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jsminplus.php File Reference

JSMinPlus version 1.4. More...

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class  JSCompilerContext
class  JSMinPlus
class  JSNode
class  JSParser
class  JSToken
class  JSTokenizer


const JS_ARRAY_INIT 107
const JS_BLOCK 101
const JS_CALL 104
const JS_FOR_IN 103
const JS_GETTER 110
const JS_GROUP 112
const JS_INDEX 106
const JS_LABEL 102
const JS_LIST 113
const JS_MINIFIED 999
const JS_NEW_WITH_ARGS 105
const JS_OBJECT_INIT 108
const JS_SCRIPT 100
const JS_SETTER 111
const KEYWORD_BREAK 'break'
const KEYWORD_CASE 'case'
const KEYWORD_CATCH 'catch'
const KEYWORD_CONST 'const'
const KEYWORD_CONTINUE 'continue'
const KEYWORD_DEBUGGER 'debugger'
const KEYWORD_DEFAULT 'default'
const KEYWORD_DELETE 'delete'
const KEYWORD_DO 'do'
const KEYWORD_ELSE 'else'
const KEYWORD_ENUM 'enum'
const KEYWORD_FALSE 'false'
const KEYWORD_FINALLY 'finally'
const KEYWORD_FOR 'for'
const KEYWORD_FUNCTION 'function'
const KEYWORD_IF 'if'
const KEYWORD_IN 'in'
const KEYWORD_INSTANCEOF 'instanceof'
const KEYWORD_NEW 'new'
const KEYWORD_NULL 'null'
const KEYWORD_RETURN 'return'
const KEYWORD_SWITCH 'switch'
const KEYWORD_THIS 'this'
const KEYWORD_THROW 'throw'
const KEYWORD_TRUE 'true'
const KEYWORD_TRY 'try'
const KEYWORD_TYPEOF 'typeof'
const KEYWORD_VAR 'var'
const KEYWORD_VOID 'void'
const KEYWORD_WHILE 'while'
const KEYWORD_WITH 'with'
const OP_AND '&&'
const OP_ASSIGN '='
const OP_BITWISE_AND '&'
const OP_BITWISE_NOT '~'
const OP_BITWISE_OR '|'
const OP_BITWISE_XOR '^'
const OP_COLON ':'
const OP_COMMA ','
const OP_DECREMENT '--'
const OP_DIV '/'
const OP_DOT '.'
const OP_EQ '=='
const OP_GE '>='
const OP_GT '>'
const OP_HOOK '?'
const OP_INCREMENT '++'
const OP_LE '<='
const OP_LEFT_CURLY '{'
const OP_LEFT_PAREN '('
const OP_LSH '<<'
const OP_LT '<'
const OP_MINUS '-'
const OP_MOD '%'
const OP_MUL '*'
const OP_NE '!='
const OP_NOT '!'
const OP_OR '||'
const OP_PLUS '+'
const OP_RIGHT_CURLY '}'
const OP_RIGHT_PAREN ')'
const OP_RSH '>>'
const OP_SEMICOLON ';'
const OP_STRICT_EQ '==='
const OP_STRICT_NE '!=='
const OP_UNARY_PLUS 'U+'
const OP_URSH '>>>'
const TOKEN_END 1

Detailed Description

JSMinPlus version 1.4.

Minifies a javascript file using a javascript parser

This implements a PHP port of Brendan Eich's Narcissus open source javascript engine (in javascript) References: Narcissus sourcecode: JSMinPlus weblog:

Tino Zijdel

Usage: $minified = JSMinPlus::minify($script [, $filename])

Versionlog (see also changelog.txt): 23-07-2011 - remove dynamic creation of OP_* and KEYWORD_* defines and declare them on top reduce memory footprint by minifying by block-scope some small byte-saving and performance improvements 12-05-2009 - fixed hook:colon precedence, fixed empty body in loop and if-constructs 18-04-2009 - fixed crashbug in PHP 5.2.9 and several other bugfixes 12-04-2009 - some small bugfixes and performance improvements 09-04-2009 - initial open sourced version 1.0

Latest version of this script:

Definition in file jsminplus.php.

Variable Documentation





Definition at line 95 of file jsminplus.php.

Referenced by JSParser\Expression().


const JS_ARRAY_INIT 107

Definition at line 84 of file jsminplus.php.

Referenced by JSParser\Expression(), and JSMinPlus\parseTree().


const JS_BLOCK 101

Definition at line 78 of file jsminplus.php.

