63use Psr\Log\LoggerInterface;
64use Wikimedia\AtEase\AtEase;
65use Wikimedia\RequestTimeout\RequestTimeout;
75if ( !defined(
81if ( ini_get(
'mbstring.func_overload' ) ) {
82 die(
'MediaWiki does not support installations where mbstring.func_overload is non-zero.' );
88if ( !defined(
94 define(
'unknown' );
97if ( !defined(
98 define(
$IP );
114if ( is_readable(
"$IP/vendor/autoload.php" ) ) {
115 require_once
116} elseif ( file_exists(
"$IP/vendor/autoload.php" ) ) {
117 die(
"$IP/vendor/autoload.php exists but is not readable" );
121if ( !interface_exists( LoggerInterface::class ) ) {
123 'MediaWiki requires the <a href="https://github.com/php-fig/log">PSR-3 logging ' .
124 "library</a> to be present. This library is not embedded directly in MediaWiki's " .
125 "git repository and must be installed separately by the end user.\n\n" .
126 'Please see the <a href="https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Download_from_Git' .
127 '#Fetch_external_libraries">instructions for installing libraries</a> on mediawiki.org ' .
128 'for help on installing the required components.'
131 trigger_error( $message, E_USER_ERROR );
151 ExtensionRegistry::getInstance(),
156if ( getenv(
158 require_once
'UTF-8' );
181 'BaseDirectory' =>
182 'ExtensionDirectory' =>
183 'StyleDirectory' =>
184 'ServiceWiringFiles' => [
"{$IP}/includes/ServiceWiring.php" ],
189if ( defined(
194 if ( getenv(
198 $localSettingsLoader->loadLocalSettingsFile( MW_CONFIG_FILE );
199 unset( $localSettingsLoader );
201 if ( str_ends_with( MW_CONFIG_FILE,
'.php' ) ) {
204 require_once MW_CONFIG_FILE;
221if ( defined(
228if (
'WikiFarmSettingsDirectory' ) ) {
230 $wikiFarmSettingsLoader->loadWikiFarmSettings();
231 unset( $wikiFarmSettingsLoader );
238 '$wgBaseDirectory must not be modified in settings files! ' .
239 'Use the MW_INSTALL_PATH environment variable to override the installation root directory.'
"LC_ALL=" . setlocale( LC_ALL,
'C' ) );
284 ( strpos( PHP_SAPI,
'apache2filter' ) === false ) &&
285 ( strpos( PHP_SAPI,
'isapi' ) === false );
315 $wgLogo =
350 'class' => WANObjectCache::class,
356if ( isset( $wgFileBlacklist ) ) {
361if ( isset( $wgMimeTypeBlacklist ) ) {
366if ( isset( $wgEnableUserEmailBlacklist ) ) {
371if ( isset( $wgShortPagesNamespaceBlacklist ) ) {
383 "{$wgStylePath}/common/images/",
384 "{$wgResourceBasePath}/resources/assets/licenses/",
406 "$wgResourceBasePath/resources/assets/poweredby_mediawiki_88x31.png";
408 "$wgResourceBasePath/resources/assets/poweredby_mediawiki_132x47.png 1.5x, " .
409 "$wgResourceBasePath/resources/assets/poweredby_mediawiki_176x62.png 2x";
425 'name' =>
426 'class' => FSLockManager::class,
427 'lockDirectory' =>
430 'name' =>
431 'class' => NullLockManager::class,
448 'imageHeight' => 120,
449 'captionLength' =>
451 'showDimensions' =>
452 'mode' =>
460 'class' => LocalRepo::class,
488 'class' => ForeignDBRepo::class,
508 'class' => FileRepo::class,
522 'class' => ForeignAPIRepo::class,
523 'name' =>
524 'apibase' =>
525 'url' =>
526 'thumbUrl' =>
528 'transformVia404' =>
529 'fetchDescription' =>
530 'descriptionCacheExpiry' => 43200,
531 'apiThumbCacheExpiry' => 0,
535 if ( !isset( $repo[
'directory'] ) && $repo[
'class'] === ForeignAPIRepo::class ) {
538 if ( !isset( $repo[
'backend'] ) ) {
539 $repo[
'backend'] = $repo[
'name'] .
