MediaWiki REL1_34
Class Hierarchy

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This inheritance list is sorted roughly, but not completely, alphabetically:
[detail level 12345678]
 CActorMigrationThis class handles the logic for the actor table migration
 CAjaxDispatcherObject-Oriented Ajax functions
 CAjaxResponseHandle responses for Ajax requests (send headers, print content, that sort of thing)
 CAnsiTermColorerTerminal that supports ANSI escape sequences
 CApiAuthManagerHelperHelper class for AuthManager-using API modules
 CApiContinuationManagerThis manages continuation state
 CApiErrorFormatterFormats errors and warnings for the API, and add them to the associated ApiResult
 CApiSerializableThis interface allows for overriding the default conversion applied by ApiResult::validateValue()
 CArchivedFileClass representing a row of the 'filearchive' table
 CArrayUtilsA collection of static methods to play with arrays
 CWikimedia\Rdbms\AtomicSectionIdentifierClass used for token representing identifiers for atomic sections from IDatabase instances
 CMediaWiki\Auth\AuthenticationRequestThis is a value object for authentication requests
 CMediaWiki\Auth\AuthenticationResponseThis is a value object to hold authentication response data
 CAutoLoaderLocations of core classes Extension classes are specified with $wgAutoloadClasses This array is a global instead of a static member of AutoLoader to work around a bug in APC
 CAutoloadGeneratorAccepts a list of files and directories to search for php files and generates $wgAutoloadLocalClasses or $wgAutoloadClasses lines for all detected classes
 CAutopromoteThis class checks if user can get extra rights because of conditions specified in $wgAutopromote
 CAvroValidatorGenerate error strings for data that doesn't match the specified Avro schema
 CBacklinkCacheClass for fetching backlink lists, approximate backlink counts and partitions
 CBacklinkJobUtilsClass with Backlink related Job helper methods
 CBaseBlacklistBase class for different kinds of blacklists
 CBaseDumpReadahead helper for making large MediaWiki data dumps; reads in a previous XML dump to sequentially prefetch text records already normalized and decompressed
 CMediaWiki\Rest\BasicAccess\BasicAuthorizerInterfaceAn interface used by Router to ensure that the client has "basic" access, i.e
 CMediaWiki\Rest\BasicAccess\BasicRequestAuthorizerA request authorizer which checks needsReadAccess() and needsWriteAccess() in the handler and calls isReadAllowed() and/or isWriteAllowed() in the subclass accordingly
 CMediaWiki\Widget\Search\BasicSearchResultSetWidgetRenders the search result area
 CBitmapMetadataHandlerClass to deal with reconciling and extracting metadata from bitmap images
 CMediaWiki\Storage\BlobStoreService for loading and storing data blobs
 CMediaWiki\Storage\BlobStoreFactoryService for instantiating BlobStores
 CMediaWiki\Block\BlockManagerA service class for checking blocks
 CMediaWiki\Rest\Validator\BodyValidatorInterface for validating a request body
 CCacheTimeParser cache specific expiry check
 CWikimedia\ParamValidator\CallbacksInterface defining callbacks needed by ParamValidator
 CCaptchaTriggersA class with constants of the CAPTCHA triggers built-in in ConfirmEdit
 CCaptchaValueSimple value object for storing a captcha question + answer
 CCategoriesRdfHelper class to produce RDF representation of categories
 CCategoryCategory objects are immutable, strictly speaking
 CCategoryFinderThe "CategoryFinder" class takes a list of articles, creates an internal representation of all their parent categories (as well as parents of parents etc.)
