MediaWiki REL1_39
PHP Parser - Processes wiki markup (which uses a more user-friendly syntax, such as "[[link]]" for making links), and provides a one-way transformation of that wiki markup it into (X)HTML output / markup (which in turn the browser understands, and can display). More...
Public Member Functions | |
__clone () | |
Allow extensions to clean up when the parser is cloned. | |
__construct (ServiceOptions $svcOptions, MagicWordFactory $magicWordFactory, Language $contLang, ParserFactory $factory, UrlUtils $urlUtils, SpecialPageFactory $spFactory, LinkRendererFactory $linkRendererFactory, NamespaceInfo $nsInfo, LoggerInterface $logger, BadFileLookup $badFileLookup, LanguageConverterFactory $languageConverterFactory, HookContainer $hookContainer, TidyDriverBase $tidy, WANObjectCache $wanCache, UserOptionsLookup $userOptionsLookup, UserFactory $userFactory, TitleFormatter $titleFormatter, HttpRequestFactory $httpRequestFactory, TrackingCategories $trackingCategories, SignatureValidatorFactory $signatureValidatorFactory, UserNameUtils $userNameUtils) | |
Constructing parsers directly is not allowed! Use a ParserFactory. | |
__destruct () | |
Reduce memory usage to reduce the impact of circular references. | |
addTrackingCategory ( $msg) | |
argSubstitution (array $piece, PPFrame $frame) | |
Triple brace replacement – used for template arguments. | |
attributeStripCallback (&$text, $frame=false) | |
Callback from the Sanitizer for expanding items found in HTML attribute values, so they can be safely tested and escaped. | |
braceSubstitution (array $piece, PPFrame $frame) | |
Return the text of a template, after recursively replacing any variables or templates within the template. | |
callParserFunction (PPFrame $frame, $function, array $args=[]) | |
Call a parser function and return an array with text and flags. | |
cleanSig ( $text, $parsing=false) | |
Clean up signature text. | |
clearState () | |
Clear Parser state. | |
clearTagHooks () | |
Remove all tag hooks. | |
doBlockLevels ( $text, $linestart) | |
Make lists from lines starting with ':', '*', '#', etc. | |
doQuotes ( $text) | |
Helper function for handleAllQuotes() | |
enableOOUI () | |
Set's up the PHP implementation of OOUI for use in this request and instructs OutputPage to enable OOUI for itself. | |
extensionSubstitution (array $params, PPFrame $frame, bool $processNowiki=false) | |
Return the text to be used for a given extension tag. | |
fetchCurrentRevisionRecordOfTitle (LinkTarget $link) | |
Fetch the current revision of a given title as a RevisionRecord. | |
fetchFileAndTitle (LinkTarget $link, array $options=[]) | |
Fetch a file and its title and register a reference to it. | |
fetchTemplateAndTitle (LinkTarget $link) | |
Fetch the unparsed text of a template and register a reference to it. | |
firstCallInit () | |
Used to do various kinds of initialisation on the first call of the parser. | |
getBadFileLookup () | |
Get the BadFileLookup instance that this Parser is using. | |
getContentLanguage () | |
Get the content language that this Parser is using. | |
getCustomDefaultSort () | |
Accessor for the 'defaultsort' page property. | |
getDefaultSort () | |
Accessor for the 'defaultsort' page property. | |
getExternalLinkAttribs ( $url) | |
Get an associative array of additional HTML attributes appropriate for a particular external link. | |
getFlatSectionInfo ( $text) | |
Get an array of preprocessor section information. | |
getFreshParser () | |
Return this parser if it is not doing anything, otherwise get a fresh parser. | |
getFunctionHooks () | |
Get all registered function hook identifiers. | |
getFunctionLang () | |
Get a language object for use in parser functions such as {{FORMATNUM:}}. | |
getFunctionSynonyms () | |
getLinkRenderer () | |
Get a LinkRenderer instance to make links with. | |
getMagicWordFactory () | |
Get the MagicWordFactory that this Parser is using. | |
getOptions () | |
getOutput () | |
getOutputType () | |
Accessor for the output type. | |
getPage () | |
Returns the page used as context for parsing, e.g. | |
getPreloadText ( $text, PageReference $page, ParserOptions $options, $params=[]) | |
Process the wikitext for the "?preload=" feature. | |
getPreprocessor () | |
Get a preprocessor object. | |
getRevisionId () | |
Get the ID of the revision we are parsing. | |
getRevisionRecordObject () | |
Get the revision record object for $this->mRevisionId. | |
getRevisionSize () | |
Get the size of the revision. | |
getRevisionTimestamp () | |
Get the timestamp associated with the current revision, adjusted for the default server-local timestamp. | |
getRevisionUser () | |
Get the name of the user that edited the last revision. | |
getSection ( $text, $sectionId, $defaultText='') | |
This function returns the text of a section, specified by a number ($section). | |
getStripList () | |
Get a list of strippable XML-like elements. | |
getStripState () | |
getTags () | |
Accessor. | |
getTargetLanguage () | |
Get the target language for the content being parsed. | |
getTargetLanguageConverter () | |
Shorthand for getting a Language Converter for Target language. | |
getTemplateDom (LinkTarget $title) | |
Get the semi-parsed DOM representation of a template with a given title, and its redirect destination title. | |
getTitle () | |
getUrlProtocols () | |
getUserIdentity () | |
Get a user either from the user set on Parser if it's set, or from the ParserOptions object otherwise. | |
getUserSig (UserIdentity $user, $nickname=false, $fancySig=null) | |
Fetch the user's signature text, if any, and normalize to validated, ready-to-insert wikitext. | |
guessLegacySectionNameFromWikiText ( $text) | |
Same as guessSectionNameFromWikiText(), but produces legacy anchors instead, if possible. | |
guessSectionNameFromWikiText ( $text) | |
Try to guess the section anchor name based on a wikitext fragment presumably extracted from a heading, for example "Header" from "== Header ==". | |
incrementExpensiveFunctionCount () | |
insertStripItem ( $text) | |
Add an item to the strip state Returns the unique tag which must be inserted into the stripped text The tag will be replaced with the original text in unstrip() | |
internalParse ( $text, $isMain=true, $frame=false) | |
Helper function for parse() that transforms wiki markup into half-parsed HTML. | |
interwikiTransclude (LinkTarget $link, $action) | |
Transclude an interwiki link. | |
isCurrentRevisionOfTitleCached (LinkTarget $link) | |
isLocked () | |
Will entry points such as parse() throw an exception due to the parser already being active? | |
killMarkers ( $text) | |
Remove any strip markers found in the given text. | |
limitationWarn ( $limitationType, $current='', $max='') | |
Warn the user when a parser limitation is reached Will warn at most once the user per limitation type. | |
makeImage (LinkTarget $link, $options, $holders=false) | |
Parse image options text and use it to make an image. | |
markerSkipCallback ( $s, callable $callback) | |
