php.

References $context, $output, $query, MediaWiki\getTitle(), LoginHelper\getValidErrorMessages(), MWException\msg(), and wfArrayToCgi().

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