 CCategoryTreeCore functions for the CategoryTree extension, an AJAX based gadget to display the category structure of a wiki
 CCategoryTreeHidePrefixConstants for use with the hideprefix option, defining when the namespace prefix should be hidden
 CCategoryTreeHooksHooks for the CategoryTree extension, an AJAX based gadget to display the category structure of a wiki
 CCategoryTreeModeConstants for use with the mode, defining what should be shown in the tree
 CCgzCopyTransactionClass to represent a recompression operation for a single CGZ blob
 CChangesFeedFeed to Special:RecentChanges and Special:RecentChangesLinked
 CChangesListFilterRepresents a filter (used on ChangesListSpecialPage and descendants)
 CChangesListFilterGroupRepresents a filter group (used on ChangesListSpecialPage and descendants)
 CCheckStorageMaintenance script to do various checks on external storage
 CClassCollectorReads PHP code and returns the FQCN of every class defined within it
 CMediaWiki\Shell\CommandClass used for executing shell commands
 CMediaWiki\Shell\CommandFactoryFactory facilitating dependency injection for Command
 CCommentStoreCommentStore handles storage of comments (edit summaries, log reasons, etc) in the database
 CCommentStoreCommentCommentStoreComment represents a comment stored by CommentStore
 CComposerInstalledReads an installed.json file and provides accessors to get what is installed
 CComposerJsonReads a composer.json file and provides accessors to get its hash and the required dependencies
 CComposerLockReads a composer.lock file and provides accessors to get its hash and what is installed
 CComposerPhpunitXmlCoverageEditThis program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version
 CComposerVendorHtaccessCreatorCopyright (C) 2017 Kunal Mehta
 CConfigInterface for configuration instances
 CConfiguredReadOnlyModeA read-only mode service which does not depend on LoadBalancer
 CWikimedia\Rdbms\ConnectionManagerDatabase connection manager
 CContentBase interface for content objects
 CContentHandlerA content handler knows how do deal with a specific type of content on a wiki page
 CConverterRuleParser for rules of language conversion, parse rules in -{ }- tag
 CCookieJarCookie jar to use with MWHttpRequest
 CCoreParserFunctionsVarious core parser functions, registered in Parser::firstCallInit()
 CCoreTagHooksVarious tag hooks, registered in Parser::firstCallInit()
 CCSSMinTransforms CSS data
 CWikimedia\Rdbms\DatabaseDomainClass to handle database/schema/prefix specifications for IDatabase
 CDatabaseInstallerBase class for DBMS-specific installation helper classes
 CDatabaseUpdaterClass for handling database updates
 CDateFormatterDate formatter
 CDeferrableCallbackCallback wrapper that has an originating method
 CDeferrableUpdateInterface that deferrable updates should implement
 CDeferredUpdatesClass for managing the deferred updates
 CDependencyWrapperThis class stores an arbitrary value along with its dependencies
 CWikimedia\Services\DestructibleServiceDestructibleService defines a standard interface for shutting down a service instance
 CMediaWiki\Widget\Search\DidYouMeanWidgetRenders a suggested search for the user, or tells the user a suggested search was run instead of the one provided
 CDiffClass representing a 'diff' between two sequences of strings
 CDiffEngineThis diff implementation is mainly lifted from the LCS algorithm of the Eclipse project which in turn is based on Myers' "An O(ND) difference algorithm and its variations" ( with range compression (see Wu et al
 CDiffFormatterBase class for diff formatters
 CDiffOpThe base class for all other DiffOp classes
 CDjVuImageSupport for detecting/validating DjVu image files and getting some basic file metadata (resolution etc)
 CDummyTermColorerA colour-less terminal
 CEasyDeflateThis program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version
 CEditPageThe edit page/HTML interface (split from Article) The actual database and text munging is still in Article, but it should get easier to call those from alternate interfaces
 CEmailNotificationThis module processes the email notifications when the current page is changed
 CEnqueueableDataUpdateInterface that marks a DataUpdate as enqueuable via the JobQueue
 CEventRelayerGroupFactory class for spawning EventRelayer objects using configuration
 CExecutableFinderUtility class to find executables in likely places
 CExifClass to extract and validate Exif data from jpeg (and possibly tiff) files
 CExtensionJsonValidatorValidate extension.json files against their JSON schema
 CExtensionRegistryExtensionRegistry class
 CExternalStoreConstructor class for key/value blob data kept in external repositories
 CExternalUserNamesClass to parse and build external user names
 CFakeConverterA fake language variant converter
 CFeedItemA base class for outputting syndication feeds (e.g
 CFeedUtilsHelper functions for feeds
 CLocalisationUpdate\FetcherInterface for classes which fetch files over different protocols and ways
 CLocalisationUpdate\FetcherFactoryConstructs fetchers based on the repository urls
 CWikimedia\Rdbms\FieldBase for all database-specific classes representing information about database fields
 CFileBackendGroupClass to handle file backend registration
 CFileBackendStoreOpHandleFileBackendStore helper class for performing asynchronous file operations
 CFileCacheBaseBase class for data storage in the file system
 CFileDeleteFormFile deletion user interface
 CFileJournalClass for handling file operation journaling
 CFileOpFileBackend helper class for representing operations
 CFileOpBatchHelper class for representing batch file operations
 CFileRepoBase class for file repositories
 CMediaWiki\Preferences\FilterBase interface for user preference filters that work as a middleware between storage and interface
 CLocalisationUpdate\FinderInterface for classes which provide list of components, which should be included for l10n updates
 CForeignResourceManagerManage foreign resources registered with ResourceLoader
 CForeignTitleA simple, immutable structure to hold the title of a page on a foreign MediaWiki installation
 CForeignTitleFactoryA parser that translates page titles into ForeignTitle objects
 CForkControllerClass for managing forking command line scripts
 CFormatJsonJSON formatter wrapper class
 CFSFileClass representing a non-directory file on the file system
 CGadgetWrapper for one gadget
 CGadgetDefinitionValidatorClass responsible for validating Gadget definition contents
 CGenderCacheCaches user genders when needed to use correct namespace aliases
 CWikimedia\Rdbms\GeneralizedSqlLazy-loaded wrapper for simplification and scrubbing of SQL queries for profiling
 CGeSHiThis program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version
 CGIFMetadataExtractorGIF frame counter
 CMediaWiki\Rest\HeaderContainerThis is a container for storing headers
 CHistoryBlobBase class for general text storage via the "object" flag in old_flags, or two-part external storage URLs
 CHistoryBlobCurStubTo speed up conversion from 1.4 to 1.5 schema, text rows can refer to the leftover cur table as the backend
 CHistoryBlobStubPointer object for an item within a CGZ blob stored in the text table
 CHooksHooks class
 CVector\HooksHook handlers for Vector skin
 CHtmlThis class is a collection of static functions that serve two purposes:
 CHtmlArmorMarks HTML that shouldn't be escaped
 CHTMLFormFieldThe parent class to generate form fields
 CHttpVarious HTTP related functions
 CWikimedia\Http\HttpAcceptNegotiatorUtility for negotiating a value from a set of supported values using a preference list
 CHTTPFileStreamerFunctions related to the output of file content
 CMediaWiki\Http\HttpRequestFactoryFactory creating MWHttpRequest objects
 CWikimedia\Rdbms\IBlobWrapper allowing us to distinguish a blob from a normal string and an array of strings
 CICacheHelperInterface for all classes implementing CacheHelper functionality
 CWikimedia\Rdbms\IDatabaseBasic database interface for live and lazy-loaded relation database handles
 CIDBAccessObjectInterface for database access objects
 CIEContentAnalyzerThis class simulates Microsoft Internet Explorer's terribly broken and insecure MIME type detection algorithm
 CIEUrlExtensionInternet Explorer derives a cache filename from a URL, and then in certain circumstances, uses the extension of the resulting file to determine the content type of the data, ignoring the Content-Type header
 CIExpiringStoreGeneric interface for lightweight expiring object stores
 CIJobSpecificationInterface for serializable objects that describe a job queue task
