MediaWiki REL1_39
Special page which uses a ChangesList to show query results. More...
Public Member Functions | |
__construct ( $name, $restriction) | |
doHeader ( $opts, $numRows) | |
Set the text to be displayed above the changes. | |
execute ( $subpage) | |
filterOnUserExperienceLevel ( $specialPageClassName, $context, $dbr, &$tables, &$fields, &$conds, &$query_options, &$join_conds, $selectedExpLevels, $now=0) | |
Filter on users' experience levels; this will not be called if nothing is selected. | |
getDefaultDays () | |
Get the default value of the number of days to display when loading the result set. | |
getDefaultLimit () | |
Get the default value of the number of changes to display when loading the result set. | |
getDefaultOptions () | |
Get a FormOptions object containing the default options. | |
getExtraOptions ( $opts) | |
Get options to be displayed in a form. | |
getFilterGroup ( $groupName) | |
Gets a specified ChangesListFilterGroup by name. | |
getOptions () | |
Get the current FormOptions for this request. | |
getRows () | |
Get the database result for this special page instance. | |
getStructuredFilterJsData () | |
Gets structured filter information needed by JS. | |
isStructuredFilterUiEnabled () | |
Check whether the structured filter UI is enabled. | |
makeLegend () | |
Return the legend displayed within the fieldset. | |
outputChangesList ( $rows, $opts) | |
Build and output the actual changes list. | |
outputFeedLinks () | |
parseParameters ( $par, FormOptions $opts) | |
Process $par and put options found in $opts. | |
registerFilterGroup (ChangesListFilterGroup $group) | |
Register a structured changes list filter group. | |
replaceOldOptions (FormOptions $opts) | |
Replace old options with their structured UI equivalents. | |
setBottomText (FormOptions $opts) | |
Send the text to be displayed after the options. | |
setTopText (FormOptions $opts) | |
Send the text to be displayed before the options. | |
setup ( $parameters) | |
Register all the filters, including legacy hook-driven ones. | |
validateOptions (FormOptions $opts) | |
Validate a FormOptions object generated by getDefaultOptions() with values already populated. | |
webOutput ( $rows, $opts) | |
Send output to the OutputPage object, only called if not used feeds. | |
![]() | |
__construct ( $name='', $restriction='', $listed=true, $function=false, $file='', $includable=false) | |
Default constructor for special pages Derivative classes should call this from their constructor Note that if the user does not have the required level, an error message will be displayed by the default execute() method, without the global function ever being called. | |
addHelpLink ( $to, $overrideBaseUrl=false) | |
Adds help link with an icon via page indicators. | |
checkPermissions () | |
Checks if userCanExecute, and if not throws a PermissionsError. | |
checkReadOnly () | |
If the wiki is currently in readonly mode, throws a ReadOnlyError. | |
doesWrites () | |
Indicates whether this special page may perform database writes. | |
getAssociatedNavigationLinks () | |
Return an array of strings representing page titles that are discoverable to end users via UI. | |
getAuthority () | |
Shortcut to get the Authority executing this instance. | |
getConfig () | |
Shortcut to get main config object. | |
getContentLanguage () | |
Shortcut to get content language. | |
getContext () | |
Gets the context this SpecialPage is executed in. | |
getDescription () | |
Returns the name that goes in the \<h1\> in the special page itself, and also the name that will be listed in Special:Specialpages. | |
getFinalGroupName () | |
Get the group that the special page belongs in on Special:SpecialPage Use this method, instead of getGroupName to allow customization of the group name from the wiki side. | |
getFullTitle () | |
Return the full title, including $par. | |
getLanguage () | |
Shortcut to get user's language. | |
getLinkRenderer () | |
getLocalName () | |
Get the localised name of the special page. | |
getName () | |
Get the name of this Special Page. | |
getOutput () | |
Get the OutputPage being used for this instance. | |
getPageTitle ( $subpage=false) | |
Get a self-referential title object. | |
getRequest () | |
Get the WebRequest being used for this instance. | |
getRestriction () | |
Get the permission that a user must have to execute this page. | |
getShortDescription (string $path='') | |
Similar to getDescription but takes into account sub pages and designed for display in tabs. | |
getSkin () | |
