MediaWiki REL1_38
WANObjectCache Class Reference

Multi-datacenter aware caching interface. More...

Inheritance diagram for WANObjectCache:
Collaboration diagram for WANObjectCache:

Public Member Functions

 __construct (array $params)
 adaptiveTTL ( $mtime, $maxTTL, $minTTL=30, $factor=0.2)
 Get a TTL that is higher for objects that have not changed recently.
 clearLastError ()
 Clear the "last error" registry.
 clearProcessCache ()
 Clear the in-process caches; useful for testing.
 delete ( $key, $ttl=self::HOLDOFF_TTL)
 Purge a key from all datacenters.
 get ( $key, &$curTTL=null, array $checkKeys=[], &$info=[])
 Fetch the value of a key from cache.
 getCheckKeyTime ( $key)
 Fetch the value of a timestamp "check" key.
 getLastError ( $watchPoint=0)
 Get the "last error" registry.
 getMulti (array $keys, &$curTTLs=[], array $checkKeys=[], &$info=[])
 Fetch the value of several keys from cache.
 getMultiCheckKeyTime (array $keys)
 Fetch the values of each timestamp "check" key.
 getMultiWithSetCallback (ArrayIterator $keyedIds, $ttl, callable $callback, array $opts=[])
 Method to fetch multiple cache keys at once with regeneration.
 getMultiWithUnionSetCallback (ArrayIterator $keyedIds, $ttl, callable $callback, array $opts=[])
 Method to fetch/regenerate multiple cache keys at once.
 getQoS ( $flag)
 getWarmupKeyMisses ()
 getWithSetCallback ( $key, $ttl, $callback, array $opts=[], array $cbParams=[])
 Method to fetch/regenerate a cache key.
 hash256 ( $component)
 Hash a possibly long string into a suitable component for makeKey()/makeGlobalKey()
 makeGlobalKey ( $collection,... $components)
 Make a cache key for the global keyspace and given components.
 makeKey ( $collection,... $components)
 Make a cache key using the "global" keyspace for the given components.
 makeMultiKeys (array $ids, $keyCallback)
 Get an iterator of (cache key => entity ID) for a list of entity IDs.
 multiRemap (array $ids, array $res)
 Get an (ID => value) map from (i) a non-unique list of entity IDs, and (ii) the list of corresponding entity values by first appearance of each ID in the entity ID list.
 reap ( $key, $purgeTimestamp, &$isStale=false)
 Set a key to soon expire in the local cluster if it pre-dates $purgeTimestamp.
 reapCheckKey ( $key, $purgeTimestamp, &$isStale=false)
 Set a "check" key to soon expire in the local cluster if it pre-dates $purgeTimestamp.
 resetCheckKey ( $key)
 Clear the last-purge timestamp of a "check" key in all datacenters.
 set ( $key, $value, $ttl=self::TTL_INDEFINITE, array $opts=[])
 Set the value of a key in cache.
 setLogger (LoggerInterface $logger)
 setMockTime (&$time)
 touchCheckKey ( $key, $holdoff=self::HOLDOFF_TTL)
 Increase the last-purge timestamp of a "check" key in all datacenters.
 useInterimHoldOffCaching ( $enabled)
 Enable or disable the use of brief caching for tombstoned keys.
 watchErrors ()
 Get a "watch point" token that can be used to get the "last error" to occur after now.

Static Public Member Functions

static getCollectionFromSisterKey (string $sisterKey)
static newEmpty ()
 Get an instance that wraps EmptyBagOStuff.

Public Attributes

const GRACE_TTL_NONE = 0
 Idiom for set()/getWithSetCallback() meaning "no post-expiration grace period".
 Seconds to tombstone keys on delete() and to treat keys as volatile after purges.
 Idiom for delete()/touchCheckKey() meaning "no hold-off period".
const KEY_AS_OF = 'asOf'
 Generation completion timestamp attribute for a key; keep value for b/c (< 1.36)
const KEY_CHECK_AS_OF = 'lastCKPurge'
 Highest "check" key timestamp for a key; keep value for b/c (< 1.36)
const KEY_CUR_TTL = 'curTTL'
 Remaining TTL attribute for a key; keep value for b/c (< 1.36)
const KEY_TOMB_AS_OF = 'tombAsOf'
 Tomstone timestamp attribute for a key; keep value for b/c (< 1.36)
const KEY_TTL = 'ttl'
 Logical TTL attribute for a key.
const KEY_VERSION = 'version'
 Version number attribute for a key; keep value for b/c (< 1.36)
const PASS_BY_REF = []
 Idiom for get()/getMulti() to return extra information by reference.
const STALE_TTL_NONE = 0
 Idiom for set()/getWithSetCallback() meaning "no post-expiration persistence".
const TTL_LAGGED = 30
 Max TTL, in seconds, to store keys when a data source has high replication lag.
- Public Attributes inherited from Wikimedia\LightweightObjectStore\StorageAwareness
 Durability of writes; see QOS_DURABILITY_* (higher means stronger)
 Emulation/fallback mode; see QOS_EMULATION_*; higher is better.
 Storage medium failed to yield a complete response to an operation.
const ERR_NONE = 0
 No storage medium error.
 Storage medium operation failed due to usage limitations or an I/O error.
 Storage medium could not be reached to establish a connection.
 Data is saved to disk and writes do not usually block on fsync()
 Data is never saved to begin with (blackhole store)
 Data is saved to disk and writes usually block on fsync(), like a standard RDBMS.
 Data is lost at the end of the current web request or CLI script.
 Data is lost once the service storing the data restarts.
 Fallback disk-based SQL store.
 Generic "unknown" value; useful for comparisons (always "good enough")

Protected Member Functions

 fetchKeys (array $keys, array $checkKeys, $touchedCb=null)
 Fetch the value and key metadata of several keys from cache.
 getCurrentTime ()
 isLotteryRefreshDue ( $res, $lowTTL, $ageNew, $hotTTR, $now)
 Check if a key is due for randomized regeneration due to near-expiration/popularity.
 isValid ( $value, $asOf, $minAsOf)
 Check that a wrapper value exists and has an acceptable age.
 prependRoute (string $sisterKey, string $route)
 relayNonVolatilePurge (string $sisterKey)
 Remove a sister key from all datacenters.
 relayVolatilePurges (array $purgeBySisterKey, int $ttl)
 Set a sister key to a purge value in all datacenters.
 worthRefreshExpiring ( $curTTL, $logicalTTL, $lowTTL)
 Check if a key is nearing expiration and thus due for randomized regeneration.
 worthRefreshPopular ( $asOf, $ageNew, $timeTillRefresh, $now)
 Check if a key is due for randomized regeneration due to its popularity.

Protected Attributes

callable null $asyncHandler
 Function that takes a WAN cache callback and runs it later.
string null $broadcastRoute
 Routing prefix for operations that should be broadcasted to all data centers.
BagOStuff $cache
 The local datacenter cache.
int $coalesceScheme
 Scheme to use for key coalescing (Hash Tags or Hash Stops)
float $epoch
 Unix timestamp of the oldest possible valid values.
LoggerInterface $logger
MapCacheLRU[] $processCaches = []
 Map of group PHP instance caches.
string $secret
 Stable secret used for hasing long strings into key components.
StatsdDataFactoryInterface $stats
bool $useInterimHoldOffCaching = true
 Whether to use "interim" caching while keys are tombstoned.

Private Member Functions

 checkAndSetCooloff ( $key, $kClass, $value, $elapsed, $hasLock)
 Check whether set() is rate-limited to avoid concurrent I/O spikes.
 claimStampedeLock ( $key)
 determineKeyClassForStats ( $key)
 fetchOrRegenerate ( $key, $ttl, $callback, array $opts, array $cbParams)
 Do the actual I/O for getWithSetCallback() when needed.
 fetchWrappedValuesForWarmupCache (array $keys, array $checkKeys)
 getInterimValue ( $key, $minAsOf, $now, $touchedCb)
 getNonProcessCachedMultiKeys (ArrayIterator $keys, array $opts)
 getProcessCache ( $group)
 isAcceptablyFreshValue ( $res, $graceTTL, $minAsOf)
 Check if a key value is non-false, new enough, and either fresh or "gracefully" stale.
 isExtremelyNewValue ( $res, $minAsOf, $now)
 Check if a key value is non-false, new enough, and has an "as of" time almost equal to now.
 makeCheckPurgeValue (float $timestamp, int $holdoff, array &$purge=null)
 makeSisterKey (string $baseKey, string $typeChar, string $route=null)
 Get a sister key that should be collocated with a base cache key.
 makeSisterKeys (array $baseKeys, string $type, string $route=null)
 Get sister keys that should be collocated with their corresponding base cache keys.
 makeTombstonePurgeValue (float $timestamp)
 parsePurgeValue ( $value)
 Extract purge metadata from cached value if it is a valid purge value.
 processCheckKeys (array $checkSisterKeys, array $wrappedBySisterKey, float $now)
 resolveBusyValue ( $busyValue)
 scheduleAsyncRefresh ( $key, $ttl, $callback, array $opts, array $cbParams)
 Schedule a deferred cache regeneration if possible.
 setInterimValue ( $key, $value, $ttl, $version, $now, $walltime)
 timeSinceLoggedMiss ( $key, $now)
 unwrap ( $wrapped, $now)
 wrap ( $value, $ttl, $version, $now, $walltime)
 yieldStampedeLock ( $key, $hasLock)

Private Attributes

int $callbackDepth = 0
 Callback stack depth for getWithSetCallback()
int $keyHighQps
 Reads/second assumed during a hypothetical cache write stampede for a key.
float $keyHighUplinkBps
 Max tolerable bytes/second to spend on a cache write stampede for a key.
array< int, array > $missLog
 List of (key, UNIX timestamp) tuples for get() cache misses.
float null $wallClockOverride
mixed[] $warmupCache = []
 Temporary warm-up cache.
int $warmupKeyMisses = 0
 Key fetched.
const AGE_NEW = 60
 Minimum key age, in seconds, for expected time-till-refresh to be considered.
const CHECK_KEY_TTL = self::TTL_YEAR
 Seconds to keep dependency purge keys around.
const COOLOFF_TTL = 1
 Seconds to no-op key set() calls to avoid large blob I/O stampedes.
const FLD_FLAGS = 4
 Key to the flags bit field (reserved number)
 Key to WAN cache version number; stored in blobs.
 Key to how long it took to generate the value; stored in blobs.
const FLD_TIME = 3
 Key to the cache timestamp; stored in blobs.
const FLD_TTL = 2
 Key to the original TTL; stored in blobs.
const FLD_VALUE = 1
 Key to the cached value; stored in blobs.
 Key to collection cache version number; stored in blobs.
 Consider value generation somewhat high if it takes this many seconds or more.
 Consider value generation slow if it takes this many seconds or more.
const HOT_TTR = 900
 Expected time-till-refresh, in seconds, if the key is accessed once per second.
 Seconds to keep interim value keys for tombstoned keys around.
const LOCK_TTL = 10
 Seconds to keep lock keys around.
const LOW_TTL = 30
 Consider regeneration if the key will expire within this many seconds.
 Max expected seconds to pass between delete() and DB commit finishing.
const MAX_READ_LAG = 7
 Max expected seconds of combined lag from replication and "view snapshots".
const PC_PRIMARY = 'primary:1000'
 Default process cache name and max key count.
 Key to the tombstone entry hold-off TTL.
const PURGE_TIME = 0
 Key to the tombstone entry timestamp.
 Value prefix of purge values.
const RAMPUP_TTL = 30
 Seconds to ramp up the chance of regeneration due to expected time-till-refresh.
const RECENT_SET_HIGH_MS = 100
 Max millisecond set() backoff during hold-off (far less than INTERIM_KEY_TTL)
const RECENT_SET_LOW_MS = 50
 Min millisecond set() backoff during hold-off (far less than INTERIM_KEY_TTL)
const RES_AS_OF = 2
 Generation completion timestamp attribute for a key.
const RES_CHECK_AS_OF = 5
 Highest "check" key timestamp for a key.
const RES_CUR_TTL = 7
 Remaining TTL attribute for a key.
const RES_TOMB_AS_OF = 4
 Tomstone timestamp attribute for a key.
const RES_TOUCH_AS_OF = 6
 Highest "touched" timestamp for a key.
const RES_TTL = 3
 Logical TTL attribute for a key.
const RES_VALUE = 0
 Value for a key.
const RES_VERSION = 1
 Version number attribute for a key.
 Use mcrouter-style Hash Stop key scheme (e.g.
 Use twemproxy-style Hash Tag key scheme (e.g.
const TSE_NONE = -1
 Idiom for getWithSetCallback() meaning "no cache stampede mutex".
const TYPE_COOLOFF = 'c'
 Single character component for cool-off bounce keys.
const TYPE_INTERIM = 'i'
 Single character component for interium value keys.
const TYPE_MUTEX = 'm'
 Single character component for mutex lock keys.
const TYPE_TIMESTAMP = 't'
 Single character component for timestamp check keys.
const TYPE_VALUE = 'v'
 Single character component for value keys.
const VERSION = 1
 Cache format version number.