Referenced by JSMinPlus\parseTree(), JSParser\Statement(), and JSParser\Statements().


const JS_CALL 104

Definition at line 81 of file jsminplus.php.

Referenced by JSParser\Expression(), and JSMinPlus\parseTree().


const JS_FOR_IN 103

Definition at line 80 of file jsminplus.php.

Referenced by JSMinPlus\parseTree(), and JSParser\Statement().


const JS_GETTER 110

Definition at line 87 of file jsminplus.php.

Referenced by JSParser\FunctionDefinition(), and JSMinPlus\parseTree().


const JS_GROUP 112

Definition at line 89 of file jsminplus.php.

Referenced by JSParser\Expression(), and JSMinPlus\parseTree().


const JS_INDEX 106

Definition at line 83 of file jsminplus.php.

Referenced by JSParser\Expression(), and JSMinPlus\parseTree().


const JS_LABEL 102

Definition at line 79 of file jsminplus.php.

Referenced by JSMinPlus\parseTree(), and JSParser\Statement().


const JS_LIST 113

Definition at line 90 of file jsminplus.php.

Referenced by JSParser\Expression(), and JSMinPlus\parseTree().


const JS_MINIFIED 999

Definition at line 92 of file jsminplus.php.

Referenced by JSMinPlus\parseTree(), and JSParser\Script().


const JS_NEW_WITH_ARGS 105

Definition at line 82 of file jsminplus.php.

Referenced by JSParser\Expression(), and JSMinPlus\parseTree().


const JS_OBJECT_INIT 108

Definition at line 85 of file jsminplus.php.

Referenced by JSParser\Expression(), and JSMinPlus\parseTree().



Definition at line 86 of file jsminplus.php.

Referenced by JSParser\Expression(), and JSMinPlus\parseTree().


const JS_SCRIPT 100

Definition at line 77 of file jsminplus.php.

Referenced by JSMinPlus\parseTree(), and JSParser\Script().


const JS_SETTER 111

Definition at line 88 of file jsminplus.php.

Referenced by JSParser\FunctionDefinition().


const KEYWORD_BREAK 'break'

Definition at line 142 of file jsminplus.php.

Referenced by JSParser\isKeyword(), JSMinPlus\parseTree(), and JSParser\Statement().


const KEYWORD_CASE 'case'

Definition at line 143 of file jsminplus.php.

Referenced by JSParser\isKeyword(), JSMinPlus\parseTree(), and JSParser\Statement().


const KEYWORD_CATCH 'catch'

Definition at line 144 of file jsminplus.php.

Referenced by JSParser\isKeyword(), and JSParser\Statement().


const KEYWORD_CONST 'const'


const KEYWORD_CONTINUE 'continue'

Definition at line 146 of file jsminplus.php.

Referenced by JSParser\isKeyword(), JSMinPlus\parseTree(), and JSParser\Statement().


const KEYWORD_DEBUGGER 'debugger'

Definition at line 147 of file jsminplus.php.

Referenced by JSParser\isKeyword(), JSMinPlus\parseTree(), and JSParser\Statement().


const KEYWORD_DEFAULT 'default'

Definition at line 148 of file jsminplus.php.

Referenced by JSParser\isKeyword(), and JSParser\Statement().


const KEYWORD_DELETE 'delete'

Definition at line 149 of file jsminplus.php.

Referenced by JSParser\Expression(), JSParser\isKeyword(), and JSMinPlus\parseTree().


const KEYWORD_DO 'do'

Definition at line 150 of file jsminplus.php.

Referenced by JSParser\isKeyword(), JSMinPlus\parseTree(), and JSParser\Statement().


const KEYWORD_ELSE 'else'

Definition at line 151 of file jsminplus.php.

Referenced by JSParser\isKeyword(), and JSParser\Statement().


const KEYWORD_ENUM 'enum'

Definition at line 152 of file jsminplus.php.

Referenced by JSParser\isKeyword().


const KEYWORD_FALSE 'false'

Definition at line 153 of file jsminplus.php.

Referenced by JSParser\Expression(), JSParser\isKeyword(), and JSMinPlus\parseTree().


const KEYWORD_FINALLY 'finally'

Definition at line 154 of file jsminplus.php.

Referenced by JSParser\isKeyword(), and JSParser\Statement().


const KEYWORD_FOR 'for'

Definition at line 155 of file jsminplus.php.

Referenced by JSParser\isKeyword(), JSMinPlus\parseTree(), and JSParser\Statement().


const KEYWORD_FUNCTION 'function'


const KEYWORD_IF 'if'

Definition at line 157 of file jsminplus.php.

