MediaWiki REL1_39
A query action to enumerate revisions of a given page, or show top revisions of multiple pages. More...
Public Member Functions | |
__construct (ApiQuery $query, $moduleName, RevisionStore $revisionStore, IContentHandlerFactory $contentHandlerFactory, ParserFactory $parserFactory, SlotRoleRegistry $slotRoleRegistry, NameTableStore $changeTagDefStore, ActorMigration $actorMigration, ContentRenderer $contentRenderer, ContentTransformer $contentTransformer) | |
getAllowedParams () | |
getHelpUrls () | |
Return links to more detailed help pages about the module. | |
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__construct (ApiQuery $queryModule, $moduleName, $paramPrefix='', RevisionStore $revisionStore=null, IContentHandlerFactory $contentHandlerFactory=null, ParserFactory $parserFactory=null, SlotRoleRegistry $slotRoleRegistry=null, ContentRenderer $contentRenderer=null, ContentTransformer $contentTransformer=null) | |
execute () | |
The number of uncached diffs that had to be generated for this request. | |
executeGenerator ( $resultPageSet) | |
The number of uncached diffs that had to be generated for this request. | |
getCacheMode ( $params) | |
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encodeParamName ( $paramName) | |
Overrides ApiBase to prepend 'g' to every generator parameter. | |
isInGeneratorMode () | |
Indicate whether the module is in generator mode. | |
setGeneratorMode (ApiPageSet $generatorPageSet) | |
Switch this module to generator mode. | |
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__construct (ApiQuery $queryModule, $moduleName, $paramPrefix='') | |
requestExtraData ( $pageSet) | |
Override this method to request extra fields from the pageSet using $pageSet->requestField('fieldName') | |
getQuery () | |
Get the main Query module. | |
getParent () | |
Get the parent of this module.
| |
selectNamedDB ( $name, $db, $groups) | |
Change the database connection for subsequent calls to getDB(). | |
titlePartToKey ( $titlePart, $namespace=NS_MAIN) | |
Convert an input title or title prefix into a dbkey. | |
validateSha1Hash ( $hash) | |
validateSha1Base36Hash ( $hash) | |
userCanSeeRevDel () | |
Check whether the current user has permission to view revision-deleted fields. | |
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__construct (ApiMain $mainModule, $moduleName, $modulePrefix='') | |
getModuleManager () | |
Get the module manager, or null if this module has no sub-modules. | |
getCustomPrinter () | |
If the module may only be used with a certain format module, it should override this method to return an instance of that formatter. | |
shouldCheckMaxlag () | |
Indicates if this module needs maxlag to be checked. | |
isReadMode () | |
Indicates whether this module requires read rights. | |
isWriteMode () | |
Indicates whether this module requires write mode. | |
mustBePosted () | |
Indicates whether this module must be called with a POST request. | |
isDeprecated () | |
Indicates whether this module is deprecated. | |
isInternal () | |
Indicates whether this module is "internal" Internal API modules are not (yet) intended for 3rd party use and may be unstable. | |
needsToken () | |
Returns the token type this module requires in order to execute. | |
getConditionalRequestData ( $condition) | |
Returns data for HTTP conditional request mechanisms. | |
getModuleName () | |
Get the name of the module being executed by this instance. | |
getModulePrefix () | |
Get parameter prefix (usually two letters or an empty string). | |
getMain () | |
Get the main module. | |
isMain () | |
Returns true if this module is the main module ($this === $this->mMainModule), false otherwise. | |
lacksSameOriginSecurity () | |
Returns true if the current request breaks the same-origin policy. | |
getModulePath () | |
Get the path to this module. | |
getModuleFromPath ( $path) | |
Get a module from its module path. | |
getResult () | |
Get the result object. | |
getErrorFormatter () | |
getContinuationManager () | |
setContinuationManager (ApiContinuationManager $manager=null) | |
dynamicParameterDocumentation () | |
Indicate if the module supports dynamically-determined parameters that cannot be included in self::getAllowedParams(). | |
extractRequestParams ( $options=[]) | |
Using getAllowedParams(), this function makes an array of the values provided by the user, with key being the name of the variable, and value - validated value from user or default. | |
requireOnlyOneParameter ( $params,... $required) | |
Die if none or more than one of a certain set of parameters is set and not false. | |
