MediaWiki REL1_37
Go to the documentation of this file.
25use Wikimedia\Assert\Assert;
36 private $infoByUser;
42 public function __construct( UserIdentity $user, $increment ) {
43 if ( !$user->getId() ) {
44 throw new RuntimeException( "Got user ID of zero" );
45 }
46 $this->infoByUser = [
47 $user->getId() => [ 'increment' => $increment, 'object' => $user ]
48 ];
49 }
51 public function merge( MergeableUpdate $update ) {
53 Assert::parameterType( __CLASS__, $update, '$update' );
54 '@phan-var UserEditCountUpdate $update';
56 foreach ( $update->infoByUser as $userId => $info ) {
57 if ( !isset( $this->infoByUser[$userId] ) ) {
58 // Object will be filled in below
59 $this->infoByUser[$userId] = [ 'increment' => 0 ];
60 }
61 // Merge the increment amount
62 $this->infoByUser[$userId]['increment'] += $info['increment'];
63 // Always use the UserIdentity from the other update in case we don't
64 // already have info for the user
65 $this->infoByUser[$userId]['object'] = $info['object'];
66 }
67 }
72 public function doUpdate() {
73 $mwServices = MediaWikiServices::getInstance();
74 $lb = $mwServices->getDBLoadBalancer();
75 $dbw = $lb->getConnectionRef( DB_PRIMARY );
76 $editTracker = $mwServices->getUserEditTracker();
77 $fname = __METHOD__;
79 ( new AutoCommitUpdate( $dbw, __METHOD__, function () use ( $lb, $dbw, $fname, $editTracker ) {
80 foreach ( $this->infoByUser as $userId => $info ) {
81 $dbw->update(
82 'user',
83 [ 'user_editcount=user_editcount+' . (int)$info['increment'] ],
84 [ 'user_id' => $userId, 'user_editcount IS NOT NULL' ],
85 $fname
86 );
88 $targetUserIdentity = $info['object'];
89 // Lazy initialization check...
90 if ( $dbw->affectedRows() == 0 ) {
91 // The user_editcount is probably NULL (e.g. not initialized).
92 // Since this update runs after the new revisions were committed,
93 // wait for the replica DB to catch up so they will be counted.
94 $dbr = $lb->getConnectionRef( DB_REPLICA );
95 // If $dbr is actually the primary DB, then clearing the snapshot
96 // is harmless and waitForPrimaryPos() will just no-op.
97 $dbr->flushSnapshot( $fname );
98 $lb->waitForPrimaryPos( $dbr );
99 $editTracker->initializeUserEditCount( $targetUserIdentity );
100 }
102 // Clear the edit count in the UserEditTracker cache.
103 $editTracker->clearUserEditCache( $targetUserIdentity );
104 }
105 } ) )->doUpdate();
106 }
Deferrable Update for closure/callback updates that should use auto-commit mode.
MediaWikiServices is the service locator for the application scope of MediaWiki.
Handles increment the edit count for a given set of users.
__construct(UserIdentity $user, $increment)
array[] $infoByUser
We need to keep a single copy of the relevant UserIdentity to be able to pass to UserEditTracker.
Commits the provided user edit count increments to the database.
merge(MergeableUpdate $update)
Merge this enqueued update with a new MergeableUpdate of the same qualified class name.
Interface that deferrable updates should implement.
Interface for objects representing user identity.
getId( $wikiId=self::LOCAL)
Interface that deferrable updates can implement to signal that updates can be combined.
Definition defines.php:27