Call a callback function on all regions of the given text that are not inside strip markers, and replace those regions with the return value of the callback. | |
modifyImageHtml (File $file, array $params, string &$html) | |
Give hooks a chance to modify image thumbnail HTML. | |
nextLinkID () | |
Options ( $x=null) | |
Accessor/mutator for the ParserOptions object. | |
OutputType ( $x=null) | |
Accessor/mutator for the output type. | |
parse ( $text, PageReference $page, ParserOptions $options, $linestart=true, $clearState=true, $revid=null) | |
Convert wikitext to HTML Do not call this function recursively. | |
parseExtensionTagAsTopLevelDoc ( $text) | |
Needed by Parsoid/PHP to ensure all the hooks for extensions are run in the right order. | |
preprocess ( $text, ?PageReference $page, ParserOptions $options, $revid=null, $frame=false) | |
Expand templates and variables in the text, producing valid, static wikitext. | |
preprocessToDom ( $text, $flags=0) | |
Get the document object model for the given wikitext. | |
preSaveTransform ( $text, PageReference $page, UserIdentity $user, ParserOptions $options, $clearState=true) | |
Transform wiki markup when saving a page by doing "\\r\\n" -> "\\n" conversion, substituting signatures, {{subst:}} templates, etc. | |
recursivePreprocess ( $text, $frame=false) | |
Recursive parser entry point that can be called from an extension tag hook. | |
recursiveTagParse ( $text, $frame=false) | |
Half-parse wikitext to half-parsed HTML. | |
recursiveTagParseFully ( $text, $frame=false) | |
Fully parse wikitext to fully parsed HTML. | |
renderImageGallery ( $text, array $params) | |
Renders an image gallery from a text with one line per image. | |
replaceLinkHolders (&$text, $options=0) | |
Replace "<!--LINK-->" link placeholders with actual links, in the buffer Placeholders created in Linker::link() | |
replaceSection ( $oldText, $sectionId, $newText) | |
This function returns $oldtext after the content of the section specified by $section has been replaced with $text. | |
replaceVariables ( $text, $frame=false, $argsOnly=false) | |
Replace magic variables, templates, and template arguments with the appropriate text. | |
resetOutput () | |
Reset the ParserOutput. | |
setDefaultSort ( $sort) | |
Mutator for the 'defaultsort' page property. | |
setFunctionHook ( $id, callable $callback, $flags=0) | |
Create a function, e.g. | |
setHook ( $tag, callable $callback) | |
Create an HTML-style tag, e.g. | |
setLinkID ( $id) | |
setOptions (ParserOptions $options) | |
Mutator for the ParserOptions object. | |
setOutputType ( $ot) | |
Mutator for the output type. | |
setPage (?PageReference $t=null) | |
Set the page used as context for parsing, e.g. | |
setTitle (Title $t=null) | |
Set the context title. | |
setUser (?UserIdentity $user) | |
Set the current user. | |
startExternalParse (?PageReference $page, ParserOptions $options, $outputType, $clearState=true, $revId=null) | |
Set up some variables which are usually set up in parse() so that an external function can call some class members with confidence. | |
stripSectionName ( $text) | |
Strips a text string of wikitext for use in a section anchor. | |
tagNeedsNowikiStrippedInTagPF (string $lowerTagName) | |
transformMsg ( $text, ParserOptions $options, ?PageReference $page=null) | |
Wrapper for preprocess() | |
validateSig ( $text) | |
Check that the user's signature contains no bad XML. | |
Static Public Member Functions | |
static | cleanSigInSig ( $text) |
Strip 3, 4 or 5 tildes out of signatures. | |
static | extractTagsAndParams (array $elements, $text, &$matches) |
Replaces all occurrences of HTML-style comments and the given tags in the text with a random marker and returns the next text. | |
static | formatPageTitle ( $nsText, $nsSeparator, $mainText) |
Add HTML tags marking the parts of a page title, to be displayed in the first heading of the page. | |
static | getExternalLinkRel ( $url=false, LinkTarget $title=null) |
Get the rel attribute for a particular external link. | |
static | guessSectionNameFromStrippedText ( $text) |
Like guessSectionNameFromWikiText(), but takes already-stripped text as input. | |
static | normalizeLinkUrl ( $url) |
Replace unusual escape codes in a URL with their equivalent characters. | |
static | parseWidthParam ( $value, $parseHeight=true) |
Parsed a width param of imagelink like 300px or 200x300px. | |
static | replaceTableOfContentsMarker ( $text, $toc) |
Replace table of contents marker in parsed HTML. | |
static | statelessFetchRevisionRecord (LinkTarget $link, $parser=null) |
Wrapper around RevisionLookup::getKnownCurrentRevision. | |
static | statelessFetchTemplate ( $page, $parser=false) |
Static function to get a template Can be overridden via ParserOptions::setTemplateCallback(). | |
static | stripOuterParagraph ( $html) |
Strip outer. | |
Public Attributes | |
$mExpensiveFunctionCount | |
$mHeadings | |
$mHighestExpansionDepth | |
$mMarkerIndex = 0 | |
ParserOptions null | $mOptions |
$mPPNodeCount | |
Title null | $mTitle |
Since 1.34, leaving mTitle uninitialized or setting mTitle to null is deprecated. | |
$ot | |
const | EXT_LINK_URL_CLASS = '[^][<>"\\x00-\\x20\\x7F\p{Zs}\x{FFFD}]' |
const | MARKER_PREFIX = "\x7f'\"`UNIQ-" |
const | OT_HTML = 1 |
const | OT_MSG = 3 |
const | OT_PLAIN = 4 |
const | OT_PREPROCESS = 3 |
const | OT_WIKI = 2 |
const | SFH_NO_HASH = 1 |
const | SFH_OBJECT_ARGS = 2 |
Protected Member Functions | |
fetchFileNoRegister (LinkTarget $link, array $options=[]) | |
Helper function for fetchFileAndTitle. | |
getHookContainer () | |
Get a HookContainer capable of returning metadata about hooks or running extension hooks. | |
getHookRunner () | |
Get a HookRunner for calling core hooks. | |
lock () | |
Lock the current instance of the parser. | |
makeLimitReport () | |
Set the limit report data in the current ParserOutput. | |
PHP Parser - Processes wiki markup (which uses a more user-friendly syntax, such as "[[link]]" for making links), and provides a one-way transformation of that wiki markup it into (X)HTML output / markup (which in turn the browser understands, and can display).
There are seven main entry points into the Parser class:
Definition at line 96 of file Parser.php.
Parser::__construct | ( | ServiceOptions | $svcOptions, |
MagicWordFactory | $magicWordFactory, | ||
Language | $contLang, | ||
ParserFactory | $factory, | ||
UrlUtils | $urlUtils, | ||
SpecialPageFactory | $spFactory, | ||
LinkRendererFactory | $linkRendererFactory, | ||
NamespaceInfo | $nsInfo, | ||
LoggerInterface | $logger, | ||
BadFileLookup | $badFileLookup, | ||
LanguageConverterFactory | $languageConverterFactory, | ||
HookContainer | $hookContainer, | ||
TidyDriverBase | $tidy, | ||
WANObjectCache | $wanCache, | ||
UserOptionsLookup | $userOptionsLookup, | ||
UserFactory | $userFactory, | ||
TitleFormatter | $titleFormatter, | ||
HttpRequestFactory | $httpRequestFactory, | ||
TrackingCategories | $trackingCategories, | ||
SignatureValidatorFactory | $signatureValidatorFactory, | ||
UserNameUtils | $userNameUtils ) |
Constructing parsers directly is not allowed! Use a ParserFactory.
