MediaWiki REL1_39
Public Member Functions | |
getOption ( $oname, $defaultOverride=null, $ignoreHidden=false) | |
Get the user's current setting for a given option. | |
load ( $flags=null) | |
Load the user table data for this object from the source given by mFrom. | |
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__construct () | |
Lightweight constructor for an anonymous user. | |
& | __get ( $name) |
__set ( $name, $value) | |
__sleep () | |
__toString () | |
addGroup ( $group, $expiry=null) | |
Add the user to the given group. | |
addToDatabase () | |
Add this existing user object to the database. | |
authorizeRead (string $action, PageIdentity $target, PermissionStatus $status=null) | |
authorizeWrite (string $action, PageIdentity $target, PermissionStatus $status=null) | |
blockedFor () | |
If user is blocked, return the specified reason for the block. | |
canReceiveEmail () | |
Is this user allowed to receive e-mails within limits of current site configuration? | |
canSendEmail () | |
Is this user allowed to send e-mails within limits of current site configuration? | |
changeAuthenticationData (array $data) | |
Changes credentials of the user. | |
checkAndSetTouched () | |
Bump user_touched if it didn't change since this object was loaded. | |
checkPasswordValidity ( $password) | |
Check if this is a valid password for this user. | |
clearInstanceCache ( $reloadFrom=false) | |
Clear various cached data stored in this object. | |
clearSharedCache ( $mode='refresh') | |
Clear user data from memcached. | |
confirmEmail () | |
Mark the e-mail address confirmed. | |
definitelyCan (string $action, PageIdentity $target, PermissionStatus $status=null) | |
doLogout () | |
Clear the user's session, and reset the instance cache. | |
equals (?UserIdentity $user) | |
Checks if two user objects point to the same user. | |
getActorId ( $dbwOrWikiId=self::LOCAL) | |
Get the user's actor ID. | |
getBlock ( $freshness=self::READ_NORMAL, $disableIpBlockExemptChecking=false) | |
Get the block affecting the user, or null if the user is not blocked. | |
getDatePreference () | |
Get the user's preferred date format. | |
getDBTouched () | |
Get the user_touched timestamp field (time of last DB updates) | |
getEditCount () | |
Get the user's edit count. | |
getEditToken ( $salt='', $request=null) | |
Initialize (if necessary) and return a session token value which can be used in edit forms to show that the user's login credentials aren't being hijacked with a foreign form submission. | |
getEditTokenObject ( $salt='', $request=null) | |
Initialize (if necessary) and return a session token value which can be used in edit forms to show that the user's login credentials aren't being hijacked with a foreign form submission. | |
getEmail () | |
Get the user's e-mail address. | |
getEmailAuthenticationTimestamp () | |
Get the timestamp of the user's e-mail authentication. | |
getExperienceLevel () | |
Compute experienced level based on edit count and registration date. | |
getGlobalBlock ( $ip='') | |
Check if user is blocked on all wikis. | |
getGroupMemberships () | |
Get the list of explicit group memberships this user has, stored as UserGroupMembership objects. | |
getGroups () | |
Get the list of explicit group memberships this user has. | |
getId ( $wikiId=self::LOCAL) | |
Get the user's ID. | |
getInstanceForUpdate () | |
Get a new instance of this user that was loaded from the primary DB via a locking read. | |
getMutableCacheKeys (WANObjectCache $cache) | |
getName () | |
Get the user name, or the IP of an anonymous user. | |
getRealName () | |
Get the user's real name. | |
getRegistration () | |
Get the timestamp of account creation. | |
getRequest () | |
Get the WebRequest object to use with this object. | |
getTalkPage () | |
Get this user's talk page title. | |
getTitleKey () | |
Get the user's name escaped by underscores. | |
getToken ( $forceCreation=true) | |
Get the user's current token. | |
getTokenFromOption ( $oname) | |
Get a token stored in the preferences (like the watchlist one), resetting it if it's empty (and saving changes). | |
getTouched () | |
Get the user touched timestamp. | |
getUser () | |
getUserPage () | |
Get this user's personal page title. | |
getWikiId () | |
Returns self::LOCAL to indicate the user is associated with the local wiki. | |
idForName ( $flags=self::READ_NORMAL) | |
If only this user's username is known, and it exists, return the user ID. | |
incEditCount () | |
Schedule a deferred update to update the user's edit count. | |
invalidateCache () | |
Immediately touch the user data cache for this account. | |
invalidateEmail () | |
Invalidate the user's e-mail confirmation, and unauthenticate the e-mail address if it was already confirmed. | |
isAllowed (string $permission) | |
Checks whether this authority has the given permission in general. | |
isAllowedAll (... $permissions) | |
Checks whether this authority has any of the given permissions in general. | |
isAllowedAny (... $permissions) | |
Checks whether this authority has any of the given permissions in general. | |
isAllowedToCreateAccount () | |
Get whether the user is allowed to create an account. | |
isAnon () | |
Get whether the user is anonymous. | |