630foreach ( LanguageCode::getNonstandardLanguageCodeMapping() as $code => $bcp47 ) {
631 $bcp47 = strtolower( $bcp47 );
642if ( isset( $wgSlaveLagWarning ) ) {
647 '$wgSlaveLagWarning set but $wgDatabaseReplicaLagWarning unchanged; using $wgSlaveLagWarning',
656if ( isset( $wgSlaveLagCritical ) ) {
661 '$wgSlaveLagCritical set but $wgDatabaseReplicaLagCritical unchanged; using $wgSlaveLagCritical',
671 AtEase::suppressWarnings();
673 AtEase::restoreWarnings();
718if ( defined(
742 '$wgServer must be set in LocalSettings.php. ' .
743 'See <a href="https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Manual:$wgServer">' .
744 'https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Manual:$wgServer</a>.'
758 wfWarn(
'$wgServerName should be derived from $wgCanonicalServer, '
759 .
'not customized. Overwriting $wgServerName.' );
779 wfWarn(
'Secure login was enabled on a server that only supports '
780 .
'HTTP or HTTPS. Disabling secure login.' );
790 MediaWikiServices::getInstance()->getDBLoadBalancer()->setTableAliases(
810$wgRequest = RequestContext::getMain()->getRequest();
813if (
'' ) ===
'master' ) {
817 MediaWikiServices::getInstance()->getMainWANObjectCache()->useInterimHoldOffCaching(
false );
static function () {
823 $logger = LoggerFactory::getInstance(
'wfDebug' );
825 $self = $_SERVER[
'PHP_SELF'] ??
826 $logger->debug(
"\n\nStart command line script $self" );
828 $debug =
"\n\nStart request {$wgRequest->getMethod()} {$wgRequest->getRequestURL()}\n";
830 $debug .=
831 foreach (
$wgRequest->getAllHeaders() as $name => $value ) {
832 $debug .=
"$name: $value\n";
834 $debug .=
"(end headers)";
862 HeaderCallback::warnIfHeadersSent();
868 if ( !defined(
869 MediaWiki\Session\PHPSessionHandler::install(
870 MediaWiki\Session\SessionManager::singleton()
874 $contLang = MediaWikiServices::getInstance()->getContentLanguage();
878 $session = MediaWiki\Session\SessionManager::getGlobalSession();
879 }
catch (
MediaWiki\Session\SessionOverflowException $ex ) {
883 foreach ( $ex->getSessionInfos() as $info ) {
884 $list[] = $info->getProvider()->describe( $contLang );
886 $list = $contLang->listToText( $list );
894 if ( $session->isPersistent() ) {
899 if (
MediaWiki\Session\PHPSessionHandler::isEnabled() &&
900 ( $session->isPersistent() || $session->shouldRememberUser() ) &&
901 session_id() !== $session->getId()
904 if ( session_id() !==
'' ) {
905 wfDebugLog(
'PHP session {old_id} was already started, changing to {new_id}',
'all', [
906 'old_id' => session_id(),
907 'new_id' => $session->getId(),
909 session_write_close();
911 session_id( $session->getId() );
919 if ( !defined(
920 MediaWiki\Session\PHPSessionHandler::install(
921 MediaWiki\Session\SessionManager::singleton()
static function () {
954 return MediaWikiServices::getInstance()->getParser();
970 call_user_func( $func );
977 $sessionUser = MediaWiki\Session\SessionManager::getGlobalSession()->getUser();
978 if ( $sessionUser->getId() === 0 &&
979 MediaWikiServices::getInstance()->getUserNameUtils()->isValid( $sessionUser->getName() )
981 $res = MediaWikiServices::getInstance()->getAuthManager()->autoCreateUser(
983 MediaWiki\Auth\AuthManager::AUTOCREATE_SOURCE_SESSION,
986 \MediaWiki\Logger\LoggerFactory::getInstance(
'authevents' )->info(
'Autocreation attempt', [
987 'event' =>
988 'status' => strval(
$res ),
992 unset( $sessionUser );
1003 MediaWiki\Session\SessionManager::singleton()->logPotentialSessionLeakage();
wfDetectLocalSettingsFile(string $installationPath)
Decide and remember where to load LocalSettings from.
Files with these extensions will never be allowed as uploads.
Override for copyright metadata.
Set this to current time to invalidate all prior cached pages.
bool $wgPageLanguageUseDB
Enable page language feature Allows setting page language in database.
string $wgSharedUploadDirectory
Shortcut for the 'directory' setting of $wgForeignFileRepos.
Whether to support URLs like index.php/Page_title These often break when PHP is set up in CGI mode.
The minimum amount of memory that MediaWiki "needs"; MediaWiki will try to raise PHP's memory limit i...
Site admin email address.
Current wiki database table name prefix.
Database username.