Shortcut to get the skin being used for this instance. | |
getUser () | |
Shortcut to get the User executing this instance. | |
including ( $x=null) | |
Whether the special page is being evaluated via transclusion. | |
isCached () | |
Is this page cached? Expensive pages are cached or disabled in miser mode. | |
isExpensive () | |
Is this page expensive (for some definition of expensive)? Expensive pages are disabled or cached in miser mode. | |
isIncludable () | |
Whether it's allowed to transclude the special page via {{Special:Foo/params}}. | |
isListed () | |
Whether this special page is listed in Special:SpecialPages. | |
isRestricted () | |
Can be overridden by subclasses with more complicated permissions schemes. | |
listed ( $x=null) | |
Get or set whether this special page is listed in Special:SpecialPages. | |
maxIncludeCacheTime () | |
How long to cache page when it is being included. | |
msg ( $key,... $params) | |
Wrapper around wfMessage that sets the current context. | |
prefixSearchSubpages ( $search, $limit, $offset) | |
Return an array of subpages beginning with $search that this special page will accept. | |
requireLogin ( $reasonMsg='exception-nologin-text', $titleMsg='exception-nologin') | |
If the user is not logged in, throws UserNotLoggedIn error. | |
requireNamedUser ( $reasonMsg='exception-nologin-text', $titleMsg='exception-nologin') | |
If the user is not logged in or is a temporary user, throws UserNotLoggedIn. | |
run ( $subPage) | |
Entry point. | |
setContentLanguage (Language $contentLanguage) | |
Set content language. | |
setContext ( $context) | |
Sets the context this SpecialPage is executed in. | |
setHookContainer (HookContainer $hookContainer) | |
setLinkRenderer (LinkRenderer $linkRenderer) | |
setListed ( $listed) | |
Set whether this page is listed in Special:Specialpages, at run-time. | |
setSpecialPageFactory (SpecialPageFactory $specialPageFactory) | |
userCanExecute (User $user) | |
Checks if the given user (identified by an object) can execute this special page (as defined by $mRestriction). | |
Static Public Member Functions | |
static | checkStructuredFilterUiEnabled (UserIdentity $user) |
Static method to check whether StructuredFilter UI is enabled for the given user. | |
static | getRcFiltersConfigSummary (RL\Context $context) |
Get essential data about getRcFiltersConfigVars() for change detection. | |
static | getRcFiltersConfigVars (RL\Context $context) |
Get config vars to export with the mediawiki.rcfilters.filters.ui module. | |
![]() | |
static | getSafeTitleFor ( $name, $subpage=false) |
Get a localised Title object for a page name with a possibly unvalidated subpage. | |
static | getTitleFor ( $name, $subpage=false, $fragment='') |
Get a localised Title object for a specified special page name If you don't need a full Title object, consider using TitleValue through getTitleValueFor() below. | |
static | getTitleValueFor ( $name, $subpage=false, $fragment='') |
Get a localised TitleValue object for a specified special page name. | |
static | newSearchPage (User $user) |
Get the users preferred search page. | |
Protected Member Functions | |
addModules () | |
Add page-specific modules. | |
areFiltersInConflict () | |
Check if filters are in conflict and guaranteed to return no results. | |
buildQuery (&$tables, &$fields, &$conds, &$query_options, &$join_conds, FormOptions $opts) | |
Sets appropriate tables, fields, conditions, etc. | |
considerActionsForDefaultSavedQuery ( $subpage) | |
Check whether or not the page should load defaults, and if so, whether a default saved query is relevant to be redirected to. | |
convertParamsForLink ( $params) | |
Convert parameters values from true/false to 1/0 so they are not omitted by wfArrayToCgi() T38524. | |
doMainQuery ( $tables, $fields, $conds, $query_options, $join_conds, FormOptions $opts) | |
Process the query. | |
fetchOptionsFromRequest ( $opts) | |
Fetch values for a FormOptions object from the WebRequest associated with this instance. | |
getCollapsedPreferenceName () | |
Preference name for collapsing the active filter display. | |
getDB () | |
Return a IDatabase object for reading. | |
getDefaultDaysPreferenceName () | |
Preference name for 'days'. | |
getFilterGroups () | |
Gets the currently registered filters groups. | |
getGroupName () | |
Under which header this special page is listed in Special:SpecialPages See messages 'specialpages-group-*' for valid names This method defaults to group 'other'. | |
getLegacyShowHideFilters () | |