isBlocked ( $fromReplica=true) | |
Check if user is blocked. | |
isBlockedFrom ( $title, $fromReplica=false) | |
Check if user is blocked from editing a particular article. | |
isBlockedFromCreateAccount () | |
Get whether the user is explicitly blocked from account creation. | |
isBlockedFromEmailuser () | |
Get whether the user is blocked from using Special:Emailuser. | |
isBlockedFromUpload () | |
Get whether the user is blocked from using Special:Upload. | |
isBlockedGlobally ( $ip='') | |
Check if user is blocked on all wikis. | |
isBot () | |
isEmailConfirmationPending () | |
Check whether there is an outstanding request for e-mail confirmation. | |
isEmailConfirmed () | |
Is this user's e-mail address valid-looking and confirmed within limits of the current site configuration? | |
isHidden () | |
Check if user account is hidden. | |
isItemLoaded ( $item, $all='all') | |
Return whether an item has been loaded. | |
isLocked () | |
Check if user account is locked. | |
isNamed () | |
Is the user a normal non-temporary registered user? | |
isNewbie () | |
Determine whether the user is a newbie. | |
isPingLimitable () | |
Is this user subject to rate limiting? | |
isRegistered () | |
Get whether the user is registered. | |
isSafeToLoad () | |
Test if it's safe to load this User object. | |
isSystemUser () | |
Get whether the user is a system user. | |
isTemp () | |
Is the user an autocreated temporary user? | |
isValidPassword ( $password) | |
Is the input a valid password for this user? | |
loadDefaults ( $name=false, $actorId=null) | |
Set cached properties to default. | |
loadFromDatabase ( $flags=self::READ_LATEST) | |
Load user data from the database. | |
loadFromId ( $flags=self::READ_NORMAL) | |
Load user table data, given mId has already been set. | |
logout () | |
Log this user out. | |
matchEditToken ( $val, $salt='', $request=null, $maxage=null) | |
Check given value against the token value stored in the session. | |
pingLimiter ( $action='edit', $incrBy=1) | |
Primitive rate limits: enforce maximum actions per time period to put a brake on flooding. | |
probablyCan (string $action, PageIdentity $target, PermissionStatus $status=null) | |
removeGroup ( $group) | |
Remove the user from the given group. | |
requiresHTTPS () | |
Determine based on the wiki configuration and the user's options, whether this user must be over HTTPS no matter what. | |
resetTokenFromOption ( $oname) | |
Reset a token stored in the preferences (like the watchlist one). | |
saveSettings () | |
Save this user's settings into the database. | |
sendConfirmationMail ( $type='created') | |
Generate a new e-mail confirmation token and send a confirmation/invalidation mail to the user's given address. | |
sendMail ( $subject, $body, $from=null, $replyto=null) | |
Send an e-mail to this user's account. | |
setActorId (int $actorId) | |
Sets the actor id. | |
setCookies ( $request=null, $secure=null, $rememberMe=false) | |
Persist this user's session (e.g. | |
setEmail (string $str) | |
Set the user's e-mail address. | |
setEmailAuthenticationTimestamp ( $timestamp) | |
Set the e-mail authentication timestamp. | |
setEmailWithConfirmation (string $str) | |
Set the user's e-mail address and send a confirmation mail if needed. | |
setId ( $v) | |
Set the user and reload all fields according to a given ID. | |
setItemLoaded ( $item) | |
Set that an item has been loaded. | |
setName ( $str) | |
Set the user name. | |
setRealName (string $str) | |
Set the user's real name. | |
setToken ( $token=false) | |
Set the random token (used for persistent authentication) Called from loadDefaults() among other places. | |
spreadAnyEditBlock () | |
If this user is logged-in and blocked, block any IP address they've successfully logged in from. | |
touch () | |
Update the "touched" timestamp for the user. | |
useFilePatrol () | |
Check whether to enable new files patrol features for this user. | |
useNPPatrol () | |
Check whether to enable new pages patrol features for this user. | |
useRCPatrol () | |
Check whether to enable recent changes patrol features for this user. | |
validateCache ( $timestamp) | |
Validate the cache for this account. | |
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getBlock (int $freshness=self::READ_NORMAL) | |
Returns any user block affecting the Authority. | |
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assertWiki ( $wikiId) | |
Throws if $wikiId is different from the return value of getWikiId(). | |
Public Attributes | |
$mDataLoaded | |
$ppfz_test | |
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int null | $mActorId |
Switched from protected to public for use in UserFactory. | |
string | $mEmail |
string null | $mEmailAuthenticated |
string | $mFrom |
Initialization data source if mLoadedItems!==true. | |
int | $mId |
Cache variables. | |
string | $mName |
string | $mRealName |
string | $mTouched |
TS_MW timestamp from the DB. | |
const | CHECK_USER_RIGHTS = true |
const | IGNORE_USER_RIGHTS = false |
const | INVALID_TOKEN = '*** INVALID ***' |
An invalid string value for the user_token field. | |
const | MAINTENANCE_SCRIPT_USER = 'Maintenance script' |
Username used for various maintenance scripts. | |
const | TOKEN_LENGTH = 32 |
Number of characters required for the user_token field. | |
