MediaWiki REL1_34
Go to the documentation of this file.
30class CSSMin {
33 const PLACEHOLDER = "\x7fPLACEHOLDER\x7f";
38 const DATA_URI_SIZE_LIMIT = 32768;
40 const EMBED_REGEX = '\/\*\s*\@embed\s*\*\/';
41 const COMMENT_REGEX = '\/\*.*?\*\/';
44 protected static $mimeTypes = [
45 'gif' => 'image/gif',
46 'jpe' => 'image/jpeg',
47 'jpeg' => 'image/jpeg',
48 'jpg' => 'image/jpeg',
49 'png' => 'image/png',
50 'tif' => 'image/tiff',
51 'tiff' => 'image/tiff',
52 'xbm' => 'image/x-xbitmap',
53 'svg' => 'image/svg+xml',
54 ];
63 public static function getLocalFileReferences( $source, $path ) {
64 $stripped = preg_replace( '/' . self::COMMENT_REGEX . '/s', '', $source );
65 $path = rtrim( $path, '/' ) . '/';
66 $files = [];
69 if ( preg_match_all( '/' . self::getUrlRegex() . '/', $stripped, $matches, $rFlags ) ) {
70 foreach ( $matches as $match ) {
71 self::processUrlMatch( $match, $rFlags );
72 $url = $match['file'][0];
74 // Skip fully-qualified and protocol-relative URLs and data URIs
75 if (
76 substr( $url, 0, 2 ) === '//' ||
77 parse_url( $url, PHP_URL_SCHEME )
78 ) {
79 break;
80 }
82 // Strip trailing anchors - T115436
83 $anchor = strpos( $url, '#' );
84 if ( $anchor !== false ) {
85 $url = substr( $url, 0, $anchor );
87 // '#some-anchors' is not a file
88 if ( $url === '' ) {
89 break;
90 }
91 }
93 $files[] = $path . $url;
94 }
95 }
96 return $files;
97 }
114 public static function encodeImageAsDataURI( $file, $type = null, $ie8Compat = true ) {
115 // Fast-fail for files that definitely exceed the maximum data URI length
116 if ( $ie8Compat && filesize( $file ) >= self::DATA_URI_SIZE_LIMIT ) {
117 return false;
118 }
120 if ( $type === null ) {
122 }
123 if ( !$type ) {
124 return false;
125 }
127 return self::encodeStringAsDataURI( file_get_contents( $file ), $type, $ie8Compat );
128 }
142 public static function encodeStringAsDataURI( $contents, $type, $ie8Compat = true ) {
143 // Try #1: Non-encoded data URI
145 // Remove XML declaration, it's not needed with data URI usage
146 $contents = preg_replace( "/<\\?xml.*?\\?>/", '', $contents );
147 // The regular expression matches ASCII whitespace and printable characters.
148 if ( preg_match( '/^[\r\n\t\x20-\x7e]+$/', $contents ) ) {
149 // Do not base64-encode non-binary files (sane SVGs).
150 // (This often produces longer URLs, but they compress better, yielding a net smaller size.)