Referenced by JSParser\isKeyword(), JSMinPlus\parseTree(), and JSParser\Statement().


const KEYWORD_IN 'in'


const KEYWORD_INSTANCEOF 'instanceof'

Definition at line 159 of file jsminplus.php.

Referenced by JSParser\Expression(), JSParser\isKeyword(), and JSMinPlus\parseTree().


const KEYWORD_NEW 'new'

Definition at line 160 of file jsminplus.php.

Referenced by JSParser\Expression(), JSParser\isKeyword(), and JSMinPlus\parseTree().


const KEYWORD_NULL 'null'

Definition at line 161 of file jsminplus.php.

Referenced by JSParser\Expression(), JSParser\isKeyword(), and JSMinPlus\parseTree().


const KEYWORD_RETURN 'return'

Definition at line 162 of file jsminplus.php.

Referenced by JSParser\isKeyword(), JSMinPlus\parseTree(), and JSParser\Statement().


const KEYWORD_SWITCH 'switch'

Definition at line 163 of file jsminplus.php.

Referenced by JSParser\isKeyword(), JSMinPlus\parseTree(), and JSParser\Statement().


const KEYWORD_THIS 'this'

Definition at line 164 of file jsminplus.php.

Referenced by JSParser\Expression(), JSParser\isKeyword(), and JSMinPlus\parseTree().


const KEYWORD_THROW 'throw'

Definition at line 165 of file jsminplus.php.

Referenced by JSParser\isKeyword(), JSMinPlus\parseTree(), and JSParser\Statement().


const KEYWORD_TRUE 'true'

Definition at line 166 of file jsminplus.php.

Referenced by JSParser\Expression(), JSParser\isKeyword(), and JSMinPlus\parseTree().


const KEYWORD_TRY 'try'

Definition at line 167 of file jsminplus.php.

Referenced by JSParser\isKeyword(), JSMinPlus\parseTree(), and JSParser\Statement().


const KEYWORD_TYPEOF 'typeof'

Definition at line 168 of file jsminplus.php.

Referenced by JSParser\Expression(), JSParser\isKeyword(), and JSMinPlus\parseTree().


const KEYWORD_VAR 'var'

Definition at line 169 of file jsminplus.php.

Referenced by JSParser\isKeyword(), JSMinPlus\parseTree(), and JSParser\Statement().


const KEYWORD_VOID 'void'

Definition at line 170 of file jsminplus.php.

Referenced by JSParser\Expression(), JSParser\isKeyword(), and JSMinPlus\parseTree().


const KEYWORD_WHILE 'while'

Definition at line 171 of file jsminplus.php.

Referenced by JSParser\isKeyword(), JSMinPlus\parseTree(), and JSParser\Statement().


const KEYWORD_WITH 'with'

Definition at line 172 of file jsminplus.php.

Referenced by JSParser\isKeyword(), JSMinPlus\parseTree(), and JSParser\Statement().


const OP_AND '&&'

Definition at line 104 of file jsminplus.php.

Referenced by JSParser\Expression(), and JSMinPlus\parseTree().


const OP_ASSIGN '='


const OP_BITWISE_AND '&'

Definition at line 107 of file jsminplus.php.

Referenced by JSParser\Expression(), and JSMinPlus\parseTree().


const OP_BITWISE_NOT '~'

Definition at line 128 of file jsminplus.php.

Referenced by JSParser\Expression(), and JSMinPlus\parseTree().


const OP_BITWISE_OR '|'

Definition at line 105 of file jsminplus.php.

Referenced by JSParser\Expression(), and JSMinPlus\parseTree().


const OP_BITWISE_XOR '^'

Definition at line 106 of file jsminplus.php.

Referenced by JSParser\Expression(), and JSMinPlus\parseTree().


const OP_COLON ':'

Definition at line 102 of file jsminplus.php.

Referenced by JSParser\Expression(), and JSParser\Statement().


const OP_COMMA ','



Definition at line 136 of file jsminplus.php.


const OP_DECREMENT '--'

Definition at line 121 of file jsminplus.php.

Referenced by JSParser\Expression(), and JSMinPlus\parseTree().


const OP_DIV '/'

Definition at line 125 of file jsminplus.php.

Referenced by JSParser\Expression(), and JSMinPlus\parseTree().


const OP_DOT '.'

Definition at line 129 of file jsminplus.php.

Referenced by JSParser\Expression(), and JSMinPlus\parseTree().


const OP_EQ '=='

Definition at line 109 of file jsminplus.php.

