MediaWiki REL1_36
The setup for all MediaWiki processes (both web-based and CLI). More...
Go to the source code of this file.
Variables | |
$cpPosInfo | |
$rcMaxAgeDays = $wgRCMaxAge / ( 3600 * 24 ) | |
if($wgServer===false) if( $wgCanonicalServer===false) | $serverParts = wfParseUrl( $wgCanonicalServer ) |
$wgCanonicalNamespaceNames = NamespaceInfo::CANONICAL_NAMES | |
Definitions of the NS_ constants are in Defines.php. | |
if(! $wgCookiePrefix) | $wgCookiePrefix = strtr( $wgCookiePrefix, '=,; +."\'\\[', '__________' ) |
$wgDefaultUserOptions ['rcdays'] | |
if( $wgLocalTZoffset===null) | $wgDefaultUserOptions ['timecorrection'] = "System|$wgLocalTZoffset" |
$wgDefaultUserOptions ['watchlistdays'] | |
if(is_array($wgExtraNamespaces)) if(count( $wgDummyLanguageCodes) !==0) | $wgDummyLanguageCodes |
$wgEmailAuthentication = false | |
$wgEnableUserEmail = false | |
$wgEnotifFromEditor = false | |
$wgEnotifImpersonal = false | |
$wgEnotifMaxRecips = 0 | |
$wgEnotifMinorEdits = false | |
$wgEnotifRevealEditorAddress = false | |
$wgEnotifUseRealName = false | |
$wgEnotifUserTalk = false | |
$wgEnotifWatchlist = false | |
if( $wgScript===false) if($wgLoadScript===false) if( $wgRestPath===false) if($wgArticlePath===false) if( $wgResourceBasePath===null) if($wgStylePath===false) if( $wgLocalStylePath===false) if($wgExtensionAssetsPath===false) if( $wgLogos !==false &&isset( $wgLogos['1x'])) if($wgLogo===false) if( $wgUploadPath===false) if($wgUploadDirectory===false) if( $wgReadOnlyFile===false) if($wgFileCacheDirectory===false) if( $wgDeletedDirectory===false) if($wgGitInfoCacheDirectory===false &&$wgCacheDirectory !==false) if( $wgSharedPrefix===false) if($wgSharedSchema===false) if( $wgMetaNamespace===false) | $wgFileExtensions = array_values( array_diff( $wgFileExtensions, $wgFileBlacklist ) ) |
Expand dynamic defaults and shortcuts. | |
if(!defined('MW_NO_SESSION') &&! $wgCommandLineMode) if(! $wgCommandLineMode) | $wgFullyInitialised = true |
$wgGalleryOptions | |
Default parameters for the "<gallery>" tag. | |
MediaWiki Session SessionId null | $wgInitialSessionId = null |
The persistent session ID (if any) loaded at startup. | |
$wgLang = new StubUserLang | |
$wgLockManagers [] | |
Initialise $wgLockManagers to include basic FS version. | |
if( $wgRightsIcon) if(isset($wgFooterIcons[ 'copyright'][ 'copyright']) &&$wgFooterIcons[ 'copyright'][ 'copyright']===[]) if(isset( $wgFooterIcons['poweredby']) &&isset( $wgFooterIcons['poweredby']['mediawiki']) && $wgFooterIcons['poweredby']['mediawiki']['src']===null) | $wgNamespaceProtection [NS_MEDIAWIKI] = 'editinterface' |
Unconditional protection for NS_MEDIAWIKI since otherwise it's too easy for a sysadmin to set $wgNamespaceProtection incorrectly and leave the wiki insecure. | |
$wgOut = RequestContext::getMain()->getOutput() | |
$wgParser | |
if(! $wgDBerrorLogTZ) | $wgRequest = RequestContext::getMain()->getRequest() |
if(!defined( 'MEDIAWIKI')) | $wgScopeTest = 'MediaWiki Setup.php scope test' |
Environment checks. | |
if( $wgServerName !==false) | $wgServerName = $serverParts['host'] |
$wgTitle = null | |
$wgUseEnotif = false | |
$wgUserEmailUseReplyTo = false | |
$wgUsersNotifiedOnAllChanges = [] | |
if(! $wgEmergencyContact) if(! $wgPasswordSender) if(! $wgNoReplyAddress) if( $wgSecureLogin &&substr( $wgServer, 0, 2) !=='//') | $wgVirtualRestConfig ['global']['domain'] = $wgCanonicalServer |
if(defined( 'MW_CONFIG_CALLBACK')) | else |
Load LocalSettings.php. | |
if(ini_get('mbstring.func_overload')) | if (!defined('MW_ENTRY_POINT')) |
Pre-config setup: Before loading LocalSettings.php. | |
The setup for all MediaWiki processes (both web-based and CLI).