151 $encoded = rawurlencode( $contents );
152 // Unencode some things that don't need to be encoded, to make the encoding smaller
153 $encoded = strtr( $encoded, [
154 '%20' => ' ', // Unencode spaces
155 '%2F' => '/', // Unencode slashes
156 '%3A' => ':', // Unencode colons
157 '%3D' => '=', // Unencode equals signs
158 '%0A' => ' ', // Change newlines to spaces
159 '%0D' => ' ', // Change carriage returns to spaces
160 '%09' => ' ', // Change tabs to spaces
161 ] );
162 // Consolidate runs of multiple spaces in a row
163 $encoded = preg_replace( '/ {2,}/', ' ', $encoded );
164 // Remove leading and trailing spaces
165 $encoded = preg_replace( '/^ | $/', '', $encoded );
167 $uri = 'data:' . $type . ',' . $encoded;
168 if ( !$ie8Compat || strlen( $uri ) < self::DATA_URI_SIZE_LIMIT ) {
169 return $uri;
170 }
171 }
173 // Try #2: Encoded data URI
174 $uri = 'data:' . $type . ';base64,' . base64_encode( $contents );
175 if ( !$ie8Compat || strlen( $uri ) < self::DATA_URI_SIZE_LIMIT ) {
176 return $uri;
177 }
179 // A data URI couldn't be produced
180 return false;
181 }
190 public static function serializeStringValue( $value ) {
191 $value = strtr( $value, [ "\0" => "\u{FFFD}", '\\' => '\\\\', '"' => '\\"' ] );
192 $value = preg_replace_callback( '/[\x01-\x1f\x7f]/', function ( $match ) {
193 return '\\' . base_convert( ord( $match[0] ), 10, 16 ) . ' ';
194 }, $value );
195 return '"' . $value . '"';
196 }
202 public static function getMimeType( $file ) {
203 // Infer the MIME-type from the file extension
204 $ext = strtolower( pathinfo( $file, PATHINFO_EXTENSION ) );
205 return self::$mimeTypes[$ext] ?? mime_content_type( realpath( $file ) );
206 }
217 public static function buildUrlValue( $url ) {
218 // The list below has been crafted to match URLs such as:
219 // scheme://user@domain:port/~user/fi%20le.png?query=yes&really=y+s
220 // 
221 if ( preg_match( '!^[\w\d:@/~.%+;,?&=-]+$!', $url ) ) {
222 return "url($url)";
223 } else {
224 return 'url("' . strtr( $url, [ '\\' => '\\\\', '"' => '\\"' ] ) . '")';
225 }
226 }
239 public static function remap( $source, $local, $remote, $embedData = true ) {
240 // High-level overview:
241 // * For each CSS rule in $source that includes at least one url() value:
242 // * Check for an @embed comment at the start indicating that all URIs should be embedded
243 // * For each url() value:
244 // * Check for an @embed comment directly preceding the value
245 // * If either @embed comment exists:
246 // * Embedding the URL as data: URI, if it's possible / allowed
247 // * Otherwise remap the URL to work in generated stylesheets
249 // Guard against trailing slashes, because "some/remote/../foo.png"
250 // resolves to "some/remote/foo.png" on (some?) clients (T29052).
251 if ( substr( $remote, -1 ) == '/' ) {
252 $remote = substr( $remote, 0, -1 );
253 }
255 // Disallow U+007F DELETE, which is illegal anyway, and which
256 // we use for comment placeholders.
257 $source = str_replace( "\x7f", "?", $source );
259 // Replace all comments by a placeholder so they will not interfere with the remapping.
260 // Warning: This will also catch on anything looking like the start of a comment between
261 // quotation marks (e.g. "foo /* bar").
262 $comments = [];
264 $pattern = '/(?!' . self::EMBED_REGEX . ')(' . self::COMMENT_REGEX . ')/s';
266 $source = preg_replace_callback(
267 $pattern,
268 function ( $match ) use ( &$comments ) {
269 $comments[] = $match[ 0 ];
270 return CSSMin::PLACEHOLDER . ( count( $comments ) - 1 ) . 'x';
271 },
272 $source
273 );
275 // Note: This will not correctly handle cases where ';', '{' or '}'
276 // appears in the rule itself, e.g. in a quoted string. You are advised
277 // not to use such characters in file names. We also match start/end of
278 // the string to be consistent in edge-cases ('@import url(…)').
279 $pattern = '/(?:^|[;{])\K[^;{}]*' . self::getUrlRegex() . '[^;}]*(?=[;}]|$)/';
281 $source = preg_replace_callback(
282 $pattern,
283 function ( $matchOuter ) use ( $local, $remote, $embedData ) {
284 $rule = $matchOuter[0];
286 // Check for global @embed comment and remove it. Allow other comments to be present
287 // before @embed (they have been replaced with placeholders at this point).
288 $embedAll = false;
289 $rule = preg_replace(
290 '/^((?:\s+|' .
292 '(\d+)x)*)' .
