MediaWiki REL1_37
Go to the documentation of this file.
33use Wikimedia\IPUtils;
42 protected $opts;
72 private $pager = null;
85 public function __construct(
86 LinkBatchFactory $linkBatchFactory = null,
87 PermissionManager $permissionManager = null,
88 ILoadBalancer $loadBalancer = null,
89 ActorMigration $actorMigration = null,
90 RevisionStore $revisionStore = null,
91 NamespaceInfo $namespaceInfo = null,
92 UserNameUtils $userNameUtils = null,
93 UserNamePrefixSearch $userNamePrefixSearch = null,
95 ) {
96 parent::__construct( 'Contributions' );
97 // This class is extended and therefore falls back to global state - T269521
98 $services = MediaWikiServices::getInstance();
99 $this->linkBatchFactory = $linkBatchFactory ?? $services->getLinkBatchFactory();
100 $this->permissionManager = $permissionManager ?? $services->getPermissionManager();
101 $this->loadBalancer = $loadBalancer ?? $services->getDBLoadBalancer();
102 $this->actorMigration = $actorMigration ?? $services->getActorMigration();
103 $this->revisionStore = $revisionStore ?? $services->getRevisionStore();
104 $this->namespaceInfo = $namespaceInfo ?? $services->getNamespaceInfo();
105 $this->userNameUtils = $userNameUtils ?? $services->getUserNameUtils();
106 $this->userNamePrefixSearch = $userNamePrefixSearch ?? $services->getUserNamePrefixSearch();
107 $this->userOptionsLookup = $userOptionsLookup ?? $services->getUserOptionsLookup();
108 }
110 public function execute( $par ) {
111 $this->setHeaders();
112 $this->outputHeader();
113 $out = $this->getOutput();
114 // Modules required for viewing the list of contributions (also when included on other pages)
115 $out->addModuleStyles( [
116 'jquery.makeCollapsible.styles',
117 'mediawiki.interface.helpers.styles',
118 'mediawiki.special',
119 'mediawiki.special.changeslist',
120 ] );
121 $out->addModules( [
122 'mediawiki.special.recentchanges',
123 // Certain skins e.g. Minerva might have disabled this module.
124 ''
125 ] );
126 $this->addHelpLink( 'Help:User contributions' );
128 $this->opts = [];
129 $request = $this->getRequest();
131 $target = $par ?? $request->getVal( 'target' );
133 $this->opts['deletedOnly'] = $request->getBool( 'deletedOnly' );
135 if ( !strlen( $target ) ) {
136 if ( !$this->including() ) {
137 $out->addHTML( $this->getForm( $this->opts ) );
138 }
140 return;
141 }
143 $user = $this->getUser();
145 $this->opts['limit'] = $request->getInt( 'limit', $this->userOptionsLookup->getIntOption( $user, 'rclimit' ) );
146 $this->opts['target'] = $target;
147 $this->opts['topOnly'] = $request->getBool( 'topOnly' );
148 $this->opts['newOnly'] = $request->getBool( 'newOnly' );
149 $this->opts['hideMinor'] = $request->getBool( 'hideMinor' );
151 $ns = $request->getVal( 'namespace', null );
152 if ( $ns !== null && $ns !== '' && $ns !== 'all' ) {
153 $this->opts['namespace'] = intval( $ns );
154 } else {
155 $this->opts['namespace'] = '';
156 }
158 // Backwards compatibility: Before using OOUI form the old HTML form had
159 // fields for nsInvert and associated. These have now been replaced with the
160 // wpFilters query string parameters. These are retained to keep old URIs working.