getLimitPreferenceName () | |
Getting the preference name for 'limit'. | |
getLinkDays () | |
getSavedQueriesPreferenceName () | |
Preference name for saved queries. | |
includeRcFiltersApp () | |
Include the modules and configuration for the RCFilters app. | |
outputNoResults () | |
Add the "no results" message to the output. | |
outputTimeout () | |
Add the "timeout" message to the output. | |
registerFilters () | |
Register all filters and their groups (including those from hooks), plus handle conflicts and defaults. | |
registerFiltersFromDefinitions (array $definition) | |
Register filters from a definition object. | |
runMainQueryHook (&$tables, &$fields, &$conds, &$query_options, &$join_conds, $opts) | |
transformFilterDefinition (array $filterDefinition) | |
Transforms filter definition to prepare it for constructor. | |
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addFeedLinks ( $params) | |
Adds RSS/atom links. | |
afterExecute ( $subPage) | |
Gets called after. | |
beforeExecute ( $subPage) | |
Gets called before. | |
buildPrevNextNavigation ( $offset, $limit, array $query=[], $atend=false, $subpage=false) | |
Generate (prev x| next x) (20|50|100...) type links for paging. | |
checkLoginSecurityLevel ( $level=null) | |
Verifies that the user meets the security level, possibly reauthenticating them in the process. | |
displayRestrictionError () | |
Output an error message telling the user what access level they have to have. | |
getAuthManager () | |
getCacheTTL () | |
getHookContainer () | |
getHookRunner () | |
getLanguageConverter () | |
Shortcut to get language's converter. | |
getLoginSecurityLevel () | |
Tells if the special page does something security-sensitive and needs extra defense against a stolen account (e.g. | |
getRobotPolicy () | |
Return the robot policy. | |
getSpecialPageFactory () | |
getSubpagesForPrefixSearch () | |
Return an array of subpages that this special page will accept for prefix searches. | |
outputHeader ( $summaryMessageKey='') | |
Outputs a summary message on top of special pages Per default the message key is the canonical name of the special page May be overridden, i.e. | |
prefixSearchString ( $search, $limit, $offset, SearchEngineFactory $searchEngineFactory=null) | |
Perform a regular substring search for prefixSearchSubpages. | |
setAuthManager (AuthManager $authManager) | |
Set the injected AuthManager from the special page constructor. | |
setHeaders () | |
Sets headers - this should be called from the execute() method of all derived classes! | |
setReauthPostData (array $data) | |
Record preserved POST data after a reauthentication. | |
useTransactionalTimeLimit () | |
Call wfTransactionalTimeLimit() if this request was POSTed. | |
Protected Attributes | |
ChangesListFilterGroup[] | $filterGroups = [] |
Filter groups, and their contained filters This is an associative array (with group name as key) of ChangesListFilterGroup objects. | |
FormOptions | $rcOptions |
string | $rcSubpage |
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IContextSource | $mContext |
Current request context. | |
bool | $mIncludable |
Whether the special page can be included in an article. | |
bool | $mIncluding |
Whether or not this special page is being included from an article. | |
string | $mName |
The canonical name of this special page Also used for the default. | |
string | $mRestriction |
Minimum user level required to access this page, or "" for anyone. | |
Additional Inherited Members | |
![]() | |
static | prefixSearchArray ( $search, $limit, array $subpages, $offset) |
Helper function for implementations of prefixSearchSubpages() that filter the values in memory (as opposed to making a query). | |
Special page which uses a ChangesList to show query results.
Definition at line 41 of file ChangesListSpecialPage.php.
ChangesListSpecialPage::__construct | ( | $name, | |
$restriction ) |
Definition at line 87 of file ChangesListSpecialPage.php.
References $dbr, $s, SpecialPage\getHookRunner(), LIST_OR, ChangesListStringOptionsFilterGroup\NONE, RC_CATEGORIZE, RC_EDIT, RC_LOG, and RC_NEW.
protected |
Add page-specific modules.
Definition at line 1701 of file ChangesListSpecialPage.php.
References SpecialPage\getOutput(), SpecialPage\including(), and isStructuredFilterUiEnabled().
Referenced by execute().
protected |
Check if filters are in conflict and guaranteed to return no results.
Definition at line 565 of file ChangesListSpecialPage.php.
References getFilterGroups(), getOptions(), and wfLogWarning().
