MediaWiki REL1_40
MediaWiki\Revision\RevisionStore Class Reference

Service for looking up page revisions. More...

Inherits IDBAccessObject, MediaWiki\Revision\RevisionFactory, MediaWiki\Revision\RevisionLookup, and LoggerAwareInterface.

Collaboration diagram for MediaWiki\Revision\RevisionStore:

Public Member Functions

 __construct (ILoadBalancer $loadBalancer, SqlBlobStore $blobStore, WANObjectCache $cache, BagOStuff $localCache, CommentStore $commentStore, NameTableStore $contentModelStore, NameTableStore $slotRoleStore, SlotRoleRegistry $slotRoleRegistry, ActorMigration $actorMigration, ActorStore $actorStore, IContentHandlerFactory $contentHandlerFactory, PageStore $pageStore, TitleFactory $titleFactory, HookContainer $hookContainer, $wikiId=WikiAwareEntity::LOCAL)
 countAuthorsBetween ( $pageId, RevisionRecord $old=null, RevisionRecord $new=null, Authority $performer=null, $max=null, $options=[])
 Get the number of authors between the given revisions.
 countRevisionsBetween ( $pageId, RevisionRecord $old=null, RevisionRecord $new=null, $max=null, $options=[])
 Get the number of revisions between the given revisions.
 countRevisionsByPageId (IReadableDatabase $db, $id)
 Get count of revisions per page...not very efficient.
 countRevisionsByTitle (IDatabase $db, PageIdentity $page)
 Get count of revisions per page...not very efficient.
 findIdenticalRevision (RevisionRecord $revision, int $searchLimit)
 Tries to find a revision identical to $revision in $searchLimit most recent revisions of this page.
 getArchiveQueryInfo ()
 Return the tables, fields, and join conditions to be selected to create a new RevisionArchiveRecord object.
 getAuthorsBetween ( $pageId, RevisionRecord $old=null, RevisionRecord $new=null, Authority $performer=null, $max=null, $options=[])
 Get the authors between the given revisions or revisions.
 getContentBlobsForBatch ( $rowsOrIds, $slots=null, $queryFlags=0)
 Gets raw (serialized) content blobs for the given set of revisions.
 getFirstRevision ( $page, int $flags=IDBAccessObject::READ_NORMAL)
 Get the first revision of a given page.
 getKnownCurrentRevision (PageIdentity $page, $revId=0)
 Load a revision based on a known page ID and current revision ID from the DB.
 getNextRevision (RevisionRecord $rev, $flags=self::READ_NORMAL)
 Get the revision after $rev in the page's history, if any.
 getPreviousRevision (RevisionRecord $rev, $flags=self::READ_NORMAL)
 Get the revision before $rev in the page's history, if any.
 getQueryInfo ( $options=[])
 Return the tables, fields, and join conditions to be selected to create a new RevisionStoreRecord object.
 getRcIdIfUnpatrolled (RevisionRecord $rev)
 MCR migration note: this replaced Revision::isUnpatrolled.
 getRecentChange (RevisionRecord $rev, $flags=0)
 Get the RC object belonging to the current revision, if there's one.
 getRevisionById ( $id, $flags=0, PageIdentity $page=null)
 Load a page revision from a given revision ID number.
 getRevisionByPageId ( $pageId, $revId=0, $flags=0)
 Load either the current, or a specified, revision that's attached to a given page ID.
 getRevisionByTimestamp ( $page, string $timestamp, int $flags=IDBAccessObject::READ_NORMAL)
 Load the revision for the given title with the given timestamp.
 getRevisionByTitle ( $page, $revId=0, $flags=0)
 Load either the current, or a specified, revision that's attached to a given link target.
 getRevisionIdsBetween (int $pageId, RevisionRecord $old=null, RevisionRecord $new=null, ?int $max=null, $options=[], ?string $order=null, int $flags=IDBAccessObject::READ_NORMAL)
 Get IDs of revisions between the given revisions.
 getRevisionSizes (array $revIds)
 Do a batched query for the sizes of a set of revisions.
 getSlotsQueryInfo ( $options=[])
 Return the tables, fields, and join conditions to be selected to create a new SlotRecord.
 getTimestampFromId ( $id, $flags=0)
 Get rev_timestamp from rev_id, without loading the rest of the row.
 getTitle ( $pageId, $revId, $queryFlags=self::READ_NORMAL)
 Determines the page Title based on the available information.
 getWikiId ()
 Get the ID of the wiki this revision belongs to.
 insertRevisionOn (RevisionRecord $rev, IDatabase $dbw)
 Insert a new revision into the database, returning the new revision record on success and dies horribly on failure.
 isReadOnly ()
 isRevisionRow ( $row, string $table='')
 Determine whether the parameter is a row containing all the fields that RevisionStore needs to create a RevisionRecord from the row.
 newNullRevision (IDatabase $dbw, PageIdentity $page, CommentStoreComment $comment, $minor, UserIdentity $user)
 Create a new null-revision for insertion into a page's history.
 newRevisionFromArchiveRow ( $row, $queryFlags=0, PageIdentity $page=null, array $overrides=[])
 Make a fake RevisionRecord object from an archive table row.
 newRevisionFromArchiveRowAndSlots (stdClass $row, $slots, int $queryFlags=0, ?PageIdentity $page=null, array $overrides=[])
 newRevisionFromRow ( $row, $queryFlags=0, PageIdentity $page=null, $fromCache=false)
 newRevisionFromRowAndSlots (stdClass $row, $slots, int $queryFlags=0, ?PageIdentity $page=null, bool $fromCache=false)
 newRevisionsFromBatch ( $rows, array $options=[], $queryFlags=0, PageIdentity $page=null)
 Construct a RevisionRecord instance for each row in $rows, and return them as an associative array indexed by revision ID.
 setLogger (LoggerInterface $logger)
 updateSlotsOn (RevisionRecord $revision, RevisionSlotsUpdate $revisionSlotsUpdate, IDatabase $dbw)
 Update derived slots in an existing revision into the database, returning the modified slots on success.
 userWasLastToEdit (IDatabase $db, $pageId, $userId, $since)
 Check if no edits were made by other users since the time a user started editing the page.
- Public Member Functions inherited from MediaWiki\Revision\RevisionFactory
 newRevisionFromRow ( $row, $queryFlags=self::READ_NORMAL, PageIdentity $page=null)
 Constructs a RevisionRecord given a database row and content slots.