294 '\s*/',
295 '$1',
296 $rule,
297 1,
298 $embedAll
299 );
301 // Build two versions of current rule: with remapped URLs
302 // and with embedded data: URIs (where possible).
303 $pattern = '/(?P<embed>' . CSSMin::EMBED_REGEX . '\s*|)' . self::getUrlRegex() . '/';
305 $ruleWithRemapped = preg_replace_callback(
306 $pattern,
307 function ( $match ) use ( $local, $remote ) {
308 self::processUrlMatch( $match );
310 $remapped = CSSMin::remapOne( $match['file'], $match['query'], $local, $remote, false );
311 return CSSMin::buildUrlValue( $remapped );
312 },
313 $rule
314 );
316 if ( $embedData ) {
317 // Remember the occurring MIME types to avoid fallbacks when embedding some files.
318 $mimeTypes = [];
320 $ruleWithEmbedded = preg_replace_callback(
321 $pattern,
322 function ( $match ) use ( $embedAll, $local, $remote, &$mimeTypes ) {
323 self::processUrlMatch( $match );
325 $embed = $embedAll || $match['embed'];
326 $embedded = CSSMin::remapOne(
327 $match['file'],
328 $match['query'],
329 $local,
330 $remote,
331 $embed
332 );
334 $url = $match['file'] . $match['query'];
335 $file = "{$local}/{$match['file']}";
336 if (
337 !self::isRemoteUrl( $url ) && !self::isLocalUrl( $url )
338 && file_exists( $file )
339 ) {
341 }
343 return CSSMin::buildUrlValue( $embedded );
344 },
345 $rule
346 );
348 // Are all referenced images SVGs?
349 $needsEmbedFallback = $mimeTypes !== [ 'image/svg+xml' => true ];
350 }
352 if ( !$embedData || $ruleWithEmbedded === $ruleWithRemapped ) {
353 // We're not embedding anything, or we tried to but the file is not embeddable
354 return $ruleWithRemapped;
355 } elseif ( $embedData && $needsEmbedFallback ) {
356 // Build 2 CSS properties; one which uses a data URI in place of the @embed comment, and
357 // the other with a remapped and versioned URL with an Internet Explorer 6 and 7 hack
358 // making it ignored in all browsers that support data URIs
359 return "$ruleWithEmbedded;$ruleWithRemapped!ie";
360 } else {
361 // Look ma, no fallbacks! This is for files which IE 6 and 7 don't support anyway: SVG.
362 return $ruleWithEmbedded;
363 }
364 }, $source );
366 // Re-insert comments
367 $pattern = '/' . self::PLACEHOLDER . '(\d+)x/';
368 $source = preg_replace_callback( $pattern, function ( $match ) use ( &$comments ) {
369 return $comments[ $match[1] ];
370 }, $source );
372 return $source;
373 }
381 protected static function isRemoteUrl( $maybeUrl ) {
382 if ( substr( $maybeUrl, 0, 2 ) === '//' || parse_url( $maybeUrl, PHP_URL_SCHEME ) ) {
383 return true;
384 }
385 return false;
386 }
394 protected static function isLocalUrl( $maybeUrl ) {
395 return isset( $maybeUrl[1] ) && $maybeUrl[0] === '/' && $maybeUrl[1] !== '/';
396 }
401 private static function getUrlRegex() {
402 static $urlRegex;
403 if ( $urlRegex === null ) {
404 // Match these three variants separately to avoid broken urls when
405 // e.g. a double quoted url contains a parenthesis, or when a
406 // single quoted url contains a double quote, etc.
407 // FIXME: Simplify now we only support PHP 7.0.0+
408 // Note: PCRE doesn't support multiple capture groups with the same name by default.
409 // - PCRE 6.7 introduced the "J" modifier (PCRE_INFO_JCHANGED for PCRE_DUPNAMES).
410 //
411 // However this isn't useful since it just ignores all but the first one.
412 // Also, while the modifier was introduced in PCRE 6.7 (PHP 5.2+) it was
413 // not exposed to public preg_* functions until PHP 5.6.0.