Referenced by SpecialWatchlist\doMainQuery().
protected |
Sets appropriate tables, fields, conditions, etc.
depending on which filters the user requested.
array | &$tables | Array of tables; see IDatabase::select $table |
array | &$fields | Array of fields; see IDatabase::select $vars |
array | &$conds | Array of conditions; see IDatabase::select $conds |
array | &$query_options | Array of query options; see IDatabase::select $options |
array | &$join_conds | Array of join conditions; see IDatabase::select $join_conds |
FormOptions | $opts |
Definition at line 1410 of file ChangesListSpecialPage.php.
References $dbr, getDB(), isStructuredFilterUiEnabled(), FormOptions\reset(), and wfTimestamp().
Referenced by getRows().
static |
Static method to check whether StructuredFilter UI is enabled for the given user.
UserIdentity | $user |
Reimplemented in SpecialWatchlist.
Definition at line 1865 of file ChangesListSpecialPage.php.
protected |
Check whether or not the page should load defaults, and if so, whether a default saved query is relevant to be redirected to.
If it is relevant, redirect properly with all necessary query parameters.
string | $subpage |
Definition at line 690 of file ChangesListSpecialPage.php.
References getOptions(), SpecialPage\getOutput(), SpecialPage\getPageTitle(), SpecialPage\getRequest(), getSavedQueriesPreferenceName(), getUser(), SpecialPage\including(), and isStructuredFilterUiEnabled().
Referenced by execute().
protected |
Convert parameters values from true/false to 1/0 so they are not omitted by wfArrayToCgi() T38524.
array | $params |
Definition at line 1389 of file ChangesListSpecialPage.php.
Referenced by validateOptions().
ChangesListSpecialPage::doHeader | ( | $opts, | |
$numRows ) |
Set the text to be displayed above the changes.
FormOptions | $opts | |
int | $numRows | Number of rows in the result to show after this header |
Reimplemented in SpecialRecentChanges, and SpecialWatchlist.
Definition at line 1574 of file ChangesListSpecialPage.php.
References setBottomText(), and setTopText().
protected |
Process the query.
array | $tables | Array of tables; see IDatabase::select $table |
array | $fields | Array of fields; see IDatabase::select $vars |
array | $conds | Array of conditions; see IDatabase::select $conds |
array | $query_options | Array of query options; see IDatabase::select $options |
array | $join_conds | Array of join conditions; see IDatabase::select $join_conds |
FormOptions | $opts |
Reimplemented in SpecialRecentChanges, SpecialWatchlist, and SpecialRecentChangesLinked.
Definition at line 1480 of file ChangesListSpecialPage.php.
References $dbr, getDB(), ChangeTags\modifyDisplayQuery(), and runMainQueryHook().
Referenced by getRows().
ChangesListSpecialPage::execute | ( | $subpage | ) |
string | null | $subpage |
Reimplemented from SpecialPage.
Reimplemented in SpecialRecentChanges, and SpecialWatchlist.
Definition at line 601 of file ChangesListSpecialPage.php.
References $title, addModules(), considerActionsForDefaultSavedQuery(), SpecialPage\getConfig(), getDB(), getOptions(), SpecialPage\getOutput(), SpecialPage\getRequest(), getRows(), getUser(), includeRcFiltersApp(), NS_USER, NS_USER_TALK, SpecialPage\outputHeader(), outputTimeout(), SpecialPage\setHeaders(), and webOutput().
protected |
Fetch values for a FormOptions object from the WebRequest associated with this instance.
Intended for subclassing, e.g. to add a backwards-compatibility layer.
FormOptions | $opts |
Reimplemented in SpecialWatchlist.
Definition at line 1207 of file ChangesListSpecialPage.php.
References SpecialPage\getRequest().
Referenced by setup().
ChangesListSpecialPage::filterOnUserExperienceLevel | ( | $specialPageClassName, | |
$context, | |||
$dbr, | |||
& | $tables, | ||
& | $fields, | ||
& | $conds, | ||
& | $query_options, | ||
& | $join_conds, | ||
$selectedExpLevels, | |||
$now = 0 ) |
Filter on users' experience levels; this will not be called if nothing is selected.
string | $specialPageClassName | Class name of current special page |
IContextSource | $context | Context, for e.g. user |
IDatabase | $dbr | Database, for addQuotes, makeList, and similar |
array | &$tables | Array of tables; see IDatabase::select $table |
array | &$fields | Array of fields; see IDatabase::select $vars |
array | &$conds | Array of conditions; see IDatabase::select $conds |
array | &$query_options | Array of query options; see IDatabase::select $options |
array | &$join_conds | Array of join conditions; see IDatabase::select $join_conds |
array | $selectedExpLevels | The allowed active values, sorted |
int | $now | Number of seconds since the UNIX epoch, or 0 if not given (optional) |
Definition at line 1737 of file ChangesListSpecialPage.php.