This file must be included by all entry points (such as WebStart.php and doMaintenance.php).
It does:
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
Definition in file Setup.php.
$cpPosInfo |
if( $wgServer===false) if ($wgCanonicalServer===false) $serverParts = wfParseUrl( $wgCanonicalServer ) |
$wgCanonicalNamespaceNames = NamespaceInfo::CANONICAL_NAMES |
Definitions of the NS_ constants are in Defines.php.
Definition at line 457 of file Setup.php.
Referenced by wfInstallerMain().
if (! $wgCookiePrefix) $wgCookiePrefix = strtr( $wgCookiePrefix, '=,; +."\'\\[', '__________' ) |
$wgDefaultUserOptions[ 'rcdays'] |
if ($wgLocalTZoffset===null) $wgDefaultUserOptions[ 'timecorrection'] = "System|$wgLocalTZoffset" |
$wgDefaultUserOptions[ 'watchlistdays'] |
if($wgScript===false) if( $wgLoadScript===false) if($wgRestPath===false) if( $wgArticlePath===false) if($wgResourceBasePath===null) if( $wgStylePath===false) if($wgLocalStylePath===false) if( $wgExtensionAssetsPath===false) if($wgLogos !==false &&isset($wgLogos[ '1x'])) if( $wgLogo===false) if($wgUploadPath===false) if( $wgUploadDirectory===false) if($wgReadOnlyFile===false) if( $wgFileCacheDirectory===false) if($wgDeletedDirectory===false) if( $wgGitInfoCacheDirectory===false && $wgCacheDirectory !==false) if($wgSharedPrefix===false) if( $wgSharedSchema===false) if ($wgMetaNamespace===false) $wgFileExtensions = array_values( array_diff( $wgFileExtensions, $wgFileBlacklist ) ) |
if(!defined( 'MW_NO_SESSION') &&! $wgCommandLineMode) if (! $wgCommandLineMode) $wgFullyInitialised = true |
Definition at line 867 of file Setup.php.
Referenced by User\clearInstanceCache(), User\isSafeToLoad(), User\load(), and User\loadFromCache().
$wgGalleryOptions |
Default parameters for the "<gallery>" tag.
MediaWiki Session SessionId null $wgInitialSessionId = null |
The persistent session ID (if any) loaded at startup.
Definition at line 735 of file Setup.php.
Referenced by LoginSignupSpecialPage\hasSessionCookie().
Language StubUserLang $wgLang = new StubUserLang |
Definition at line 813 of file Setup.php.