414 // - PCRE 8.36 fixed this to work as expected (e.g. merge conceptually to
415 // only return the one matched in the part that actually matched).
416 // However MediaWiki supports 5.5.9, which has PCRE 8.32
417 // Per
418 // - PCRE 8.32 (PHP 5.5.0)
419 // - PCRE 8.34 (PHP 5.5.10, PHP 5.6.0)
420 // - PCRE 8.37 (PHP 5.5.26, PHP 5.6.9, PHP 7.0.0)
421 // Workaround by using different groups and merge via processUrlMatch().
422 // - Using string concatenation for class constant or member assignments
423 // is only supported in PHP 5.6. Use a getter method for now.
424 $urlRegex = '(' .
425 // Unquoted url
426 'url\‍(\s*(?P<file0>[^\s\'"][^\?\‍)]+?)(?P<query0>\?[^\‍)]*?|)\s*\‍)' .
427 // Single quoted url
428 '|url\‍(\s*\'(?P<file1>[^\?\']+?)(?P<query1>\?[^\']*?|)\'\s*\‍)' .
429 // Double quoted url
430 '|url\‍(\s*"(?P<file2>[^\?"]+?)(?P<query2>\?[^"]*?|)"\s*\‍)' .
431 ')';
432 }
433 return $urlRegex;
434 }
436 private static function processUrlMatch( array &$match, $flags = 0 ) {
437 if ( $flags & PREG_SET_ORDER ) {
438 // preg_match_all with PREG_SET_ORDER will return each group in each
439 // match array, and if it didn't match, instead of the sub array
440 // being an empty array it is `[ '', -1 ]`...
441 if ( isset( $match['file0'] ) && $match['file0'][1] !== -1 ) {
442 $match['file'] = $match['file0'];
443 $match['query'] = $match['query0'];
444 } elseif ( isset( $match['file1'] ) && $match['file1'][1] !== -1 ) {
445 $match['file'] = $match['file1'];
446 $match['query'] = $match['query1'];
447 } else {
448 if ( !isset( $match['file2'] ) || $match['file2'][1] === -1 ) {
449 throw new Exception( 'URL must be non-empty' );
450 }
451 $match['file'] = $match['file2'];
452 $match['query'] = $match['query2'];
453 }
454 } else {
455 if ( isset( $match['file0'] ) && $match['file0'] !== '' ) {
456 $match['file'] = $match['file0'];
457 $match['query'] = $match['query0'];
458 } elseif ( isset( $match['file1'] ) && $match['file1'] !== '' ) {
459 $match['file'] = $match['file1'];
460 $match['query'] = $match['query1'];
461 } else {
462 if ( !isset( $match['file2'] ) || $match['file2'] === '' ) {
463 throw new Exception( 'URL must be non-empty' );
464 }
465 $match['file'] = $match['file2'];
466 $match['query'] = $match['query2'];
467 }
468 }
469 }
481 public static function remapOne( $file, $query, $local, $remote, $embed ) {
482 // The full URL possibly with query, as passed to the 'url()' value in CSS
483 $url = $file . $query;
485 // Expand local URLs with absolute paths like /w/index.php to possibly protocol-relative URL, if
486 // wfExpandUrl() is available. (This will not be the case if we're running outside of MW.)
487 if ( self::isLocalUrl( $url ) && function_exists( 'wfExpandUrl' ) ) {
488 return wfExpandUrl( $url, PROTO_RELATIVE );
489 }
491 // Pass thru fully-qualified and protocol-relative URLs and data URIs, as well as local URLs if
492 // we can't expand them.