161 $this->opts['associated'] = $request->getBool( 'associated' );
162 $this->opts['nsInvert'] = (bool)$request->getVal( 'nsInvert' );
163 $nsFilters = $request->getArray( 'wpfilters', null );
164 if ( $nsFilters !== null ) {
165 $this->opts['associated'] = in_array( 'associated', $nsFilters );
166 $this->opts['nsInvert'] = in_array( 'nsInvert', $nsFilters );
167 }
169 $this->opts['tagfilter'] = (string)$request->getVal( 'tagfilter' );
171 // Allows reverts to have the bot flag in recent changes. It is just here to
172 // be passed in the form at the top of the page
173 if ( $this->permissionManager->userHasRight( $user, 'markbotedits' ) && $request->getBool( 'bot' ) ) {
174 $this->opts['bot'] = '1';
175 }
177 $skip = $request->getText( 'offset' ) || $request->getText( 'dir' ) == 'prev';
178 # Offset overrides year/month selection
179 if ( !$skip ) {
180 $this->opts['year'] = $request->getVal( 'year' );
181 $this->opts['month'] = $request->getVal( 'month' );
183 $this->opts['start'] = $request->getVal( 'start' );
184 $this->opts['end'] = $request->getVal( 'end' );
185 }
187 $id = 0;
188 if ( ExternalUserNames::isExternal( $target ) ) {
189 $userObj = User::newFromName( $target, false );
190 if ( !$userObj ) {
191 $out->addHTML( $this->getForm( $this->opts ) );
192 return;
193 }
195 $out->addSubtitle( $this->contributionsSub( $userObj, $target ) );
196 $out->setPageTitle( $this->msg( 'contributions-title', $target )->escaped() );
197 } else {
198 $nt = Title::makeTitleSafe( NS_USER, $target );
199 if ( !$nt ) {
200 $out->addHTML( $this->getForm( $this->opts ) );
201 return;
202 }
203 $userObj = User::newFromName( $nt->getText(), false );
204 if ( !$userObj ) {
205 $out->addHTML( $this->getForm( $this->opts ) );
206 return;
207 }
208 $id = $userObj->getId();
210 $target = $nt->getText();
211 $out->addSubtitle( $this->contributionsSub( $userObj, $target ) );
212 $out->setPageTitle( $this->msg( 'contributions-title', $target )->escaped() );
214 # For IP ranges, we want the contributionsSub, but not the skin-dependent
215 # links under 'Tools', which may include irrelevant links like 'Logs'.
216 if ( !IPUtils::isValidRange( $target ) &&
217 ( $this->userNameUtils->isIP( $target ) || $userObj->isRegistered() )
218 ) {
219 // Don't add non-existent users, because hidden users
220 // that we add here will be removed later to pretend
221 // that they don't exist, and if users that actually don't
222 // exist are added here and then not removed, it exposes
223 // which users exist and are hidden vs. which actually don't
224 // exist. But, do set the relevant user for single IPs.
225 $this->getSkin()->setRelevantUser( $userObj );
226 }
227 }
229 $this->opts = ContribsPager::processDateFilter( $this->opts );
231 if ( $this->opts['namespace'] !== '' && $this->opts['namespace'] < NS_MAIN ) {
232 $this->getOutput()->wrapWikiMsg(
233 "<div class=\"mw-negative-namespace-not-supported error\">\n\$1\n</div>",
234 [ 'negative-namespace-not-supported' ]
235 );
236 $out->addHTML( $this->getForm( $this->opts ) );
237 return;
238 }
240 $feedType = $request->getVal( 'feed' );
242 $feedParams = [
243 'action' => 'feedcontributions',
244 'user' => $target,
245 ];
246 if ( $this->opts['topOnly'] ) {
247 $feedParams['toponly'] = true;
248 }
249 if ( $this->opts['newOnly'] ) {
250 $feedParams['newonly'] = true;
251 }
252 if ( $this->opts['hideMinor'] ) {
253 $feedParams['hideminor'] = true;
254 }
255 if ( $this->opts['deletedOnly'] ) {
256 $feedParams['deletedonly'] = true;
257 }
258 if ( $this->opts['tagfilter'] !== '' ) {
259 $feedParams['tagfilter'] = $this->opts['tagfilter'];
260 }
261 if ( $this->opts['namespace'] !== '' ) {
262 $feedParams['namespace'] = $this->opts['namespace'];
263 }
264 // Don't use year and month for the feed URL, but pass them on if
265 // we redirect to API (if $feedType is specified)
266 if ( $feedType && isset( $this->opts['year'] ) ) {
267 $feedParams['year'] = $this->opts['year'];
268 }
269 if ( $feedType && isset( $this->opts['month'] ) ) {
270 $feedParams['month'] = $this->opts['month'];
271 }
273 if ( $feedType ) {
274 // Maintain some level of backwards compatibility
275 // If people request feeds using the old parameters, redirect to API
276 $feedParams['feedformat'] = $feedType;
277 $url = wfAppendQuery( wfScript( 'api' ), $feedParams );
279 $out->redirect( $url, '301' );
281 return;
282 }
284 // Add RSS/atom links
285 $this->addFeedLinks( $feedParams );
287 if ( $this->getHookRunner()->onSpecialContributionsBeforeMainOutput(
288 $id, $userObj, $this )
289 ) {
290 if ( !$this->including() ) {
291 $out->addHTML( $this->getForm( $this->opts ) );
292 }
293 $pager = $this->getPager( $userObj );
294 if ( IPUtils::isValidRange( $target ) && !$pager->isQueryableRange( $target ) ) {
295 // Valid range, but outside CIDR limit.