Detailed Description

Multi-datacenter aware caching interface.

Using WANObjectCache

All operations go to the local datacenter cache, except for delete(), touchCheckKey(), and resetCheckKey(), which broadcast to all datacenters.

This class is intended for caching data from primary stores. If the get() method does not return a value, then the caller should query the new value and backfill the cache using set(). The preferred way to do this logic is through getWithSetCallback(). When querying the store on cache miss, the closest DB replica should be used. Try to avoid heavyweight DB primary or quorum reads.

To ensure consumers of the cache see new values in a timely manner, you either need to follow either the validation strategy, or the purge strategy.

The validation strategy refers to the natural avoidance of stale data by one of the following means:

  • A) The cached value is immutable. If the consumer has access to an identifier that uniquely describes a value, cached value need not change. Instead, the key can change. This also allows all servers to access their perceived current version. This is important in context of multiple deployed versions of your application and/or cross-dc database replication, to ensure deterministic values without oscillation.
  • B) Validity is checked against the source after get(). This is the inverse of A. The unique identifier is embedded inside the value and validated after on retreival. If outdated, the value is recomputed.
  • C) The value is cached with a modest TTL (without validation). If value recomputation is reasonably performant, and the value is allowed to be stale, one should consider using TTL only – using the value's age as method of validation.

The purge strategy refers to the approach whereby your application knows that source data has changed and can react by purging the relevant cache keys. As purges are expensive, this strategy should be avoided if possible. The simplest purge method is delete().

No matter which strategy you choose, callers must not rely on updates or purges being immediately visible to other servers. It should be treated similarly as one would a database replica.

The need for immediate updates should be avoided. If needed, solutions must be sought outside WANObjectCache.

Deploying WANObjectCache

There are two supported ways to set up broadcasted operations:

  • A) Set up mcrouter as the cache backend, with a memcached BagOStuff class for the 'cache' parameter, and a wildcard routing prefix for the 'broadcastRoutingPrefix' parameter. Configure mcrouter as follows:
  • B) Set up dynomite as the cache backend, using a memcached BagOStuff class for the 'cache' parameter. Note that with this setup, all key setting operations will be broadcasted, rather than just purges. Writes will be eventually consistent via the Dynamo replication model. See

Broadcasted operations like delete() and touchCheckKey() are intended to run immediately in the local datacenter and asynchronously in remote datacenters.

This means that callers in all datacenters may see older values for however many milliseconds that the purge took to reach that datacenter. As with any cache, this should not be relied on for cases where reads are used to determine writes to source (e.g. non-cache) data stores, except when reading immutable data.

Internally, access to a given key actually involves the use of one or more "sister" keys. A sister key is constructed by prefixing the base key with "WANCache:" (used to distinguish WANObjectCache formatted keys) and suffixing a colon followed by a single-character sister key type. The sister key types include the following:

  • v: used to store "regular" values (metadata-wrapped) and temporary purge "tombstones".
  • t: used to store "last purge" timestamps for "check" keys.
  • m: used to store temporary mutex locks to avoid cache stampedes.
  • i: used to store temporary interim values (metadata-wrapped) for tombstoned keys.
  • c: used to store temporary "cool-off" indicators, which specify a period during which values cannot be stored, neither regularly nor using interim keys.

Definition at line 126 of file WANObjectCache.php.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ __construct()

WANObjectCache::__construct ( array  $params)
  • cache : BagOStuff object for a persistent cache
  • logger : LoggerInterface object
  • stats : StatsdDataFactoryInterface object
  • asyncHandler : A function that takes a callback and runs it later. If supplied, whenever a preemptive refresh would be triggered in getWithSetCallback(), the current cache value is still used instead. However, the async-handler function receives a WAN cache callback that, when run, will execute the value generation callback supplied by the getWithSetCallback() caller. The result will be saved as normal. The handler is expected to call the WAN cache callback at an opportune time (e.g. HTTP post-send), though generally within a few 100ms. [optional]
  • broadcastRoutingPrefix: a routing prefix used to broadcast certain operations to all datacenters; See also This prefix takes the form /<datacenter>/<name of wan route>/, where datacenter is usually a wildcard to select all matching routes (e.g. the WAN cluster in all DCs). See also This is required when using mcrouter as a multi-region backing store proxy. [optional]
  • epoch: lowest UNIX timestamp a value/tombstone must have to be valid. [optional]
  • secret: stable secret used for hashing long strings into key components. [optional]
  • coalesceScheme: which key scheme to use in order to encourage the backend to place any "helper" keys for a "value" key within the same cache server. This reduces network overhead and reduces the chance the a single downed cache server causes disruption. Use "hash_stop" with mcrouter and "hash_tag" with dynomite. [default: "hash_stop"]
  • keyHighQps: reads/second assumed during a hypothetical cache write stampede for a single key. This is used to decide when the overhead of checking short-lived write throttling keys is worth it. [default: 100]
  • keyHighUplinkBps: maximum tolerable bytes/second to spend on a cache write stampede for a single key. This is used to decide when the overhead of checking short-lived write throttling keys is worth it. [default: (1/100 of a 1Gbps link)]

Definition at line 345 of file WANObjectCache.php.

References setLogger().

Member Function Documentation

◆ adaptiveTTL()

WANObjectCache::adaptiveTTL (   $mtime,
  $minTTL = 30,
  $factor = 0.2 

Get a TTL that is higher for objects that have not changed recently.

This is useful for keys that get explicit purges and DB or purge relay lag is a potential concern (especially how it interacts with CDN cache)

Example usage:

// Last-modified time of page
$mtime = wfTimestamp( TS_UNIX, $page->getTimestamp() );
// Get adjusted TTL. If $mtime is 3600 seconds ago and $minTTL/$factor left at
// defaults, then $ttl is 3600 * .2 = 720. If $minTTL was greater than 720, then
// $ttl would be $minTTL. If $maxTTL was smaller than 720, $ttl would be $maxTTL.
$ttl = $cache->adaptiveTTL( $mtime, $cache::TTL_DAY );
wfTimestamp( $outputtype=TS_UNIX, $ts=0)
Get a timestamp string in one of various formats.
Definition mcc.php:33

Another use case is when there are no applicable "last modified" fields in the DB, and there are too many dependencies for explicit purges to be viable, and the rate of change to relevant content is unstable, and it is highly valued to have the cached value be as up-to-date as possible.

Example usage:

$query = "<some complex query>";
$idListFromComplexQuery = $cache->getWithSetCallback(
$cache->makeKey( 'complex-graph-query', $hashOfQuery ),
function ( $oldValue, &$ttl, array &$setOpts, $oldAsOf ) use ( $query, $cache ) {
$gdb = $this->getReplicaGraphDbConnection();
// Account for any snapshot/replica DB lag
$setOpts += GraphDatabase::getCacheSetOptions( $gdb );
$newList = iterator_to_array( $gdb->query( $query ) );
sort( $newList, SORT_NUMERIC ); // normalize
$minTTL = GraphQueryClass::MIN_TTL;
$maxTTL = GraphQueryClass::MAX_TTL;
if ( $oldValue !== false ) {
// Note that $oldAsOf is the last time this callback ran
$ttl = ( $newList === $oldValue )
// No change: cache for 150% of the age of $oldValue
? $cache->adaptiveTTL( $oldAsOf, $maxTTL, $minTTL, 1.5 )
// Changed: cache for 50% of the age of $oldValue
: $cache->adaptiveTTL( $oldAsOf, $maxTTL, $minTTL, .5 );
return $newList;
// Keep stale values around for doing comparisons for TTL calculations.
// High values improve long-tail keys hit-rates, though might waste space.
'staleTTL' => GraphQueryClass::GRACE_TTL
int | float | string | null$mtimeUNIX timestamp; null if none
int$maxTTLMaximum TTL (seconds)
int$minTTLMinimum TTL (seconds); Default: 30
float$factorValue in the range (0,1); Default: .2
int Adaptive TTL

Definition at line 2597 of file WANObjectCache.php.

References getCurrentTime().

◆ checkAndSetCooloff()

WANObjectCache::checkAndSetCooloff (   $key,

Check whether set() is rate-limited to avoid concurrent I/O spikes.

This mitigates problems caused by popular keys suddenly becoming unavailable due to unexpected evictions or cache server outages. These cases are not handled by the usual preemptive refresh logic.

With a typical scale-out infrastructure, CPU and query load from getWithSetCallback() invocations is distributed among appservers and replica DBs, but cache operations for a given key route to a single cache server (e.g. striped consistent hashing). A set() stampede to a key can saturate the network link to its cache server. The intensity of the problem is proportionate to the value size and access rate. The duration of the problem is proportionate to value regeneration time.

string$keyCache key made with makeKey()/makeGlobalKey()
mixed$valueThe regenerated value
float$elapsedSeconds spent fetching, validating, and regenerating the value
bool$hasLockWhether this thread has an exclusive regeneration lock
bool Whether it is OK to proceed with a key set operation

Definition at line 1870 of file WANObjectCache.php.

References makeSisterKey().

Referenced by fetchOrRegenerate().

◆ claimStampedeLock()

WANObjectCache::claimStampedeLock (   $key)
string$keyCache key made with makeKey()/makeGlobalKey()
bool Success

Definition at line 1745 of file WANObjectCache.php.

References makeSisterKey().

Referenced by fetchOrRegenerate().

◆ clearLastError()

WANObjectCache::clearLastError ( )

Clear the "last error" registry.

Since 1.38

Definition at line 2488 of file WANObjectCache.php.

◆ clearProcessCache()

WANObjectCache::clearProcessCache ( )

Clear the in-process caches; useful for testing.


Definition at line 2497 of file WANObjectCache.php.

◆ delete()

WANObjectCache::delete (   $key,
  $ttl = self::HOLDOFF_TTL 

Purge a key from all datacenters.

This should only be called when the underlying data (being cached) changes in a significant way. This deletes the key and starts a hold-off period where the key cannot be written to for a few seconds (HOLDOFF_TTL). This is done to avoid the following race condition:

  • a) Some DB data changes and delete() is called on a corresponding key
  • b) A request refills the key with a stale value from a lagged DB
  • c) The stale value is stuck there until the key is expired/evicted

This is implemented by storing a special "tombstone" value at the cache key that this class recognizes; get() calls will return false for the key and any set() calls will refuse to replace tombstone values at the key. For this to always avoid stale value writes, the following must hold:

  • a) Replication lag is bounded to being less than HOLDOFF_TTL; or
  • b) If lag is higher, the DB will have gone into read-only mode already

Note that set() can also be lag-aware and lower the TTL if it's high.