493 // Also skips anchors or the rare `behavior` property specifying application's default behavior
494 if (
495 self::isRemoteUrl( $url ) ||
496 self::isLocalUrl( $url ) ||
497 substr( $url, 0, 1 ) === '#'
498 ) {
499 return $url;
500 }
502 if ( $local === false ) {
503 // Assume that all paths are relative to $remote, and make them absolute
504 $url = $remote . '/' . $url;
505 } else {
506 // We drop the query part here and instead make the path relative to $remote
507 $url = "{$remote}/{$file}";
508 // Path to the actual file on the filesystem
509 $localFile = "{$local}/{$file}";
510 if ( file_exists( $localFile ) ) {
511 if ( $embed ) {
512 $data = self::encodeImageAsDataURI( $localFile );
513 if ( $data !== false ) {
514 return $data;
515 }
516 }
517 if ( class_exists( OutputPage::class ) ) {
518 $url = OutputPage::transformFilePath( $remote, $local, $file );
519 } else {
520 // Add version parameter as the first five hex digits
521 // of the MD5 hash of the file's contents.
522 $url .= '?' . substr( md5_file( $localFile ), 0, 5 );
523 }
524 }
525 // If any of these conditions failed (file missing, we don't want to embed it
526 // or it's not embeddable), return the URL (possibly with ?timestamp part)
527 }
528 if ( function_exists( 'wfRemoveDotSegments' ) ) {
529 $url = wfRemoveDotSegments( $url );
530 }
531 return $url;
532 }
540 public static function minify( $css ) {
541 return trim(
542 str_replace(
543 [ '; ', ': ', ' {', '{ ', ', ', '} ', ';}', '( ', ' )', '[ ', ' ]' ],
544 [ ';', ':', '{', '{', ',', '}', '}', '(', ')', '[', ']' ],
545 preg_replace( [ '/\s+/', '/\/\*.*?\*\//s' ], [ ' ', '' ], $css )
546 )
547 );
548 }
wfExpandUrl( $url, $defaultProto=PROTO_CURRENT)
Expand a potentially local URL to a fully-qualified URL.
wfRemoveDotSegments( $urlPath)
Remove all dot-segments in the provided URL path.
Transforms CSS data.
Definition CSSMin.php:30
static serializeStringValue( $value)
Serialize a string (escape and quote) for use as a CSS string value.
Definition CSSMin.php:190
static buildUrlValue( $url)
Build a CSS 'url()' value for the given URL, quoting parentheses (and other funny characters) and esc...
Definition CSSMin.php:217
Definition CSSMin.php:40
static encodeImageAsDataURI( $file, $type=null, $ie8Compat=true)
Encode an image file as a data URI.
Definition CSSMin.php:114
static getMimeType( $file)
Definition CSSMin.php:202
static string[] $mimeTypes
List of common image files extensions and MIME-types.
Definition CSSMin.php:44
static isRemoteUrl( $maybeUrl)
Is this CSS rule referencing a remote URL?
Definition CSSMin.php:381
static getLocalFileReferences( $source, $path)
Get a list of local files referenced in a stylesheet (includes non-existent files).
Definition CSSMin.php:63
static encodeStringAsDataURI( $contents, $type, $ie8Compat=true)
Encode file contents as a data URI with chosen MIME type.
Definition CSSMin.php:142
static minify( $css)
Removes whitespace from CSS data.
Definition CSSMin.php:540
static isLocalUrl( $maybeUrl)
Is this CSS rule referencing a local URL?
Definition CSSMin.php:394
static getUrlRegex()
Definition CSSMin.php:401
static processUrlMatch(array &$match, $flags=0)
Definition CSSMin.php:436
static remapOne( $file, $query, $local, $remote, $embed)
Remap or embed a CSS URL path.
Definition CSSMin.php:481
Definition CSSMin.php:41
Internet Explorer data URI length limit.
Definition CSSMin.php:38
static remap( $source, $local, $remote, $embedData=true)
Remaps CSS URL paths and automatically embeds data URIs for CSS rules or url() values preceded by an ...
Definition CSSMin.php:239
Definition Defines.php:210
return true
Definition router.php:94
if(PHP_SAPI !='cli-server') if(!isset( $_SERVER['SCRIPT_FILENAME'])) $file
Item class for a filearchive table row.
Definition router.php:42
if(!is_readable( $file)) $ext
Definition router.php:48