requireMaxOneParameter ( $params,... $required) | |
Die if more than one of a certain set of parameters is set and not false. | |
requireAtLeastOneParameter ( $params,... $required) | |
Die if none of a certain set of parameters is set and not false. | |
requirePostedParameters ( $params, $prefix='prefix') | |
Die if any of the specified parameters were found in the query part of the URL rather than the post body. | |
getTitleOrPageId ( $params, $load=false) | |
Get a WikiPage object from a title or pageid param, if possible. | |
getTitleFromTitleOrPageId ( $params) | |
Get a Title object from a title or pageid param, if possible. | |
handleParamNormalization ( $paramName, $value, $rawValue) | |
Handle when a parameter was Unicode-normalized. | |
validateToken ( $token, array $params) | |
Validate the supplied token. | |
getWatchlistUser ( $params) | |
Gets the user for whom to get the watchlist. | |
errorArrayToStatus (array $errors, User $user=null) | |
Turn an array of message keys or key+param arrays into a Status. | |
addBlockInfoToStatus (StatusValue $status, Authority $user=null) | |
Add block info to block messages in a Status. | |
addWarning ( $msg, $code=null, $data=null) | |
Add a warning for this module. | |
addDeprecation ( $msg, $feature, $data=[]) | |
Add a deprecation warning for this module. | |
addError ( $msg, $code=null, $data=null) | |
Add an error for this module without aborting. | |
addMessagesFromStatus (StatusValue $status, $types=[ 'warning', 'error'], array $filter=[]) | |
Add warnings and/or errors from a Status. | |
dieWithError ( $msg, $code=null, $data=null, $httpCode=0) | |
Abort execution with an error. | |
dieWithException (Throwable $exception, array $options=[]) | |
Abort execution with an error derived from a throwable. | |
dieBlocked (Block $block) | |
Throw an ApiUsageException, which will (if uncaught) call the main module's error handler and die with an error message including block info. | |
dieStatus (StatusValue $status) | |
Throw an ApiUsageException based on the Status object. | |
dieReadOnly () | |
Helper function for readonly errors. | |
checkUserRightsAny ( $rights, $user=null) | |
Helper function for permission-denied errors. | |
checkTitleUserPermissions ( $pageIdentity, $actions, array $options=[]) | |
Helper function for permission-denied errors. | |
dieWithErrorOrDebug ( $msg, $code=null, $data=null, $httpCode=null) | |
Will only set a warning instead of failing if the global $wgDebugAPI is set to true. | |
logFeatureUsage ( $feature) | |
Write logging information for API features to a debug log, for usage analysis. | |
getFinalSummary () | |
Get final module summary. | |
getFinalDescription () | |
Get final module description, after hooks have had a chance to tweak it as needed. | |
getFinalParams ( $flags=0) | |
Get final list of parameters, after hooks have had a chance to tweak it as needed. | |
getFinalParamDescription () | |
Get final parameter descriptions, after hooks have had a chance to tweak it as needed. | |
modifyHelp (array &$help, array $options, array &$tocData) | |
Called from ApiHelp before the pieces are joined together and returned. | |
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canUseWikiPage () | |
Check whether a WikiPage object can be get with getWikiPage(). | |
exportSession () | |
Export the resolved user IP, HTTP headers, user ID, and session ID. | |
getActionName () | |
Get the action name for the current web request. | |
getAuthority () | |
getConfig () | |
getContext () | |
Get the base IContextSource object. | |
getCsrfTokenSet () | |
Get a repository to obtain and match CSRF tokens. | |
getLanguage () | |
getOutput () | |
getRequest () | |
getSkin () | |
getStats () | |
getTiming () | |
getTitle () | |
getUser () | |
getWikiPage () | |
Get the WikiPage object. | |
msg ( $key,... $params) | |
Get a Message object with context set Parameters are the same as wfMessage() | |
setContext (IContextSource $context) | |
Protected Member Functions | |
getExamplesMessages () | |
Returns usage examples for this module. | |
run (ApiPageSet $resultPageSet=null) | |
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parseParameters ( $params) | |
Parse the parameters into the various instance fields. | |
extractRevisionInfo (RevisionRecord $revision, $row) | |
Extract information from the RevisionRecord. | |
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getHelpFlags () | |
Generates the list of flags for the help screen and for action=paraminfo.Corresponding messages: api-help-flag-deprecated, api-help-flag-internal, api-help-flag-readrights, api-help-flag-writerights, api-help-flag-mustbeposted