References $dbr, and SpecialPage\getConfig().
abstractprotected |
Preference name for collapsing the active filter display.
Reimplemented in SpecialRecentChanges, and SpecialWatchlist.
Referenced by includeRcFiltersApp().
protected |
Return a IDatabase object for reading.
Reimplemented in SpecialRecentChanges, and SpecialWatchlist.
Definition at line 1527 of file ChangesListSpecialPage.php.
References DB_REPLICA, and wfGetDB().
ChangesListSpecialPage::getDefaultDays | ( | ) |
Get the default value of the number of days to display when loading the result set.
Supports fractional values, and should be cast to a float.
Definition at line 1892 of file ChangesListSpecialPage.php.
References getDefaultDaysPreferenceName(), and getUser().
Referenced by getDefaultOptions(), and includeRcFiltersApp().
abstractprotected |
Preference name for 'days'.
Reimplemented in SpecialRecentChanges, and SpecialWatchlist.
Referenced by getDefaultDays(), and includeRcFiltersApp().
ChangesListSpecialPage::getDefaultLimit | ( | ) |
Get the default value of the number of changes to display when loading the result set.
Reimplemented in SpecialRecentChanges.
Definition at line 1878 of file ChangesListSpecialPage.php.
References getLimitPreferenceName(), and getUser().
Referenced by getDefaultOptions(), and includeRcFiltersApp().
ChangesListSpecialPage::getDefaultOptions | ( | ) |
Get a FormOptions object containing the default options.
By default, returns some basic options. The filters listed explicitly here are overridden in this method, in subclasses, but most filters (e.g. hideminor, userExpLevel filters, and more) are structured. Structured filters are overridden in registerFilters. not here.
Reimplemented in SpecialRecentChangesLinked.
Definition at line 1104 of file ChangesListSpecialPage.php.
References getDefaultDays(), getDefaultLimit(), SpecialPage\getRequest(), and isStructuredFilterUiEnabled().
Referenced by setup().
ChangesListSpecialPage::getExtraOptions | ( | $opts | ) |
Get options to be displayed in a form.
This should handle options returned by getDefaultOptions().
Not called by anything in this class (but is in subclasses), should be called by something… doHeader() maybe?
FormOptions | $opts |
Reimplemented in SpecialRecentChanges, and SpecialRecentChangesLinked.
Definition at line 1613 of file ChangesListSpecialPage.php.
ChangesListSpecialPage::getFilterGroup | ( | $groupName | ) |
Gets a specified ChangesListFilterGroup by name.
string | $groupName | Name of group |
Definition at line 1156 of file ChangesListSpecialPage.php.
Referenced by registerFilters(), SpecialWatchlist\registerFilters(), and replaceOldOptions().
protected |
Gets the currently registered filters groups.
Definition at line 1145 of file ChangesListSpecialPage.php.
Referenced by areFiltersInConflict().
protected |
Under which header this special page is listed in Special:SpecialPages See messages 'specialpages-group-*' for valid names This method defaults to group 'other'.
Reimplemented from SpecialPage.
Definition at line 1717 of file ChangesListSpecialPage.php.
protected |
Definition at line 1056 of file ChangesListSpecialPage.php.
Referenced by SpecialWatchlist\doHeader(), and SpecialWatchlist\fetchOptionsFromRequest().
abstractprotected |
Getting the preference name for 'limit'.
Reimplemented in SpecialRecentChanges, and SpecialWatchlist.
Referenced by getDefaultLimit(), and includeRcFiltersApp().
protected |
Definition at line 760 of file ChangesListSpecialPage.php.
References SpecialPage\getConfig().
Referenced by includeRcFiltersApp().
ChangesListSpecialPage::getOptions | ( | ) |
Get the current FormOptions for this request.
Definition at line 925 of file ChangesListSpecialPage.php.
References setup().
Referenced by areFiltersInConflict(), considerActionsForDefaultSavedQuery(), execute(), SpecialWatchlist\execute(), and getRows().
static |
Get essential data about getRcFiltersConfigVars() for change detection.
RL\\Context | $context |
Definition at line 850 of file ChangesListSpecialPage.php.