ServiceOptions | $svcOptions | |
MagicWordFactory | $magicWordFactory | |
Language | $contLang | Content language |
ParserFactory | $factory | |
UrlUtils | $urlUtils | |
SpecialPageFactory | $spFactory | |
LinkRendererFactory | $linkRendererFactory | |
NamespaceInfo | $nsInfo | |
LoggerInterface | $logger | |
BadFileLookup | $badFileLookup | |
LanguageConverterFactory | $languageConverterFactory | |
HookContainer | $hookContainer | |
TidyDriverBase | $tidy | |
WANObjectCache | $wanCache | |
UserOptionsLookup | $userOptionsLookup | |
UserFactory | $userFactory | |
TitleFormatter | $titleFormatter | |
HttpRequestFactory | $httpRequestFactory | |
TrackingCategories | $trackingCategories | |
SignatureValidatorFactory | $signatureValidatorFactory | |
UserNameUtils | $userNameUtils |
Definition at line 459 of file Parser.php.
References MediaWiki\Config\ServiceOptions\assertRequiredOptions(), deprecatePublicProperty(), deprecatePublicPropertyFallback(), MediaWiki\Config\ServiceOptions\get(), MediaWiki\Languages\LanguageConverterFactory\isConversionDisabled(), CoreTagHooks\register(), CoreTagHooks\REGISTER_OPTIONS, and MediaWiki\Utils\UrlUtils\validProtocols().
Parser::__destruct | ( | ) |
Reduce memory usage to reduce the impact of circular references.
Definition at line 566 of file Parser.php.
Parser::__clone | ( | ) |
Allow extensions to clean up when the parser is cloned.
Definition at line 580 of file Parser.php.
Parser::addTrackingCategory | ( | $msg | ) |
string | $msg | Message key |
Definition at line 4150 of file Parser.php.
Referenced by CoreParserFunctions\displaytitle().
Parser::argSubstitution | ( | array | $piece, |
PPFrame | $frame ) |
Triple brace replacement – used for template arguments.
array | $piece | |
PPFrame | $frame |
Definition at line 3913 of file Parser.php.
References PPFrame\expand(), PPFrame\getArgument(), PPFrame\isTemplate(), and PPFrame\virtualBracketedImplode().
Parser::attributeStripCallback | ( | & | $text, |
$frame = false ) |
Callback from the Sanitizer for expanding items found in HTML attribute values, so they can be safely tested and escaped.
string | &$text | |
bool | PPFrame | $frame |
Definition at line 5714 of file Parser.php.
References wfDeprecated().
Parser::braceSubstitution | ( | array | $piece, |
PPFrame | $frame ) |
Return the text of a template, after recursively replacing any variables or templates within the template.
array | $piece | The parts of the template $piece['title']: the title, i.e. the part before the | $piece['parts']: the parameter array $piece['lineStart']: whether the brace was at the start of a line |
PPFrame | $frame | The current frame, contains template arguments |
Exception |
Definition at line 3010 of file Parser.php.
References $args, $title, Preprocessor\DOM_FOR_INCLUSION, PPFrame\expand(), getTitle(), PPFrame\loopCheck(), PPFrame\newChild(), User\newFromName(), Linker\normalizeSubpageLink(), NS_TEMPLATE, Message\plaintextParam(), RequestContext\setTitle(), PPFrame\virtualBracketedImplode(), wfDeprecatedMsg(), wfEscapeWikiText(), and wfMessage().
Parser::callParserFunction | ( | PPFrame | $frame, |
$function, | |||
array | $args = [] ) |
Call a parser function and return an array with text and flags.
The returned array will always contain a boolean 'found', indicating whether the parser function was found or not. It may also contain the following: text: string|object, resulting wikitext or PP DOM object isHTML: bool, $text is HTML, armour it against wikitext transformation isChildObj: bool, $text is a DOM node needing expansion in a child frame isLocalObj: bool, $text is a DOM node needing expansion in the current frame nowiki: bool, wiki markup in $text should be escaped
PPFrame | $frame | The current frame, contains template arguments |
string | $function | Function name |
array | $args | Arguments to the function |
Definition at line 3395 of file Parser.php.
References $args, and PPFrame\expand().
Parser::cleanSig | ( | $text, | |
$parsing = false ) |
Clean up signature text.
1) Strip 3, 4 or 5 tildes out of signatures
string | $text | |
bool | $parsing | Whether we're cleaning (preferences save) or parsing |
Definition at line 4786 of file Parser.php.
static |
Strip 3, 4 or 5 tildes out of signatures.
string | $text |
Definition at line 4829 of file Parser.php.
Referenced by MediaWiki\Preferences\DefaultPreferencesFactory\cleanSignature().
Parser::clearState | ( | ) |
Clear Parser state.
Definition at line 622 of file Parser.php.
References getHookContainer(), and resetOutput().
Parser::clearTagHooks | ( | ) |
Parser::doBlockLevels | ( | $text, | |
$linestart ) |
Make lists from lines starting with ':', '*', '#', etc.
string | $text | |
bool | $linestart | Whether or not this is at the start of a line. |
Definition at line 2828 of file Parser.php.
References BlockLevelPass\doBlockLevels(), and wfDeprecated().
Parser::doQuotes | ( | $text | ) |
Helper function for handleAllQuotes()
string | $text |
Definition at line 1992 of file Parser.php.
Referenced by CoreParserFunctions\displaytitle().
Parser::enableOOUI | ( | ) |
Set's up the PHP implementation of OOUI for use in this request and instructs OutputPage to enable OOUI for itself.
Definition at line 6554 of file Parser.php.
References wfDeprecated().
Parser::extensionSubstitution | ( | array | $params, |
PPFrame | $frame, | ||
bool | $processNowiki = false ) |
Return the text to be used for a given extension tag.
This is the ghost of strip().
array | $params | Associative array of parameters: name PPNode for the tag name attr PPNode for unparsed text where tag attributes are thought to be attributes Optional associative array of parsed attributes inner Contents of extension element noClose Original text did not have a close tag |
PPFrame | $frame | |
bool | $processNowiki | Process nowiki tags by running the nowiki tag handler Normally, nowikis are only processed for the HTML output type. With this arg set to true, they are processed (and converted to a nowiki strip marker) for all output types. |
MWException |
Definition at line 3980 of file Parser.php.
References $content, and PPFrame\expand().
Referenced by CoreParserFunctions\tagObj().
static |
Replaces all occurrences of HTML-style comments and the given tags in the text with a random marker and returns the next text.
The output parameter $matches will be an associative array filled with data in the form:
string[] | $elements | List of element names. Comments are always extracted. |
string | $text | Source text string. |
array[] | &$matches | Out parameter, Array: extracted tags |
Definition at line 1281 of file Parser.php.