Be aware that this does not clear the process cache. Even if it did, callbacks used by getWithSetCallback() might still return stale data in the case of either uncommitted or not-yet-replicated changes (callback generally use replica DBs).

When using potentially long-running ACID transactions, a good pattern is to use a pre-commit hook to issue the delete. This means that immediately after commit, callers will see the tombstone in cache upon purge relay. It also avoids the following race condition:

  • a) T1 begins, changes a row, and calls delete()
  • b) The HOLDOFF_TTL passes, expiring the delete() tombstone
  • c) T2 starts, reads the row and calls set() due to a cache miss
  • d) T1 finally commits
  • e) Stale value is stuck in cache

Example usage:

$dbw->startAtomic( __METHOD__ ); // start of request
... <execute some stuff> ...
// Update the row in the DB
$dbw->update( ... );
$key = $cache->makeKey( 'homes', $homeId );
// Purge the corresponding cache entry just before committing
$dbw->onTransactionPreCommitOrIdle( function() use ( $cache, $key ) {
$cache->delete( $key );
} );
... <execute some stuff> ...
$dbw->endAtomic( __METHOD__ ); // end of request

The $ttl parameter can be used when purging values that have not actually changed recently. For example, user-requested purges or cache cleanup scripts might not need to invoke a hold-off period on cache backfills, so they can use HOLDOFF_TTL_NONE.

Note that $ttl limits the effective range of 'lockTSE' for getWithSetCallback().

If called twice on the same key, then the last hold-off TTL takes precedence. For idempotence, the $ttl should not vary for different delete() calls on the same key.

string$keyCache key made with makeKey()/makeGlobalKey()
int$ttlTombstone TTL; Default: WANObjectCache::HOLDOFF_TTL
bool True if the item was purged or not found, false on failure

Definition at line 974 of file WANObjectCache.php.

References determineKeyClassForStats(), getCurrentTime(), makeSisterKey(), makeTombstonePurgeValue(), relayNonVolatilePurge(), and relayVolatilePurges().

◆ determineKeyClassForStats()

WANObjectCache::determineKeyClassForStats (   $key)
string$keyString of the format <scope>:<collection>[:<constant or variable>]...
string A collection name to describe this class of key

Definition at line 2958 of file WANObjectCache.php.

Referenced by delete(), fetchOrRegenerate(), resetCheckKey(), and touchCheckKey().

◆ fetchKeys()

WANObjectCache::fetchKeys ( array  $keys,
array  $checkKeys,
  $touchedCb = null 

Fetch the value and key metadata of several keys from cache.

$checkKeys holds the "check" keys used to validate values of applicable keys. The integer indexes hold "check" keys that apply to all of $keys while the string indexes hold "check" keys that only apply to the cache key with that name.

string[]$keysList/map with makeKey()/makeGlobalKey() cache keys as values
string[] | string[][]$checkKeysMap of (integer or cache key => "check" key(s)); "check" keys must also be made with makeKey()/makeGlobalKey()
callable | null$touchedCbCallback yielding a UNIX timestamp from a value, or null
array<string,array> Map of (key => WANObjectCache::RESULT_* map) in order of $keys
Callable type hints are not used to avoid class-autoloading

Definition at line 552 of file WANObjectCache.php.

References $keys, $res, getCurrentTime(), makeSisterKey(), processCheckKeys(), and unwrap().

Referenced by fetchOrRegenerate(), get(), getMulti(), and getMultiWithUnionSetCallback().

◆ fetchOrRegenerate()

WANObjectCache::fetchOrRegenerate (   $key,
array  $opts,
array  $cbParams 

Do the actual I/O for getWithSetCallback() when needed.

See also
string$keyCache key made with makeKey()/makeGlobalKey()
array Ordered list of the following:
  • Cached or regenerated value
  • Cached or regenerated value version number or null if not versioned
  • Timestamp of the current cached value at the key or null if there is no value
Callable type hints are not used to avoid class-autoloading

Definition at line 1558 of file WANObjectCache.php.

References checkAndSetCooloff(), claimStampedeLock(), determineKeyClassForStats(), fetchKeys(), getCurrentTime(), getInterimValue(), isAcceptablyFreshValue(), isExtremelyNewValue(), isLotteryRefreshDue(), isValid(), resolveBusyValue(), scheduleAsyncRefresh(), setInterimValue(), and yieldStampedeLock().

Referenced by getWithSetCallback(), and scheduleAsyncRefresh().

◆ fetchWrappedValuesForWarmupCache()

WANObjectCache::fetchWrappedValuesForWarmupCache ( array  $keys,
array  $checkKeys 
string[]$keysCache keys made with makeKey()/makeGlobalKey()
string[] | string[][]$checkKeysMap of (integer or cache key => "check" key(s)); "check" keys must also be made with makeKey()/makeGlobalKey()
array<string,mixed> Map of (sister key => value, or, false if not found)

Definition at line 3062 of file WANObjectCache.php.

References $keys, makeSisterKey(), and makeSisterKeys().

Referenced by getMultiWithSetCallback(), and getMultiWithUnionSetCallback().

◆ get()

WANObjectCache::get (   $key,
$curTTL = null,
array  $checkKeys = [],
$info = [] 

Fetch the value of a key from cache.

If supplied, $curTTL is set to the remaining TTL (current time left):

  • a) INF; if $key exists, has no TTL, and is not purged by $checkKeys
  • b) float (>=0); if $key exists, has a TTL, and is not purged by $checkKeys
  • c) float (<0); if $key is tombstoned, stale, or existing but purged by $checkKeys
  • d) null; if $key does not exist and is not tombstoned

If a key is tombstoned, $curTTL will reflect the time since delete().

The timestamp of $key will be checked against the last-purge timestamp of each of $checkKeys. Those $checkKeys not in cache will have the last-purge initialized to the current timestamp. If any of $checkKeys have a timestamp greater than that of $key, then $curTTL will reflect how long ago $key became invalid. Callers can use $curTTL to know when the value is stale. The $checkKeys parameter allow mass key purges by updating a single key:

  • a) Each "check" key represents "last purged" of some source data
  • b) Callers pass in relevant "check" keys as $checkKeys in get()
  • c) When the source data that "check" keys represent changes, the touchCheckKey() method is called on them

Source data entities might exists in a DB that uses snapshot isolation (e.g. the default REPEATABLE-READ in innoDB). Even for mutable data, that isolation can largely be maintained by doing the following:

  • a) Calling delete() on entity change and creation, before DB commit
  • b) Keeping transaction duration shorter than the delete() hold-off TTL
  • c) Disabling interim key caching via useInterimHoldOffCaching() before get() calls

However, pre-snapshot values might still be seen if an update was made in a remote datacenter but the purge from delete() didn't relay yet.

Consider using getWithSetCallback(), which has cache slam avoidance and key versioning features, instead of bare get()/set() calls.

Do not use this method on versioned keys accessed via getWithSetCallback().

When using the $info parameter, it should be passed in as WANObjectCache::PASS_BY_REF. In that case, it becomes a key metadata map. Otherwise, for backwards compatibility, $info becomes the value generation timestamp (null if the key is nonexistant/tombstoned). Key metadata map fields include:

  • WANObjectCache::KEY_VERSION: value version number; null if key is nonexistant
  • WANObjectCache::KEY_AS_OF: value generation timestamp (UNIX); null if key is nonexistant
  • WANObjectCache::KEY_TTL: assigned TTL (seconds); null if key is nonexistant/tombstoned
  • WANObjectCache::KEY_CUR_TTL: remaining TTL (seconds); null if key is nonexistant
  • WANObjectCache::KEY_TOMB_AS_OF: tombstone timestamp (UNIX); null if key is not tombstoned
  • WANObjectCache::KEY_CHECK_AS_OF: highest "check" key timestamp (UNIX); null if none
string$keyCache key made with makeKey()/makeGlobalKey()
float | null&$curTTLSeconds of TTL left [returned]
string[]$checkKeysMap of (integer or cache key => "check" key(s)); "check" keys must also be made with makeKey()/makeGlobalKey()
array&$infoMetadata map [returned]
mixed Value of cache key; false on failure

Definition at line 447 of file WANObjectCache.php.

References $res, fetchKeys(), and getCurrentTime().

◆ getCheckKeyTime()

WANObjectCache::getCheckKeyTime (   $key)

Fetch the value of a timestamp "check" key.

The key will be initialized to the current time if not set, so only call this method if this behavior is actually desired

The timestamp can be used to check whether a cached value is valid. Callers should not assume that this returns the same timestamp in all datacenters due to relay delays.

The level of staleness can roughly be estimated from this key, but if the key was evicted from cache, such calculations may show the time since expiry as ~0 seconds.

Note that "check" keys won't collide with other regular keys.

string$keyCache key made with makeKey()/makeGlobalKey()
float UNIX timestamp

Definition at line 1023 of file WANObjectCache.php.

References getMultiCheckKeyTime().

◆ getCollectionFromSisterKey()

static WANObjectCache::getCollectionFromSisterKey ( string  $sisterKey)
string$sisterKeySister key from makeSisterKey()
string Key collection name
Access: internal
For use by WANObjectCache/BagOStuff only

Definition at line 1813 of file WANObjectCache.php.

◆ getCurrentTime()

WANObjectCache::getCurrentTime ( )
float UNIX timestamp

Definition at line 3108 of file WANObjectCache.php.

Referenced by adaptiveTTL(), delete(), fetchKeys(), fetchOrRegenerate(), get(), getMultiCheckKeyTime(), set(), touchCheckKey(), and yieldStampedeLock().

◆ getInterimValue()

WANObjectCache::getInterimValue (   $key,
string$keyCache key made with makeKey()/makeGlobalKey()
float$minAsOfMinimum acceptable value "as of" UNIX timestamp
float$nowFetch time to determine "age" metadata
callable | null$touchedCbFunction to find the max "dependency touched" UNIX timestamp
array<int,mixed> Result map/n-tuple from unwrap()
Callable type hints are not used to avoid class-autoloading

Definition at line 1928 of file WANObjectCache.php.

References $res, makeSisterKey(), unwrap(), and useInterimHoldOffCaching().

Referenced by fetchOrRegenerate().

◆ getLastError()

WANObjectCache::getLastError (   $watchPoint = 0)

Get the "last error" registry.

The method should be invoked by a caller as part of the following pattern:

  • The caller invokes watchErrors() to get a "since token"
  • The caller invokes a sequence of cache operation methods
  • The caller invokes getLastError() with the "since token"

External callers can also invoke this method as part of the following pattern:

  • The caller invokes clearLastError()
  • The caller invokes a sequence of cache operation methods
  • The caller invokes getLastError()
int$watchPointOnly consider errors from after this "watch point" [optional]
int BagOStuff:ERR_* constant for the "last error" registry
Parameters added in 1.38: $watchPoint

Definition at line 2470 of file WANObjectCache.php.

◆ getMulti()

WANObjectCache::getMulti ( array  $keys,
$curTTLs = [],
array  $checkKeys = [],
$info = [] 

Fetch the value of several keys from cache.

$curTTLs becomes a map of only present/tombstoned $keys to their current time-to-live.

$checkKeys holds the "check" keys used to validate values of applicable keys. The integer indexes hold "check" keys that apply to all of $keys while the string indexes hold "check" keys that only apply to the cache key with that name. The logic of "check" keys otherwise works the same as in WANObjectCache::get().

When using the $info parameter, it should be passed in as WANObjectCache::PASS_BY_REF. In that case, it becomes a mapping of all the $keys to their metadata maps, each in the style of WANObjectCache::get(). Otherwise, for backwards compatibility, $info becomes a map of only present/tombstoned $keys to their value generation timestamps.