References $lang, ChangeTags\getChangeTagListSummary(), and SpecialPage\getTitleFor().
static |
Get config vars to export with the mediawiki.rcfilters.filters.ui module.
RL\\Context | $context |
Definition at line 868 of file ChangesListSpecialPage.php.
References $lang, ChangeTags\getChangeTagList(), and SpecialPage\getTitleFor().
ChangesListSpecialPage::getRows | ( | ) |
Get the database result for this special page instance.
Used by ApiFeedRecentChanges.
Definition at line 907 of file ChangesListSpecialPage.php.
References buildQuery(), doMainQuery(), and getOptions().
Referenced by execute().
abstractprotected |
Preference name for saved queries.
Reimplemented in SpecialRecentChanges, and SpecialWatchlist.
Referenced by considerActionsForDefaultSavedQuery(), and includeRcFiltersApp().
ChangesListSpecialPage::getStructuredFilterJsData | ( | ) |
Gets structured filter information needed by JS.
Definition at line 1173 of file ChangesListSpecialPage.php.
References ChangesListFilterGroup\getPriority().
Referenced by includeRcFiltersApp().
protected |
Include the modules and configuration for the RCFilters app.
Conditional on the user having the feature enabled.
If it is disabled, add a <body> class marking that
Definition at line 788 of file ChangesListSpecialPage.php.
References getCollapsedPreferenceName(), SpecialPage\getConfig(), getDefaultDays(), getDefaultDaysPreferenceName(), getDefaultLimit(), getLimitPreferenceName(), getLinkDays(), SpecialPage\getOutput(), getSavedQueriesPreferenceName(), getStructuredFilterJsData(), getUser(), SpecialPage\including(), isStructuredFilterUiEnabled(), and SpecialPage\msg().
Referenced by execute().
ChangesListSpecialPage::isStructuredFilterUiEnabled | ( | ) |
Check whether the structured filter UI is enabled.
Definition at line 1850 of file ChangesListSpecialPage.php.
References SpecialPage\getRequest(), and getUser().
Referenced by addModules(), buildQuery(), considerActionsForDefaultSavedQuery(), SpecialWatchlist\doHeader(), SpecialWatchlist\execute(), getDefaultOptions(), includeRcFiltersApp(), makeLegend(), SpecialWatchlist\outputChangesList(), SpecialWatchlist\registerFilters(), replaceOldOptions(), and SpecialWatchlist\setTopText().
ChangesListSpecialPage::makeLegend | ( | ) |
Return the legend displayed within the fieldset.
Definition at line 1622 of file ChangesListSpecialPage.php.
References getContext(), SpecialPage\getRequest(), and isStructuredFilterUiEnabled().
Referenced by SpecialWatchlist\doHeader(), and SpecialWatchlist\outputChangesList().
abstract |
Build and output the actual changes list.
IResultWrapper | $rows | Database rows |
FormOptions | $opts |
Reimplemented in SpecialRecentChanges, and SpecialWatchlist.
Referenced by webOutput().
ChangesListSpecialPage::outputFeedLinks | ( | ) |
Reimplemented in SpecialRecentChanges, and SpecialWatchlist.
Definition at line 1556 of file ChangesListSpecialPage.php.
protected |
Add the "no results" message to the output.
Reimplemented in SpecialRecentChangesLinked.
Definition at line 881 of file ChangesListSpecialPage.php.
References SpecialPage\getOutput(), and SpecialPage\msg().
protected |
Add the "timeout" message to the output.
Definition at line 894 of file ChangesListSpecialPage.php.
References SpecialPage\getOutput(), and SpecialPage\msg().
Referenced by execute().
ChangesListSpecialPage::parseParameters | ( | $par, | |
FormOptions | $opts ) |
Process $par and put options found in $opts.
Used when including the page.
string | $par | |
FormOptions | $opts |
Reimplemented in SpecialRecentChanges, and SpecialRecentChangesLinked.
Definition at line 1219 of file ChangesListSpecialPage.php.
Referenced by setup().
ChangesListSpecialPage::registerFilterGroup | ( | ChangesListFilterGroup | $group | ) |
Register a structured changes list filter group.
ChangesListFilterGroup | $group |
Definition at line 1134 of file ChangesListSpecialPage.php.
References ChangesListFilterGroup\getName().
Referenced by SpecialWatchlist\registerFilters(), and registerFiltersFromDefinitions().
protected |
Register all filters and their groups (including those from hooks), plus handle conflicts and defaults.