Parser::fetchCurrentRevisionRecordOfTitle | ( | LinkTarget | $link | ) |
Fetch the current revision of a given title as a RevisionRecord.
Note that the revision (and even the title) may not exist in the database, so everything contributing to the output of the parser should use this method where possible, rather than getting the revisions themselves. This method also caches its results, so using it benefits performance.
This can return null if the callback returns false
LinkTarget | $link |
Definition at line 3530 of file Parser.php.
References $title.
Parser::fetchFileAndTitle | ( | LinkTarget | $link, |
array | $options = [] ) |
Fetch a file and its title and register a reference to it.
If 'broken' is a key in $options then the file will appear as a broken thumbnail.
LinkTarget | $link | |
array | $options | Array of options to RepoGroup::findFile |
Definition at line 3791 of file Parser.php.
References $file, $title, MediaWiki\Linker\LinkTarget\getDBkey(), and MediaWiki\Linker\LinkTarget\isSameLinkAs().
protected |
Helper function for fetchFileAndTitle.
Also useful if you need to fetch a file but not use it yet, for example to get the file's handler.
LinkTarget | $link | |
array | $options | Array of options to RepoGroup::findFile |
Definition at line 3818 of file Parser.php.
References $file.
Parser::fetchTemplateAndTitle | ( | LinkTarget | $link | ) |
Fetch the unparsed text of a template and register a reference to it.
LinkTarget | $link |
Definition at line 3600 of file Parser.php.
References $title, and getTitle().
Parser::firstCallInit | ( | ) |
Used to do various kinds of initialisation on the first call of the parser.
Definition at line 610 of file Parser.php.
static |
Add HTML tags marking the parts of a page title, to be displayed in the first heading of the page.
Definition at line 6518 of file Parser.php.
Referenced by OutputPage\getUnprefixedDisplayTitle(), parse(), and Article\view().
Parser::getBadFileLookup | ( | ) |
Get the BadFileLookup instance that this Parser is using.
Definition at line 1258 of file Parser.php.
Referenced by Linker\makeImageLink().
Parser::getContentLanguage | ( | ) |
Get the content language that this Parser is using.
Definition at line 1248 of file Parser.php.
Referenced by CoreMagicVariables\expand(), CoreParserFunctions\lc(), CoreParserFunctions\lcfirst(), CoreParserFunctions\ns(), CoreParserFunctions\pagesincategory(), CoreParserFunctions\uc(), and CoreParserFunctions\ucfirst().
Parser::getCustomDefaultSort | ( | ) |
Accessor for the 'defaultsort' page property.
Unlike getDefaultSort(), will return false if none is set
Definition at line 6186 of file Parser.php.
References wfDeprecated().
Parser::getDefaultSort | ( | ) |
Accessor for the 'defaultsort' page property.
Will use the empty string if none is set.
This value is treated as a prefix, so the empty string is equivalent to sorting by page name.
Definition at line 6172 of file Parser.php.
References wfDeprecated().
Parser::getExternalLinkAttribs | ( | $url | ) |
Get an associative array of additional HTML attributes appropriate for a particular external link.
This currently may include rel => nofollow (depending on configuration, namespace, and the URL's domain) and/or a target attribute (depending on configuration).
string | $url | URL to extract the domain from for rel => nofollow if appropriate |
Definition at line 2284 of file Parser.php.
References getTitle().
static |
Get the rel attribute for a particular external link.
string | bool | $url | Optional URL, to extract the domain from for rel => nofollow if appropriate |
LinkTarget | null | $title | Optional LinkTarget, for wgNoFollowNsExceptions lookups |
Definition at line 2259 of file Parser.php.
References $title, and wfMatchesDomainList().
Referenced by Linker\makeExternalLink().
Parser::getFlatSectionInfo | ( | $text | ) |
Get an array of preprocessor section information.
Preprocessor sections are those identified by wikitext-style syntax, not HTML-style syntax. Templates are not expanded, so these sections do not include sections created by templates or parser functions. This is the same definition of a section as used by section editing, but not the same as TOC generation.
These sections are typically smaller than those acted on by getSection() and replaceSection() since they are not nested. Section nesting could be reconstructed from the heading levels.
The return value is an array of associative array info structures. Each associative array contains the following keys, describing a section:
Definition at line 5959 of file Parser.php.
References getUser().
Parser::getFreshParser | ( | ) |
Return this parser if it is not doing anything, otherwise get a fresh parser.
You can use this method by doing $newParser = $oldParser->getFreshParser(), or more simply $oldParser->getFreshParser()->parse( ... ); if you're unsure if $oldParser is safe to use.
Definition at line 6539 of file Parser.php.
Parser::getFunctionHooks | ( | ) |
Get all registered function hook identifiers.
Definition at line 5055 of file Parser.php.
Parser::getFunctionLang | ( | ) |
Get a language object for use in parser functions such as {{FORMATNUM:}}.
Definition at line 1172 of file Parser.php.
Referenced by CoreParserFunctions\bidi(), CoreParserFunctions\formatDate(), CoreParserFunctions\formatnum(), CoreParserFunctions\gender(), CoreParserFunctions\grammar(), CoreParserFunctions\numberingroup(), CoreParserFunctions\numberofactiveusers(), CoreParserFunctions\numberofadmins(), CoreParserFunctions\numberofarticles(), CoreParserFunctions\numberofedits(), CoreParserFunctions\numberoffiles(), CoreParserFunctions\numberofpages(), CoreParserFunctions\numberofusers(), CoreParserFunctions\pagesincategory(), CoreParserFunctions\pagesinnamespace(), CoreParserFunctions\pagesize(), and CoreParserFunctions\plural().
Parser::getFunctionSynonyms | ( | ) |
protected |
Get a HookContainer capable of returning metadata about hooks or running extension hooks.
Definition at line 1682 of file Parser.php.
Referenced by clearState().
protected |
Get a HookRunner for calling core hooks.
Definition at line 1694 of file Parser.php.
Parser::getLinkRenderer | ( | ) |
Get a LinkRenderer instance to make links with.
Definition at line 1223 of file Parser.php.
Parser::getMagicWordFactory | ( | ) |
Get the MagicWordFactory that this Parser is using.
Definition at line 1238 of file Parser.php.
Referenced by CoreParserFunctions\defaultsort(), CoreParserFunctions\displaytitle(), CoreParserFunctions\formatnum(), CoreParserFunctions\pagesincategory(), and CoreParserFunctions\urlencode().
Parser::getOptions | ( | ) |
Definition at line 1126 of file Parser.php.
Referenced by CoreMagicVariables\expand(), CoreParserFunctions\formatDate(), CoreParserFunctions\gender(), CoreTagHooks\html(), CoreParserFunctions\intFunction(), and CoreParserFunctions\revisionid().
Parser::getOutput | ( | ) |
Definition at line 1118 of file Parser.php.
Referenced by CoreParserFunctions\defaultsort(), CoreParserFunctions\displaytitle(), CoreMagicVariables\expand(), CoreParserFunctions\pageid(), CoreParserFunctions\revisionid(), and TraditionalImageGallery\toHTML().