See also
string[]$keysList/map with makeKey()/makeGlobalKey() cache keys as values
array<string,float>&$curTTLs Map of (key => seconds of TTL left) [returned]
string[] | string[][]$checkKeysMap of (integer or cache key => "check" key(s)); "check" keys must also be made with makeKey()/makeGlobalKey()
array<string,array>&$info Map of (key => metadata map) [returned]
array<string,mixed> Map of (key => value) for existing values in order of $keys

Definition at line 500 of file WANObjectCache.php.

References $keys, $res, and fetchKeys().

◆ getMultiCheckKeyTime()

WANObjectCache::getMultiCheckKeyTime ( array  $keys)

Fetch the values of each timestamp "check" key.

This works like getCheckKeyTime() except it takes a list of keys and returns a map of timestamps instead of just that of one key

This might be useful if both:

  • a) a class of entities each depend on hundreds of other entities
  • b) these other entities are depended upon by millions of entities

The later entities can each use a "check" key to purge their dependee entities. However, it is expensive for the former entities to verify against all of the relevant "check" keys during each getWithSetCallback() call. A less expensive approach is to do these verifications only after a "time-till-verify" (TTV) has passed. This is a middle ground between using blind TTLs and using constant verification. The adaptiveTTL() method can be used to dynamically adjust the TTV. Also, the initial TTV can make use of the last-modified times of the dependent entities (either from the DB or the "check" keys).

Example usage:

$value = $cache->getWithSetCallback(
$cache->makeGlobalKey( 'wikibase-item', $id ),
self::INITIAL_TTV, // initial time-till-verify
function ( $oldValue, &$ttv, &$setOpts, $oldAsOf ) use ( $checkKeys, $cache ) {
$now = microtime( true );
// Use $oldValue if it passes max ultimate age and "check" key comparisons
if ( $oldValue &&
$oldAsOf > max( $cache->getMultiCheckKeyTime( $checkKeys ) ) &&
( $now - $oldValue['ctime'] ) <= self::MAX_CACHE_AGE
) {
// Increase time-till-verify by 50% of last time to reduce overhead
$ttv = $cache->adaptiveTTL( $oldAsOf, self::MAX_TTV, self::MIN_TTV, 1.5 );
// Unlike $oldAsOf, "ctime" is the ultimate age of the cached data
return $oldValue;
$mtimes = []; // dependency last-modified times; passed by reference
$value = [ 'data' => $this->fetchEntityData( $mtimes ), 'ctime' => $now ];
// Guess time-till-change among the dependencies, e.g. 1/(total change rate)
$ttc = 1 / array_sum( array_map(
function ( $mtime ) use ( $now ) {
return 1 / ( $mtime ? ( $now - $mtime ) : 900 );
) );
// The time-to-verify should not be overly pessimistic nor optimistic
$ttv = min( max( $ttc, self::MIN_TTV ), self::MAX_TTV );
return $value;
[ 'staleTTL' => $cache::TTL_DAY ] // keep around to verify and re-save
See also
string[]$keysCache keys made with makeKey()/makeGlobalKey()
float[] Map of (key => UNIX timestamp)

Definition at line 1088 of file WANObjectCache.php.

References $keys, getCurrentTime(), makeCheckPurgeValue(), makeSisterKey(), and parsePurgeValue().

Referenced by getCheckKeyTime().

◆ getMultiWithSetCallback()

WANObjectCache::getMultiWithSetCallback ( ArrayIterator  $keyedIds,
callable  $callback,
array  $opts = [] 

Method to fetch multiple cache keys at once with regeneration.

This works the same as getWithSetCallback() except:

  • a) The $keys argument must be the result of WANObjectCache::makeMultiKeys()
  • b) The $callback argument must be a callback that takes the following arguments:
    • $id: ID of the entity to query
    • $oldValue: prior cache value or false if none was present
    • &$ttl: reference to the TTL to be assigned to the new value (alterable)
    • &$setOpts: reference to the new value set() options (alterable)
    • $oldAsOf: generation UNIX timestamp of $oldValue or null if not present
  • c) The return value is a map of (cache key => value) in the order of $keyedIds
See also

Example usage:

$rows = $cache->getMultiWithSetCallback(
// Map of cache keys to entity IDs
function ( $id ) use ( $cache ) {
return $cache->makeKey( 'file-version', $id );
// Time-to-live (in seconds)
// Function that derives the new key value
function ( $id, $oldValue, &$ttl, array &$setOpts ) {
// Account for any snapshot/replica DB lag
$setOpts += Database::getCacheSetOptions( $dbr );
// Load the row for this file
$queryInfo = File::getQueryInfo();
$row = $dbr->selectRow(
[ 'id' => $id ],
return $row ? (array)$row : false;
// Process cache for 30 seconds
'pcTTL' => 30,
// Use a dedicated 500 item cache (initialized on-the-fly)
'pcGroup' => 'file-versions:500'
$files = array_map( [ __CLASS__, 'newFromRow' ], $rows );
wfGetDB( $db, $groups=[], $wiki=false)
Get a Database object.
Definition defines.php:25
ArrayIterator$keyedIdsResult of WANObjectCache::makeMultiKeys()
int$ttlSeconds to live for key updates
callable$callbackCallback that yields entity generation callbacks
array$optsOptions map similar to that of getWithSetCallback()
mixed[] Map of (cache key => value) in the same order as $keyedIds

Definition at line 2044 of file WANObjectCache.php.

References fetchWrappedValuesForWarmupCache(), getNonProcessCachedMultiKeys(), and getWithSetCallback().

◆ getMultiWithUnionSetCallback()

WANObjectCache::getMultiWithUnionSetCallback ( ArrayIterator  $keyedIds,
callable  $callback,
array  $opts = [] 

Method to fetch/regenerate multiple cache keys at once.

This works the same as getWithSetCallback() except:

  • a) The $keys argument expects the result of WANObjectCache::makeMultiKeys()
  • b) The $callback argument expects a callback returning a map of (ID => new value) for all entity IDs in $ids and it takes the following arguments:
    • $ids: list of entity IDs that require value generation
    • &$ttls: reference to the (entity ID => new TTL) map (alterable)
    • &$setOpts: reference to the new value set() options (alterable)
  • c) The return value is a map of (cache key => value) in the order of $keyedIds
  • d) The "lockTSE" and "busyValue" options are ignored
See also

Example usage:

$rows = $cache->getMultiWithUnionSetCallback(
// Map of cache keys to entity IDs
function ( $id ) use ( $cache ) {
return $cache->makeKey( 'file-version', $id );
// Time-to-live (in seconds)
// Function that derives the new key value
function ( array $ids, array &$ttls, array &$setOpts ) {
// Account for any snapshot/replica DB lag
$setOpts += Database::getCacheSetOptions( $dbr );
// Load the rows for these files
$rows = [];
$queryInfo = File::getQueryInfo();
$res = $dbr->select(
[ 'id' => $ids ],
foreach ( $res as $row ) {
$rows[$row->id] = $row;
$mtime = wfTimestamp( TS_UNIX, $row->timestamp );
$ttls[$row->id] = $this->adaptiveTTL( $mtime, $ttls[$row->id] );
return $rows;
$files = array_map( [ __CLASS__, 'newFromRow' ], $rows );
ArrayIterator$keyedIdsResult of WANObjectCache::makeMultiKeys()
int$ttlSeconds to live for key updates
callable$callbackCallback that yields entity generation callbacks
array$optsOptions map similar to that of getWithSetCallback()
mixed[] Map of (cache key => value) in the same order as $keyedIds

Definition at line 2145 of file WANObjectCache.php.

References $res, fetchKeys(), fetchWrappedValuesForWarmupCache(), getNonProcessCachedMultiKeys(), and getWithSetCallback().

◆ getNonProcessCachedMultiKeys()

WANObjectCache::getNonProcessCachedMultiKeys ( ArrayIterator  $keys,
array  $opts 
string[] Map of (ID => cache key)

Definition at line 3040 of file WANObjectCache.php.

References $keys, and getProcessCache().

Referenced by getMultiWithSetCallback(), and getMultiWithUnionSetCallback().

◆ getProcessCache()

WANObjectCache::getProcessCache (   $group)

Definition at line 3023 of file WANObjectCache.php.

Referenced by getNonProcessCachedMultiKeys(), and getWithSetCallback().

◆ getQoS()

WANObjectCache::getQoS (   $flag)
int$flagATTR_* class constant
int QOS_* class constant

Definition at line 2530 of file WANObjectCache.php.

Referenced by MediaWiki\Storage\SqlBlobStore\getCacheTTL().

◆ getWarmupKeyMisses()

WANObjectCache::getWarmupKeyMisses ( )
int Number of warmup key cache misses last round

Definition at line 2612 of file WANObjectCache.php.

◆ getWithSetCallback()

WANObjectCache::getWithSetCallback (   $key,
array  $opts = [],
array  $cbParams = [] 

Method to fetch/regenerate a cache key.

On cache miss, the key will be set to the callback result via set() (unless the callback returns false) and that result will be returned. The arguments supplied to the callback are:

  • $oldValue: prior cache value or false if none was present
  • &$ttl: alterable reference to the TTL to be assigned to the new value
  • &$setOpts: alterable reference to the set() options to be used with the new value
  • $oldAsOf: generation UNIX timestamp of $oldValue or null if not present (since 1.28)
  • $params: custom field/value map as defined by $cbParams (since 1.35)

It is strongly recommended to set the 'lag' and 'since' fields to avoid race conditions that can cause stale values to get stuck at keys. Usually, callbacks ignore the current value, but it can be used to maintain "most recent X" values that come from time or sequence based source data, provided that the "as of" id/time is tracked. Note that preemptive regeneration and $checkKeys can result in a non-false current value.

Usage of $checkKeys is similar to get() and getMulti(). However, rather than the caller having to inspect a "current time left" variable (e.g. $curTTL, $curTTLs), a cache regeneration will automatically be triggered using the callback.

The $ttl argument and "hotTTR" option (in $opts) use time-dependent randomization to avoid stampedes. Keys that are slow to regenerate and either heavily used or subject to explicit (unpredictable) purges, may need additional mechanisms. The simplest way to avoid stampedes for such keys is to use 'lockTSE' (in $opts). If explicit purges are needed, also:

  • a) Pass $key into $checkKeys
  • b) Use touchCheckKey( $key ) instead of delete( $key )

This applies cache server I/O stampede protection against duplicate cache sets. This is important when the callback is slow and/or yields large values for a key.

