MediaWiki master
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21use Wikimedia\Bcp47Code\Bcp47Code;
22use Wikimedia\Bcp47Code\Bcp47CodeValue;
43 // Note that als is actually a valid ISO 639 code (Tosk Albanian), but it
44 // was previously used in MediaWiki for Alsatian, which comes under gsw
45 'als' => 'gsw', // T25215
46 'bat-smg' => 'sgs', // T27522
47 'be-x-old' => 'be-tarask', // T11823
48 'fiu-vro' => 'vro', // T31186
49 'roa-rup' => 'rup', // T17988
50 'zh-classical' => 'lzh', // T30443
51 'zh-min-nan' => 'nan', // T30442
52 'zh-yue' => 'yue', // T30441
53 ];
82 // All codes returned by LanguageNameUtils::getLanguageNames() validated
83 // against IANA registry at
84 //
85 // with help of validator at
86 //
87 'cbk-zam' => 'cbk', // T124657
88 'de-formal' => 'de-x-formal',
89 'eml' => 'egl', // T36217
90 'en-rtl' => 'en-x-rtl',
91 'es-formal' => 'es-x-formal',
92 'hu-formal' => 'hu-x-formal',
93 'map-bms' => 'jv-x-bms', // [[en:Banyumasan_dialect]] T125073
94 'mo' => 'ro-Cyrl-MD', // T125073
95 'nrm' => 'nrf', // [[en:Norman_language]] T25216
96 'nl-informal' => 'nl-x-informal',
97 'roa-tara' => 'nap-x-tara', // [[en:Tarantino_dialect]]
98 'simple' => 'en-simple',
99 'sr-ec' => 'sr-Cyrl', // T117845
100 'sr-el' => 'sr-Latn', // T117845
102 // Although these next codes aren't *wrong* per se, including
103 // both the script and the country code helps compatibility with
104 // other BCP 47 users. Note that MW also uses
105 // `kk-Arab`/`kk-Cyrl`/`kk-Latn`, `zh-Hans`/`zh-Hant`,
106 // without a country code, and those should be left alone.
107 // `kk` has the Suppress-Script: Cyrl field, so `kk-KZ` won't be mapped
108 // to `kk-Cyrl-KZ`.
109 // (See getVariantsFallbacks() in KkConverter.php for Arab/Cyrl/Latn id.)
110 // (See getVariantsFallbacks() in ZhConverter.php for Hans/Hant id.)
111 'crh-ro' => 'crh-Latn-RO',
112 'kk-cn' => 'kk-Arab-CN',
113 'kk-tr' => 'kk-Latn-TR',
114 'zh-cn' => 'zh-Hans-CN',
115 'zh-sg' => 'zh-Hans-SG',
116 'zh-my' => 'zh-Hans-MY',
117 'zh-tw' => 'zh-Hant-TW',
118 'zh-hk' => 'zh-Hant-HK',
119 'zh-mo' => 'zh-Hant-MO',
120 ];
135 public static function getDeprecatedCodeMapping() {
137 }
151 public static function getNonstandardLanguageCodeMapping() {
152 static $result = [];
153 if ( $result ) {
154 return $result;
155 }
156 foreach ( self::DEPRECATED_LANGUAGE_CODE_MAPPING as $code => $ignore ) {
157 $result[$code] = self::bcp47( $code );
158 }
159 foreach ( self::NON_STANDARD_LANGUAGE_CODE_MAPPING as $code => $ignore ) {
160 $result[$code] = self::bcp47( $code );
161 }
162 return $result;
163 }
175 public static function replaceDeprecatedCodes( $code ) {
176 return self::DEPRECATED_LANGUAGE_CODE_MAPPING[$code] ?? $code;
177 }
189 public static function bcp47( $code ) {
190 $code = self::replaceDeprecatedCodes( strtolower( $code ) );
191 if ( isset( self::NON_STANDARD_LANGUAGE_CODE_MAPPING[$code] ) ) {
192 $code = self::NON_STANDARD_LANGUAGE_CODE_MAPPING[$code];
193 }
194 $codeSegment = explode( '-', $code );
195 $codeBCP = [];
196 foreach ( $codeSegment as $segNo => $seg ) {
197 // when the previous segment is x, it is a private segment and should be lc
198 if ( $segNo > 0 && strtolower( $codeSegment[( $segNo - 1 )] ) == 'x' ) {
199 $codeBCP[$segNo] = strtolower( $seg );
200 // ISO 3166 country code
201 } elseif ( ( strlen( $seg ) == 2 ) && ( $segNo > 0 ) ) {
202 $codeBCP[$segNo] = strtoupper( $seg );
203 // ISO 15924 script code
204 } elseif ( ( strlen( $seg ) == 4 ) && ( $segNo > 0 ) ) {
205 $codeBCP[$segNo] = ucfirst( strtolower( $seg ) );
206 // Use lowercase for other cases
207 } else {
208 $codeBCP[$segNo] = strtolower( $seg );
209 }
210 }
211 return implode( '-', $codeBCP );
212 }
232 public static function bcp47ToInternal( $code ): string {
233 if ( $code instanceof Language ) {
234 return $code->getCode();
235 }
236 if ( $code instanceof Bcp47Code ) {
237 $code = $code->toBcp47Code();
238 }
239 static $invertedLookup = [];
240 if ( !$invertedLookup ) {
241 // There should never be two different entries in
242 // NON_STANDARD_LANGUAGE_CODE_MAPPING that map *different*
243 // internal codes to the same external BCP-47 code. That is,
244 // BCP-47 should preserve all the information from the internal
245 // code (discussed further above)[*]. But note the converse isn't
246 // true: multiple BCP-47 codes can alias to the same internal code:
247 // BCP-47 internal
248 // zh-Hans-CN => zh-cn (in NON_STANDARD_LANGUAGE_CODE_MAPPING)
249 // zh-Hans => zh-hans (not in " )
250 // zh-CN => zh-cn (not in " )
251 //
252 // [*] eml/egl are the "exception that proves the rule": `egl` *is*
253 // (prematurely?) defined as an internal code, but only
254 // exists, and it defines its language as `eml`;
255 // for internal purposes `egl` should map back into `eml` until
256 // `eml` is deprecated (aka an `eml => egl` entry is added to
258 foreach ( self::NON_STANDARD_LANGUAGE_CODE_MAPPING as $internal => $bcp47 ) {
259 $invertedLookup[strtolower( $bcp47 )] = $internal;
260 }
261 // We deliberately do *not* use DEPRECATED_LANGUAGE_CODE_MAPPING
262 // here: deprecated codes are no longer valid mediawiki internal
263 // codes, and we should never return them.