| |
getPageSet () | |
Get the PageSet object to work on. | |
setContinueEnumParameter ( $paramName, $paramValue) | |
Overridden to set the generator param if in generator mode. | |
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resetQueryParams () | |
Blank the internal arrays with query parameters. | |
getQueryBuilder () | |
Get the SelectQueryBuilder. | |
addTables ( $tables, $alias=null) | |
Add a set of tables to the internal array. | |
addJoinConds ( $join_conds) | |
Add a set of JOIN conditions to the internal array. | |
addFields ( $value) | |
Add a set of fields to select to the internal array. | |
addFieldsIf ( $value, $condition) | |
Same as addFields(), but add the fields only if a condition is met. | |
addWhere ( $value) | |
Add a set of WHERE clauses to the internal array. | |
addWhereIf ( $value, $condition) | |
Same as addWhere(), but add the WHERE clauses only if a condition is met. | |
addWhereFld ( $field, $value) | |
Equivalent to addWhere( [ $field => $value ] ) | |
addWhereIDsFld ( $table, $field, $ids) | |
Like addWhereFld for an integer list of IDs. | |
addWhereRange ( $field, $dir, $start, $end, $sort=true) | |
Add a WHERE clause corresponding to a range, and an ORDER BY clause to sort in the right direction. | |
addTimestampWhereRange ( $field, $dir, $start, $end, $sort=true) | |
Add a WHERE clause corresponding to a range, similar to addWhereRange, but converts $start and $end to database timestamps. | |
addOption ( $name, $value=null) | |
Add an option such as LIMIT or USE INDEX. | |
select ( $method, $extraQuery=[], array &$hookData=null) | |
Execute a SELECT query based on the values in the internal arrays. | |
processRow ( $row, array &$data, array &$hookData) | |
Call the ApiQueryBaseProcessRow hook. | |
getDB () | |
Get the Query database connection (read-only) | |
addPageSubItems ( $pageId, $data) | |
Add a sub-element under the page element with the given page ID. | |
addPageSubItem ( $pageId, $item, $elemname=null) | |
Same as addPageSubItems(), but one element of $data at a time. | |
parsePrefixedTitlePart ( $titlePart, $defaultNamespace=NS_MAIN) | |
Convert an input title or title prefix into a TitleValue. | |
executeGenderCacheFromResultWrapper (IResultWrapper $res, $fname=__METHOD__, $fieldPrefix='page') | |
Preprocess the result set to fill the GenderCache with the necessary information before using self::addTitleInfo. | |
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getWebUITokenSalt (array $params) | |
Fetch the salt used in the Web UI corresponding to this module. | |
getPermissionManager () | |
Obtain a PermissionManager instance that subclasses may use in their authorization checks. | |
getHookContainer () | |
Get a HookContainer, for running extension hooks or for hook metadata. | |
getHookRunner () | |
Get an ApiHookRunner for running core API hooks. | |
getParameter ( $paramName, $parseLimit=true) | |
Get a value for the given parameter. | |
getParameterFromSettings ( $name, $settings, $parseLimit) | |
Using the settings determine the value for the given parameter. | |
useTransactionalTimeLimit () | |
Call wfTransactionalTimeLimit() if this request was POSTed. | |
filterIDs ( $fields, array $ids) | |
Filter out-of-range values from a list of positive integer IDs. | |
dieContinueUsageIf ( $condition) | |
Die with the 'badcontinue' error. | |
getSummaryMessage () | |
Return the summary message. | |
getExtendedDescription () | |
Return the extended help text message. | |
getModuleSourceInfo () | |
Returns information about the source of this module, if known. | |
Additional Inherited Members | |
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static | addTitleInfo (&$arr, $title, $prefix='') |
Add information (title and namespace) about a Title object to a result array. | |
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static | makeMessage ( $msg, IContextSource $context, array $params=null) |
Create a Message from a string or array. | |
static | clearCacheForTest () |
Reset static caches of database state. | |
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const | PARAM_RANGE_ENFORCE = 'api-param-range-enforce' |
(boolean) Inverse of IntegerDef::PARAM_IGNORE_RANGE | |
const | PARAM_DFLT = ParamValidator::PARAM_DEFAULT |
const | PARAM_ISMULTI = ParamValidator::PARAM_ISMULTI |
const | PARAM_TYPE = ParamValidator::PARAM_TYPE |
const | PARAM_MAX = IntegerDef::PARAM_MAX |
const | PARAM_MAX2 = IntegerDef::PARAM_MAX2 |
const | PARAM_MIN = IntegerDef::PARAM_MIN |