Example usage (typical key):

$catInfo = $cache->getWithSetCallback(
// Key to store the cached value under
$cache->makeKey( 'cat-attributes', $catId ),
// Time-to-live (in seconds)
// Function that derives the new key value
function ( $oldValue, &$ttl, array &$setOpts ) {
// Account for any snapshot/replica DB lag
$setOpts += Database::getCacheSetOptions( $dbr );
return $dbr->selectRow( ... );

Example usage (key that is expensive and hot):

$catConfig = $cache->getWithSetCallback(
// Key to store the cached value under
$cache->makeKey( 'site-cat-config' ),
// Time-to-live (in seconds)
// Function that derives the new key value
function ( $oldValue, &$ttl, array &$setOpts ) {
// Account for any snapshot/replica DB lag
$setOpts += Database::getCacheSetOptions( $dbr );
return CatConfig::newFromRow( $dbr->selectRow( ... ) );
// Calling touchCheckKey() on this key purges the cache
'checkKeys' => [ $cache->makeKey( 'site-cat-config' ) ],
// Try to only let one datacenter thread manage cache updates at a time
'lockTSE' => 30,
// Avoid querying cache servers multiple times in a web request
'pcTTL' => $cache::TTL_PROC_LONG

Example usage (key with dynamic dependencies):

$catState = $cache->getWithSetCallback(
// Key to store the cached value under
$cache->makeKey( 'cat-state', $cat->getId() ),
// Time-to-live (seconds)
// Function that derives the new key value
function ( $oldValue, &$ttl, array &$setOpts ) {
// Determine new value from the DB
// Account for any snapshot/replica DB lag
$setOpts += Database::getCacheSetOptions( $dbr );
return CatState::newFromResults( $dbr->select( ... ) );
// The "check" keys that represent things the value depends on;
// Calling touchCheckKey() on any of them purges the cache
'checkKeys' => [
$cache->makeKey( 'sustenance-bowls', $cat->getRoomId() ),
$cache->makeKey( 'people-present', $cat->getHouseId() ),
$cache->makeKey( 'cat-laws', $cat->getCityId() ),

Example usage (key that is expensive with too many DB dependencies for "check" keys):

$catToys = $cache->getWithSetCallback(
// Key to store the cached value under
$cache->makeKey( 'cat-toys', $catId ),
// Time-to-live (seconds)
// Function that derives the new key value
function ( $oldValue, &$ttl, array &$setOpts ) {
// Determine new value from the DB
// Account for any snapshot/replica DB lag
$setOpts += Database::getCacheSetOptions( $dbr );
return CatToys::newFromResults( $dbr->select( ... ) );
// Get the highest timestamp of any of the cat's toys
'touchedCallback' => function ( $value ) use ( $catId ) {
$ts = $dbr->selectField( 'cat_toys', 'MAX(ct_touched)', ... );
return wfTimestampOrNull( TS_UNIX, $ts );
// Avoid DB queries for repeated access
'pcTTL' => $cache::TTL_PROC_SHORT
wfTimestampOrNull( $outputtype=TS_UNIX, $ts=null)
Return a formatted timestamp, or null if input is null.

Example usage (hot key holding most recent 100 events):

$lastCatActions = $cache->getWithSetCallback(
// Key to store the cached value under
$cache->makeKey( 'cat-last-actions', 100 ),
// Time-to-live (in seconds)
// Function that derives the new key value
function ( $oldValue, &$ttl, array &$setOpts ) {
// Account for any snapshot/replica DB lag
$setOpts += Database::getCacheSetOptions( $dbr );
// Start off with the last cached list
$list = $oldValue ?: [];
// Fetch the last 100 relevant rows in descending order;
// only fetch rows newer than $list[0] to reduce scanning
$rows = iterator_to_array( $dbr->select( ... ) );
// Merge them and get the new "last 100" rows
return array_slice( array_merge( $new, $list ), 0, 100 );
// Try to only let one datacenter thread manage cache updates at a time
'lockTSE' => 30,
// Use a magic value when no cache value is ready rather than stampeding
'busyValue' => 'computing'

Example usage (key holding an LRU subkey:value map; this can avoid flooding cache with keys for an unlimited set of (constraint,situation) pairs, thereby avoiding elevated cache evictions and wasted memory):

$catSituationTolerabilityCache = $this->cache->getWithSetCallback(
// Group by constraint ID/hash, cat family ID/hash, or something else useful
$this->cache->makeKey( 'cat-situation-tolerability-checks', $groupKey ),
WANObjectCache::TTL_DAY, // rarely used groups should fade away
// The $scenarioKey format is $constraintId:<ID/hash of $situation>
function ( $cacheMap ) use ( $scenarioKey, $constraintId, $situation ) {
$lruCache = MapCacheLRU::newFromArray( $cacheMap ?: [], self::CACHE_SIZE );
$result = $lruCache->get( $scenarioKey ); // triggers LRU bump if present
if ( $result === null || $this->isScenarioResultExpired( $result ) ) {
$result = $this->checkScenarioTolerability( $constraintId, $situation );
$lruCache->set( $scenarioKey, $result, 3 / 8 );
// Save the new LRU cache map and reset the map's TTL
return $lruCache->toArray();
// Once map is > 1 sec old, consider refreshing
'ageNew' => 1,
// Update within 5 seconds after "ageNew" given a 1hz cache check rate
'hotTTR' => 5,
// Avoid querying cache servers multiple times in a request; this also means
// that a request can only alter the value of any given constraint key once
'pcTTL' => WANObjectCache::TTL_PROC_LONG
$tolerability = isset( $catSituationTolerabilityCache[$scenarioKey] )
? $catSituationTolerabilityCache[$scenarioKey]
: $this->checkScenarioTolerability( $constraintId, $situation );
See also
string$keyCache key made with makeKey()/makeGlobalKey()
int$ttlNominal seconds-to-live for newly computed values. Special values are:
  • WANObjectCache::TTL_INDEFINITE: Cache forever (subject to LRU-style evictions)
  • WANObjectCache::TTL_UNCACHEABLE: Do not cache (if the key exists, it is not deleted)
callable$callbackValue generation function
array$optsOptions map:
  • checkKeys: List of "check" keys. The key at $key will be seen as stale when either touchCheckKey() or resetCheckKey() is called on any of the keys in this list. This is useful if thousands or millions of keys depend on the same entity. The entity can simply have its "check" key updated whenever the entity is modified. Default: [].
  • graceTTL: If the key is purged (by "checkKeys" or "touchedCallback") less than this many seconds ago, consider reusing the stale value. The odds of a refresh become more likely over time, becoming certain once the grace period is reached. This can reduce traffic spikes when millions of keys are compared to the same "check" key and touchCheckKey() or resetCheckKey() is called on that "check" key. This option is not useful for avoiding traffic spikes in the case of the key simply expiring on account of its TTL (use "lowTTL" instead). Default: WANObjectCache::GRACE_TTL_NONE.
  • lockTSE: Prefer the use of a mutex during value regeneration of the key if its TSE ("time since expiry") is less than the given number of seconds ago. The TSE of the key is influenced by purges (e.g. via delete(), "checkKeys", and "touchedCallback"), and various other options (e.g. "staleTTL"). A low enough TSE is assumed to indicate a high enough key access rate to justify stampede avoidance. A thread that tries and fails to acquire the mutex will use a stale value for the key, if there is one, and, if not, it will execute the callback. Note that no cache value exists after deletion or storage-layer expiration/eviction; to prevent stampedes during these cases, avoid using delete(), keep "lowTTL" enabled, and consider using "busyValue". Default: WANObjectCache::TSE_NONE.
  • busyValue: Specify a placeholder value to use when no value exists and another thread is currently regenerating it. This assures that cache stampedes cannot happen if the value falls out of cache. This also mitigates stampedes when value regeneration becomes very slow (greater than $ttl/"lowTTL"). If this is a closure, then it will be invoked to get the placeholder when needed. Default: null.
  • pcTTL: Process cache the value in this PHP instance for this many seconds. This avoids network I/O when a key is read several times. This will not cache when the callback returns false, however. Note that any purges will not be seen while process cached; since the callback should use replica DBs and they may be lagged or have snapshot isolation anyway, this should not typically matter. Default: WANObjectCache::TTL_UNCACHEABLE.
  • pcGroup: Process cache group to use instead of the primary one. If set, this must be of the format ALPHANUMERIC_NAME:MAX_KEY_SIZE, e.g. "mydata:10". Use this for storing large values, small yet numerous values, or some values with a high cost of eviction. It is generally preferable to use a class constant when setting this value. This has no effect unless pcTTL is used. Default: WANObjectCache::PC_PRIMARY.
  • version: Integer version number. This lets callers make breaking changes to the format of cached values without causing problems for sites that use non-instantaneous code deployments. Old and new code will recognize incompatible versions and purges from both old and new code will been seen by each other. When this method encounters an incompatibly versioned value at the provided key, a "variant key" will be used for reading from and saving to cache. The variant key is specific to the key and version number provided to this method. If the variant key value is older than that of the provided key, or the provided key is non-existant, then the variant key will be seen as non-existant. Therefore, delete() calls purge the provided key's variant keys. The "checkKeys" and "touchedCallback" options still apply to variant keys as usual. Avoid storing class objects, as this reduces compatibility (due to serialization). Default: null.
  • minAsOf: Reject values if they were generated before this UNIX timestamp. This is useful if the source of a key is suspected of having possibly changed recently, and the caller wants any such changes to be reflected. Default: WANObjectCache::MIN_TIMESTAMP_NONE.
  • hotTTR: Expected time-till-refresh (TTR) in seconds for keys that average ~1 hit per second (e.g. 1Hz). Keys with a hit rate higher than 1Hz will refresh sooner than this TTR and vise versa. Such refreshes won't happen until keys are "ageNew" seconds old. This uses randomization to avoid triggering cache stampedes. The TTR is useful at reducing the impact of missed cache purges, since the effect of a heavily referenced key being stale is worse than that of a rarely referenced key. Unlike simply lowering $ttl, seldomly used keys are largely unaffected by this option, which makes it possible to have a high hit rate for the "long-tail" of less-used keys. Default: WANObjectCache::HOT_TTR.
  • lowTTL: Consider pre-emptive updates when the current TTL (seconds) of the key is less than this. It becomes more likely over time, becoming certain once the key is expired. This helps avoid cache stampedes that might be triggered due to the key expiring. Default: WANObjectCache::LOW_TTL.
  • ageNew: Consider popularity refreshes only once a key reaches this age in seconds. Default: WANObjectCache::AGE_NEW.
  • staleTTL: Seconds to keep the key around if it is stale. This means that on cache miss the callback may get $oldValue/$oldAsOf values for keys that have already been expired for this specified time. This is useful if adaptiveTTL() is used on the old value's as-of time when it is verified as still being correct. Default: WANObjectCache::STALE_TTL_NONE
  • touchedCallback: A callback that takes the current value and returns a UNIX timestamp indicating the last time a dynamic dependency changed. Null can be returned if there are no relevant dependency changes to check. This can be used to check against things like last-modified times of files or DB timestamp fields. This should generally not be used for small and easily queried values in a DB if the callback itself ends up doing a similarly expensive DB query to check a timestamp. Usages of this option makes the most sense for values that are moderately to highly expensive to regenerate and easy to query for dependency timestamps. The use of "pcTTL" reduces timestamp queries. Default: null.
array$cbParamsCustom field/value map to pass to the callback (since 1.35) @phpcs:ignore Generic.Files.LineLength
mixed Value found or written to the key
Options added in 1.28: version, busyValue, hotTTR, ageNew, pcGroup, minAsOf
Options added in 1.31: staleTTL, graceTTL
Options added in 1.33: touchedCallback
Callable type hints are not used to avoid class-autoloading

Definition at line 1498 of file WANObjectCache.php.

References $res, fetchOrRegenerate(), getProcessCache(), and makeGlobalKey().

Referenced by getMultiWithSetCallback(), and getMultiWithUnionSetCallback().

◆ hash256()

WANObjectCache::hash256 (   $component)

Hash a possibly long string into a suitable component for makeKey()/makeGlobalKey()

string$componentA raw component used in building a cache key
string 64 character HMAC using a stable secret for public collision resistance

Definition at line 2320 of file WANObjectCache.php.

◆ isAcceptablyFreshValue()

WANObjectCache::isAcceptablyFreshValue (   $res,

Check if a key value is non-false, new enough, and either fresh or "gracefully" stale.

array$resCurrent value WANObjectCache::RES_* data map
int$graceTTLConsider using stale values if $curTTL is greater than this
float$minAsOfMinimum acceptable value "as of" UNIX timestamp

Definition at line 2728 of file WANObjectCache.php.

References $res, isValid(), and worthRefreshExpiring().

Referenced by fetchOrRegenerate().

◆ isExtremelyNewValue()

WANObjectCache::isExtremelyNewValue (   $res,

Check if a key value is non-false, new enough, and has an "as of" time almost equal to now.

If the value was just written to cache, and it did not take an unusually long time to generate, then it is probably not worth regenerating yet. For example, replica databases might still return lagged pre-purge values anyway.

array$resCurrent value WANObjectCache::RES_* data map
float$minAsOfMinimum acceptable value "as of" UNIX timestamp
float$nowCurrent UNIX timestamp
bool Whether the age of a volatile value is negligible

Definition at line 1839 of file WANObjectCache.php.