Parser::getOutputType | ( | ) |
Accessor for the output type.
Definition at line 1082 of file Parser.php.
Parser::getPage | ( | ) |
Returns the page used as context for parsing, e.g.
when resolving relative subpage links.
Definition at line 1073 of file Parser.php.
Parser::getPreloadText | ( | $text, | |
PageReference | $page, | ||
ParserOptions | $options, | ||
$params = [] ) |
Process the wikitext for the "?preload=" feature.
"<noinclude>", "<includeonly>" etc. are parsed as for template transclusion, comments, templates, arguments, tags hooks and parser functions are untouched.
string | $text | |
PageReference | $page | |
ParserOptions | $options | |
array | $params |
Definition at line 995 of file Parser.php.
References Preprocessor\DOM_FOR_INCLUSION, getPreprocessor(), lock(), and preprocessToDom().
Parser::getPreprocessor | ( | ) |
Get a preprocessor object.
Definition at line 1213 of file Parser.php.
Referenced by getPreloadText().
Parser::getRevisionId | ( | ) |
Get the ID of the revision we are parsing.
The return value will be either:
Definition at line 6013 of file Parser.php.
Referenced by CoreMagicVariables\expand(), and CoreParserFunctions\revisionid().
Parser::getRevisionRecordObject | ( | ) |
Get the revision record object for $this->mRevisionId.
Definition at line 6023 of file Parser.php.
Referenced by CoreMagicVariables\expand().
Parser::getRevisionSize | ( | ) |
Get the size of the revision.
Definition at line 6130 of file Parser.php.
Referenced by CoreMagicVariables\expand().
Parser::getRevisionTimestamp | ( | ) |
Get the timestamp associated with the current revision, adjusted for the default server-local timestamp.
Definition at line 6078 of file Parser.php.
Parser::getRevisionUser | ( | ) |
Get the name of the user that edited the last revision.
Definition at line 6106 of file Parser.php.
Referenced by CoreMagicVariables\expand().
Parser::getSection | ( | $text, | |
$sectionId, | |||
$defaultText = '' ) |
This function returns the text of a section, specified by a number ($section).
A section is text under a heading like == Heading == or \<h1\>Heading\</h1\>, or the first section before any such heading (section 0).
If a section contains subsections, these are also returned.
string | $text | Text to look in |
string | int | $sectionId | Section identifier as a number or string (e.g. 0, 1 or 'T-1'). |
string | false | $defaultText | Default to return if section is not found |
Definition at line 5909 of file Parser.php.
Parser::getStripList | ( | ) |
Get a list of strippable XML-like elements.
Definition at line 1344 of file Parser.php.
Referenced by CoreParserFunctions\tagObj().
Parser::getStripState | ( | ) |
Parser::getTags | ( | ) |
Parser::getTargetLanguage | ( | ) |
Get the target language for the content being parsed.
This is usually the language that the content is in.
Definition at line 1184 of file Parser.php.
References getTitle().
Referenced by Linker\makeImageLink().
Parser::getTargetLanguageConverter | ( | ) |
Shorthand for getting a Language Converter for Target language.
Definition at line 1658 of file Parser.php.
Referenced by CoreParserFunctions\defaultsort(), CoreParserFunctions\displaytitle(), and parse().
Parser::getTemplateDom | ( | LinkTarget | $title | ) |
Get the semi-parsed DOM representation of a template with a given title, and its redirect destination title.
LinkTarget | $title |
Definition at line 3485 of file Parser.php.
References $title, and Preprocessor\DOM_FOR_INCLUSION.
Parser::getTitle | ( | ) |
Definition at line 1037 of file Parser.php.
References NS_SPECIAL.
Referenced by CoreParserFunctions\cascadingsources(), CoreParserFunctions\displaytitle(), Linker\makeImageLink(), CoreParserFunctions\pageid(), CoreParserFunctions\protectionexpiry(), CoreParserFunctions\protectionlevel(), and CoreParserFunctions\revisionid().
Parser::getUrlProtocols | ( | ) |
Parser::getUserIdentity | ( | ) |
Get a user either from the user set on Parser if it's set, or from the ParserOptions object otherwise.
Definition at line 1203 of file Parser.php.
Parser::getUserSig | ( | UserIdentity | $user, |
$nickname = false, | |||
$fancySig = null ) |
Fetch the user's signature text, if any, and normalize to validated, ready-to-insert wikitext.
If you have pre-fetched the nickname or the fancySig option, you can specify them here to save a database query. Do not reuse this parser instance after calling getUserSig(), as it may have changed.
UserIdentity | $user | |
string | false | $nickname | Nickname to use or false to use user's default nickname |
bool | null | $fancySig | whether the nicknname is the complete signature or null to use default value |
Definition at line 4702 of file Parser.php.
References MediaWiki\User\UserIdentity\getName(), MediaWiki\User\UserIdentity\isRegistered(), wfEscapeWikiText(), and wfMessage().
Parser::guessLegacySectionNameFromWikiText | ( | $text | ) |
Same as guessSectionNameFromWikiText(), but produces legacy anchors instead, if possible.
For use in redirects, since various versions of Microsoft browsers interpret Location: headers as something other than UTF-8, resulting in breakage.
string | $text | The section name |
Definition at line 6240 of file Parser.php.
static |
Like guessSectionNameFromWikiText(), but takes already-stripped text as input.
string | $text | Section name (plain text) |
Definition at line 6253 of file Parser.php.
Parser::guessSectionNameFromWikiText | ( | $text | ) |
Try to guess the section anchor name based on a wikitext fragment presumably extracted from a heading, for example "Header" from "== Header ==".
string | $text |
Definition at line 6223 of file Parser.php.
Referenced by CoreParserFunctions\anchorencode().
Parser::incrementExpensiveFunctionCount | ( | ) |
Definition at line 4084 of file Parser.php.
Referenced by CoreParserFunctions\cascadingsources(), CoreParserFunctions\pageid(), CoreParserFunctions\pagesincategory(), CoreParserFunctions\protectionexpiry(), and CoreParserFunctions\protectionlevel().
Parser::insertStripItem | ( | $text | ) |
Add an item to the strip state Returns the unique tag which must be inserted into the stripped text The tag will be replaced with the original text in unstrip()
string | $text |
Definition at line 1365 of file Parser.php.
Parser::internalParse | ( | $text, | |
$isMain = true, | |||
$frame = false ) |
Helper function for parse() that transforms wiki markup into half-parsed HTML.
Only called for $mOutputType == self::OT_HTML.
string | $text | The text to parse |
-taint | $text | escapes_html |
bool | $isMain | Whether this is being called from the main parse() function |
PPFrame | bool | $frame | A pre-processor frame |
Definition at line 1588 of file Parser.php.
References Preprocessor\DOM_FOR_INCLUSION.
Referenced by parse(), and recursiveTagParse().
Parser::interwikiTransclude | ( | LinkTarget | $link, |
$action ) |
Transclude an interwiki link.
LinkTarget | $link | |
string | $action | Usually one of (raw, render) |
Definition at line 3841 of file Parser.php.