 CWikimedia\Rdbms\ILBFactoryAn interface for generating database load balancers
 CWikimedia\Rdbms\ILoadBalancerDatabase cluster connection, tracking, load balancing, and transaction manager interface
 CILocalizedExceptionInterface for MediaWiki-localized exceptions
 CWikimedia\Message\IMessageFormatterFactoryA simple factory providing a message formatter for a given language code
 CImportSourceSource interface for XML import
 CImportTitleFactoryRepresents an object that can convert page titles on a foreign wiki (ForeignTitle objects) into page titles on the local wiki (Title objects)
 CInputBoxInputBox class
 CInputBoxHooksInputBox hooks
 CInstallerBase installer class
 CInterwikiValue object for representing interwiki records
 CMediaWiki\Interwiki\InterwikiLookupService interface for looking up Interwiki records
 CIPA collection of public static functions to play with IP address and IP ranges
 CIPTCClass for some IPTC functions
 CIStoreKeyEncoderGeneric interface for object stores with key encoding methods
 CJavaScriptMinifierThis class is meant to safely minify javascript code, while leaving syntactically correct programs intact
 CJobQueueClass to handle enqueueing and running of background jobs
 CJobQueueGroupClass to handle enqueueing of background jobs
 CJpegMetadataExtractorClass for reading jpegs and extracting metadata
 CLanguageInternationalisation code
 CLanguageCodeMethods for dealing with language codes
 CLanguageConverterBase class for language conversion
 CMediaWiki\Languages\LanguageNameUtilsA service that provides utilities to do with language names and codes
 CLCStoreInterface for the persistence layer of LocalisationCache
 CLicenseA License class for use on Special:Upload (represents a single type of license)
 CWikimedia\Rdbms\LikeMatchUsed by Database::buildLike() to represent characters that have special meaning in SQL LIKE clauses and thus need no escaping
 CLinkBatchClass representing a list of titles The execute() method checks them all for existence and adds them to a LinkCache object
 CLinkCacheCache for article titles (prefixed DB keys) and ids linked from one source
 CLinkerSome internal bits split of from Skin.php
 CLinkFilterSome functions to help implement an external link filter for spam control
 CMediaWiki\Linker\LinkRendererClass that generates HTML links for pages
 CMediaWiki\Linker\LinkRendererFactoryFactory to create LinkRender objects
 CPageImages\Hooks\LinksUpdateHookHandlerHandler for the "LinksUpdate" hook
 CListToggleClass for generating clickable toggle links for a list of checkboxes
 CWikimedia\Message\ListTypeThe constants used to specify list types
 CLocalFileDeleteBatchHelper class for file deletion
 CLocalFileMoveBatchHelper class for file movement
 CLocalFileRestoreBatchHelper class for file undeletion
 CLocalisationCacheClass for caching the contents of localisation files, Messages*.php and *.i18n.php
 CLocalisationUpdateClass for localization update hooks and static methods
 CLockManagerClass for handling resource locking
 CLockManagerGroupClass to handle file lock manager registration
 CMediaWiki\FileBackend\LockManager\LockManagerGroupFactoryService to construct LockManagerGroups
 CLogEntryInterface for log entries
 CLogFormatterImplements the default log formatting
 CMediaWiki\Logger\LoggerFactoryPSR-3 logger instance factory
 CLogPageClass to simplify the use of log pages
 CMagicWordThis class encapsulates "magic words" such as "#redirect", NOTOC, etc
 CMagicWordArrayClass for handling an array of magic words
 CMagicWordFactoryA factory that stores information about MagicWords, and creates them on demand with caching
 CMailAddressStores a single person's name and email address
 CMaintenanceAbstract maintenance class for quickly writing and churning out maintenance scripts with minimal effort
 CMediaHandlerBase media handler class
 CMediaHandlerFactoryClass to construct MediaHandler objects
 CMediaTransformOutputBase class for the output of MediaHandler::doTransform() and File::transform()
 CMediaWikiHelper class for the index.php entry point
 CMediaWiki\Site\MediaWikiPageNameNormalizerService for normalizing a page name using a MediaWiki api
 CMediaWikiVersionFetcherProvides access to MediaWiki's version without requiring MediaWiki (or anything else) being loaded first