References $res.

Referenced by fetchOrRegenerate().

◆ isLotteryRefreshDue()

WANObjectCache::isLotteryRefreshDue (   $res,

Check if a key is due for randomized regeneration due to near-expiration/popularity.

array$resCurrent value WANObjectCache::RES_* data map
float$lowTTLConsider a refresh when $curTTL is less than this; the "low" threshold
int$ageNewAge of key when this might recommend refreshing (seconds)
int$hotTTRAge of key when it should be refreshed if popular (seconds)
float$nowThe current UNIX timestamp

Definition at line 2760 of file WANObjectCache.php.

References $res, worthRefreshExpiring(), and worthRefreshPopular().

Referenced by fetchOrRegenerate().

◆ isValid()

WANObjectCache::isValid (   $value,

Check that a wrapper value exists and has an acceptable age.

array | false$valueValue wrapper or false
float$asOfValue generation "as of" timestamp
float$minAsOfMinimum acceptable value "as of" UNIX timestamp

Definition at line 2860 of file WANObjectCache.php.

Referenced by fetchOrRegenerate(), and isAcceptablyFreshValue().

◆ makeCheckPurgeValue()

WANObjectCache::makeCheckPurgeValue ( float  $timestamp,
int  $holdoff,
array &  $purge = null 
float$timestampUNIX timestamp
int$holdoffIn seconds
array | null&$purgeUnwrapped purge value array [returned]
string Wrapped purge value; format is "PURGED:<timestamp>:<holdoff>"

Definition at line 3011 of file WANObjectCache.php.

Referenced by getMultiCheckKeyTime(), processCheckKeys(), and touchCheckKey().

◆ makeGlobalKey()

WANObjectCache::makeGlobalKey (   $collection,

Make a cache key for the global keyspace and given components.

See also
string$collectionKey collection name component
string|int...$components Additional, ordered, key components for entity IDs
string Colon-separated, keyspace-prepended, ordered list of encoded components

Implements IStoreKeyEncoder.

Definition at line 2295 of file WANObjectCache.php.

Referenced by getWithSetCallback().

◆ makeKey()

WANObjectCache::makeKey (   $collection,

Make a cache key using the "global" keyspace for the given components.

See also
string$collectionKey collection name component
string|int...$components Additional, ordered, key components for entity IDs
string Colon-separated, keyspace-prepended, ordered list of encoded components

Implements IStoreKeyEncoder.

Definition at line 2309 of file WANObjectCache.php.

◆ makeMultiKeys()

WANObjectCache::makeMultiKeys ( array  $ids,

Get an iterator of (cache key => entity ID) for a list of entity IDs.

The callback takes an ID string and returns a key via makeKey()/makeGlobalKey(). There should be no network nor filesystem I/O used in the callback. The entity ID/key mapping must be 1:1 or an exception will be thrown. If hashing is needed, then use the hash256() method.

Example usage for the default keyspace:

$keyedIds = $cache->makeMultiKeys(
function ( $module ) use ( $cache ) {
return $cache->makeKey( 'module-info', $module );

Example usage for mixed default and global keyspace:

$keyedIds = $cache->makeMultiKeys(
function ( $filter ) use ( $cache ) {
return ( strpos( $filter, 'central:' ) === 0 )
? $cache->makeGlobalKey( 'regex-filter', $filter )
: $cache->makeKey( 'regex-filter', $filter )
makeKey( $collection,... $components)
Make a cache key using the "global" keyspace for the given components.

Example usage with hashing:

$keyedIds = $cache->makeMultiKeys(
function ( $url ) use ( $cache ) {
return $cache->makeKey( 'url-info', $cache->hash256( $url ) );
See also
string[] | int[]$idsList of entity IDs
callable$keyCallbackFunction returning makeKey()/makeGlobalKey() on the input ID
ArrayIterator Iterator of (cache key => ID); order of $ids is preserved

Definition at line 2374 of file WANObjectCache.php.

◆ makeSisterKey()

WANObjectCache::makeSisterKey ( string  $baseKey,
string  $typeChar,
string  $route = null 

Get a sister key that should be collocated with a base cache key.

The keys will bear the WANCache prefix and use the configured coalescing scheme

string$baseKeyCache key made with makeKey()/makeGlobalKey()
string$typeCharConsistent hashing agnostic suffix character matching [a-zA-Z]
string | null$routeRouting prefix (optional)
string Sister key

Definition at line 1791 of file WANObjectCache.php.

References prependRoute().

Referenced by checkAndSetCooloff(), claimStampedeLock(), delete(), fetchKeys(), fetchWrappedValuesForWarmupCache(), getInterimValue(), getMultiCheckKeyTime(), makeSisterKeys(), reap(), reapCheckKey(), resetCheckKey(), set(), setInterimValue(), touchCheckKey(), and yieldStampedeLock().

◆ makeSisterKeys()

WANObjectCache::makeSisterKeys ( array  $baseKeys,
string  $type,
string  $route = null 

Get sister keys that should be collocated with their corresponding base cache keys.

The key will bear the WANCache prefix and use the configured coalescing scheme

string[]$baseKeysCache keys made with makeKey()/makeGlobalKey()
string$typeConsistent hashing agnostic suffix character matching [a-zA-Z]
string | null$routeRouting prefix (optional)
string[] Order-corresponding list of sister keys

Definition at line 1772 of file WANObjectCache.php.

References $type, and makeSisterKey().

Referenced by fetchWrappedValuesForWarmupCache().

◆ makeTombstonePurgeValue()

WANObjectCache::makeTombstonePurgeValue ( float  $timestamp)
float$timestampUNIX timestamp
string Wrapped purge value; format is "PURGED:<timestamp>"

Definition at line 3001 of file WANObjectCache.php.

Referenced by delete().

◆ multiRemap()

WANObjectCache::multiRemap ( array  $ids,
array  $res 

Get an (ID => value) map from (i) a non-unique list of entity IDs, and (ii) the list of corresponding entity values by first appearance of each ID in the entity ID list.

For use with getMultiWithSetCallback() and getMultiWithUnionSetCallback().

Only use this method if the entity ID/key mapping is trivially 1:1 without exception. Key generation method must utitilize the full entity ID in the key (not a hash of it).

Example usage:

$poems = $cache->getMultiWithSetCallback(
function ( $uuid ) use ( $cache ) {
return $cache->makeKey( 'poem', $uuid );
function ( $uuid ) use ( $url ) {
return $this->http->run( [ 'method' => 'GET', 'url' => "$url/$uuid" ] );
$poemsByUUID = $cache->multiRemap( $uuids, $poems );
See also
string[] | int[]$idsEntity ID list makeMultiKeys()
mixed[]$resResult of getMultiWithSetCallback()/getMultiWithUnionSetCallback()
mixed[] Map of (ID => value); order of $ids is preserved

Definition at line 2430 of file WANObjectCache.php.

References $res.

◆ newEmpty()

static WANObjectCache::newEmpty ( )

Get an instance that wraps EmptyBagOStuff.


Definition at line 388 of file WANObjectCache.php.

◆ parsePurgeValue()

WANObjectCache::parsePurgeValue (   $value)

Extract purge metadata from cached value if it is a valid purge value.

Valid purge values come from makeTombstonePurgeValue()/makeCheckKeyPurgeValue()

mixed$valueCached value
array|null Tuple of (UNIX timestamp, hold-off seconds); null if value is invalid

Definition at line 2973 of file WANObjectCache.php.

Referenced by getMultiCheckKeyTime(), processCheckKeys(), reapCheckKey(), and unwrap().

◆ prependRoute()

WANObjectCache::prependRoute ( string  $sisterKey,
string  $route 
string$routeKey routing prefix

Definition at line 2674 of file WANObjectCache.php.

Referenced by makeSisterKey(), relayNonVolatilePurge(), and relayVolatilePurges().

◆ processCheckKeys()

WANObjectCache::processCheckKeys ( array  $checkSisterKeys,
array  $wrappedBySisterKey,
float  $now 
string[]$checkSisterKeysList of "check" sister keys
mixed[]$wrappedBySisterKeyPreloaded map of (sister key => wrapped value)
float$nowUNIX timestamp
array[] List of purge value arrays

Definition at line 680 of file WANObjectCache.php.

References makeCheckPurgeValue(), and parsePurgeValue().

Referenced by fetchKeys().

◆ reap()

WANObjectCache::reap (   $key,
$isStale = false 

Set a key to soon expire in the local cluster if it pre-dates $purgeTimestamp.

This sets stale keys' time-to-live at HOLDOFF_TTL seconds, which both avoids broadcasting in mcrouter setups and also avoids races with new tombstones.

string$keyCache key made with makeKey()/makeGlobalKey()
int | float$purgeTimestampUNIX timestamp of purge
bool&$isStaleWhether the key is stale
bool Success

Definition at line 2233 of file WANObjectCache.php.

References makeSisterKey().

◆ reapCheckKey()

WANObjectCache::reapCheckKey (   $key,
$isStale = false 

Set a "check" key to soon expire in the local cluster if it pre-dates $purgeTimestamp.

string$keyCache key made with makeKey()/makeGlobalKey()
int$purgeTimestampUNIX timestamp of purge
bool&$isStaleWhether the key is stale
bool Success

Definition at line 2264 of file WANObjectCache.php.

References makeSisterKey(), and parsePurgeValue().

◆ relayNonVolatilePurge()

WANObjectCache::relayNonVolatilePurge ( string  $sisterKey)

Remove a sister key from all datacenters.

This method should not wait for the operation to complete on remote datacenters

string$sisterKeyA value key or "check" key
bool Success

Definition at line 2659 of file WANObjectCache.php.

References prependRoute().

Referenced by delete(), and resetCheckKey().

◆ relayVolatilePurges()

WANObjectCache::relayVolatilePurges ( array  $purgeBySisterKey,
int  $ttl 

Set a sister key to a purge value in all datacenters.

This method should not wait for the operation to complete on remote datacenters

Since older purge values can sometimes arrive after newer ones, use a relative expiry so that even if the older value replaces the newer value, the TTL will greater than the remaining TTL on the older value (assuming that all purges for a key use the same TTL).

array<string,string>$purgeBySisterKey Map of (sister key => result of makeTombstonePurgeValue()/makeCheckKeyPurgeValue())
int$ttlSeconds to keep the purge value around
bool Success

Definition at line 2630 of file WANObjectCache.php.

References prependRoute().

Referenced by delete(), and touchCheckKey().

◆ resetCheckKey()

WANObjectCache::resetCheckKey (   $key)

Clear the last-purge timestamp of a "check" key in all datacenters.

Similar to touchCheckKey(), in that keys fetched using get*() calls, that include the given "check" key, will be seen as purged. However, there are some differences:

  • a) The "check" key will be deleted from all caches and lazily re-initialized when accessed (rather than set everywhere)
  • b) Thus, dependent keys will be known to be stale, but not for how long (they are treated as "just" purged), which effects any lockTSE logic in getWithSetCallback()
  • c) Since "check" keys are initialized only on the server the key hashes to, any temporary ejection of that server will cause the value to be seen as purged as a new server will initialize the "check" key.

The advantage over touchCheckKey() is that the "check" keys, which have high TTLs, will only be created when a get*() method actually uses those keys. This is better when a large number of "check" keys must be changed in a short period of time.

Note that "check" keys won't collide with other regular keys.

See also
string$keyCache key made with makeKey()/makeGlobalKey()
bool True if the item was purged or not found, false on failure

Definition at line 1185 of file WANObjectCache.php.

References determineKeyClassForStats(), makeSisterKey(), and relayNonVolatilePurge().