References $cache, $title, and wfMessage().
Parser::isCurrentRevisionOfTitleCached | ( | LinkTarget | $link | ) |
LinkTarget | $link |
Definition at line 3560 of file Parser.php.
Parser::isLocked | ( | ) |
Will entry points such as parse() throw an exception due to the parser already being active?
Definition at line 6485 of file Parser.php.
Parser::killMarkers | ( | $text | ) |
Remove any strip markers found in the given text.
string | $text |
Definition at line 6417 of file Parser.php.
Referenced by CoreParserFunctions\anchorencode(), CoreParserFunctions\displaytitle(), CoreParserFunctions\grammar(), CoreParserFunctions\pad(), and CoreParserFunctions\urlencode().
Parser::limitationWarn | ( | $limitationType, | |
$current = '', | |||
$max = '' ) |
Warn the user when a parser limitation is reached Will warn at most once the user per limitation type.
The results are shown during preview and run through the Parser (See EditPage.php)
string | $limitationType | Should be one of: 'expensive-parserfunction' (corresponding messages: 'expensive-parserfunction-warning', 'expensive-parserfunction-category') 'post-expand-template-argument' (corresponding messages: 'post-expand-template-argument-warning', 'post-expand-template-argument-category') 'post-expand-template-inclusion' (corresponding messages: 'post-expand-template-inclusion-warning', 'post-expand-template-inclusion-category') 'node-count-exceeded' (corresponding messages: 'node-count-exceeded-warning', 'node-count-exceeded-category') 'expansion-depth-exceeded' (corresponding messages: 'expansion-depth-exceeded-warning', 'expansion-depth-exceeded-category') |
string | int | null | $current | Current value |
string | int | null | $max | Maximum allowed, when an explicit limit has been exceeded, provide the values (optional) |
Definition at line 2985 of file Parser.php.
References Message\numParam().
Referenced by parse().
protected |
Lock the current instance of the parser.
This is meant to stop someone from calling the parser recursively and messing up all the strip state.
MWException | If parser is in a parse |
Definition at line 6460 of file Parser.php.
Referenced by getPreloadText(), parse(), and preprocess().
Parser::makeImage | ( | LinkTarget | $link, |
$options, | |||
$holders = false ) |
Parse image options text and use it to make an image.
LinkTarget | $link | |
string | $options | |
LinkHolderArray | bool | $holders |
Definition at line 5346 of file Parser.php.
References $file, $title, $type, StringUtils\delimiterExplode(), MediaWiki\Linker\LinkTarget\getText(), and Linker\makeImageLink().
protected |
Set the limit report data in the current ParserOutput.
Definition at line 792 of file Parser.php.
References wfHostname().
Referenced by parse().
Parser::markerSkipCallback | ( | $s, | |
callable | $callback ) |
Call a callback function on all regions of the given text that are not inside strip markers, and replace those regions with the return value of the callback.
For example, with input:
This will call the callback function twice, with 'aaa' and 'bbb'. Those two strings will be replaced with the value returned by the callback in each case.
string | $s | |
callable | $callback |
Definition at line 6386 of file Parser.php.
References $s.
Referenced by CoreParserFunctions\formatnum(), CoreParserFunctions\lc(), and CoreParserFunctions\uc().
Parser::modifyImageHtml | ( | File | $file, |
array | $params, | ||
string & | $html ) |
Give hooks a chance to modify image thumbnail HTML.
File | $file | |
array | $params | |
string | &$html |
Definition at line 5643 of file Parser.php.
References $file.
Parser::nextLinkID | ( | ) |
static |
Replace unusual escape codes in a URL with their equivalent characters.
This generally follows the syntax defined in RFC 3986, with special consideration for HTTP query strings.
string | $url |
Definition at line 2317 of file Parser.php.
Referenced by SpecialLinkSearch\execute(), and ApiQueryExternalLinks\execute().
Parser::Options | ( | $x = null | ) |
Accessor/mutator for the ParserOptions object.
ParserOptions | null | $x | New value or null to just get the current one |
Definition at line 1146 of file Parser.php.
References wfDeprecated(), and wfSetVar().
Parser::OutputType | ( | $x = null | ) |
Accessor/mutator for the output type.
int | null | $x | New value or null to just get the current one |
Definition at line 1109 of file Parser.php.
References wfDeprecated(), and wfSetVar().
Parser::parse | ( | $text, | |
PageReference | $page, | ||
ParserOptions | $options, | ||
$linestart = true, | |||
$clearState = true, | |||
$revid = null ) |
Convert wikitext to HTML Do not call this function recursively.
string | $text | Text we want to parse |
-taint | $text | escapes_htmlnoent |
PageReference | $page | |
ParserOptions | $options | |
bool | $linestart | |
bool | $clearState | |
int | null | $revid | ID of the revision being rendered. This is used to render REVISION* magic words. 0 means that any current revision will be used. Null means that {{REVISIONID}}/{{REVISIONUSER}} will be empty and {{REVISIONTIMESTAMP}} will use the current timestamp. |
Definition at line 691 of file Parser.php.
References formatPageTitle(), ParserOptions\getDisableTitleConversion(), getTargetLanguageConverter(), internalParse(), limitationWarn(), lock(), and makeLimitReport().
Referenced by MessageCache\parse().
Parser::parseExtensionTagAsTopLevelDoc | ( | $text | ) |
Needed by Parsoid/PHP to ensure all the hooks for extensions are run in the right order.
The primary differences between this and recursiveTagParseFully are: (a) absence of $frame (b) passing true to internalParseHalfParse so all hooks are run (c) running 'ParserAfterParse' hook at the same point in the parsing pipeline when parse() does it. This kinda mimics Parsoid/JS behavior where exttags are processed by the M/w API.
This is a temporary convenience method and will go away as we proceed further with Parsoid <-> Parser.php integration.
string | $text | Wikitext source of the extension |
Definition at line 929 of file Parser.php.
References recursiveTagParse().
static |
Parsed a width param of imagelink like 300px or 200x300px.
string | $value | |
bool | $parseHeight |
Definition at line 6431 of file Parser.php.
Referenced by CoreParserFunctions\filepath(), ImageGalleryBase\setHeights(), and ImageGalleryBase\setWidths().
Parser::preprocess | ( | $text, | |
?PageReference | $page, | ||
ParserOptions | $options, | ||
$revid = null, | |||
$frame = false ) |
Expand templates and variables in the text, producing valid, static wikitext.
Also removes comments. Do not call this function recursively.
string | $text | |
?PageReference | $page | |
ParserOptions | $options | |
int | null | $revid | |
bool | PPFrame | $frame |
Definition at line 948 of file Parser.php.
References lock(), and replaceVariables().
Parser::preprocessToDom | ( | $text, | |
$flags = 0 ) |
Get the document object model for the given wikitext.
The generated DOM tree must depend only on the input text and the flags. The DOM tree must be the same in OT_HTML and OT_WIKI mode, to avoid a regression of T6899.
Any flag added to the $flags parameter here, or any other parameter liable to cause a change in the DOM tree for a given text, must be passed through the section identifier in the section edit link and thus back to extractSections().
string | $text | Wikitext |
int | $flags | Bit field of Preprocessor::DOM_* constants |
Definition at line 2909 of file Parser.php.