 CMemcachedClientMemcached client class implemented using (p)fsockopen()
 CMemoizedCallableAPC-backed and APCu-backed function memoization
 CMergeHistoryHandles the backend logic of merging the histories of two pages
 CMessageCacheCache of messages that are defined by MediaWiki namespace pages or by hooks
 CMessageLocalizerInterface for localizing messages in MediaWiki
 CWikimedia\Message\MessageParamValue object representing a message parameter that consists of a list of values
 CWikimedia\Message\MessageValueValue object representing a message for i18n
 CMovePageHandles the backend logic of moving a page from one title to another
 CMSCompoundFileReaderRead the directory of a Microsoft Compound File Binary file, a.k.a
 CMutableConfigInterface for mutable configuration instances
 CMWDebugNew debugger system that outputs a toolbar on page view
 CMWExceptionHandlerHandler class for MWExceptions
 CMWExceptionRendererClass to expose exceptions to the client (API bots, users, admins using CLI scripts)
 CMWFilePropsMimeMagic helper wrapper
 CMWGrantsA collection of public static functions to deal with grants
 CMWLBFactoryMediaWiki-specific class for generating database load balancers
 CMWRestrictionsA class to check request restrictions expressed as a JSON object
 CMWTidyClass to interact with and configure Remex tidy
 CMediaWiki\Languages\Data\NamesLanguage names in their own languages (language autonyms)
 CNamespaceInfoThis is a utility class for dealing with namespaces that encodes all the "magic" behaviors of them based on index
 CWikimedia\Rdbms\NextSequenceValueUsed by Database::nextSequenceValue() so Database::insert() can detect values coming from the deprecated function
 CMediaWiki\Extension\OATHAuth\OATHUserClass representing a user from OATH's perspective
 CObjectCacheFunctions to get cache objects
 CPageInterface for type hinting (accepts WikiPage, Article, ImagePage, CategoryPage)
 CPageArchiveUsed to show archived pages and eventually restore them
 CPageDataRequestHandlerRequest handler implementing a data interface for mediawiki pages
 CMediaWiki\Storage\PageEditStashClass for managing stashed edits used by the page updater classes
 CPagePropsGives access to properties of a page
 CPagerBasic pager interface
 CMediaWiki\Storage\PageUpdaterController-like object for creating and updating pages by creating new revisions
 CPaginatingSearchEngineMarker class for search engines that can handle their own pagination, by reporting in their ISearchResultSet when a next page is available
 CWikimedia\Message\ParamTypeThe constants used to specify parameter types
 CWikimedia\ParamValidator\ParamValidatorService for formatting and validating API parameters
 CParserPHP Parser - Processes wiki markup (which uses a more user-friendly syntax, such as "[[link]]" for making links), and provides a one-way transformation of that wiki markup it into (X)HTML output / markup (which in turn the browser understands, and can display)
 CPageImages\Hooks\ParserFileProcessingHookHandlersHandler for the "ParserMakeImageParams" and "AfterParserFetchFileAndTitle" hooks
 CMediaWiki\Extensions\ParserFunctions\ParserFunctionsParser function handlers
 CParserOptionsSet options of the Parser
 CMediaWiki\Search\ParserOutputSearchDataExtractorExtracts data from ParserOutput for indexing in the search engine
 CPasswordRepresents a password hash for use in authentication
 CPasswordFactoryFactory class for creating and checking Password objects
 CPasswordPolicyChecksFunctions to check passwords against a policy requirement
 CMediaWiki\Rest\PathTemplateMatcher\PathMatcherA tree-based path routing algorithm
 CPathRouterPathRouter class
 CPatrolLogClass containing static functions for working with logs of patrol events
 CPdfImageInspired by djvuimage from Brion Vibber modified and written by xarax
 CMediaWiki\Permissions\PermissionManagerA service class for checking permissions To obtain an instance, use MediaWikiServices::getInstance()->getPermissionManager()
 CPHPVersionCheckCheck PHP Version, as well as for composer dependencies in entry points, and display something vaguely comprehensible in the event of a totally unrecoverable error
 CPhpXmlBugTesterTest for PHP+libxml2 bug which breaks XML input subtly with certain versions
 CPingbackSend information about this MediaWiki instance to