◆ resolveBusyValue()

WANObjectCache::resolveBusyValue (   $busyValue)

Definition at line 1976 of file WANObjectCache.php.

Referenced by fetchOrRegenerate().

◆ scheduleAsyncRefresh()

WANObjectCache::scheduleAsyncRefresh (   $key,
array  $opts,
array  $cbParams 

Schedule a deferred cache regeneration if possible.

string$keyCache key made with makeKey()/makeGlobalKey()
int$ttlSeconds to live
bool Success
Callable type hints are not used to avoid class-autoloading

Definition at line 2693 of file WANObjectCache.php.

References fetchOrRegenerate().

Referenced by fetchOrRegenerate().

◆ set()

WANObjectCache::set (   $key,
  $ttl = self::TTL_INDEFINITE,
array  $opts = [] 

Set the value of a key in cache.

Simply calling this method when source data changes is not valid because the changes do not replicate to the other WAN sites. In that case, delete() should be used instead. This method is intended for use on cache misses.

If data was read using "view snapshots" (e.g. innodb REPEATABLE-READ), use 'since' to avoid the following race condition:

  • a) T1 starts
  • b) T2 updates a row, calls delete(), and commits
  • c) The HOLDOFF_TTL passes, expiring the delete() tombstone
  • d) T1 reads the row and calls set() due to a cache miss
  • e) Stale value is stuck in cache

Setting 'lag' and 'since' help avoids keys getting stuck in stale states.

Be aware that this does not update the process cache for getWithSetCallback() callers. Keys accessed via that method are not generally meant to also be set using this primitive method.

Consider using getWithSetCallback(), which has cache slam avoidance and key versioning features, instead of bare get()/set() calls.

Do not use this method on versioned keys accessed via getWithSetCallback().

Example usage:

$setOpts = Database::getCacheSetOptions( $dbr );
// Fetch the row from the DB
$row = $dbr->selectRow( ... );
$key = $cache->makeKey( 'building', $buildingId );
$cache->set( $key, $row, $cache::TTL_DAY, $setOpts );
string$keyCache key made with makeKey()/makeGlobalKey()
mixed$valueValue to set for the cache key
int$ttlSeconds to live. Special values are:
  • WANObjectCache::TTL_INDEFINITE: Cache forever (default)
  • WANObjectCache::TTL_UNCACHEABLE: Do not cache (if the key exists, it is not deleted)
array$optsOptions map:
  • lag: Highest seconds of replication lag potentially affecting reads used to generate the value. This should not be affected by the duration of transaction "view snapshots" (e.g. innodb REPEATABLE-READ) nor the time elapsed since the first read (though both increase staleness). For reads using view snapshots, only the replication lag during snapshot initialization matters. Use false if replication is stopped/broken on a replica server involved in the reads. Default: 0 seconds
  • since: UNIX timestamp indicative of the highest possible staleness caused by the duration of transaction "view snapshots" (e.g. innodb REPEATABLE-READ) and the time elapsed since the first read. This should not be affected by replication lag. Default: 0 seconds
  • pending: Whether this data is possibly from an uncommitted write transaction. Generally, other threads should not see values from the future and they certainly should not see ones that ended up getting rolled back. Default: false
  • lockTSE: If excessive replication/snapshot lag is detected, then store the value with this TTL and flag it as stale. This is only useful if the reads for this key use getWithSetCallback() with "lockTSE" set. Note that if "staleTTL" is set then it will still add on to this TTL in the excessive lag scenario. Default: WANObjectCache::TSE_NONE
  • staleTTL: Seconds to keep the key around if it is stale. The get()/getMulti() methods return such stale values with a $curTTL of 0, and getWithSetCallback() will call the generation callback in such cases, passing in the old value and its as-of time to the callback. This is useful if adaptiveTTL() is used on the old value's as-of time when it is verified as still being correct. Default: WANObjectCache::STALE_TTL_NONE
  • creating: Optimize for the case where the key does not already exist. Default: false
  • version: Integer version number signifiying the format of the value. Default: null
  • walltime: How long the value took to generate in seconds. Default: null @phpcs:ignore Generic.Files.LineLength
Options added in 1.28: staleTTL
Options added in 1.33: creating
Options added in 1.34: version, walltime
bool Success

Definition at line 783 of file WANObjectCache.php.

References $cache, getCurrentTime(), makeSisterKey(), timeSinceLoggedMiss(), and wrap().

Referenced by MessageBlobStore\recacheMessageBlob().

◆ setInterimValue()

WANObjectCache::setInterimValue (   $key,
string$keyCache key made with makeKey()/makeGlobalKey()
int | null$versionValue version number
float$nowTime after value regen
float$walltimeHow long it took to generate the value in seconds

Definition at line 1958 of file WANObjectCache.php.

References makeSisterKey(), and wrap().

Referenced by fetchOrRegenerate().

◆ setLogger()

WANObjectCache::setLogger ( LoggerInterface  $logger)

Definition at line 379 of file WANObjectCache.php.

Referenced by __construct().

◆ setMockTime()

WANObjectCache::setMockTime ( $time)
float | null&$timeMock UNIX timestamp for testing

Definition at line 3126 of file WANObjectCache.php.

◆ timeSinceLoggedMiss()

WANObjectCache::timeSinceLoggedMiss (   $key,
string$keyCache key made with makeKey()/makeGlobalKey()
float$nowCurrent UNIX timestamp
float|null Seconds since the last logged get() miss for this key, or, null

Definition at line 3094 of file WANObjectCache.php.

Referenced by set().

◆ touchCheckKey()

WANObjectCache::touchCheckKey (   $key,
  $holdoff = self::HOLDOFF_TTL 

Increase the last-purge timestamp of a "check" key in all datacenters.

This method should only be called when some heavily referenced data changes in a significant way, such that it is impractical to call delete() on all the cache keys that should be purged. The get*() method calls used to fetch these keys must include the given "check" key in the relevant "check" keys argument/option.

A "check" key essentially represents a last-modified time of an entity. When the key is touched, the timestamp will be updated to the current time. Keys fetched using get*() calls, that include the "check" key, will be seen as purged.

The timestamp of the "check" key is treated as being HOLDOFF_TTL seconds in the future by get*() methods in order to avoid race conditions where keys are updated with stale values (e.g. from a lagged replica DB). A high TTL is set on the "check" key, making it possible to know the timestamp of the last change to the corresponding entities in most cases. This might use more cache space than resetCheckKey().

When a few important keys get a large number of hits, a high cache time is usually desired as well as "lockTSE" logic. The resetCheckKey() method is less appropriate in such cases since the "time since expiry" cannot be inferred, causing any get() after the reset to treat the key as being "hot", resulting in more stale value usage.

Note that "check" keys won't collide with other regular keys.

See also
string$keyCache key made with makeKey()/makeGlobalKey()
int$holdoffHOLDOFF_TTL or HOLDOFF_TTL_NONE constant
bool True if the item was purged or not found, false on failure

Definition at line 1145 of file WANObjectCache.php.

References determineKeyClassForStats(), getCurrentTime(), makeCheckPurgeValue(), makeSisterKey(), and relayVolatilePurges().

◆ unwrap()

WANObjectCache::unwrap (   $wrapped,
array | string | false$wrappedThe entry at a cache key (false if key is nonexistant)
float$nowUnix Current timestamp (preferrably pre-query)
array<int,mixed> Result map/n-tuple that includes the following:
  • WANObjectCache::RES_VALUE: value or false if absent/tombstoned/malformed
  • WANObjectCache::KEY_VERSION: value version number; null if there is no value
  • WANObjectCache::KEY_AS_OF: value generation timestamp (UNIX); null if there is no value
  • WANObjectCache::KEY_TTL: assigned logical TTL (seconds); null if there is no value
  • WANObjectCache::KEY_TOMB_AS_OF: tombstone timestamp (UNIX); null if not tombstoned
  • WANObjectCache::RES_CHECK_AS_OF: null placeholder for highest "check" key timestamp
  • WANObjectCache::RES_TOUCH_AS_OF: null placeholder for highest "touched" timestamp
  • WANObjectCache::KEY_CUR_TTL: remaining logical TTL (seconds) (negative if tombstoned)

Definition at line 2905 of file WANObjectCache.php.

References $res, and parsePurgeValue().

Referenced by fetchKeys(), and getInterimValue().

◆ useInterimHoldOffCaching()

WANObjectCache::useInterimHoldOffCaching (   $enabled)

Enable or disable the use of brief caching for tombstoned keys.

When a key is purged via delete(), there normally is a period where caching is hold-off limited to an extremely short time. This method will disable that caching, forcing the callback to run for any of:

  • WANObjectCache::getWithSetCallback()
  • WANObjectCache::getMultiWithSetCallback()
  • WANObjectCache::getMultiWithUnionSetCallback()

This is useful when both:

  • a) the database used by the callback is known to be up-to-date enough for some particular purpose (e.g. replica DB has applied transaction X)
  • b) the caller needs to exploit that fact, and therefore needs to avoid the use of inherently volatile and possibly stale interim keys
See also
bool$enabledWhether to enable interim caching

Definition at line 2521 of file WANObjectCache.php.

References useInterimHoldOffCaching().

Referenced by getInterimValue(), and useInterimHoldOffCaching().

◆ watchErrors()

WANObjectCache::watchErrors ( )

Get a "watch point" token that can be used to get the "last error" to occur after now.

int A token that the current error event

Definition at line 2449 of file WANObjectCache.php.

◆ worthRefreshExpiring()

WANObjectCache::worthRefreshExpiring (   $curTTL,

Check if a key is nearing expiration and thus due for randomized regeneration.

If $curTTL is greater than the "low" threshold (e.g. not nearing expiration) then this returns false. If $curTTL <= 0 (e.g. value already expired), then this returns false. Otherwise, the chance of this returning true increases steadily from 0% to 100% as $curTTL moves from the "low" threshold down to 0 seconds.

The logical TTL will be used as the "low" threshold if it is less than $lowTTL.

This method uses deadline-aware randomization in order to handle wide variations of cache access traffic without the need for configuration or expensive state.

float$curTTLApproximate TTL left on the key
float$logicalTTLFull logical TTL assigned to the key
float$lowTTLConsider a refresh when $curTTL is less than this; the "low" threshold

Definition at line 2832 of file WANObjectCache.php.

Referenced by isAcceptablyFreshValue(), and isLotteryRefreshDue().

◆ worthRefreshPopular()

WANObjectCache::worthRefreshPopular (   $asOf,

Check if a key is due for randomized regeneration due to its popularity.

This is used so that popular keys can preemptively refresh themselves for higher consistency (especially in the case of purge loss/delay). Unpopular keys can remain in cache with their high nominal TTL. This means popular keys keep good consistency, whether the data changes frequently or not, and long-tail keys get to stay in cache and get hits too. Similar to worthRefreshExpiring(), randomization is used.

float$asOfUNIX timestamp of the value
int$ageNewAge of key when this might recommend refreshing (seconds)
int$timeTillRefreshAge of key when it should be refreshed if popular (seconds)
float$nowThe current UNIX timestamp

Definition at line 2786 of file WANObjectCache.php.

Referenced by isLotteryRefreshDue().

◆ wrap()

WANObjectCache::wrap (   $value,
int$ttlSeconds to live or zero for "indefinite"
int | null$versionValue version number or null if not versioned
float$nowUnix Current timestamp just before calling set()
float | null$walltimeHow long it took to generate the value in seconds

Definition at line 2872 of file WANObjectCache.php.

Referenced by set(), and setInterimValue().

◆ yieldStampedeLock()

WANObjectCache::yieldStampedeLock (   $key,
string$keyCache key made with makeKey()/makeGlobalKey()

Definition at line 1755 of file WANObjectCache.php.

References getCurrentTime(), and makeSisterKey().

Referenced by fetchOrRegenerate().