Referenced by getPreloadText().
Parser::preSaveTransform | ( | $text, | |
PageReference | $page, | ||
UserIdentity | $user, | ||
ParserOptions | $options, | ||
$clearState = true ) |
Transform wiki markup when saving a page by doing "\\r\\n" -> "\\n" conversion, substituting signatures, {{subst:}} templates, etc.
string | $text | The text to transform |
PageReference | $page | the current article |
UserIdentity | $user | the current user |
ParserOptions | $options | Parsing options |
bool | $clearState | Whether to clear the parser state first |
Definition at line 4581 of file Parser.php.
References ParserOptions\getPreSaveTransform().
Parser::recursivePreprocess | ( | $text, | |
$frame = false ) |
Recursive parser entry point that can be called from an extension tag hook.
string | $text | Text to be expanded |
bool | PPFrame | $frame | The frame to use for expanding any template variables |
Definition at line 975 of file Parser.php.
References replaceVariables().
Parser::recursiveTagParse | ( | $text, | |
$frame = false ) |
Half-parse wikitext to half-parsed HTML.
This recursive parser entry point can be called from an extension tag hook.
The output of this function IS NOT SAFE PARSED HTML; it is "half-parsed" instead, which means that lists and links have not been fully parsed yet, and strip markers are still present.
Use recursiveTagParseFully() to fully parse wikitext to output-safe HTML.
Use this function if you're a parser tag hook and you want to parse wikitext before or after applying additional transformations, and you intend to return the result as hook output, which will cause it to go through the rest of parsing process automatically.
If $frame is not provided, then template variables (e.g., {{{1}}}) within $text are not expanded
string | $text | Text extension wants to have parsed |
-taint | $text | escapes_htmlnoent |
bool | PPFrame | $frame | The frame to use for expanding any template variables |
Definition at line 880 of file Parser.php.
References internalParse().
Referenced by CoreTagHooks\langconvert(), parseExtensionTagAsTopLevelDoc(), and recursiveTagParseFully().
Parser::recursiveTagParseFully | ( | $text, | |
$frame = false ) |
Fully parse wikitext to fully parsed HTML.
This recursive parser entry point can be called from an extension tag hook.
The output of this function is fully-parsed HTML that is safe for output. If you're a parser tag hook, you might want to use recursiveTagParse() instead.
If $frame is not provided, then template variables (e.g., {{{1}}}) within $text are not expanded
string | $text | Text extension wants to have parsed |
-taint | $text | escapes_htmlnoent |
bool | PPFrame | $frame | The frame to use for expanding any template variables |
Definition at line 904 of file Parser.php.
References recursiveTagParse().
Parser::renderImageGallery | ( | $text, | |
array | $params ) |
Renders an image gallery from a text with one line per image.
text labels may be given by using |-style alternative text. E.g. Image:one.jpg|The number "1" Image:tree.jpg|A tree given as text will return the HTML of a gallery with two images, labeled 'The number "1"' and 'A tree'.
string | $text | |
array | $params |
Definition at line 5107 of file Parser.php.
References $file, $line, $lines, $matches, $title, $type, StringUtils\delimiterExplode(), StringUtils\explode(), getTitle(), and NS_FILE.
Parser::replaceLinkHolders | ( | & | $text, |
$options = 0 ) |
Replace "<!--LINK-->" link placeholders with actual links, in the buffer Placeholders created in Linker::link()
string | &$text | |
int | $options |
Definition at line 5067 of file Parser.php.
Parser::replaceSection | ( | $oldText, | |
$sectionId, | |||
$newText ) |
This function returns $oldtext after the content of the section specified by $section has been replaced with $text.
If the target section does not exist, $oldtext is returned unchanged.
string | $oldText | Former text of the article |
string | int | $sectionId | Section identifier as a number or string (e.g. 0, 1 or 'T-1'). |
string | false | $newText | Replacing text |
Definition at line 5926 of file Parser.php.
static |
Replace table of contents marker in parsed HTML.
Used to remove or replace the marker. This method should be used instead of direct access to Parser::TOC_PLACEHOLDER, since in the future the placeholder might have additional attributes attached which should be ignored when the replacement is made.
string | $text | Parsed HTML |
string | $toc | HTML table of contents string, or else an empty string to remove the marker. |
Definition at line 4850 of file Parser.php.
Referenced by ParserOutput\getText().
Parser::replaceVariables | ( | $text, | |
$frame = false, | |||
$argsOnly = false ) |
Replace magic variables, templates, and template arguments with the appropriate text.
Templates are substituted recursively, taking care to avoid infinite loops.
Note that the substitution depends on value of $mOutputType: self::OT_WIKI: only {{subst:}} templates self::OT_PREPROCESS: templates but not extension tags self::OT_HTML: all templates and extension tags
string | $text | The text to transform |
false | PPFrame | array | $frame | Object describing the arguments passed to the template. Arguments may also be provided as an associative array, as was the usual case before MW1.12. Providing arguments this way may be useful for extensions wishing to perform variable replacement explicitly. |
bool | $argsOnly | Only do argument (triple-brace) expansion, not double-brace expansion. |
Definition at line 2934 of file Parser.php.
Referenced by preprocess(), and recursivePreprocess().
Parser::resetOutput | ( | ) |
Reset the ParserOutput.
Definition at line 668 of file Parser.php.
Referenced by clearState().
Parser::setDefaultSort | ( | $sort | ) |
Mutator for the 'defaultsort' page property.
string | $sort | New value |
Definition at line 6154 of file Parser.php.
References wfDeprecated().
Parser::setFunctionHook | ( | $id, | |
callable | $callback, | ||
$flags = 0 ) |
Create a function, e.g.
{{sum:1|2|3}} The callback function should have the form: function myParserFunction( &$parser, $arg1, $arg2, $arg3 ) { ... }
Or with Parser::SFH_OBJECT_ARGS: function myParserFunction( $parser, $frame, $args ) { ... }
The callback may either return the text result of the function, or an array with the text in element 0, and a number of flags in the other elements. The names of the flags are specified in the keys. Valid flags are: found The text returned is valid, stop processing the template. This is on by default. nowiki Wiki markup in the return value should be escaped isHTML The returned text is HTML, armour it against wikitext transformation
string | $id | The magic word ID |
callable | $callback | The callback function (and object) to use |
int | $flags | A combination of the following flags: Parser::SFH_NO_HASH No leading hash, i.e. {{plural:...}} instead of {{if:...}} |
Parser::SFH_OBJECT_ARGS Pass the template arguments as PPNode objects instead of text. This allows for conditional expansion of the parse tree, allowing you to eliminate dead branches and thus speed up parsing. It is also possible to analyse the parse tree of the arguments, and to control the way they are expanded.
The $frame parameter is a PPFrame. This can be used to produce expanded text from the arguments, for instance: $text = isset( $args[0] ) ? $frame->expand( $args[0] ) : '';
For technical reasons, $args[0] is pre-expanded and will be a string. This may change in future versions. Please call $frame->expand() on it anyway so that your code keeps working if/when this is changed.