296 $limits = $this->getConfig()->get( 'RangeContributionsCIDRLimit' );
297 $limit = $limits[ IPUtils::isIPv4( $target ) ? 'IPv4' : 'IPv6' ];
298 $out->addWikiMsg( 'sp-contributions-outofrange', $limit );
299 } else {
300 // @todo We just want a wiki ID here, not a "DB domain", but
301 // current status of MediaWiki conflates the two. See T235955.
302 $poolKey = $this->loadBalancer->getLocalDomainID() . ':SpecialContributions:';
303 if ( $this->getUser()->isAnon() ) {
304 $poolKey .= 'a:' . $this->getUser()->getName();
305 } else {
306 $poolKey .= 'u:' . $this->getUser()->getId();
307 }
308 $work = new PoolCounterWorkViaCallback( 'SpecialContributions', $poolKey, [
309 'doWork' => function () use ( $pager, $out, $target ) {
310 if ( !$pager->getNumRows() ) {
311 $out->addWikiMsg( 'nocontribs', $target );
312 } else {
313 # Show a message about replica DB lag, if applicable
314 $lag = $pager->getDatabase()->getSessionLagStatus()['lag'];
315 if ( $lag > 0 ) {
316 $out->showLagWarning( $lag );
317 }
319 $output = $pager->getBody();
320 if ( !$this->including() ) {
321 $output = $pager->getNavigationBar() .
322 $output .
324 }
325 $out->addHTML( $output );
326 }
327 },
328 'error' => function () use ( $out ) {
329 $msg = $this->getUser()->isAnon()
330 ? 'sp-contributions-concurrency-ip'
331 : 'sp-contributions-concurrency-user';
332 $out->wrapWikiMsg( "<div class='errorbox'>\n$1\n</div>", $msg );
333 }
334 ] );
335 $work->execute();
336 }
338 $out->preventClickjacking( $pager->getPreventClickjacking() );
340 # Show the appropriate "footer" message - WHOIS tools, etc.
341 if ( IPUtils::isValidRange( $target ) && $pager->isQueryableRange( $target ) ) {
342 $message = 'sp-contributions-footer-anon-range';
343 } elseif ( IPUtils::isIPAddress( $target ) ) {
344 $message = 'sp-contributions-footer-anon';
345 } elseif ( $userObj->isAnon() ) {
346 // No message for non-existing users
347 $message = '';
348 } elseif ( $userObj->isHidden() &&
349 !$this->permissionManager->userHasRight( $this->getUser(), 'hideuser' )
350 ) {
351 // User is registered, but make sure that the viewer can see them, to avoid
352 // having different behavior for missing and hidden users; see T120883
353 $message = '';
354 } else {
355 // Not hidden, or hidden but the viewer can still see it
356 $message = 'sp-contributions-footer';
357 }
359 if ( $message && !$this->including() && !$this->msg( $message, $target )->isDisabled() ) {
360 $out->wrapWikiMsg(
361 "<div class='mw-contributions-footer'>\n$1\n</div>",
362 [ $message, $target ] );
363 }
364 }
365 }
376 protected function contributionsSub( $userObj, $targetName ) {
377 $isAnon = $userObj->isAnon();
378 if ( !$isAnon && $userObj->isHidden() &&
379 !$this->permissionManager->userHasRight( $this->getUser(), 'hideuser' )
380 ) {
381 // T120883 if the user is hidden and the viewer cannot see hidden
382 // users, pretend like it does not exist at all.
383 $isAnon = true;
384 }
386 if ( $isAnon ) {
387 // Show a warning message that the user being searched for doesn't exist.