Additional Inherited Members | |
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static | createNew ( $name, $params=[]) |
Add a user to the database, return the user object. | |
static | findUsersByGroup ( $groups, $limit=5000, $after=null) |
Return the users who are members of the given group(s). | |
static | getAllGroups () |
Return the set of defined explicit groups. | |
static | getGroupPermissions ( $groups) |
Get the permissions associated with a given list of groups. | |
static | getGroupsWithPermission ( $role) |
Get all the groups who have a given permission. | |
static | getImplicitGroups () |
static | getQueryInfo () |
Return the tables, fields, and join conditions to be selected to create a new user object. | |
static | getRightDescription ( $right) |
Get the description of a given right. | |
static | groupHasPermission ( $group, $role) |
Check, if the given group has the given permission. | |
static | idFromName ( $name, $flags=self::READ_NORMAL) |
Get database id given a user name. | |
static | newFatalPermissionDeniedStatus ( $permission) |
Factory function for fatal permission-denied errors. | |
static | purge ( $dbDomain, $userId) |
static | whoIs ( $id) |
Get the username corresponding to a given user ID. | |
static | whoIsReal ( $id) |
Get the real name of a user given their user ID. | |
static | newFromName ( $name, $validate='valid') |
static | newFromId ( $id) |
Static factory method for creation from a given user ID. | |
static | newFromActorId ( $id) |
Static factory method for creation from a given actor ID. | |
static | newFromIdentity (UserIdentity $identity) |
Returns a User object corresponding to the given UserIdentity. | |
static | newFromAnyId ( $userId, $userName, $actorId, $dbDomain=false) |
Static factory method for creation from an ID, name, and/or actor ID. | |
static | newFromConfirmationCode ( $code, $flags=self::READ_NORMAL) |
Factory method to fetch whichever user has a given email confirmation code. | |
static | newFromSession (WebRequest $request=null) |
Create a new user object using data from session. | |
static | newFromRow ( $row, $data=null) |
Create a new user object from a user row. | |
static | newSystemUser ( $name, $options=[]) |
Static factory method for creation of a "system" user from username. | |
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confirmationToken (&$expiration) | |
Generate, store, and return a new e-mail confirmation code. | |
confirmationTokenUrl ( $token) | |
Return a URL the user can use to confirm their email address. | |
getCacheKey (WANObjectCache $cache) | |
getTokenUrl ( $page, $token) | |
Internal function to format the e-mail validation/invalidation URLs. | |
invalidationTokenUrl ( $token) | |
Return a URL the user can use to invalidate their email address. | |
loadFromCache () | |
Load user data from shared cache, given mId has already been set. | |
loadFromRow ( $row, $data=null) | |
Initialize this object from a row from the user table. | |
loadFromUserObject ( $user) | |
Load the data for this user object from another user object. | |
makeUpdateConditions (IDatabase $db, array $conditions) | |
Builds update conditions. | |
spreadBlock () | |
If this (non-anonymous) user is blocked, block the IP address they've successfully logged in from. | |
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string | $mBlockreason |
TODO: This should be removed when User::blockedFor and AbstractBlock::getReason are hard deprecated. | |
string null | $mDatePreference |
Lazy-initialized variables, invalidated with clearInstanceCache. | |
string null | $mEmailToken |
string null | $mEmailTokenExpires |
AbstractBlock | $mGlobalBlock |
string false | $mHash |
array bool | $mLoadedItems = [] |
Array with already loaded items or true if all items have been loaded. | |
bool | $mLocked |
string null | $mQuickTouched |
TS_MW timestamp from cache. | |
string null | $mRegistration |
string null | $mToken |
int | $queryFlagsUsed = self::READ_NORMAL |
User::READ_* constant bitfield used to load data. | |
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static string[] | $mCacheVars |
List of member variables which are saved to the shared cache (memcached). | |
Definition at line 260 of file preprocessorFuzzTest.php.
PPFuzzUser::getOption | ( | $oname, | |
$defaultOverride = null, | |||
$ignoreHidden = false ) |
Get the user's current setting for a given option.
string | $oname | The option to check |
mixed | null | $defaultOverride | A default value returned if the option does not exist. Default values set via $wgDefaultUserOptions / UserGetDefaultOptions take precedence. |
bool | $ignoreHidden | Whether to ignore the effects of $wgHiddenPrefs |
Reimplemented from User.
Definition at line 271 of file preprocessorFuzzTest.php.
PPFuzzUser::load | ( | $flags = null | ) |
Load the user table data for this object from the source given by mFrom.
int | $flags | User::READ_* constant bitfield |
Reimplemented from User.
Definition at line 263 of file preprocessorFuzzTest.php.
References User\loadDefaults().
PPFuzzUser::$mDataLoaded |
Definition at line 261 of file preprocessorFuzzTest.php.
PPFuzzUser::$ppfz_test |
Definition at line 261 of file preprocessorFuzzTest.php.