const | PARAM_REQUIRED = ParamValidator::PARAM_REQUIRED |
const | PARAM_ALL = ParamValidator::PARAM_ALL |
const | PARAM_HELP_MSG = 'api-param-help-msg' |
(string|array|Message) Specify an alternative i18n documentation message for this parameter. | |
const | PARAM_HELP_MSG_APPEND = 'api-param-help-msg-append' |
((string|array|Message)[]) Specify additional i18n messages to append to the normal message for this parameter. | |
const | PARAM_HELP_MSG_INFO = 'api-param-help-msg-info' |
(array) Specify additional information tags for the parameter. | |
const | PARAM_VALUE_LINKS = 'api-param-value-links' |
Deprecated and unused. | |
const | PARAM_HELP_MSG_PER_VALUE = 'api-param-help-msg-per-value' |
((string|array|Message)[]) When PARAM_TYPE is an array, this is an array mapping those values to $msg for ApiBase::makeMessage(). | |
const | PARAM_TEMPLATE_VARS = 'param-template-vars' |
(array) Indicate that this is a templated parameter, and specify replacements. | |
const | ALL_DEFAULT_STRING = '*' |
(string|array|Message) Specify an alternative i18n documentation message for this parameter. | |
const | LIMIT_BIG1 = 500 |
Fast query, standard limit. | |
const | LIMIT_BIG2 = 5000 |
Fast query, apihighlimits limit. | |
const | LIMIT_SML1 = 50 |
Slow query, standard limit. | |
const | LIMIT_SML2 = 500 |
Slow query, apihighlimits limit. | |
const | GET_VALUES_FOR_HELP = 1 |
getAllowedParams() flag: When set, the result could take longer to generate, but should be more thorough. | |
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static | dieDebug ( $method, $message) |
Internal code errors should be reported with this method. | |
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$limit | |
The number of uncached diffs that had to be generated for this request. | |
$diffto | |
The number of uncached diffs that had to be generated for this request. | |
$difftotext | |
The number of uncached diffs that had to be generated for this request. | |
$difftotextpst | |
The number of uncached diffs that had to be generated for this request. | |
$expandTemplates | |
The number of uncached diffs that had to be generated for this request. | |
$generateXML | |
The number of uncached diffs that had to be generated for this request. | |
$section | |
The number of uncached diffs that had to be generated for this request. | |
$parseContent | |
The number of uncached diffs that had to be generated for this request. | |
$fetchContent | |
The number of uncached diffs that had to be generated for this request. | |
$contentFormat | |
The number of uncached diffs that had to be generated for this request. | |
$setParsedLimit = true | |
The number of uncached diffs that had to be generated for this request. | |
$slotRoles = null | |
The number of uncached diffs that had to be generated for this request. | |
$needSlots | |
The number of uncached diffs that had to be generated for this request. | |
$fld_ids = false | |
The number of uncached diffs that had to be generated for this request. | |
$fld_flags = false | |
The number of uncached diffs that had to be generated for this request. | |
$fld_timestamp = false | |
The number of uncached diffs that had to be generated for this request. | |
$fld_size = false | |
The number of uncached diffs that had to be generated for this request. | |
$fld_slotsize = false | |
The number of uncached diffs that had to be generated for this request. | |
$fld_sha1 = false | |
The number of uncached diffs that had to be generated for this request. | |
$fld_slotsha1 = false | |
The number of uncached diffs that had to be generated for this request. | |
$fld_comment = false | |
The number of uncached diffs that had to be generated for this request. | |
$fld_parsedcomment = false | |
The number of uncached diffs that had to be generated for this request. | |
$fld_user = false | |
The number of uncached diffs that had to be generated for this request. | |
$fld_userid = false | |
The number of uncached diffs that had to be generated for this request. | |
$fld_content = false | |
The number of uncached diffs that had to be generated for this request. | |
$fld_tags = false | |
The number of uncached diffs that had to be generated for this request. | |
$fld_contentmodel = false | |
The number of uncached diffs that had to be generated for this request. | |
$fld_roles = false | |
The number of uncached diffs that had to be generated for this request. | |
$fld_parsetree = false | |
The number of uncached diffs that had to be generated for this request. | |
A query action to enumerate revisions of a given page, or show top revisions of multiple pages.