 CPNGMetadataExtractorPNG frame counter
 CPoemThis class handles formatting poems in WikiText, specifically anything within <poem></poem> tags
 CPoolCounterWhen you have many workers (threads/servers) giving service, and a cached item expensive to produce expires, you may get several workers doing the job at the same time
 CPoolCounterWorkClass for dealing with PoolCounters using class members
 CPPDStackStack class to help Preprocessor::preprocessToObj()
 CPPNodeThere are three types of nodes:
 CMediaWiki\Preferences\PreferencesFactoryA PreferencesFactory is a MediaWiki service that provides the definitions of preferences for a given user
 CPrefixSearchHandles searching prefixes of titles and finding any page names that match
 CMediaWiki\Edit\PreparedEditRepresents information returned by WikiPage::prepareContentForEdit()
 CMediaWiki\Navigation\PrevNextNavigationRendererHelper class for generating prev/next links for paging
 CProcessCacheLRUClass for process caching individual properties of expiring items
 CProcessorProcessors read associated arrays and register whatever is required
 CProfilerProfiler base class that defines the interface and some trivial functionality
 CProfilerOutputBase class for profiling output
 CProtectionFormHandles the page protection UI and backend
 CQuickTemplateGeneric wrapper for template functions, with interface compatible with what we use of PHPTAL 0.7
 CRangeDifferenceAlternative representation of a set of changes, by the index ranges that are changed
 CRCFeedFormatterInterface for RC feed formatters
 CLocalisationUpdate\ReaderInterface for file readers
 CLocalisationUpdate\ReaderFactoryConstructs readers for files based on the names
 CReadOnlyModeA service class for fetching the wiki's current read-only mode
 CRecompressTrackedMaintenance script that moves blobs indexed by trackBlobs.php to a specified list of destination clusters, and recompresses them in the process
 CRenameuserSQLClass which performs the actual renaming of users
 CReplacementArrayWrapper around strtr() that holds replacements
 CRepoGroupPrioritized list of file repositories
 CMediaWiki\Rest\RequestInterfaceA request interface similar to PSR-7's ServerRequestInterface
 CResourceLoaderClientHtmlLoad and configure a ResourceLoader client on an HTML page
 CResourceLoaderFilePathAn object to represent a path to a JavaScript/CSS file, along with a remote and local base path, for use with ResourceLoaderFileModule
 CResourceLoaderImageClass encapsulating an image used in a ResourceLoaderImageModule
 CMediaWiki\Rest\ResponseFactoryGenerates standardized response objects
 CMediaWiki\Rest\ResponseInterfaceAn interface similar to PSR-7's ResponseInterface, the primary difference being that it is mutable
 CMediaWiki\Shell\ResultReturned by MediaWiki\Shell\Command::execute()
 CResultAugmentorAugment search results
 CResultSetAugmentorAugment search results
 CRevisionDeleterGeneral controller for RevDel, used by both SpecialRevisiondelete and ApiRevisionDelete
 CRevisionDeleteUserBackend functions for suppressing and unsuppressing all references to a given user, used when blocking with HideUser enabled
 CMediaWiki\Revision\RevisionFactoryService for constructing revision objects
 CRevisionItemBaseAbstract base class for revision items
 CMediaWiki\Revision\RevisionRecordPage revision base class
 CMediaWiki\Revision\RevisionRendererThe RevisionRenderer service provides access to rendered output for revisions
 CMediaWiki\Revision\RevisionSlotsValue object representing the set of slots belonging to a revision
 CMediaWiki\Storage\RevisionSlotsUpdateValue object representing a modification of revision slots
 CMediaWiki\Revision\RevisionStoreFactoryFactory service for RevisionStore instances
 CMediaWiki\Rest\RouterThe REST router is responsible for gathering handler configuration, matching an input path and HTTP method against the defined routes, and constructing and executing the relevant handler for a request
 CWikimedia\Services\SalvageableServiceSalvageableService defines an interface for services that are able to salvage state from a previous instance of the same class
 CSanitizerHTML sanitizer for MediaWiki
 CScopedLockSelf-releasing locks
 CScribuntoStatic function collection for general extension support
