Content handler for code content such as CSS, JavaScript, JSON, etc.
shouldCallDeprecatedContentTransformMethod(Content $content, $params)
Check if we need to provide content overrides deprecated Content method.
callDeprecatedContentPST(Content $content, PreSaveTransformParams $params)
Provided content overrides deprecated Content::preSaveTransform, call it and return.
Content handler for JSON.
preSaveTransform(Content $content, PreSaveTransformParams $pstParams)
Returns a $content object with pre-save transformations applied (or the same object if no transformat...
__construct( $modelId=CONTENT_MODEL_JSON)
Creates an empty TextContent object.
static normalizeLineEndings( $text)
Do a "\\r\\n" -> "\\n" and "\\r" -> "\\n" transformation as well as trim trailing whitespace.
Base interface for content objects.