MediaWiki REL1_35
Go to the documentation of this file.
28require_once __DIR__ . '/../autoload.php';
31 protected static $autoloadLocalClassesLower = null;
37 public static $psr4Namespaces = [];
44 public static function autoload( $className ) {
48 $filename = false;
50 if ( isset( $wgAutoloadLocalClasses[$className] ) ) {
51 $filename = $wgAutoloadLocalClasses[$className];
52 } elseif ( isset( $wgAutoloadClasses[$className] ) ) {
53 $filename = $wgAutoloadClasses[$className];
54 } elseif ( $wgAutoloadAttemptLowercase ) {
55 /*
56 * Try a different capitalisation.
57 *
58 * PHP 4 objects are always serialized with the classname coerced to lowercase,
59 * and we are plagued with several legacy uses created by MediaWiki < 1.5, see
60 *
61 */
62 $lowerClass = strtolower( $className );
64 if ( self::$autoloadLocalClassesLower === null ) {
65 self::$autoloadLocalClassesLower = array_change_key_case( $wgAutoloadLocalClasses, CASE_LOWER );
66 }
68 if ( isset( self::$autoloadLocalClassesLower[$lowerClass] ) ) {
69 if ( function_exists( 'wfDebugLog' ) ) {
70 wfDebugLog( 'autoloader', "Class {$className} was loaded using incorrect case" );
71 }
72 $filename = self::$autoloadLocalClassesLower[$lowerClass];
73 }
74 }
76 if ( !$filename && strpos( $className, '\\' ) !== false ) {
77 // This class is namespaced, so try looking at the namespace map
78 $prefix = $className;
79 while ( ( $pos = strrpos( $prefix, '\\' ) ) !== false ) {
80 // Check to see if this namespace prefix is in the map
81 $prefix = substr( $className, 0, $pos + 1 );
82 if ( isset( self::$psr4Namespaces[$prefix] ) ) {
83 $relativeClass = substr( $className, $pos + 1 );
84 // Build the expected filename, and see if it exists
85 $file = self::$psr4Namespaces[$prefix] . '/' .
86 str_replace( '\\', '/', $relativeClass ) . '.php';
87 if ( file_exists( $file ) ) {
88 $filename = $file;
89 break;
90 }
91 }
93 // Remove trailing separator for next iteration
94 $prefix = rtrim( $prefix, '\\' );
95 }
96 }
98 if ( !$filename ) {
99 // Class not found; let the next autoloader try to find it
100 return;
101 }
103 // Make an absolute path, this improves performance by avoiding some stat calls
104 if ( substr( $filename, 0, 1 ) != '/' && substr( $filename, 1, 1 ) != ':' ) {
105 global $IP;
106 $filename = "$IP/$filename";
107 }
109 require $filename;
110 }
116 public static function resetAutoloadLocalClassesLower() {
117 self::$autoloadLocalClassesLower = null;
118 }
130 public static function getAutoloadNamespaces() {
131 return [
132 'MediaWiki\\' => __DIR__ . '/',
133 'MediaWiki\\Api\\' => __DIR__ . '/api/',
134 'MediaWiki\\Auth\\' => __DIR__ . '/auth/',
135 'MediaWiki\\Block\\' => __DIR__ . '/block/',
136 'MediaWiki\\Cache\\' => __DIR__ . '/cache/',
137 'MediaWiki\\ChangeTags\\' => __DIR__ . '/changetags/',
138 'MediaWiki\\Config\\' => __DIR__ . '/config/',
139 'MediaWiki\\Content\\' => __DIR__ . '/content/',
140 'MediaWiki\\DB\\' => __DIR__ . '/db/',
141 'MediaWiki\\Diff\\' => __DIR__ . '/diff/',
142 'MediaWiki\\Edit\\' => __DIR__ . '/edit/',
143 'MediaWiki\\EditPage\\' => __DIR__ . '/editpage/',
144 'MediaWiki\\FileBackend\\LockManager\\' => __DIR__ . '/filebackend/lockmanager/',
145 'MediaWiki\\Http\\' => __DIR__ . '/http/',
146 'MediaWiki\\Installer\\' => __DIR__ . '/installer/',
147 'MediaWiki\\Interwiki\\' => __DIR__ . '/interwiki/',
148 'MediaWiki\\Linker\\' => __DIR__ . '/linker/',
149 'MediaWiki\\Logger\\' => __DIR__ . '/debug/logger/',
150 'MediaWiki\\Logger\Monolog\\' => __DIR__ . '/debug/logger/monolog/',
151 'MediaWiki\\Page\\' => __DIR__ . '/page/',
152 'MediaWiki\\Preferences\\' => __DIR__ . '/preferences/',
153 'MediaWiki\\ResourceLoader\\' => __DIR__ . '/resourceloader/',
154 'MediaWiki\\Search\\' => __DIR__ . '/search/',
155 'MediaWiki\\Search\\SearchWidgets\\' => __DIR__ . '/search/searchwidgets/',
156 'MediaWiki\\Session\\' => __DIR__ . '/session/',
157 'MediaWiki\\Shell\\' => __DIR__ . '/shell/',
158 'MediaWiki\\Site\\' => __DIR__ . '/site/',
159 'MediaWiki\\Sparql\\' => __DIR__ . '/sparql/',
160 'MediaWiki\\SpecialPage\\' => __DIR__ . '/specialpage/',
161 'MediaWiki\\Tidy\\' => __DIR__ . '/tidy/',
162 'MediaWiki\\User\\' => __DIR__ . '/user/',
163 'MediaWiki\\Widget\\' => __DIR__ . '/widget/',
164 'Wikimedia\\' => __DIR__ . '/libs/',
165 'Wikimedia\\Http\\' => __DIR__ . '/libs/http/',
166 'Wikimedia\\UUID\\' => __DIR__ . '/libs/uuid/',
167 ];
168 }
172spl_autoload_register( [ 'AutoLoader', 'autoload' ] );
Switch controlling legacy case-insensitive classloading.
Array mapping class names to filenames, for autoloading.
wfDebugLog( $logGroup, $text, $dest='all', array $context=[])
Send a line to a supplementary debug log file, if configured, or main debug log if not.
Definition WebStart.php:49
global $wgAutoloadLocalClasses
Definition autoload.php:4
Locations of core classes Extension classes are specified with $wgAutoloadClasses This array is a glo...
static getAutoloadNamespaces()
Get a mapping of namespace => file path The namespaces should follow the PSR-4 standard for autoloadi...
static $autoloadLocalClassesLower
static string[] $psr4Namespaces
static autoload( $className)
autoload - take a class name and attempt to load it
static resetAutoloadLocalClassesLower()
Method to clear the protected class property $autoloadLocalClassesLower.
if(PHP_SAPI !='cli-server') if(!isset( $_SERVER['SCRIPT_FILENAME'])) $file
Item class for a filearchive table row.
Definition router.php:42