You might want to customize these in the same method, in subclasses. You can call getFilterGroup to access a group, and (on the group) getFilter to access a filter, then make necessary modfications to the filter or group (e.g. with setDefault).
Reimplemented in SpecialRecentChanges, and SpecialWatchlist.
Definition at line 942 of file ChangesListSpecialPage.php.
References SpecialPage\getConfig(), getFilterGroup(), SpecialPage\getHookRunner(), getUser(), SpecialPage\including(), registerFiltersFromDefinitions(), and transformFilterDefinition().
Referenced by setup().
protected |
Register filters from a definition object.
Array specifying groups and their filters; see Filter and ChangesListFilterGroup constructors.
There is light processing to simplify core maintenance.
array | $definition |
Definition at line 1030 of file ChangesListSpecialPage.php.
References registerFilterGroup(), and transformFilterDefinition().
Referenced by registerFilters().
ChangesListSpecialPage::replaceOldOptions | ( | FormOptions | $opts | ) |
Replace old options with their structured UI equivalents.
FormOptions | $opts |
Definition at line 1340 of file ChangesListSpecialPage.php.
References getFilterGroup(), isStructuredFilterUiEnabled(), FormOptions\reset(), and ChangesListStringOptionsFilterGroup\SEPARATOR.
Referenced by validateOptions().
protected |
Definition at line 1515 of file ChangesListSpecialPage.php.
References SpecialPage\getHookRunner(), and SpecialPage\getName().
Referenced by doMainQuery(), SpecialWatchlist\doMainQuery(), and SpecialRecentChangesLinked\doMainQuery().
ChangesListSpecialPage::setBottomText | ( | FormOptions | $opts | ) |
Send the text to be displayed after the options.
Should use $this->getOutput()->addWikiTextAsInterface() or similar methods to print the text.
FormOptions | $opts |
Definition at line 1600 of file ChangesListSpecialPage.php.
Referenced by doHeader(), and SpecialWatchlist\doHeader().
ChangesListSpecialPage::setTopText | ( | FormOptions | $opts | ) |
Send the text to be displayed before the options.
Should use $this->getOutput()->addWikiTextAsInterface() or similar methods to print the text.
FormOptions | $opts |
Reimplemented in SpecialRecentChanges, SpecialRecentChangesLinked, and SpecialWatchlist.
Definition at line 1589 of file ChangesListSpecialPage.php.
Referenced by doHeader().
ChangesListSpecialPage::setup | ( | $parameters | ) |
Register all the filters, including legacy hook-driven ones.
Then create a FormOptions object with options as specified by the user
string | $parameters |
Definition at line 1078 of file ChangesListSpecialPage.php.
References fetchOptionsFromRequest(), getDefaultOptions(), parseParameters(), registerFilters(), and validateOptions().
Referenced by getOptions().
protected |
Transforms filter definition to prepare it for constructor.
See overrides of this method as well.
array | $filterDefinition | Original filter definition |
Reimplemented in SpecialRecentChanges, and SpecialWatchlist.
Definition at line 1016 of file ChangesListSpecialPage.php.
Referenced by registerFilters(), and registerFiltersFromDefinitions().
ChangesListSpecialPage::validateOptions | ( | FormOptions | $opts | ) |
Validate a FormOptions object generated by getDefaultOptions() with values already populated.
FormOptions | $opts |
Definition at line 1258 of file ChangesListSpecialPage.php.
References convertParamsForLink(), FormOptions\getChangedValues(), SpecialPage\getConfig(), SpecialPage\getOutput(), SpecialPage\getPageTitle(), replaceOldOptions(), FormOptions\validateBounds(), FormOptions\validateIntBounds(), and wfArrayToCgi().
Referenced by setup().
ChangesListSpecialPage::webOutput | ( | $rows, | |
$opts ) |
Send output to the OutputPage object, only called if not used feeds.
IResultWrapper | $rows | Database rows |
FormOptions | $opts |
Definition at line 1550 of file ChangesListSpecialPage.php.
References outputChangesList().
Referenced by execute().
protected |
Filter groups, and their contained filters This is an associative array (with group name as key) of ChangesListFilterGroup objects.
Definition at line 85 of file ChangesListSpecialPage.php.
protected |
Definition at line 47 of file ChangesListSpecialPage.php.
protected |
Definition at line 44 of file ChangesListSpecialPage.php.