Shortcut for the 'updateCompatibleMetadata' setting of $wgLocalFileRepo.
string $wgPHPSessionHandling
Whether to use PHP session handling ($_SESSION and session_*() functions)
bool $wgCacheSharedUploads
Shortcut for the ForeignDBRepo 'hasSharedCache' setting in $wgForeignFileRepos.
bool string $wgSharedUploadDBname
Shortcut for the ForeignDBRepo 'dbName' setting in $wgForeignFileRepos.
The URL path to index.php.
Use Wikimedia Commons as a foreign file repository.
Set to true to enable user-to-user e-mail mutelist.
bool $wgHashedSharedUploadDirectory
Shortcut for the 'hashLevels' setting of $wgForeignFileRepos.
Directory for caching data in the local filesystem.
Set this to specify an external URL containing details about the content license used on your wiki.
Override to customise the session name.
Main cache type.
Password policy for the wiki.
Lists the message key string for each log type.
Invalidate various caches when LocalSettings.php changes.
The URL path of the skins directory.
Give a path here to use thumb.php for thumbnail generation on client request, instead of generating t...
Additional namespaces.
The local filesystem path to a temporary directory.
bool $wgGenerateThumbnailOnParse
Render thumbnails while parsing wikitext.
bool $wgUseSharedUploads
Shortcut for adding an entry to $wgForeignFileRepos.
string $wgSharedUploadDBprefix
Shortcut for the ForeignDBRepo 'tablePrefix' setting in $wgForeignFileRepos.
Current wiki database schema name.
Reply-To address for e-mail notifications.
Current wiki database name.
Timezone to use in the error log.
The filesystem path of the images directory.
The logging system has two levels: an event type, which describes the general category and can be vie...
Specifies the maximal length of a user password (T64685).
Name of the site.
Optional array of namespaces which should be excluded from Special:ShortPages.
If this lock file exists (size > 0), the wiki will be forced into read-only mode.
Directory where the cached page will be saved.
If either $wgRightsUrl or $wgRightsPage is specified then this variable gives the text for the link.
Directory where GitInfo will look for pre-computed cache files.
Maintain a log of page creations at Special:Log/create?
The default 'remoteBasePath' value for instances of ResourceLoaderFileModule.
Abstract list of footer icons for skins in place of old copyrightico and poweredbyico code You can ad...
The URL path for primary article page views.
The URL path for the images directory.
Set to true to enable the e-mail basic features: Password reminders, etc.
Absolute filesystem path of the root directory of the MediaWiki installation.
This is to let user authenticate using https when they come from http.
Recentchanges items are periodically purged; entries older than this many seconds will go.
bool $wgHashedUploadDirectory
Shortcut for setting hashLevels=2 in $wgLocalFileRepo.
Fake out the timezone that the server thinks it's in.
If set, this URL is added to the start of $wgUploadPath to form a complete upload URL.
bool $wgFetchCommonsDescriptions
Shortcut for the 'fetchDescription' setting of $wgForeignFileRepos.
Permission keys given to users in each group.
The URL path to the REST API Defaults to "{$wgScriptPath}/rest.php".
string $wgSharedThumbnailScriptPath
Shortcut for the 'thumbScriptUrl' setting of $wgForeignFileRepos.
File repository structures.
What directory to place deleted uploads in.
The path we should point to.
Advanced WAN object cache configuration.
For parts of the system that have been updated to provide HTML email content, send both text and HTML...
array false $wgLogos
Specification for different versions of the wiki logo.
The URL path of the extensions directory.
Enable the use of files from one or more other wikis.
Shortcut for the 'descBaseUrl' setting of $wgForeignFileRepos.
Lists the message key string for descriptive text to be shown at the top of each log type.
int null $wgRequestTimeLimit
Set a limit on server request wall clock time.
Shared database for multiple wikis.
Write SQL queries to the debug log.
If lag is higher than $wgDatabaseReplicaLagWarning, show a warning in some special pages (like watchl...
Database host name or IP address.
bool $wgForceHTTPS
If this is true, when an insecure HTTP request is received, always redirect to HTTPS.
The URL path to load.php.
Whether the "secure" flag should be set on the cookie.
Files with these MIME types will never be allowed as uploads if $wgVerifyMimeType is enabled.
List of mappings from one language code to another.
Canonical URL of the server, to use in IRC feeds and notification e-mails.
The URL path of the skins directory.
URL of the server.
Specifies the minimal length of a user password.
Name of the project namespace.
The URL path of the wiki logo.
Sender email address for e-mail notifications.
The same as above, but here values are names of classes, not messages.
string $wgSharedUploadPath
Shortcut for the 'url' setting of $wgForeignFileRepos.