Public Attributes

const INCLUDE_BOTH = 'include_both'
const INCLUDE_NEW = 'include_new'
const INCLUDE_OLD = 'include_old'
const ROW_CACHE_KEY = 'revision-row-1.29'
- Public Attributes inherited from IDBAccessObject
const READ_NONE = -1
 Constants for object loading bitfield flags (higher => higher QoS)

Detailed Description

Service for looking up page revisions.

1.32 Renamed from MediaWiki\Storage\RevisionStore
This was written to act as a drop-in replacement for the corresponding static methods in the old Revision class (which was later removed in 1.37).

Definition at line 88 of file RevisionStore.php.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ __construct()

MediaWiki\Revision\RevisionStore::__construct ( ILoadBalancer $loadBalancer,
SqlBlobStore $blobStore,
WANObjectCache $cache,
BagOStuff $localCache,
CommentStore $commentStore,
NameTableStore $contentModelStore,
NameTableStore $slotRoleStore,
SlotRoleRegistry $slotRoleRegistry,
ActorMigration $actorMigration,
ActorStore $actorStore,
IContentHandlerFactory $contentHandlerFactory,
PageStore $pageStore,
TitleFactory $titleFactory,
HookContainer $hookContainer,
$wikiId = WikiAwareEntity::LOCAL )
WANObjectCache$cacheA cache for caching revision rows. This can be the local wiki's default instance even if $wikiId refers to a different wiki, since makeGlobalKey() is used to constructed a key that allows cached revision rows from the same database to be re-used between wikis. For example, enwiki and frwiki will use the same cache keys for revision rows from the wikidatawiki database, regardless of the cache's default key space.
BagOStuff$localCacheAnother layer of cache, best to use APCu here.
false | string$wikiIdRelevant wiki id or WikiAwareEntity::LOCAL for the current one
$blobStore should be allowed to be any BlobStore!

Definition at line 196 of file RevisionStore.php.

Member Function Documentation

◆ countAuthorsBetween()

MediaWiki\Revision\RevisionStore::countAuthorsBetween ( $pageId,
RevisionRecord $old = null,
RevisionRecord $new = null,
Authority $performer = null,
$max = null,
$options = [] )

Get the number of authors between the given revisions.