388 // UserNameUtils::isIP returns true for IP address and usemod IPs like '',
389 // but returns false for IP ranges. We don't want to suggest either of these are
390 // valid usernames which we would with the 'contributions-userdoesnotexist' message.
391 if ( !$this->userNameUtils->isIP( $userObj->getName() )
392 && !IPUtils::isValidRange( $userObj->getName() )
393 ) {
394 $this->getOutput()->wrapWikiMsg(
395 "<div class=\"mw-userpage-userdoesnotexist error\">\n\$1\n</div>",
396 [
397 'contributions-userdoesnotexist',
398 wfEscapeWikiText( $userObj->getName() ),
399 ]
400 );
401 if ( !$this->including() ) {
402 $this->getOutput()->setStatusCode( 404 );
403 }
404 }
405 $user = htmlspecialchars( $userObj->getName() );
406 } else {
407 $user = $this->getLinkRenderer()->makeLink( $userObj->getUserPage(), $userObj->getName() );
408 }
409 $nt = $userObj->getUserPage();
410 $talk = $userObj->getTalkPage();
411 $links = '';
413 // T211910. Don't show action links if a range is outside block limit
414 $showForIp = IPUtils::isValid( $userObj ) ||
415 ( IPUtils::isValidRange( $userObj ) && $this->getPager( $userObj )->isQueryableRange( $userObj ) );
417 // T276306. if the user is hidden and the viewer cannot see hidden, pretend that it does not exist
418 $registeredAndVisible = $userObj->isRegistered() && ( !$userObj->isHidden()
419 || $this->permissionManager->userHasRight( $this->getUser(), 'hideuser' ) );
421 if ( $talk && ( $registeredAndVisible || $showForIp ) ) {
422 $tools = self::getUserLinks(
423 $this,
424 $userObj,
425 $this->permissionManager,
426 $this->getHookRunner()
427 );
428 $links = Html::openElement( 'span', [ 'class' => 'mw-changeslist-links' ] );
429 foreach ( $tools as $tool ) {
430 $links .= Html::rawElement( 'span', [], $tool ) . ' ';
431 }
432 $links = trim( $links ) . Html::closeElement( 'span' );
434 // Show a note if the user is blocked and display the last block log entry.
435 // Do not expose the autoblocks, since that may lead to a leak of accounts' IPs,
436 // and also this will display a totally irrelevant log entry as a current block.
437 if ( !$this->including() ) {
438 // For IP ranges you must give DatabaseBlock::newFromTarget the CIDR string
439 // and not a user object.
440 if ( IPUtils::isValidRange( $userObj->getName() ) ) {
441 $block = DatabaseBlock::newFromTarget( $userObj->getName(), $userObj->getName() );
442 } else {
443 $block = DatabaseBlock::newFromTarget( $userObj, $userObj );
444 }
446 if ( $block !== null && $block->getType() != DatabaseBlock::TYPE_AUTO ) {
447 if ( $block->getType() == DatabaseBlock::TYPE_RANGE ) {
448 $nt = $this->namespaceInfo->getCanonicalName( NS_USER )
449 . ':' . $block->getTargetName();
450 }
452 $out = $this->getOutput(); // showLogExtract() wants first parameter by reference
453 if ( $userObj->isAnon() ) {
454 $msgKey = $block->isSitewide() ?
455 'sp-contributions-blocked-notice-anon' :
456 'sp-contributions-blocked-notice-anon-partial';
457 } else {
458 $msgKey = $block->isSitewide() ?
459 'sp-contributions-blocked-notice' :
460 'sp-contributions-blocked-notice-partial';
461 }
462 // Allow local styling overrides for different types of block
463 $class = $block->isSitewide() ?
464 'mw-contributions-blocked-notice' :
465 'mw-contributions-blocked-notice-partial';
466 LogEventsList::showLogExtract(
467 $out,
468 'block',
469 $nt,
470 '',
471 [
472 'lim' => 1,
473 'showIfEmpty' => false,
474 'msgKey' => [
475 $msgKey,
476 $userObj->getName() # Support GENDER in 'sp-contributions-blocked-notice'
477 ],
478 'offset' => '', # don't use WebRequest parameter offset
479 'wrap' => Html::rawElement(
480 'div',
481 [ 'class' => $class ],
482 '$1'
483 ),
484 ]
485 );
486 }
487 }
488 }
490 return Html::rawElement( 'div', [ 'class' => 'mw-contributions-user-tools' ],
491 $this->msg( 'contributions-subtitle' )->rawParams( $user )->params( $userObj->getName() )
492 . ' ' . $links
493 );
494 }
506 public static function getUserLinks(
507 SpecialPage $sp,
508 User $target,
509 PermissionManager $permissionManager = null,
510 HookRunner $hookRunner = null
511 ) {
512 // Fallback to global state, if not provided
513 $permissionManager = $permissionManager ?? MediaWikiServices::getInstance()->getPermissionManager();
514 $hookRunner = $hookRunner ?? Hooks::runner();
516 $id = $target->getId();
517 $username = $target->getName();
518 $userpage = $target->getUserPage();
519 $talkpage = $target->getTalkPage();
520 $isIP = IPUtils::isValid( $username );
521 $isRange = IPUtils::isValidRange( $username );
523 $linkRenderer = $sp->getLinkRenderer();
525 $tools = [];
526 # No talk pages for IP ranges.
527 if ( !$isRange ) {
528 $tools['user-talk'] = $linkRenderer->makeLink(
529 $talkpage,
530 $sp->msg( 'sp-contributions-talk' )->text()
531 );
532 }
534 # Block / Change block / Unblock links
535 if ( $permissionManager->userHasRight( $sp->getUser(), 'block' ) ) {
536 if ( $target->getBlock() && $target->getBlock()->getType() != DatabaseBlock::TYPE_AUTO ) {
537 $tools['block'] = $linkRenderer->makeKnownLink( # Change block link
538 SpecialPage::getTitleFor( 'Block', $username ),
539 $sp->msg( 'change-blocklink' )->text()
540 );
541 $tools['unblock'] = $linkRenderer->makeKnownLink( # Unblock link
542 SpecialPage::getTitleFor( 'Unblock', $username ),
543 $sp->msg( 'unblocklink' )->text()
544 );
545 } else { # User is not blocked
546 $tools['block'] = $linkRenderer->makeKnownLink( # Block link
547 SpecialPage::getTitleFor( 'Block', $username ),
548 $sp->msg( 'blocklink' )->text()
549 );
550 }
551 }
553 # Block log link
554 $tools['log-block'] = $linkRenderer->makeKnownLink(
555 SpecialPage::getTitleFor( 'Log', 'block' ),
556 $sp->msg( 'sp-contributions-blocklog' )->text(),
557 [],
558 [ 'page' => $userpage->getPrefixedText() ]
559 );
561 # Suppression log link (T61120)
562 if ( $permissionManager->userHasRight( $sp->getUser(), 'suppressionlog' ) ) {
563 $tools['log-suppression'] = $linkRenderer->makeKnownLink(
564 SpecialPage::getTitleFor( 'Log', 'suppress' ),
565 $sp->msg( 'sp-contributions-suppresslog', $username )->text(),
566 [],
567 [ 'offender' => $username ]
568 );
569 }
571 # Don't show some links for IP ranges
572 if ( !$isRange ) {
573 # Uploads: hide if IPs cannot upload (T220674)
574 if ( !$isIP || $permissionManager->userHasRight( $target, 'upload' ) ) {
575 $tools['uploads'] = $linkRenderer->makeKnownLink(
576 SpecialPage::getTitleFor( 'Listfiles', $username ),
577 $sp->msg( 'sp-contributions-uploads' )->text()
578 );
579 }
581 # Other logs link
582 # Todo: T146628
583 $tools['logs'] = $linkRenderer->makeKnownLink(
584 SpecialPage::getTitleFor( 'Log', $username ),
585 $sp->msg( 'sp-contributions-logs' )->text()
586 );
588 # Add link to deleted user contributions for priviledged users
589 # Todo: T183457
590 if ( $permissionManager->userHasRight( $sp->getUser(), 'deletedhistory' ) ) {
591 $tools['deletedcontribs'] = $linkRenderer->makeKnownLink(
592 SpecialPage::getTitleFor( 'DeletedContributions', $username ),
593 $sp->msg( 'sp-contributions-deleted', $username )->text()
594 );
595 }
596 }
598 # Add a link to change user rights for privileged users
599 $userrightsPage = new UserrightsPage();
