MediaWiki REL1_37
MediaWiki\Page Namespace Reference


namespace  Hook


interface  ContentModelChangeFactory
class  DeletePage
interface  DeletePageFactory
interface  ExistingPageRecord
 Data record representing a page that currently exists as an editable page on a wiki. More...
interface  MergeHistoryFactory
interface  MovePageFactory
class  PageCommandFactory
 Common factory to construct page handling classes. More...
interface  PageIdentity
 Interface for objects (potentially) representing an editable wiki page. More...
class  PageIdentityValue
 Immutable value object representing a page identity. More...
interface  PageLookup
 Service interface for looking up infermation about wiki pages. More...
interface  PageRecord
 Data record representing a page that is (or used to be, or could be) an editable page on a wiki. More...
interface  PageReference
 Interface for objects (potentially) representing a page that can be viewable and linked to on a wiki. More...
class  PageReferenceValue
 Immutable value object representing a page reference. More...
class  PageSelectQueryBuilder
class  PageStore
class  PageStoreFactory
class  PageStoreRecord
 Immutable data record representing an editable page on a wiki. More...
class  ParserOutputAccess
 Service for getting rendered output of a given page. More...
interface  ProperPageIdentity
 Interface for objects representing a page that is (or could be, or used to be) an editable page on a wiki. More...
class  RollbackPage
interface  RollbackPageFactory
class  WikiPageFactory


trait LegacyArticleIdAccess

Variable Documentation

◆ LegacyArticleIdAccess

trait MediaWiki::Page\LegacyArticleIdAccess
Initial value:
protected function getArticleId( PageIdentity $title ): int {
if ( $title instanceof Title ) {
return $title->getArticleID();
return $title->getId( $this->getWikiId() );
abstract protected function getWikiId()
if(ini_get('mbstring.func_overload')) if(!defined('MW_ENTRY_POINT'))
Pre-config setup: Before loading LocalSettings.php.
Definition Setup.php:88
Represents a title within MediaWiki.
Definition Title.php:48

Definition at line 26 of file LegacyArticleIdAccess.php.