Used for diffs and other things that really need it.

int$pageIdThe id of the page
RevisionRecord | null$oldOld revision . If null is provided, count starting from the first revision (inclusive).
RevisionRecord | null$newNew revision. If null is provided, count until the last revision (inclusive).
Authority | null$performerthe user whose access rights to apply
int | null$maxLimit of Revisions to count, will be incremented to detect truncations.
string | array$optionsSingle option, or an array of options: RevisionStore::INCLUDE_OLD Include $old in the range; $new is excluded. RevisionStore::INCLUDE_NEW Include $new in the range; $old is excluded. RevisionStore::INCLUDE_BOTH Include both $old and $new in the range.
InvalidArgumentExceptionin case either revision is unsaved or the revisions do not belong to the same page or unknown option is passed.
int Number of revisions authors in the range.

Definition at line 3285 of file RevisionStore.php.

◆ countRevisionsBetween()

MediaWiki\Revision\RevisionStore::countRevisionsBetween ( $pageId,
RevisionRecord $old = null,
RevisionRecord $new = null,
$max = null,
$options = [] )

Get the number of revisions between the given revisions.

Used for diffs and other things that really need it.

int$pageIdThe id of the page
RevisionRecord | null$oldOld revision. If null is provided, count starting from the first revision (inclusive).
RevisionRecord | null$newNew revision. If null is provided, count until the last revision (inclusive).
int | null$maxLimit of Revisions to count, will be incremented to detect truncations.
string | array$optionsSingle option, or an array of options: RevisionStore::INCLUDE_OLD Include $old in the range; $new is excluded. RevisionStore::INCLUDE_NEW Include $new in the range; $old is excluded. RevisionStore::INCLUDE_BOTH Include both $old and $new in the range.
InvalidArgumentExceptionin case either revision is unsaved or the revisions do not belong to the same page.
int Number of revisions between these revisions.

Definition at line 3318 of file RevisionStore.php.

References $dbr, and DB_REPLICA.

◆ countRevisionsByPageId()

MediaWiki\Revision\RevisionStore::countRevisionsByPageId ( IReadableDatabase $db,
$id )

Get count of revisions per page...not very efficient.

MCR migration note: this replaced Revision::countByPageId

int$idPage id

Definition at line 2835 of file RevisionStore.php.

References Wikimedia\Rdbms\IReadableDatabase\selectRow().

◆ countRevisionsByTitle()

MediaWiki\Revision\RevisionStore::countRevisionsByTitle ( IDatabase $db,
PageIdentity $page )

Get count of revisions per page...not very efficient.

MCR migration note: this replaced Revision::countByTitle


Definition at line 2858 of file RevisionStore.php.

◆ findIdenticalRevision()

MediaWiki\Revision\RevisionStore::findIdenticalRevision ( RevisionRecord $revision,
int $searchLimit )

Tries to find a revision identical to $revision in $searchLimit most recent revisions of this page.

The comparison is based on SHA1s of these revisions.

RevisionRecord$revisionwhich revision to compare to
int$searchLimitHow many recent revisions should be checked

Definition at line 3366 of file RevisionStore.php.

◆ getArchiveQueryInfo()

MediaWiki\Revision\RevisionStore::getArchiveQueryInfo ( )

Return the tables, fields, and join conditions to be selected to create a new RevisionArchiveRecord object.

Since 1.34, ar_user and ar_user_text have not been present in the database, but they continue to be available in query results as aliases.

MCR migration note: this replaced Revision::getArchiveQueryInfo

array[] With three keys:
  • tables: (string[]) to include in the $table to IDatabase->select() or SelectQueryBuilder::tables
  • fields: (string[]) to include in the $vars to IDatabase->select() or SelectQueryBuilder::fields
  • joins: (array) to include in the $join_conds to IDatabase->select() or SelectQueryBuilder::joinConds

Implements MediaWiki\Revision\RevisionFactory.

Definition at line 2601 of file RevisionStore.php.

◆ getAuthorsBetween()

MediaWiki\Revision\RevisionStore::getAuthorsBetween ( $pageId,
RevisionRecord $old = null,
RevisionRecord $new = null,
Authority $performer = null,
$max = null,
$options = [] )

Get the authors between the given revisions or revisions.