600 $userrightsPage->setContext( $sp->getContext() );
601 if ( $userrightsPage->userCanChangeRights( $target ) ) {
602 $tools['userrights'] = $linkRenderer->makeKnownLink(
603 SpecialPage::getTitleFor( 'Userrights', $username ),
604 $sp->msg( 'sp-contributions-userrights', $username )->text()
605 );
606 }
608 $hookRunner->onContributionsToolLinks( $id, $userpage, $tools, $sp );
610 return $tools;
611 }
619 protected function getForm( array $pagerOptions ) {
620 $this->opts['title'] = $this->getPageTitle()->getPrefixedText();
621 // Modules required only for the form
622 $this->getOutput()->addModules( [
623 'mediawiki.special.contributions',
624 ] );
625 $this->getOutput()->addModuleStyles( 'mediawiki.widgets.DateInputWidget.styles' );
626 $this->getOutput()->enableOOUI();
627 $fields = [];
629 # Add hidden params for tracking except for parameters in $skipParameters
630 $skipParameters = [
631 'namespace',
632 'nsInvert',
633 'deletedOnly',
634 'target',
635 'year',
636 'month',
637 'start',
638 'end',
639 'topOnly',
640 'newOnly',
641 'hideMinor',
642 'associated',
643 'tagfilter'
644 ];
646 foreach ( $this->opts as $name => $value ) {
647 if ( in_array( $name, $skipParameters ) ) {
648 continue;
649 }
651 $fields[$name] = [
652 'name' => $name,
653 'type' => 'hidden',
654 'default' => $value,
655 ];
656 }
658 $target = $this->opts['target'] ?? null;
659 $fields['target'] = [
660 'type' => 'user',
661 'default' => $target ?
662 str_replace( '_', ' ', $target ) : '' ,
663 'label' => $this->msg( 'sp-contributions-username' )->text(),
664 'name' => 'target',
665 'id' => 'mw-target-user-or-ip',
666 'size' => 40,
667 'autofocus' => !$target,
668 'section' => 'contribs-top',
669 ];
671 $ns = $this->opts['namespace'] ?? null;
672 $fields['namespace'] = [
673 'type' => 'namespaceselect',
674 'label' => $this->msg( 'namespace' )->text(),
675 'name' => 'namespace',
676 'cssclass' => 'namespaceselector',
677 'default' => $ns,
678 'id' => 'namespace',
679 'section' => 'contribs-top',
680 ];
681 $fields['nsFilters'] = [
682 'class' => HTMLMultiSelectField::class,
683 'label' => '',
684 'name' => 'wpfilters',
685 'flatlist' => true,
686 // Only shown when namespaces are selected.
687 'cssclass' => $ns === '' ?
688 'contribs-ns-filters mw-input-with-label mw-input-hidden' :
689 'contribs-ns-filters mw-input-with-label',
690 // `contribs-ns-filters` class allows these fields to be toggled on/off by JavaScript.
691 // See resources/src/mediawiki.special.recentchanges.js
692 'infusable' => true,
693 'options-messages' => [
694 'invert' => 'nsInvert',
695 'namespace_association' => 'associated',
696 ],
697 'section' => 'contribs-top',
698 ];
699 $fields['tagfilter'] = [
700 'type' => 'tagfilter',
701 'cssclass' => 'mw-tagfilter-input',
702 'id' => 'tagfilter',
703 'label-message' => [ 'tag-filter', 'parse' ],
704 'name' => 'tagfilter',
705 'size' => 20,
706 'section' => 'contribs-top',
707 ];
709 if ( $this->permissionManager->userHasRight( $this->getUser(), 'deletedhistory' ) ) {
710 $fields['deletedOnly'] = [
711 'type' => 'check',
712 'id' => 'mw-show-deleted-only',
713 'label' => $this->msg( 'history-show-deleted' )->text(),
714 'name' => 'deletedOnly',
715 'section' => 'contribs-top',
716 ];
717 }
719 $fields['topOnly'] = [
720 'type' => 'check',
721 'id' => 'mw-show-top-only',
722 'label' => $this->msg( 'sp-contributions-toponly' )->text(),
723 'name' => 'topOnly',
724 'section' => 'contribs-top',
725 ];
726 $fields['newOnly'] = [
727 'type' => 'check',
728 'id' => 'mw-show-new-only',
729 'label' => $this->msg( 'sp-contributions-newonly' )->text(),
730 'name' => 'newOnly',
731 'section' => 'contribs-top',
732 ];
733 $fields['hideMinor'] = [
734 'type' => 'check',
735 'cssclass' => 'mw-hide-minor-edits',
736 'id' => 'mw-show-new-only',
737 'label' => $this->msg( 'sp-contributions-hideminor' )->text(),
738 'name' => 'hideMinor',
739 'section' => 'contribs-top',
740 ];
742 // Allow additions at this point to the filters.