264 }
265 // Internal codes are all lowercase. This also achieves
266 // case-insensitivity in the lookup.
267 $code = strtolower( $code );
268 return $invertedLookup[$code] ?? $code;
269 }
284 public static function normalizeNonstandardCodeAndWarn( string $code ): Bcp47Code {
285 $compatMap = self::getNonstandardLanguageCodeMapping();
286 if ( isset( $compatMap[strtolower( $code )] ) ) {
287 // Backward compatibility, since clients may have been
288 // sending us non-standards-compliant
289 // "mediawiki internal language codes"; eventually we'll
290 // emit a logged warning here.
291 $code = $compatMap[strtolower( $code )];
292 }
293 return new Bcp47CodeValue( $code );
294 }
311 public static function isWellFormedLanguageTag( string $code, bool $lenient = false ): bool {
312 $alpha = '[a-z]';
313 $digit = '[0-9]';
314 $alphanum = '[a-z0-9]';
315 $x = 'x'; # private use singleton
316 $singleton = '[a-wy-z]'; # other singleton
317 $s = $lenient ? '[-_]' : '-';
319 $language = "$alpha{2,8}|$alpha{2,3}$s$alpha{3}";
320 $script = "$alpha{4}"; # ISO 15924
321 $region = "(?:$alpha{2}|$digit{3})"; # ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 or UN M.49
322 $variant = "(?:$alphanum{5,8}|$digit$alphanum{3})";
323 $extension = "$singleton(?:$s$alphanum{2,8})+";
324 $privateUse = "$x(?:$s$alphanum{1,8})+";
326 # Define certain legacy language tags (marked as “Type: grandfathered” in BCP 47),
327 # since otherwise the regex is pretty useless.
328 # Since these are limited, this is safe even later changes to the registry --
329 # the only oddity is that it might change the type of the tag, and thus
330 # the results from the capturing groups.
331 #
333 $legacy = "en{$s}gb{$s}oed"
334 . "|i{$s}(?:ami|bnn|default|enochian|hak|klingon|lux|mingo|navajo|pwn|tao|tay|tsu)"
335 . "|no{$s}(?:bok|nyn)"
336 . "|sgn{$s}(?:be{$s}(?:fr|nl)|ch{$s}de)"
337 . "|zh{$s}min{$s}nan";
339 $variantList = "$variant(?:$s$variant)*";
340 $extensionList = "$extension(?:$s$extension)*";
342 $langtag = "(?:($language)"
343 . "(?:$s$script)?"
344 . "(?:$s$region)?"
345 . "(?:$s$variantList)?"
346 . "(?:$s$extensionList)?"
347 . "(?:$s$privateUse)?)";
349 # Here is the final breakdown, with capturing groups for each of these components
350 # The variants, extensions, legacy, and private-use may have interior '-'
352 $root = "^(?:$langtag|$privateUse|$legacy)$";
354 return preg_match( "/$root/i", $code );
355 }
Definition WebStart.php:81
Methods for dealing with language codes.
static getNonstandardLanguageCodeMapping()
Returns a mapping of non-standard language codes used by (current and previous version of) MediaWiki,...
static normalizeNonstandardCodeAndWarn(string $code)
We want to eventually require valid BCP-47 codes on HTTP and HTML APIs (where the standards require i...
static bcp47ToInternal( $code)
Convert standardized BCP 47 codes to the internal names used by MediaWiki and returned by Language::g...
static replaceDeprecatedCodes( $code)
Replace deprecated language codes that were used in previous versions of MediaWiki to up-to-date,...
static getDeprecatedCodeMapping()
Returns a mapping of deprecated language codes that were used in previous versions of MediaWiki to up...
static bcp47( $code)
Get the normalised IANA language tag See unit test for examples.
static isWellFormedLanguageTag(string $code, bool $lenient=false)
Returns true if a language code string is a well-formed language tag according to RFC 5646.
Base class for language-specific code.
Definition Language.php:66