If you want whitespace to be trimmed from $args, you need to do it yourself, post- expansion.
Please read the documentation in includes/parser/Preprocessor.php for more information about the methods available in PPFrame and PPNode.
MWException |
Definition at line 5018 of file Parser.php.
Referenced by CoreParserFunctions\register().
Parser::setHook | ( | $tag, | |
callable | $callback ) |
Create an HTML-style tag, e.g.
"<yourtag>special text</yourtag>" The callback should have the following form: function myParserHook( $text, $params, $parser, $frame ) { ... }
Transform and return $text. Use $parser for any required context, e.g. use $parser->getTitle() and $parser->getOptions() not $wgTitle or $wgOut->mParserOptions
Hooks may return extended information by returning an array, of which the first numbered element (index 0) must be the return string, and all other entries are extracted into local variables within an internal function in the Parser class.
This interface (introduced r61913) appears to be undocumented, but 'markerType' is used by some core tag hooks to override which strip array their results are placed in.
string | $tag | The tag to use, e.g. 'hook' for "<hook>" |
callable | $callback | The callback function (and object) to use for the tag |
MWException |
Definition at line 4951 of file Parser.php.
Referenced by CoreTagHooks\register().
Parser::setLinkID | ( | $id | ) |
Parser::setOptions | ( | ParserOptions | $options | ) |
Mutator for the ParserOptions object.
ParserOptions | $options | The new parser options |
Definition at line 1135 of file Parser.php.
Parser::setOutputType | ( | $ot | ) |
Mutator for the output type.
int | $ot | One of the Parser::OT_… constants |
Definition at line 1091 of file Parser.php.
Parser::setPage | ( | ?PageReference | $t = null | ) |
Set the page used as context for parsing, e.g.
when resolving relative subpage links.
?PageReference | $t |
Definition at line 1050 of file Parser.php.
References $t, and NS_SPECIAL.
Referenced by setTitle().
Parser::setTitle | ( | Title | $t = null | ) |
Set the context title.
Title | null | $t |
Definition at line 1028 of file Parser.php.
Parser::setUser | ( | ?UserIdentity | $user | ) |
Set the current user.
Should only be used when doing pre-save transform.
UserIdentity | null | $user | user identity or null (to reset) |
Definition at line 1017 of file Parser.php.
Parser::startExternalParse | ( | ?PageReference | $page, |
ParserOptions | $options, | ||
$outputType, | |||
$clearState = true, | |||
$revId = null ) |
Set up some variables which are usually set up in parse() so that an external function can call some class members with confidence.
?PageReference | $page | |
ParserOptions | $options | |
int | $outputType | |
bool | $clearState | |
int | null | $revId |
Definition at line 4873 of file Parser.php.
static |
Wrapper around RevisionLookup::getKnownCurrentRevision.
LinkTarget | $link | |
Parser | null | $parser |
Definition at line 3576 of file Parser.php.
static |
Static function to get a template Can be overridden via ParserOptions::setTemplateCallback().
LinkTarget | $page | |
bool | Parser | $parser |
Definition at line 3642 of file Parser.php.
References $content, $title, NS_MEDIAWIKI, and wfMessage().
static |
Strip outer.
tag from the HTML source of a single paragraph.
Returns original HTML if the
tag has any attributes, if there's no wrapping
tag, or if there is more than one
tag in the input HTML.
string | $html |
Definition at line 6499 of file Parser.php.
Referenced by ApiParamInfo\formatHelpMessages(), Installer\parse(), OutputPage\parseInlineAsInterface(), and MediaWiki\Preferences\DefaultPreferencesFactory\profilePreferences().
Parser::stripSectionName | ( | $text | ) |
Strips a text string of wikitext for use in a section anchor.
Accepts a text string and then removes all wikitext from the string and leaves only the resultant text (i.e. the result of [[User:WikiSysop|Sysop]] would be "Sysop" and the result of [[User:WikiSysop]] would be "User:WikiSysop") - this is intended to create valid section anchors by mimicking the output of the parser when headings are parsed.
string | $text | Text string to be stripped of wikitext for use in a Section anchor |
Definition at line 6293 of file Parser.php.
References StringUtils\delimiterReplace().
Parser::tagNeedsNowikiStrippedInTagPF | ( | string | $lowerTagName | ) |
string | $lowerTagName |
Definition at line 3954 of file Parser.php.
Referenced by CoreParserFunctions\tagObj().
Parser::transformMsg | ( | $text, | |
ParserOptions | $options, | ||
?PageReference | $page = null ) |
Wrapper for preprocess()
string | $text | The text to preprocess |
ParserOptions | $options | |
?PageReference | $page | The context page or null to use $wgTitle |
Definition at line 4908 of file Parser.php.
References $wgTitle.
Referenced by MessageCache\transform().
Parser::validateSig | ( | $text | ) |
Check that the user's signature contains no bad XML.
string | $text |
Definition at line 4771 of file Parser.php.
Parser::$mExpensiveFunctionCount |
Definition at line 270 of file Parser.php.
Parser::$mHeadings |
Definition at line 264 of file Parser.php.
Parser::$mHighestExpansionDepth |
Definition at line 261 of file Parser.php.
Parser::$mMarkerIndex = 0 |
Definition at line 206 of file Parser.php.
ParserOptions null Parser::$mOptions |
Definition at line 288 of file Parser.php.
Parser::$mPPNodeCount |
Definition at line 259 of file Parser.php.
Title null Parser::$mTitle |
Since 1.34, leaving mTitle
uninitialized or setting mTitle
to null
is deprecated.
Definition at line 297 of file Parser.php.
Parser::$ot |
Definition at line 300 of file Parser.php.
Definition at line 408 of file Parser.php.
Referenced by ParserFactory\__construct().
const Parser::EXT_LINK_URL_CLASS = '[^][<>"\\x00-\\x20\\x7F\p{Zs}\x{FFFD}]' |
Definition at line 109 of file Parser.php.
const Parser::MARKER_PREFIX = "\x7f'\"`UNIQ-" |
Definition at line 155 of file Parser.php.
Referenced by StripState\__construct(), LanguageConverter\autoConvert(), and PPFrame_Hash\expand().
const Parser::OT_HTML = 1 |
Definition at line 130 of file Parser.php.
const Parser::OT_MSG = 3 |
Definition at line 133 of file Parser.php.
const Parser::OT_PLAIN = 4 |
Definition at line 135 of file Parser.php.
const Parser::OT_PREPROCESS = 3 |
Definition at line 132 of file Parser.php.
Referenced by SpecialExpandTemplates\execute(), ApiExpandTemplates\execute(), and ApiParse\execute().
const Parser::OT_WIKI = 2 |
Definition at line 131 of file Parser.php.
const Parser::SFH_NO_HASH = 1 |
Definition at line 100 of file Parser.php.
Referenced by CoreParserFunctions\register().
const Parser::SFH_OBJECT_ARGS = 2 |
Definition at line 101 of file Parser.php.
Referenced by CoreParserFunctions\register().