Set an offset from UTC in minutes to use for the default timezone setting for anonymous users and new...
Main Wide-Area-Network cache type.
Database user's password.
The URL path of the shortcut icon.
Show Exif data, on by default if available.
Maintain a log of newusers at Special:Log/newusers?
The running version of MediaWiki.
wfParseUrl( $url)
parse_url() work-alike, but non-broken.
Tries to get the system directory for temporary files.
wfWarn( $msg, $callerOffset=1, $level=E_USER_NOTICE)
Send a warning either to the debug log or in a PHP error depending on $wgDevelopmentWarnings.
wfMemoryLimit( $newLimit)
Raise PHP's memory limit (if needed).
wfIniGetBool( $setting)
Safety wrapper around ini_get() for boolean settings.
wfExpandUrl( $url, $defaultProto=PROTO_CURRENT)
Expand a potentially local URL to a fully-qualified URL.
wfDebugLog( $logGroup, $text, $dest='all', array $context=[])
Send a line to a supplementary debug log file, if configured, or main debug log if not.
wfDeprecated( $function, $version=false, $component=false, $callerOffset=2)
Logs a warning that a deprecated feature was used.
if(is_array($wgExtraNamespaces)) if(count( $wgDummyLanguageCodes) !==0) $wgDummyLanguageCodes
if( $wgShowEXIF===null) $wgGalleryOptions
Determine whether EXIF info can be shown.
if(!defined( 'MW_NO_SESSION') &&! $wgCommandLineMode) $wgOut
if(!defined( 'MW_NO_SESSION') &&! $wgCommandLineMode) $wgParser
if(is_readable("$IP/vendor/autoload.php")) elseif(file_exists("$IP/vendor/autoload.php")) if(!interface_exists(LoggerInterface::class)) global $wgAutoloadClasses
global $wgFullyInitialised
if(! $wgCookiePrefix) $wgCookiePrefix
global $wgInitialSessionId
The persistent session ID (if any) loaded at startup.
if( $wgRightsIcon) if(isset($wgFooterIcons[ 'copyright'][ 'copyright']) &&$wgFooterIcons[ 'copyright'][ 'copyright']===[]) if(isset( $wgFooterIcons['poweredby']) &&isset( $wgFooterIcons['poweredby']['mediawiki']) && $wgFooterIcons['poweredby']['mediawiki']['src']===null) $wgNamespaceProtection[NS_MEDIAWIKI]
Unconditional protection for NS_MEDIAWIKI since otherwise it's too easy for a sysadmin to set $wgName...
if(! $wgDBerrorLogTZ) $wgCanonicalNamespaceNames
Definitions of the NS_ constants are in Defines.php.
if(!defined( 'MW_NO_SESSION') &&! $wgCommandLineMode) $wgLang
if(is_readable("$IP/vendor/autoload.php")) elseif(file_exists("$IP/vendor/autoload.php")) if(!interface_exists(LoggerInterface::class)) global $wgConf
$wgConf hold the site configuration.
if( $wgServerName !==false) $wgServerName
Initialise $wgLockManagers to include basic FS version.
if(!defined( 'MW_NO_SESSION') &&! $wgCommandLineMode) $wgTitle
if($wgServer===false) if( $wgCanonicalServer===false) $wgVirtualRestConfig['global']['domain']
global $wgExtensionFunctions
if(is_readable("$IP/vendor/autoload.php")) elseif(file_exists("$IP/vendor/autoload.php")) if(!interface_exists(LoggerInterface::class)) global $wgSettings
Pre-config setup: Before loading LocalSettings.php.
if(is_readable("$IP/vendor/autoload.php")) elseif(file_exists("$IP/vendor/autoload.php")) if(!interface_exists(LoggerInterface::class)) global $wgCommandLineMode
Class to allow throwing wfDeprecated warnings when people use globals that we do not want them to.
Abort the web request with a custom HTML string that will represent the entire response.
static runner()
Get a HookRunner instance for calling hooks using the new interfaces.
Show an error that looks like an HTTP server error.
static newFromKey( $key,... $params)
Factory function that is just wrapper for the real constructor.
static schedulePingback()
Schedule a deferred callable that will check if a pingback should be sent and (if so) proceed to send...
static getMain()
Get the RequestContext object associated with the main request.
This is a class for holding configuration settings, particularly for multi-wiki sites.
Stub object for the global user ($wgUser) that makes it possible to change the relevant underlying ob...
static bool $destructorDeprecationDisarmed
Stub object for the user language.
static detectProtocol()
Detect the protocol from $_SERVER.