Used for diffs and other things that really need it.

int$pageIdThe id of the page
RevisionRecord | null$oldOld revision. If null is provided, count starting from the first revision (inclusive).
RevisionRecord | null$newNew revision. If null is provided, count until the last revision (inclusive).
Authority | null$performerthe user whose access rights to apply
int | null$maxLimit of Revisions to count, will be incremented to detect truncations.
string | array$optionsSingle option, or an array of options: RevisionStore::INCLUDE_OLD Include $old in the range; $new is excluded. RevisionStore::INCLUDE_NEW Include $new in the range; $old is excluded. RevisionStore::INCLUDE_BOTH Include both $old and $new in the range.
InvalidArgumentExceptionin case either revision is unsaved or the revisions do not belong to the same page or unknown option is passed.
UserIdentity[] Names of revision authors in the range

Definition at line 3208 of file RevisionStore.php.

References $dbr, and DB_REPLICA.

◆ getContentBlobsForBatch()

MediaWiki\Revision\RevisionStore::getContentBlobsForBatch ( $rowsOrIds,
$slots = null,
$queryFlags = 0 )

Gets raw (serialized) content blobs for the given set of revisions.

Callers are responsible for unserializing and interpreting the content blobs based on the model_name field and the slot role.

This method is intended for bulk operations in maintenance scripts. It may be chosen over newRevisionsFromBatch by code that are only interested in raw content, as opposed to meta data. Code that needs to access meta data of revisions, slots, or content objects should use newRevisionsFromBatch() instead.

Traversable | array$rowsOrIdslist of revision ids, or revision rows from a db query.
array | null$slotsthe role names for which to get slots.
StatusValue a status containing, if isOK() returns true, a two-level nested associative array, mapping from revision ID to an associative array that maps from role name to an anonymous object containing two fields:
  • model_name: the name of the content's model
  • blob_data: serialized content data

Definition at line 2253 of file RevisionStore.php.

◆ getFirstRevision()

MediaWiki\Revision\RevisionStore::getFirstRevision ( $page,
int $flags = IDBAccessObject::READ_NORMAL )

Get the first revision of a given page.

LinkTarget | PageIdentity$pageCalling with LinkTarget is deprecated since 1.36

Implements MediaWiki\Revision\RevisionLookup.

Definition at line 2998 of file RevisionStore.php.

◆ getKnownCurrentRevision()

MediaWiki\Revision\RevisionStore::getKnownCurrentRevision ( PageIdentity $page,
$revId = 0 )

Load a revision based on a known page ID and current revision ID from the DB.

This method allows for the use of caching, though accessing anything that normally requires permission checks (aside from the text) will trigger a small DB lookup.

MCR migration note: this replaced Revision::newKnownCurrent

PageIdentity$pagethe associated page
int$revIdcurrent revision of this page. Defaults to $title->getLatestRevID().
RevisionRecord|false Returns false if missing

Implements MediaWiki\Revision\RevisionLookup.

Definition at line 2926 of file RevisionStore.php.

References $title, MediaWiki\Page\PageReference\__toString(), and DB_REPLICA.

◆ getNextRevision()

MediaWiki\Revision\RevisionStore::getNextRevision ( RevisionRecord $rev,
$flags = self::READ_NORMAL )

Get the revision after $rev in the page's history, if any.

Will return null for the latest revision but also for deleted or unsaved revisions.

MCR migration note: this replaced Revision::getNext

int$flags(optional) $flags include: IDBAccessObject::READ_LATEST: Select the data from the primary DB

Implements MediaWiki\Revision\RevisionLookup.

Definition at line 2751 of file RevisionStore.php.

◆ getPreviousRevision()

MediaWiki\Revision\RevisionStore::getPreviousRevision ( RevisionRecord $rev,
$flags = self::READ_NORMAL )

Get the revision before $rev in the page's history, if any.

Will return null for the first revision but also for deleted or unsaved revisions.

MCR migration note: this replaced Revision::getPrevious

See also
int$flags(optional) $flags include: IDBAccessObject::READ_LATEST: Select the data from the primary DB

Implements MediaWiki\Revision\RevisionLookup.

Definition at line 2736 of file RevisionStore.php.

◆ getQueryInfo()

MediaWiki\Revision\RevisionStore::getQueryInfo ( $options = [])

Return the tables, fields, and join conditions to be selected to create a new RevisionStoreRecord object.

MCR migration note: this replaced Revision::getQueryInfo

If the format of fields returned changes in any way then the cache key provided by self::getRevisionRowCacheKey should be updated.

array$optionsAny combination of the following strings
  • 'page': Join with the page table, and select fields to identify the page
  • 'user': Join with the user table, and select the user name
array[] With three keys:
  • tables: (string[]) to include in the $table to IDatabase->select() or SelectQueryBuilder::tables
  • fields: (string[]) to include in the $vars to IDatabase->select() or SelectQueryBuilder::fields
  • joins: (array) to include in the $join_conds to IDatabase->select() or SelectQueryBuilder::joinConds

Implements MediaWiki\Revision\RevisionFactory.

Definition at line 2428 of file RevisionStore.php.

◆ getRcIdIfUnpatrolled()

MediaWiki\Revision\RevisionStore::getRcIdIfUnpatrolled ( RevisionRecord $rev)

MCR migration note: this replaced Revision::isUnpatrolled.

This is overly specific, so move or kill this method.
int Rcid of the unpatrolled row, zero if there isn't one

Definition at line 1094 of file RevisionStore.php.

◆ getRecentChange()

MediaWiki\Revision\RevisionStore::getRecentChange ( RevisionRecord $rev,
$flags = 0 )

Get the RC object belonging to the current revision, if there's one.

MCR migration note: this replaced Revision::getRecentChange

move this somewhere else?
int$flags(optional) $flags include: IDBAccessObject::READ_LATEST: Select the data from the primary DB

Definition at line 1116 of file RevisionStore.php.

References MediaWiki\Revision\RevisionRecord\getId(), RC_EDIT, RC_LOG, and RC_NEW.

◆ getRevisionById()

MediaWiki\Revision\RevisionStore::getRevisionById ( $id,
$flags = 0,
PageIdentity $page = null )

Load a page revision from a given revision ID number.

Returns null if no such revision can be found.

MCR migration note: this replaced Revision::newFromId

$flags include: IDBAccessObject::READ_LATEST: Select the data from the primary DB IDBAccessObject::READ_LOCKING : Select & lock the data from the primary DB

PageIdentity | null$pageThe page the revision belongs to. Providing the page may improve performance.

Implements MediaWiki\Revision\RevisionLookup.

Definition at line 1244 of file RevisionStore.php.

◆ getRevisionByPageId()

MediaWiki\Revision\RevisionStore::getRevisionByPageId ( $pageId,
$revId = 0,
$flags = 0 )

Load either the current, or a specified, revision that's attached to a given page ID.

Returns null if no such revision can be found.

MCR migration note: this replaced Revision::newFromPageId

$flags include: IDBAccessObject::READ_LATEST: Select the data from the primary DB (since 1.20) IDBAccessObject::READ_LOCKING : Select & lock the data from the primary DB

int$flagsBitfield (optional)

Implements MediaWiki\Revision\RevisionLookup.

Definition at line 1311 of file RevisionStore.php.

◆ getRevisionByTimestamp()

MediaWiki\Revision\RevisionStore::getRevisionByTimestamp ( $page,
string $timestamp,
int $flags = IDBAccessObject::READ_NORMAL )

Load the revision for the given title with the given timestamp.

WARNING: Timestamps may in some circumstances not be unique, so this isn't the best key to use.

MCR migration note: this replaced Revision::loadFromTimestamp

LinkTarget | PageIdentity$pageCalling with LinkTarget is deprecated since 1.36
int$flagsBitfield (optional) include: IDBAccessObject::READ_LATEST: Select the data from the primary DB IDBAccessObject::READ_LOCKING: Select & lock the data from the primary DB Default: IDBAccessObject::READ_NORMAL

Implements MediaWiki\Revision\RevisionLookup.

Definition at line 1350 of file RevisionStore.php.

◆ getRevisionByTitle()

MediaWiki\Revision\RevisionStore::getRevisionByTitle ( $page,
$revId = 0,
$flags = 0 )

Load either the current, or a specified, revision that's attached to a given link target.

If not attached to that link target, will return null.

MCR migration note: this replaced Revision::newFromTitle

$flags include: IDBAccessObject::READ_LATEST: Select the data from the primary DB IDBAccessObject::READ_LOCKING : Select & lock the data from the primary DB

LinkTarget | PageIdentity$pageCalling with LinkTarget is deprecated since 1.36
int$flagsBitfield (optional)

Implements MediaWiki\Revision\RevisionLookup.

Definition at line 1264 of file RevisionStore.php.

◆ getRevisionIdsBetween()

MediaWiki\Revision\RevisionStore::getRevisionIdsBetween ( int $pageId,
RevisionRecord $old = null,
RevisionRecord $new = null,
?int $max = null,
$options = [],
?string $order = null,
int $flags = IDBAccessObject::READ_NORMAL )

Get IDs of revisions between the given revisions.

int$pageIdThe id of the page
RevisionRecord | null$oldOld revision. If null is provided, count starting from the first revision (inclusive).
RevisionRecord | null$newNew revision. If null is provided, count until the last revision (inclusive).
int | null$maxLimit of Revisions to count, will be incremented by one to detect truncations.
string | array$optionsSingle option, or an array of options: RevisionStore::INCLUDE_OLD Include $old in the range; $new is excluded. RevisionStore::INCLUDE_NEW Include $new in the range; $old is excluded. RevisionStore::INCLUDE_BOTH Include both $old and $new in the range.
string | null$orderThe direction in which the revisions should be sorted. Possible values:
  • null for no specific ordering (default value)
InvalidArgumentExceptionin case either revision is unsaved or the revisions do not belong to the same page or unknown option is passed.

Definition at line 3134 of file RevisionStore.php.

◆ getRevisionSizes()

MediaWiki\Revision\RevisionStore::getRevisionSizes ( array $revIds)

Do a batched query for the sizes of a set of revisions.

MCR migration note: this replaced Revision::getParentLengths

int[] associative array mapping revision IDs from $revIds to the nominal size of the corresponding revision.

Definition at line 2641 of file RevisionStore.php.

References $dbr, $res, and DB_REPLICA.

◆ getSlotsQueryInfo()

MediaWiki\Revision\RevisionStore::getSlotsQueryInfo ( $options = [])

Return the tables, fields, and join conditions to be selected to create a new SlotRecord.

array$optionsAny combination of the following strings
  • 'content': Join with the content table, and select content meta-data fields
  • 'model': Join with the content_models table, and select the model_name field. Only applicable if 'content' is also set.
  • 'role': Join with the slot_roles table, and select the role_name field
array[] With three keys:
  • tables: (string[]) to include in the $table to IDatabase->select() or SelectQueryBuilder::tables
  • fields: (string[]) to include in the $vars to IDatabase->select() or SelectQueryBuilder::fields
  • joins: (array) to include in the $join_conds to IDatabase->select() or SelectQueryBuilder::joinConds
  • keys: (associative array) to look up fields to match against. In particular, the field that can be used to find slots by rev_id can be found in ['keys']['rev_id'].

Definition at line 2509 of file RevisionStore.php.

◆ getTimestampFromId()

MediaWiki\Revision\RevisionStore::getTimestampFromId ( $id,
$flags = 0 )

Get rev_timestamp from rev_id, without loading the rest of the row.

Historically, there was an extra Title parameter that was passed before $id. This is no longer needed and is deprecated in 1.34.

MCR migration note: this replaced Revision::getTimestampFromId

string|false False if not found

Implements MediaWiki\Revision\RevisionLookup.

Definition at line 2802 of file RevisionStore.php.

References Wikimedia\Rdbms\IReadableDatabase\selectField().

◆ getTitle()

MediaWiki\Revision\RevisionStore::getTitle ( $pageId,
$queryFlags = self::READ_NORMAL )

Determines the page Title based on the available information.

MCR migration note: this corresponded to Revision::getTitle

since 1.36, Use RevisionRecord::getPage() instead.
The resulting Title object will be misleading if the RevisionStore is not for the local wiki.
int | null$pageId
int | null$revId

Definition at line 288 of file RevisionStore.php.

References wfDeprecatedMsg().

◆ getWikiId()

MediaWiki\Revision\RevisionStore::getWikiId ( )

Get the ID of the wiki this revision belongs to.

string|false The wiki's logical name, of false to indicate the local wiki.

Definition at line 249 of file RevisionStore.php.

◆ insertRevisionOn()

◆ isReadOnly()

MediaWiki\Revision\RevisionStore::isReadOnly ( )
bool Whether the store is read-only

Definition at line 240 of file RevisionStore.php.

◆ isRevisionRow()

MediaWiki\Revision\RevisionStore::isRevisionRow ( $row,
string $table = '' )

Determine whether the parameter is a row containing all the fields that RevisionStore needs to create a RevisionRecord from the row.

string$table'archive' or empty

Implements MediaWiki\Revision\RevisionFactory.

Definition at line 2569 of file RevisionStore.php.

◆ newNullRevision()

MediaWiki\Revision\RevisionStore::newNullRevision ( IDatabase $dbw,
PageIdentity $page,
CommentStoreComment $comment,
UserIdentity $user )

Create a new null-revision for insertion into a page's history.

This will not re-save the text, but simply refer to the text from the previous version.

Such revisions can for instance identify page rename operations and other such meta-modifications.

This method grabs a FOR UPDATE lock on the relevant row of the page table, to prevent a new revision from being inserted before the null revision has been written to the database.

MCR migration note: this replaced Revision::newNullRevision

Introduce newFromParentRevision(). newNullRevision can then be based on that (or go away).
IDatabase$dbwused for obtaining the lock on the page table row
PageIdentity$pagethe page to read from
CommentStoreComment$commentRevisionRecord's summary
bool$minorWhether the revision should be considered as minor
UserIdentity$userThe user to attribute the revision to
RevisionRecord|null RevisionRecord or null on error

Definition at line 1023 of file RevisionStore.php.

References Wikimedia\Rdbms\IReadableDatabase\selectField().

◆ newRevisionFromArchiveRow()

MediaWiki\Revision\RevisionStore::newRevisionFromArchiveRow ( $row,
$queryFlags = 0,
PageIdentity $page = null,
array $overrides = [] )

Make a fake RevisionRecord object from an archive table row.

This is queried for permissions or even inserted (as in Special:Undelete)

The user ID and user name may optionally be supplied using the aliases ar_user and ar_user_text (the names of fields which existed before MW 1.34).

MCR migration note: this replaced Revision::newFromArchiveRow

PageIdentity | null$page
array$overridesassociative array with fields of $row to override. This may be used e.g. to force the parent revision ID or page ID. Keys in the array are fields names from the archive table without the 'ar_' prefix, i.e. use 'parent_id' to override ar_parent_id.

Implements MediaWiki\Revision\RevisionFactory.

Definition at line 1585 of file RevisionStore.php.

◆ newRevisionFromArchiveRowAndSlots()

MediaWiki\Revision\RevisionStore::newRevisionFromArchiveRowAndSlots ( stdClass $row,
int $queryFlags = 0,
?PageIdentity $page = null,
array $overrides = [] )
See also
null | stdClass[] | RevisionSlots$slots
  • Database rows generated from a query based on getSlotsQueryInfo with the 'content' flag set. Or
  • RevisionSlots instance
PageIdentity | null$page
array$overridesassociative array with fields of $row to override. This may be used e.g. to force the parent revision ID or page ID. Keys in the array are fields names from the archive table without the 'ar_' prefix, i.e. use 'parent_id' to override ar_parent_id.

Definition at line 1634 of file RevisionStore.php.

◆ newRevisionFromRow()

MediaWiki\Revision\RevisionStore::newRevisionFromRow ( $row,
$queryFlags = 0,
PageIdentity $page = null,
$fromCache = false )
See also

MCR migration note: this replaced Revision::newFromRow

\\stdClass$rowA database row generated from a query based on getQueryInfo()
PageIdentity | null$pagePreloaded page object
bool$fromCacheif true, the returned RevisionRecord will ensure that no stale data is returned from getters, by querying the database as needed

Definition at line 1606 of file RevisionStore.php.

◆ newRevisionFromRowAndSlots()

MediaWiki\Revision\RevisionStore::newRevisionFromRowAndSlots ( stdClass $row,
int $queryFlags = 0,
?PageIdentity $page = null,
bool $fromCache = false )
See also
stdClass$rowA database row generated from a query based on getQueryInfo()
null | stdClass[] | RevisionSlots$slots
  • Database rows generated from a query based on getSlotsQueryInfo with the 'content' flag set. Or
  • RevisionSlots instance
PageIdentity | null$page
bool$fromCacheif true, the returned RevisionRecord will ensure that no stale data is returned from getters, by querying the database as needed
See also

Definition at line 1709 of file RevisionStore.php.

◆ newRevisionsFromBatch()

MediaWiki\Revision\RevisionStore::newRevisionsFromBatch ( $rows,
array $options = [],
$queryFlags = 0,
PageIdentity $page = null )

Construct a RevisionRecord instance for each row in $rows, and return them as an associative array indexed by revision ID.

Use getQueryInfo() or getArchiveQueryInfo() to construct the query that produces the rows.

IResultWrapper | \\stdClass[]$rowsthe rows to construct revision records from
array$optionsSupports the following options: 'slots' - whether metadata about revision slots should be loaded immediately. Supports falsy or truthy value as well as an explicit list of slot role names. The main slot will always be loaded. 'content' - whether the actual content of the slots should be preloaded. 'archive' - whether the rows where generated using getArchiveQueryInfo(), rather than getQueryInfo.
PageIdentity | null$pageThe page to which all the revision rows belong, if there is such a page and the caller has it handy, so we don't have to look it up again. If this parameter is given and any of the rows has a rev_page_id that is different from Article Id associated with the page, an InvalidArgumentException is thrown.
StatusValue a status with a RevisionRecord[] of successfully fetched revisions and an array of errors for the revisions failed to fetch.

Definition at line 1921 of file RevisionStore.php.

References MediaWiki\Page\PageReference\getDBkey(), MediaWiki\Page\PageReference\getNamespace(), and if.

◆ setLogger()

MediaWiki\Revision\RevisionStore::setLogger ( LoggerInterface $logger)

Definition at line 233 of file RevisionStore.php.

◆ updateSlotsOn()

MediaWiki\Revision\RevisionStore::updateSlotsOn ( RevisionRecord $revision,
RevisionSlotsUpdate $revisionSlotsUpdate,
IDatabase $dbw )

Update derived slots in an existing revision into the database, returning the modified slots on success.

RevisionRecord$revisionAfter this method returns, the $revision object will be obsolete in that it does not have the new slots.
IDatabase$dbw(primary connection)
SlotRecord[] the new slot records.
Access: internal

Definition at line 541 of file RevisionStore.php.

◆ userWasLastToEdit()

MediaWiki\Revision\RevisionStore::userWasLastToEdit ( IDatabase $db,
$since )

Check if no edits were made by other users since the time a user started editing the page.

Limit to 50 revisions for the sake of performance.

MCR migration note: this replaced Revision::userWasLastToEdit

since 1.31; Can possibly be removed, since the self-conflict suppression logic in EditPage that uses this seems conceptually dubious. Revision::userWasLastToEdit had been deprecated since 1.24 (the Revision class was removed entirely in 1.37).
IDatabase$dbThe Database to perform the check on.
int$pageIdThe ID of the page in question
int$userIdThe ID of the user in question
string$sinceLook at edits since this time
bool True if the given user was the only one to edit since the given timestamp

Definition at line 2884 of file RevisionStore.php.

References $res, $revQuery, Wikimedia\Rdbms\Database\DbQuoter\addQuotes(), Wikimedia\Rdbms\IReadableDatabase\select(), and Wikimedia\Rdbms\Platform\ISQLPlatform\timestamp().

Member Data Documentation


const MediaWiki\Revision\RevisionStore::INCLUDE_BOTH = 'include_both'

Definition at line 101 of file RevisionStore.php.


const MediaWiki\Revision\RevisionStore::INCLUDE_NEW = 'include_new'

Definition at line 100 of file RevisionStore.php.


const MediaWiki\Revision\RevisionStore::INCLUDE_OLD = 'include_old'

Definition at line 99 of file RevisionStore.php.


const MediaWiki\Revision\RevisionStore::ORDER_NEWEST_TO_OLDEST = 'DESC'

Definition at line 96 of file RevisionStore.php.


const MediaWiki\Revision\RevisionStore::ORDER_OLDEST_TO_NEWEST = 'ASC'

Definition at line 95 of file RevisionStore.php.


const MediaWiki\Revision\RevisionStore::ROW_CACHE_KEY = 'revision-row-1.29'

Definition at line 93 of file RevisionStore.php.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file: