MediaWiki master
Go to the documentation of this file.
38class HTMLCacheUpdateJob extends Job {
40 private const NORMAL_MAX_LAG = 10;
42 public function __construct( Title $title, array $params ) {
43 parent::__construct( 'htmlCacheUpdate', $title, $params );
44 // Avoid the overhead of de-duplication when it would be pointless.
45 // Note that these jobs always set page_touched to the current time,
46 // so letting the older existing job "win" is still correct.
47 $this->removeDuplicates = (
48 // Ranges rarely will line up
49 !isset( $params['range'] ) &&
50 // Multiple pages per job make matches unlikely
51 !( isset( $params['pages'] ) && count( $params['pages'] ) != 1 )
52 );
53 $this->params += [ 'causeAction' => 'HTMLCacheUpdateJob', 'causeAgent' => 'unknown' ];
54 }
63 public static function newForBacklinks( PageReference $page, $table, $params = [] ) {
64 $title = Title::newFromPageReference( $page );
65 return new self(
66 $title,
67 [
68 'table' => $table,
69 'recursive' => true
70 ] + Job::newRootJobParams( // "overall" refresh links job info
71 "htmlCacheUpdate:{$table}:{$title->getPrefixedText()}"
72 ) + $params
73 );
74 }
76 public function run() {
77 $updateRowsPerJob = MediaWikiServices::getInstance()->getMainConfig()->get(
78 MainConfigNames::UpdateRowsPerJob );
79 $updateRowsPerQuery = MediaWikiServices::getInstance()->getMainConfig()->get(
80 MainConfigNames::UpdateRowsPerQuery );
81 if ( isset( $this->params['table'] ) && !isset( $this->params['pages'] ) ) {
82 $this->params['recursive'] = true; // b/c; base job
83 }
85 // Job to purge all (or a range of) backlink pages for a page
86 if ( !empty( $this->params['recursive'] ) ) {
87 // Carry over information for de-duplication
88 $extraParams = $this->getRootJobParams();
89 // Carry over cause information for logging
90 $extraParams['causeAction'] = $this->params['causeAction'];
91 $extraParams['causeAgent'] = $this->params['causeAgent'];
92 // Convert this into no more than $wgUpdateRowsPerJob HTMLCacheUpdateJob per-title
93 // jobs and possibly a recursive HTMLCacheUpdateJob job for the rest of the backlinks
95 $this,
96 $updateRowsPerJob,
97 $updateRowsPerQuery, // jobs-per-title
98 // Carry over information for de-duplication
99 [ 'params' => $extraParams ]
100 );
101 MediaWikiServices::getInstance()->getJobQueueGroup()->push( $jobs );
102 // Job to purge pages for a set of titles
103 } elseif ( isset( $this->params['pages'] ) ) {
104 $this->invalidateTitles( $this->params['pages'] );
105 // Job to update a single title
106 } else {
107 $t = $this->title;
108 $this->invalidateTitles( [
109 $t->getArticleID() => [ $t->getNamespace(), $t->getDBkey() ]
110 ] );
111 }
113 return true;
114 }
119 protected function invalidateTitles( array $pages ) {
120 // Get all page IDs in this query into an array
121 $pageIds = array_keys( $pages );
122 if ( !$pageIds ) {
123 return;
124 }
126 $rootTsUnix = wfTimestampOrNull( TS_UNIX, $this->params['rootJobTimestamp'] ?? null );
127 // Bump page_touched to the current timestamp. This previously used the root job timestamp
128 // (e.g. template/file edit time), which is a bit more efficient when template edits are
129 // rare and don't effect the same pages much. However, this way better de-duplicates jobs,
130 // which is much more useful for wikis with high edit rates. Note that RefreshLinksJob,
131 // enqueued alongside HTMLCacheUpdateJob, saves the parser output since it has to parse
132 // anyway. We assume that vast majority of the cache jobs finish before the link jobs,
133 // so using the current timestamp instead of the root timestamp is not expected to
134 // invalidate these cache entries too often.
135 $newTouchedUnix = time();
136 // Timestamp used to bypass pages already invalided since the triggering event
137 $casTsUnix = $rootTsUnix ?? $newTouchedUnix;
139 $services = MediaWikiServices::getInstance();
140 $config = $services->getMainConfig();
142 $dbProvider = $services->getConnectionProvider();
143 $dbw = $dbProvider->getPrimaryDatabase();
144 $ticket = $dbProvider->getEmptyTransactionTicket( __METHOD__ );
145 // Update page_touched (skipping pages already touched since the root job).
146 // Check $wgUpdateRowsPerQuery; batch jobs are sized by that already.
147 $batches = array_chunk( $pageIds, $config->get( MainConfigNames::UpdateRowsPerQuery ) );
148 foreach ( $batches as $batch ) {
149 $dbw->newUpdateQueryBuilder()
150 ->update( 'page' )
151 ->set( [ 'page_touched' => $dbw->timestamp( $newTouchedUnix ) ] )
152 ->where( [ 'page_id' => $batch ] )
153 ->andWhere( $dbw->expr( 'page_touched', '<', $dbw->timestamp( $casTsUnix ) ) )
154 ->caller( __METHOD__ )->execute();
155 if ( count( $batches ) > 1 ) {
156 $dbProvider->commitAndWaitForReplication( __METHOD__, $ticket );
157 }
158 }
159 // Get the list of affected pages (races only mean something else did the purge)
160 $queryBuilder = $dbw->newSelectQueryBuilder()
161 ->select( [ 'page_namespace', 'page_title' ] )
162 ->from( 'page' )
163 ->where( [ 'page_id' => $pageIds, 'page_touched' => $dbw->timestamp( $newTouchedUnix ) ] );
164 if ( $config->get( MainConfigNames::PageLanguageUseDB ) ) {
165 $queryBuilder->field( 'page_lang' );
166 }
167 $titleArray = $services->getTitleFactory()->newTitleArrayFromResult(
168 $queryBuilder->caller( __METHOD__ )->fetchResultSet()
169 );
171 // Update CDN and file caches
172 $htmlCache = $services->getHtmlCacheUpdater();
173 $htmlCache->purgeTitleUrls(
174 $titleArray,
176 [ $htmlCache::UNLESS_CACHE_MTIME_AFTER => $casTsUnix + self::NORMAL_MAX_LAG ]
177 );
178 }
180 public function getDeduplicationInfo() {
181 $info = parent::getDeduplicationInfo();
182 if ( is_array( $info['params'] ) ) {
183 // For per-pages jobs, the job title is that of the template that changed
184 // (or similar), so remove that since it ruins duplicate detection
185 if ( isset( $info['params']['pages'] ) ) {
186 unset( $info['namespace'] );
187 unset( $info['title'] );
188 }
189 }
191 return $info;
192 }
194 public function workItemCount() {
195 if ( !empty( $this->params['recursive'] ) ) {
196 return 0; // nothing actually purged
197 } elseif ( isset( $this->params['pages'] ) ) {
198 return count( $this->params['pages'] );
199 }
201 return 1; // one title
202 }
wfTimestampOrNull( $outputtype=TS_UNIX, $ts=null)
Return a formatted timestamp, or null if input is null.
array $params
The job parameters.
static partitionBacklinkJob(Job $job, $bSize, $cSize, $opts=[])
Break down $job into approximately ($bSize/$cSize) leaf jobs and a single partition job that covers t...
Job to purge the HTML/file cache for all pages that link to or use another page or file.
Subclasses may need to override this to make duplication detection work.
__construct(Title $title, array $params)
static newForBacklinks(PageReference $page, $table, $params=[])
invalidateTitles(array $pages)
Describe and execute a background job.
Definition Job.php:41
Title $title
Definition Job.php:52
Definition Job.php:324
static newRootJobParams( $key)
Get "root job" parameters for a task.
Definition Job.php:310
A class containing constants representing the names of configuration variables.
Service locator for MediaWiki core services.
Represents a title within MediaWiki.
Definition Title.php:78
Interface for objects (potentially) representing a page that can be viewable and linked to on a wiki.