Various pieces of information may be shown - flags, comments, and the actual wiki markup of the rev. In the enumeration mode, ranges of revisions may be requested and filtered.
Definition at line 42 of file ApiQueryRevisions.php.
ApiQueryRevisions::__construct | ( | ApiQuery | $query, |
$moduleName, | |||
RevisionStore | $revisionStore, | ||
IContentHandlerFactory | $contentHandlerFactory, | ||
ParserFactory | $parserFactory, | ||
SlotRoleRegistry | $slotRoleRegistry, | ||
NameTableStore | $changeTagDefStore, | ||
ActorMigration | $actorMigration, | ||
ContentRenderer | $contentRenderer, | ||
ContentTransformer | $contentTransformer ) |
ApiQuery | $query | |
string | $moduleName | |
RevisionStore | $revisionStore | |
IContentHandlerFactory | $contentHandlerFactory | |
ParserFactory | $parserFactory | |
SlotRoleRegistry | $slotRoleRegistry | |
NameTableStore | $changeTagDefStore | |
ActorMigration | $actorMigration | |
ContentRenderer | $contentRenderer | |
ContentTransformer | $contentTransformer |
Definition at line 65 of file ApiQueryRevisions.php.
ApiQueryRevisions::getAllowedParams | ( | ) |
MWException |
Reimplemented from ApiQueryRevisionsBase.
Definition at line 446 of file ApiQueryRevisions.php.
protected |
Returns usage examples for this module.
Return value has query strings as keys, with values being either strings (message key), arrays (message key + parameter), or Message objects.
Do not call this base class implementation when overriding this method.
Reimplemented from ApiBase.
Definition at line 500 of file ApiQueryRevisions.php.
References $title.
ApiQueryRevisions::getHelpUrls | ( | ) |
Return links to more detailed help pages about the module.
Reimplemented from ApiBase.
Definition at line 526 of file ApiQueryRevisions.php.
protected |
ApiPageSet | null | $resultPageSet |
Reimplemented from ApiQueryRevisionsBase.
Definition at line 93 of file ApiQueryRevisions.php.
References $res, $revQuery, $title, ApiQueryBase\addFields(), ApiQueryBase\addJoinConds(), ApiQueryBase\addOption(), ApiQueryBase\addPageSubItem(), ApiQueryBase\addTables(), ApiQueryBase\addTimestampWhereRange(), ApiQueryBase\addWhere(), ApiQueryBase\addWhereFld(), ApiBase\dieContinueUsageIf(), ApiBase\dieDebug(), ApiBase\dieStatus(), ApiBase\dieWithError(), ApiQueryGeneratorBase\encodeParamName(), ApiBase\extractRequestParams(), ApiQueryRevisionsBase\extractRevisionInfo(), getAuthority(), ApiQueryBase\getDB(), ApiBase\getModulePrefix(), ApiQueryGeneratorBase\getPageSet(), ApiBase\getParameter(), ChangeTags\makeTagSummarySubquery(), ApiQueryRevisionsBase\parseParameters(), ApiQueryBase\processRow(), ApiBase\requireMaxOneParameter(), ApiQueryBase\select(), ApiQueryGeneratorBase\setContinueEnumParameter(), and wfEscapeWikiText().