 CScribunto_LuaLibraryBaseThis class provides some basic services that Lua libraries will probably need
 CScribuntoEngineBaseWikitext scripting infrastructure for MediaWiki: base classes
 CScribuntoHooksHooks for the Scribunto extension
 CScribuntoModuleBaseClass that represents a module
 CSearchEngineContain a class for special pages
 CSearchEngineConfigConfiguration handling class for SearchEngine
 CSearchEngineFactoryFactory class for SearchEngine
 CSearchExactMatchRescorerAn utility class to rescore search results by looking for an exact match in the db and add the page found to the first position
 CSearchHighlighterHighlight bits of wikitext
 CSearchIndexFieldDefinition of a mapping for the search index field
 CSearchNearMatcherImplementation of near match title search
 CSearchResultNOTE: this class is being refactored into an abstract base class
 CMediaWiki\Widget\Search\SearchResultSetWidgetRenders a set of search results to HTML
 CMediaWiki\Widget\Search\SearchResultWidgetRenders a single search result to HTML
 CSearchSuggestionSearch suggestion
 CSearchSuggestionSetSearch suggestion sets
 CSectionProfilerCustom PHP profiler for parser/DB type section names that xhprof/xdebug can't handle
 CSerializedValueContainerHelper class for segmenting large cache values without relying on serializing classes
 CMediaWiki\Config\ServiceOptionsA class for passing options to services
 CMediaWiki\Session\SessionBackendThis is the actual workhorse for Session
 CMediaWiki\Session\SessionIdValue object holding the session ID in a manner that can be globally updated
 CMediaWiki\Session\SessionInfoValue object returned by SessionProvider
 CMediaWiki\Session\SessionProviderInterfaceThis exists to make IDEs happy, so they don't see the internal-but-required-to-be-public methods on SessionProvider
 CSevenZipStreamStream wrapper around 7za filter program
 CMediaWiki\Shell\ShellExecutes shell commands
 CSimpleCaptchaDemo CAPTCHA (not for production usage) and base class for real CAPTCHAs
 CSiteConfigurationThis is a class for holding configuration settings, particularly for multi-wiki sites
 CSiteStatsStatic accessor class for site_stats and related things
 CSiteStatsInitClass designed for counting of stats
 CSkinFactoryFactory class to create Skin objects
 CSlotDiffRendererRenders a diff for a single slot (that is, a diff between two content objects)
 CMediaWiki\Revision\SlotRecordValue object representing a content slot associated with a page revision
 CMediaWiki\Revision\SlotRenderingProviderA lazy provider of ParserOutput objects for a revision's individual slots
 CMediaWiki\Revision\SlotRoleHandlerSlotRoleHandler instances are used to declare the existence and behavior of slot roles
 CMediaWiki\Revision\SlotRoleRegistryA registry service for SlotRoleHandlers, used to define which slot roles are available on which page
 CSpamBlacklistHooksHooks for the spam blacklist extension
 CSpamRegexBatchUtility class for working with blacklists
 CMediaWiki\Sparql\SparqlClientSimple SPARQL client
 CMediaWiki\Special\SpecialPageFactoryFactory for handling the special page list and generating SpecialPage objects
 CSpecialPageFactoryWrapper for backward compatibility for old callers that used static methods
 CMediaWiki\Logger\SpiService provider interface for \Psr\Log\LoggerInterface implementation libraries
 CSqliteThis class contains code common to different SQLite-related maintenance scripts
 CSquidPurgeClientAn HTTP 1.0 client built for the purposes of purging Squid and Varnish
 CWikimedia\StaticArrayWriterFormat a static PHP array to be written to a file
 CStatsdAwareInterfaceDescribes a Statsd aware interface
 CStatsOutputA general output object
 CStatusValueGeneric operation result class Has warning/error list, boolean status and arbitrary value
 CStreamFileFunctions related to the output of file content
 CStringUtilsA collection of static methods to play with strings
 CStubObjectClass to implement stub globals, which are globals that delay loading the their associated module code by deferring initialisation until the first method call
 CSyntaxHighlightAceThis program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version
 CSyntaxHighlightGeSHiCompatThis program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version
 CMediaWiki\ChangeTags\TaggableInterface that defines how to tag objects