743 $rawFilters = [];
744 $this->getHookRunner()->onSpecialContributions__getForm__filters(
745 $this, $rawFilters );
746 foreach ( $rawFilters as $filter ) {
747 // Backwards compatibility support for previous hook function signature.
748 if ( is_string( $filter ) ) {
749 $fields[] = [
750 'type' => 'info',
751 'default' => $filter,
752 'raw' => true,
753 'section' => 'contribs-top',
754 ];
756 'A SpecialContributions::getForm::filters hook handler returned ' .
757 'an array of strings, this is deprecated since MediaWiki 1.33',
758 '1.33', false, false
759 );
760 } else {
761 // Preferred append method.
762 $fields[] = $filter;
763 }
764 }
766 $fields['start'] = [
767 'type' => 'date',
768 'default' => '',
769 'id' => 'mw-date-start',
770 'label' => $this->msg( 'date-range-from' )->text(),
771 'name' => 'start',
772 'section' => 'contribs-date',
773 ];
774 $fields['end'] = [
775 'type' => 'date',
776 'default' => '',
777 'id' => 'mw-date-end',
778 'label' => $this->msg( 'date-range-to' )->text(),
779 'name' => 'end',
780 'section' => 'contribs-date',
781 ];
783 $htmlForm = HTMLForm::factory( 'ooui', $fields, $this->getContext() );
784 $htmlForm
785 ->setMethod( 'get' )
786 // When offset is defined, the user is paging through results
787 // so we hide the form by default to allow users to focus on browsing
788 // rather than defining search parameters
789 ->setCollapsibleOptions(
790 ( $pagerOptions['target'] ?? null ) ||
791 ( $pagerOptions['start'] ?? null ) ||
792 ( $pagerOptions['end'] ?? null )
793 )
794 ->setAction( wfScript() )
795 ->setSubmitTextMsg( 'sp-contributions-submit' )
796 ->setWrapperLegendMsg( 'sp-contributions-search' );
798 $explain = $this->msg( 'sp-contributions-explain' );
799 if ( !$explain->isBlank() ) {
800 $htmlForm->addFooterText( "<p id='mw-sp-contributions-explain'>{$explain->parse()}</p>" );
801 }
803 $htmlForm->loadData();
805 return $htmlForm->getHTML( false );
806 }
816 public function prefixSearchSubpages( $search, $limit, $offset ) {
817 $search = $this->userNameUtils->getCanonical( $search );
818 if ( !$search ) {
819 // No prefix suggestion for invalid user
820 return [];
821 }
822 // Autocomplete subpage as user list - public to allow caching
823 return $this->userNamePrefixSearch
824 ->search( UserNamePrefixSearch::AUDIENCE_PUBLIC, $search, $limit, $offset );
825 }
831 private function getPager( $targetUser ) {
832 if ( $this->pager === null ) {
833 $options = [
834 'namespace' => $this->opts['namespace'],
835 'tagfilter' => $this->opts['tagfilter'],
836 'start' => $this->opts['start'] ?? '',
837 'end' => $this->opts['end'] ?? '',
838 'deletedOnly' => $this->opts['deletedOnly'],
839 'topOnly' => $this->opts['topOnly'],
840 'newOnly' => $this->opts['newOnly'],
841 'hideMinor' => $this->opts['hideMinor'],
842 'nsInvert' => $this->opts['nsInvert'],
843 'associated' => $this->opts['associated'],
844 ];
846 $this->pager = new ContribsPager(
847 $this->getContext(),
848 $options,
849 $this->getLinkRenderer(),
850 $this->linkBatchFactory,
851 $this->getHookContainer(),
852 $this->loadBalancer,
853 $this->actorMigration,
854 $this->revisionStore,
855 $this->namespaceInfo,
856 $targetUser
857 );
858 }
860 return $this->pager;
861 }
863 protected function getGroupName() {
864 return 'users';
865 }
UserOptionsLookup $userOptionsLookup
const NS_USER
Definition Defines.php:66
const NS_MAIN
Definition Defines.php:64
wfAppendQuery( $url, $query)
Append a query string to an existing URL, which may or may not already have query string parameters a...