Referenced by ApiMain\__construct(), PermissionsError\__construct(), CliInstaller\__construct(), ParserOptions\__construct(), LogPage\actionText(), SpecialEditWatchlist\buildTools(), MediaWiki\SpecialPage\SpecialPageFactory\capturePath(), MediaWiki\Permissions\PermissionManager\checkActionPermissions(), UploadBase\checkUnwantedFileExtensions(), Installer\envCheckDB(), LocalFileRestoreBatch\execute(), WebInstallerLanguage\execute(), WebInstallerOptions\execute(), UpdateMediaWiki\execute(), StubUserLang\findVariantLink(), Linker\formatAutocomments(), FeedUtils\formatDiffRow(), SpecialVersion\getCopyrightAndAuthorList(), User\getDatePreference(), File\getDescriptionText(), ForeignDBFile\getDescriptionText(), MediaHandler\getGeneralShortDesc(), WebInstallerOutput\getLanguage(), ImageHandler\getLongDesc(), SvgHandler\getLongDesc(), GIFHandler\getLongDesc(), PNGHandler\getLongDesc(), Title\getPageLanguage(), ContentHandler\getPageLanguage(), Title\getPageViewLanguage(), ImageHandler\getShortDesc(), SpecialVersion\getVersionLinkedGit(), WebInstallerOptions\makeScreenshotsLink(), Xml\monthSelector(), Html\namespaceSelectorOptions(), User\newFatalPermissionDeniedStatus(), Installer\resetMediaWikiServices(), User\sendConfirmationMail(), LoginSignupSpecialPage\setSessionUserForCurrentRequest(), WebInstaller\setupLanguage(), ForeignAPIFile\transform(), Linker\userToolLinks(), wfGetLangObj(), and wfInstallerMain().
$wgLockManagers[] |
if($wgRightsIcon) if(isset( $wgFooterIcons['copyright']['copyright']) && $wgFooterIcons['copyright']['copyright']===[]) if (isset($wgFooterIcons[ 'poweredby']) &&isset($wgFooterIcons[ 'poweredby'][ 'mediawiki']) &&$wgFooterIcons[ 'poweredby'][ 'mediawiki'][ 'src']===null) $wgNamespaceProtection[NS_MEDIAWIKI] = 'editinterface' |
OutputPage $wgOut = RequestContext::getMain()->getOutput() |
Definition at line 818 of file Setup.php.
Referenced by MediaWiki\SpecialPage\SpecialPageFactory\capturePath(), FeedUtils\checkFeedOutput(), UploadBase\detectVirus(), ChannelFeed\httpHeaders(), ThrottledError\report(), BadRequestError\report(), ErrorPageError\report(), PermissionsError\report(), LocalFileLockError\report(), MWException\reportHTML(), MWExceptionRenderer\reportHTML(), wfHttpError(), and wfVarDump().
Parser $wgParser |
if (! $wgDBerrorLogTZ) $wgRequest = RequestContext::getMain()->getRequest() |
Definition at line 682 of file Setup.php.
Referenced by MediaWiki\SpecialPage\SpecialPageFactory\capturePath(), RecentChange\checkIPAddress(), ChannelFeed\contentType(), ApiEditPage\execute(), LanguageConverter\findVariantLink(), WebInstaller\getAcceptLanguage(), LanguageConverter\getHeaderVariant(), Title\getLocalURL(), AtomFeed\getSelfUrl(), MWExceptionHandler\getURL(), LanguageConverter\getURLVariant(), RequestContext\importScopedSession(), MediaWiki\Rest\EntryPoint\main(), RecentChange\newLogEntry(), OutputPage\transformCssMedia(), wfApiMain(), wfExpandUrl(), wfLoadMain(), wfOpenSearchDescMain(), and wfThumbMain().
if ($wgServerName !==false) $wgServerName = $serverParts['host'] |
Title null $wgTitle = null |
Definition at line 831 of file Setup.php.
Referenced by MediaWiki\SpecialPage\SpecialPageFactory\capturePath(), Parser\cleanSig(), ApiEditPage\execute(), ApiParse\execute(), Parser\extractSections(), RequestContext\getTitle(), MediaWiki\main(), MediaWiki\Rest\EntryPoint\main(), Linker\makeExternalLink(), MessageCache\parse(), MediaWiki\performRequest(), Parser\transformMsg(), and wfApiMain().
$wgUseEnotif = false |
Definition at line 448 of file Setup.php.
Referenced by RecentChange\save().
if (!defined('MW_NO_SESSION') &&! $wgCommandLineMode) else |
if | ( | ! | defined'MW_ENTRY_POINT' | ) |
Pre-config setup: Before loading LocalSettings.php.
These are changes and additions to runtime that don't vary on site configuration.
Definition at line 87 of file Setup.php.
Referenced by MediaWiki\Revision\RevisionStore\newRevisionsFromBatch().