 CTemplatesOnThisPageFormatterHandles formatting for the "templates used on this page" lists
 CMediaWiki\EditPage\TextboxBuilderHelps EditPage build textboxes
 CMediaWiki\EditPage\TextConflictHelperHelper for displaying edit conflicts in text content models to users
 CTextExtracts\TextTruncatorThis class needs to understand HTML as well as plain text
 CMediaWiki\Tidy\TidyDriverBaseBase class for HTML cleanup utilities
 CTitleBlacklistImplements a title blacklist for MediaWiki
 CTitleBlacklistEntryRepresents a title blacklist entry
 CTitleBlacklistHooksHooks for Title Blacklist
 CTitleFormatterA title formatter service for MediaWiki
 CTitleParserA title parser service for MediaWiki
 CMediaWiki\Session\TokenValue object representing a CSRF token
 CTrackingCategoriesThis class performs some operations related to tracking categories, such as creating a list of all such categories
 CTransactionRoundAwareUpdateDeferrable update that specifies whether it must run outside of any explicit LBFactory transaction round or must run inside of a round owned by doUpdate()
 CWikimedia\ParamValidator\TypeDefBase definition for ParamValidator types
 CUDPTransportA generic class to send a message over UDP
 CUIDGeneratorClass for getting statistically unique IDs
 CUpdateLoggingMaintenance script that upgrade for log_id/log_deleted fields in a replication-safe way
 CLocalisationUpdate\UpdaterExecutes the localisation update
 CUploadBaseUploadBase and subclasses are the backend of MediaWiki's file uploads
 CUploadSourceAdapterThis is a horrible hack used to keep source compatibility
 CUploadStashUploadStash is intended to accomplish a few things:
 CUserDupesLook for duplicate user table entries and optionally prune them
 CUserGroupMembershipRepresents a "user group membership" – a specific instance of a user belonging to a group
 CMediaWiki\User\UserIdentityInterface for objects representing user identity
 CMediaWiki\Session\UserInfoObject holding data about a session's user
 CUserMailerCollection of static functions for sending mail
 CUserNamePrefixSearchHandles searching prefixes of user names
 CUserPasswordPolicyCheck if a user's password complies with any password policies that apply to that user, based on the user's group membership
 CUserRightsProxyCut-down copy of User interface for local-interwiki-database user rights manipulation
 CMediaWiki\Rest\Validator\ValidatorWrapper for ParamValidator
 CVersionCheckerProvides functions to check a set of extensions with dependencies against a set of loaded extensions and given version information
 CVirtualRESTServiceVirtual HTTP service instance that can be mounted on to a VirtualRESTService
 CVirtualRESTServiceClientVirtual HTTP service client loosely styled after a Virtual File System
 CWatchedItemRepresentation of a pair of user and title for watchlist entries
 CWebInstallerOutputOutput class modelled on OutputPage
 CWebInstallerPageAbstract class to define pages for the web installer
 CWebRequestEncapsulates getting at data passed in the URL or via a POSTed form stripping illegal input characters and normalizing Unicode sequences
 CWebRequestUploadObject to access the $_FILES array
 CWebResponseAllow programs to request this object from WebRequest::response() and handle all outputting (or lack of outputting) via it
 CWikiImporterXML file reader for the page data importer
 CWikiMapHelper tools for dealing with other locally-hosted wikis
 CMediaWiki\Logger\Monolog\WikiProcessorAnnotate log records with request-global metadata, such as the hostname, wiki / request ID, and MediaWiki version
 CWikiReferenceReference to a locally-hosted wiki
 CWikiTextStructureClass allowing to explore structure of parsed wikitext
 CMediaWiki\Diff\WordAccumulatorStores, escapes and formats the results of word-level diff
 CXhprofConvenience class for working with XHProf
 CXhprofDataConvenience class for working with XHProf profiling data
 CXmlModule of static functions for generating XML
 CXmlJsCodeA wrapper class which causes Xml::encodeJsVar() and Xml::encodeJsCall() to interpret a given string as being a JavaScript expression, instead of string data
 CXmlSelectClass for generating HTML <select> or <datalist> elements
 CZipDirectoryReaderA class for reading ZIP file directories, for the purposes of upload verification