Member Data Documentation

◆ $asyncHandler

callable null WANObjectCache::$asyncHandler

Function that takes a WAN cache callback and runs it later.

Definition at line 141 of file WANObjectCache.php.

◆ $broadcastRoute

string null WANObjectCache::$broadcastRoute

Routing prefix for operations that should be broadcasted to all data centers.

If null, the there is only one datacenter or a backend proxy broadcasts everything.

Definition at line 150 of file WANObjectCache.php.

◆ $cache

BagOStuff WANObjectCache::$cache

The local datacenter cache.

Definition at line 133 of file WANObjectCache.php.

◆ $callbackDepth

int WANObjectCache::$callbackDepth = 0

Callback stack depth for getWithSetCallback()

Definition at line 169 of file WANObjectCache.php.

◆ $coalesceScheme

int WANObjectCache::$coalesceScheme

Scheme to use for key coalescing (Hash Tags or Hash Stops)

Definition at line 158 of file WANObjectCache.php.

◆ $epoch

float WANObjectCache::$epoch

Unix timestamp of the oldest possible valid values.

Definition at line 154 of file WANObjectCache.php.

◆ $keyHighQps

int WANObjectCache::$keyHighQps

Reads/second assumed during a hypothetical cache write stampede for a key.

Definition at line 161 of file WANObjectCache.php.

◆ $keyHighUplinkBps

float WANObjectCache::$keyHighUplinkBps

Max tolerable bytes/second to spend on a cache write stampede for a key.

Definition at line 163 of file WANObjectCache.php.

◆ $logger

LoggerInterface WANObjectCache::$logger

Definition at line 137 of file WANObjectCache.php.

◆ $missLog

array<int,array> WANObjectCache::$missLog

List of (key, UNIX timestamp) tuples for get() cache misses.

Definition at line 166 of file WANObjectCache.php.

◆ $processCaches

MapCacheLRU [] WANObjectCache::$processCaches = []

Map of group PHP instance caches.

Definition at line 135 of file WANObjectCache.php.

◆ $secret

string WANObjectCache::$secret

Stable secret used for hasing long strings into key components.

Definition at line 156 of file WANObjectCache.php.

◆ $stats

StatsdDataFactoryInterface WANObjectCache::$stats

Definition at line 139 of file WANObjectCache.php.

◆ $useInterimHoldOffCaching

bool WANObjectCache::$useInterimHoldOffCaching = true

Whether to use "interim" caching while keys are tombstoned.

Definition at line 152 of file WANObjectCache.php.

◆ $wallClockOverride

float null WANObjectCache::$wallClockOverride

Definition at line 176 of file WANObjectCache.php.

◆ $warmupCache

mixed [] WANObjectCache::$warmupCache = []

Temporary warm-up cache.

Definition at line 171 of file WANObjectCache.php.

◆ $warmupKeyMisses

int WANObjectCache::$warmupKeyMisses = 0

Key fetched.

Definition at line 173 of file WANObjectCache.php.


const WANObjectCache::AGE_NEW = 60

Minimum key age, in seconds, for expected time-till-refresh to be considered.

Definition at line 193 of file WANObjectCache.php.


const WANObjectCache::CHECK_KEY_TTL = self::TTL_YEAR

Seconds to keep dependency purge keys around.

Definition at line 220 of file WANObjectCache.php.


const WANObjectCache::COOLOFF_TTL = 1

Seconds to no-op key set() calls to avoid large blob I/O stampedes.

Definition at line 227 of file WANObjectCache.php.


const WANObjectCache::FLD_FLAGS = 4

Key to the flags bit field (reserved number)

@noinspection PhpUnusedPrivateFieldInspection

Definition at line 293 of file WANObjectCache.php.


const WANObjectCache::FLD_FORMAT_VERSION = 0

Key to WAN cache version number; stored in blobs.

Definition at line 285 of file WANObjectCache.php.


const WANObjectCache::FLD_GENERATION_TIME = 6

Key to how long it took to generate the value; stored in blobs.

Definition at line 297 of file WANObjectCache.php.


const WANObjectCache::FLD_TIME = 3

Key to the cache timestamp; stored in blobs.

Definition at line 291 of file WANObjectCache.php.


const WANObjectCache::FLD_TTL = 2

Key to the original TTL; stored in blobs.

Definition at line 289 of file WANObjectCache.php.


const WANObjectCache::FLD_VALUE = 1

Key to the cached value; stored in blobs.

Definition at line 287 of file WANObjectCache.php.


const WANObjectCache::FLD_VALUE_VERSION = 5

Key to collection cache version number; stored in blobs.

Definition at line 295 of file WANObjectCache.php.


const WANObjectCache::GENERATION_HIGH_SEC = 0.2

Consider value generation somewhat high if it takes this many seconds or more.

Definition at line 242 of file WANObjectCache.php.


const WANObjectCache::GENERATION_SLOW_SEC = 3.0

Consider value generation slow if it takes this many seconds or more.

Definition at line 244 of file WANObjectCache.php.


const WANObjectCache::GRACE_TTL_NONE = 0

Idiom for set()/getWithSetCallback() meaning "no post-expiration grace period".

Definition at line 201 of file WANObjectCache.php.


const WANObjectCache::HOLDOFF_TTL = self::MAX_COMMIT_DELAY + self::MAX_READ_LAG + 1

Seconds to tombstone keys on delete() and to treat keys as volatile after purges.

Definition at line 183 of file WANObjectCache.php.


const WANObjectCache::HOLDOFF_TTL_NONE = 0

Idiom for delete()/touchCheckKey() meaning "no hold-off period".

Definition at line 203 of file WANObjectCache.php.


const WANObjectCache::HOT_TTR = 900

Expected time-till-refresh, in seconds, if the key is accessed once per second.

Definition at line 191 of file WANObjectCache.php.


const WANObjectCache::INTERIM_KEY_TTL = 1

Seconds to keep interim value keys for tombstoned keys around.

Definition at line 222 of file WANObjectCache.php.


const WANObjectCache::KEY_AS_OF = 'asOf'

Generation completion timestamp attribute for a key; keep value for b/c (< 1.36)

Definition at line 257 of file WANObjectCache.php.


const WANObjectCache::KEY_CHECK_AS_OF = 'lastCKPurge'

Highest "check" key timestamp for a key; keep value for b/c (< 1.36)

Definition at line 265 of file WANObjectCache.php.


const WANObjectCache::KEY_CUR_TTL = 'curTTL'

Remaining TTL attribute for a key; keep value for b/c (< 1.36)

Definition at line 261 of file WANObjectCache.php.


const WANObjectCache::KEY_TOMB_AS_OF = 'tombAsOf'

Tomstone timestamp attribute for a key; keep value for b/c (< 1.36)

Definition at line 263 of file WANObjectCache.php.


const WANObjectCache::KEY_TTL = 'ttl'

Logical TTL attribute for a key.

Definition at line 259 of file WANObjectCache.php.


const WANObjectCache::KEY_VERSION = 'version'

Version number attribute for a key; keep value for b/c (< 1.36)

Definition at line 255 of file WANObjectCache.php.


const WANObjectCache::LOCK_TTL = 10

Seconds to keep lock keys around.

Definition at line 225 of file WANObjectCache.php.


const WANObjectCache::LOW_TTL = 30

Consider regeneration if the key will expire within this many seconds.

Definition at line 186 of file WANObjectCache.php.


const WANObjectCache::MAX_COMMIT_DELAY = 3

Max expected seconds to pass between delete() and DB commit finishing.

Definition at line 179 of file WANObjectCache.php.


const WANObjectCache::MAX_READ_LAG = 7

Max expected seconds of combined lag from replication and "view snapshots".

Definition at line 181 of file WANObjectCache.php.


const WANObjectCache::PASS_BY_REF = []

Idiom for get()/getMulti() to return extra information by reference.

Definition at line 212 of file WANObjectCache.php.


const WANObjectCache::PC_PRIMARY = 'primary:1000'

Default process cache name and max key count.

Definition at line 209 of file WANObjectCache.php.


const WANObjectCache::PURGE_HOLDOFF = 1

Key to the tombstone entry hold-off TTL.

Definition at line 249 of file WANObjectCache.php.


const WANObjectCache::PURGE_TIME = 0

Key to the tombstone entry timestamp.

Definition at line 247 of file WANObjectCache.php.



Value prefix of purge values.

Definition at line 311 of file WANObjectCache.php.


const WANObjectCache::RAMPUP_TTL = 30

Seconds to ramp up the chance of regeneration due to expected time-till-refresh.

Definition at line 229 of file WANObjectCache.php.


const WANObjectCache::RECENT_SET_HIGH_MS = 100

Max millisecond set() backoff during hold-off (far less than INTERIM_KEY_TTL)

Definition at line 239 of file WANObjectCache.php.


const WANObjectCache::RECENT_SET_LOW_MS = 50

Min millisecond set() backoff during hold-off (far less than INTERIM_KEY_TTL)

Definition at line 237 of file WANObjectCache.php.


const WANObjectCache::RES_AS_OF = 2

Generation completion timestamp attribute for a key.

Definition at line 272 of file WANObjectCache.php.


const WANObjectCache::RES_CHECK_AS_OF = 5

Highest "check" key timestamp for a key.

Definition at line 278 of file WANObjectCache.php.


const WANObjectCache::RES_CUR_TTL = 7

Remaining TTL attribute for a key.

Definition at line 282 of file WANObjectCache.php.


const WANObjectCache::RES_TOMB_AS_OF = 4

Tomstone timestamp attribute for a key.

Definition at line 276 of file WANObjectCache.php.


const WANObjectCache::RES_TOUCH_AS_OF = 6

Highest "touched" timestamp for a key.

Definition at line 280 of file WANObjectCache.php.


const WANObjectCache::RES_TTL = 3

Logical TTL attribute for a key.

Definition at line 274 of file WANObjectCache.php.


const WANObjectCache::RES_VALUE = 0

Value for a key.

Definition at line 268 of file WANObjectCache.php.


const WANObjectCache::RES_VERSION = 1

Version number attribute for a key.

Definition at line 270 of file WANObjectCache.php.


const WANObjectCache::SCHEME_HASH_STOP = 2

Use mcrouter-style Hash Stop key scheme (e.g.


Definition at line 217 of file WANObjectCache.php.


const WANObjectCache::SCHEME_HASH_TAG = 1

Use twemproxy-style Hash Tag key scheme (e.g.


Definition at line 215 of file WANObjectCache.php.


const WANObjectCache::STALE_TTL_NONE = 0

Idiom for set()/getWithSetCallback() meaning "no post-expiration persistence".

Definition at line 199 of file WANObjectCache.php.


const WANObjectCache::TSE_NONE = -1

Idiom for getWithSetCallback() meaning "no cache stampede mutex".

Definition at line 196 of file WANObjectCache.php.


const WANObjectCache::TTL_LAGGED = 30

Max TTL, in seconds, to store keys when a data source has high replication lag.

Definition at line 188 of file WANObjectCache.php.


const WANObjectCache::TYPE_COOLOFF = 'c'

Single character component for cool-off bounce keys.

Definition at line 308 of file WANObjectCache.php.


const WANObjectCache::TYPE_INTERIM = 'i'

Single character component for interium value keys.

Definition at line 306 of file WANObjectCache.php.


const WANObjectCache::TYPE_MUTEX = 'm'

Single character component for mutex lock keys.

Definition at line 304 of file WANObjectCache.php.


const WANObjectCache::TYPE_TIMESTAMP = 't'

Single character component for timestamp check keys.

Definition at line 302 of file WANObjectCache.php.


const WANObjectCache::TYPE_VALUE = 'v'

Single character component for value keys.

Definition at line 300 of file WANObjectCache.php.


const WANObjectCache::VERSION = 1

Cache format version number.

Definition at line 252 of file WANObjectCache.php.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file: