MediaWiki REL1_40
MediaWiki\Logger\Monolog Namespace Reference


class  BufferHandler
 Updates \Monolog\Handler\BufferHandler to use DeferredUpdates rather than register_shutdown_function. More...
class  CeeFormatter
 CeeFormatter extends LogstashFormatter to prefix records with a "cee cookie". More...
class  LegacyFormatter
 Log message formatter that mimics the legacy log message formatting of wfDebug, wfDebugLog, wfLogDBError and the former wfErrorLog global functions by delegating the formatting to \MediaWiki\Logger\LegacyLogger. More...
class  LegacyHandler
 Log handler that replicates the behavior of MediaWiki's former wfErrorLog() logging service. More...
class  LineFormatter
 Formats incoming records into a one-line string. More...
class  LogstashFormatter
 LogstashFormatter squashes the base message array and the context and extras subarrays into one. More...
class  MwlogHandler
 Log handler that will append the record's channel to a fixed 'application prefix' given at construction time. More...
class  SyslogHandler
 Log handler that supports sending log events to a syslog server using RFC 3164 formatted UDP packets. More...
class  WikiProcessor
 Annotate log records with request-global metadata, such as the hostname, wiki / request ID, and MediaWiki version. More...