Referenced by JSParser\Expression(), and JSMinPlus\parseTree().


const OP_GE '>='

Definition at line 118 of file jsminplus.php.

Referenced by JSParser\Expression(), and JSMinPlus\parseTree().


const OP_GT '>'

Definition at line 119 of file jsminplus.php.

Referenced by JSParser\Expression(), and JSMinPlus\parseTree().


const OP_HOOK '?'

Definition at line 101 of file jsminplus.php.

Referenced by JSParser\Expression(), and JSMinPlus\parseTree().


const OP_INCREMENT '++'

Definition at line 120 of file jsminplus.php.

Referenced by JSParser\Expression(), and JSMinPlus\parseTree().


const OP_LE '<='

Definition at line 114 of file jsminplus.php.

Referenced by JSParser\Expression(), and JSMinPlus\parseTree().



Definition at line 130 of file jsminplus.php.

Referenced by JSParser\Expression().


const OP_LEFT_CURLY '{'


const OP_LEFT_PAREN '('


const OP_LSH '<<'

Definition at line 113 of file jsminplus.php.

Referenced by JSParser\Expression(), and JSMinPlus\parseTree().


const OP_LT '<'

Definition at line 115 of file jsminplus.php.

Referenced by JSParser\Expression(), and JSMinPlus\parseTree().


const OP_MINUS '-'

Definition at line 123 of file jsminplus.php.

Referenced by JSParser\Expression(), JSTokenizer\get(), and JSMinPlus\parseTree().


const OP_MOD '%'

Definition at line 126 of file jsminplus.php.

Referenced by JSParser\Expression(), and JSMinPlus\parseTree().


const OP_MUL '*'

Definition at line 124 of file jsminplus.php.

Referenced by JSParser\Expression(), and JSMinPlus\parseTree().


const OP_NE '!='

Definition at line 112 of file jsminplus.php.

Referenced by JSParser\Expression(), and JSMinPlus\parseTree().


const OP_NOT '!'

Definition at line 127 of file jsminplus.php.

Referenced by JSParser\Expression(), and JSMinPlus\parseTree().


const OP_OR '||'

Definition at line 103 of file jsminplus.php.

Referenced by JSParser\Expression(), and JSMinPlus\parseTree().


const OP_PLUS '+'

Definition at line 122 of file jsminplus.php.

Referenced by JSParser\Expression(), JSTokenizer\get(), and JSMinPlus\parseTree().



Definition at line 131 of file jsminplus.php.

Referenced by JSParser\Expression().


const OP_RIGHT_CURLY '}'


const OP_RIGHT_PAREN ')'


const OP_RSH '>>'

Definition at line 117 of file jsminplus.php.

Referenced by JSParser\Expression(), and JSMinPlus\parseTree().


const OP_SEMICOLON ';'

Definition at line 99 of file jsminplus.php.

Referenced by JSParser\Expression(), JSMinPlus\parseTree(), and JSParser\Statement().


const OP_STRICT_EQ '==='

Definition at line 108 of file jsminplus.php.

Referenced by JSParser\Expression(), and JSMinPlus\parseTree().


const OP_STRICT_NE '!=='

Definition at line 111 of file jsminplus.php.

Referenced by JSParser\Expression(), and JSMinPlus\parseTree().



Definition at line 139 of file jsminplus.php.

Referenced by JSParser\Expression(), JSTokenizer\get(), and JSMinPlus\parseTree().


const OP_UNARY_PLUS 'U+'

Definition at line 138 of file jsminplus.php.

Referenced by JSParser\Expression(), JSTokenizer\get(), and JSMinPlus\parseTree().


const OP_URSH '>>>'

Definition at line 116 of file jsminplus.php.

Referenced by JSParser\Expression(), and JSMinPlus\parseTree().



Definition at line 96 of file jsminplus.php.

Referenced by JSParser\Statement().






const TOKEN_END 1




Definition at line 73 of file jsminplus.php.

Referenced by JSTokenizer\get(), JSTokenizer\peek(), and JSParser\Statement().



Definition at line 69 of file jsminplus.php.

Referenced by JSParser\Expression(), JSTokenizer\get(), and JSMinPlus\parseTree().



Definition at line 72 of file jsminplus.php.

Referenced by JSParser\Expression(), JSTokenizer\get(), and JSMinPlus\parseTree().



Definition at line 71 of file jsminplus.php.

Referenced by JSParser\Expression(), JSTokenizer\get(), and JSMinPlus\parseTree().