wfScript( $script='index')
Get the path to a specified script file, respecting file extensions; this is a wrapper around $wgScri...
wfEscapeWikiText( $text)
Escapes the given text so that it may be output using addWikiText() without any linking,...
wfDeprecated( $function, $version=false, $component=false, $callerOffset=2)
Logs a warning that a deprecated feature was used.
if(ini_get('mbstring.func_overload')) if(!defined('MW_ENTRY_POINT'))
Pre-config setup: Before loading LocalSettings.php.
Definition Setup.php:88
This is not intended to be a long-term part of MediaWiki; it will be deprecated and removed once acto...
Pager for Special:Contributions.
Wrap the navigation bar in a p element with identifying class.
isQueryableRange( $ipRange)
Is the given IP a range and within the CIDR limit?
Pre-librarized class name for IPUtils.
Definition IP.php:80
Shortcut to construct an includable special page.
Get the formatted result list.
Get the number of rows in the result set.
A DatabaseBlock (unlike a SystemBlock) is stored in the database, may give rise to autoblocks and may...
This class provides an implementation of the core hook interfaces, forwarding hook calls to HookConta...
MediaWikiServices is the service locator for the application scope of MediaWiki.
A service class for checking permissions To obtain an instance, use MediaWikiServices::getInstance()-...
Service for looking up page revisions.
Handles searching prefixes of user names.
UserNameUtils service.
Provides access to user options.
This is a utility class for dealing with namespaces that encodes all the "magic" behaviors of them ba...
Convenience class for dealing with PoolCounters using callbacks.
execute( $skipcache=false)
Get the result of the work (whatever it is), or the result of the error() function.
Special:Contributions, show user contributions in a paged list.
ContribsPager null $pager
__construct(LinkBatchFactory $linkBatchFactory=null, PermissionManager $permissionManager=null, ILoadBalancer $loadBalancer=null, ActorMigration $actorMigration=null, RevisionStore $revisionStore=null, NamespaceInfo $namespaceInfo=null, UserNameUtils $userNameUtils=null, UserNamePrefixSearch $userNamePrefixSearch=null, UserOptionsLookup $userOptionsLookup=null)
LinkBatchFactory $linkBatchFactory
UserOptionsLookup $userOptionsLookup
prefixSearchSubpages( $search, $limit, $offset)
Return an array of subpages beginning with $search that this special page will accept.
getForm(array $pagerOptions)
Generates the namespace selector form with hidden attributes.
execute( $par)
Default execute method Checks user permissions.
PermissionManager $permissionManager
Under which header this special page is listed in Special:SpecialPages See messages 'specialpages-gro...
UserNamePrefixSearch $userNamePrefixSearch
contributionsSub( $userObj, $targetName)
Generates the subheading with links.
outputHeader( $summaryMessageKey='')
Outputs a summary message on top of special pages Per default the message key is the canonical name o...
Sets headers - this should be called from the execute() method of all derived classes!
Get the OutputPage being used for this instance.
Shortcut to get the User executing this instance.
Shortcut to get the skin being used for this instance.
static getTitleFor( $name, $subpage=false, $fragment='')
Get a localised Title object for a specified special page name If you don't need a full Title object,...
addFeedLinks( $params)
Adds RSS/atom links.
msg( $key,... $params)
Wrapper around wfMessage that sets the current context.
Shortcut to get main config object.
Get the WebRequest being used for this instance.
addHelpLink( $to, $overrideBaseUrl=false)
Adds help link with an icon via page indicators.
including( $x=null)
Whether the special page is being evaluated via transclusion.
static newFromName( $name, $validate='valid')
Definition User.php:607
Special page to allow managing user group membership.
Database cluster connection, tracking, load balancing, and transaction manager interface.