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MessagesCs.php File Reference

Czech (čeština) More...

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 Default list of book sources Hledání knihy podle ISBN.
 Date formats definitions.
 Date formats list for Special:Preferences see $dateFormats for definitions.
 $defaultDateFormat = 'ČSN basic dt'
 Default date format to be used.
 $fallback = 'sk'
 $fallback8bitEncoding = 'cp1250'
 $linkTrail = '/^([a-záčďéěíňóřšťúůýž]+)(.*)$/sDu'
 Regular expression matching the "link trail", e.g.
 $separatorTransformTable = [ ',' => "\u{00A0}", '.' => ',' ]

Detailed Description

Czech (čeština)

Definition in file MessagesCs.php.

Variable Documentation

◆ $bookstoreList

Initial value:
= [
'Národní knihovna' => '$1',
'Národní technická knihovna' => '$1',
'inherit' => true,

Default list of book sources Hledání knihy podle ISBN.

Definition at line 379 of file MessagesCs.php.

◆ $dateFormats

Initial value:
= [
'ČSN basic dt time' => 'H:i',
'ČSN basic dt date' => 'j. n. Y',
'ČSN basic dt both' => 'j. n. Y, H:i',
'ČSN padded dt time' => 'H:i',
'ČSN padded dt date' => 'd.m.Y',
'ČSN padded dt both' => 'd.m.Y, H:i',
'ČSN basic td time' => 'H:i',
'ČSN basic td date' => 'j. n. Y',
'ČSN basic td both' => 'H:i, j. n. Y',
'ČSN padded td time' => 'H:i',
'ČSN padded td date' => 'd.m.Y',
'ČSN padded td both' => 'H:i, d.m.Y',
'PČP dt time' => 'H.i',
'PČP dt date' => 'j. xg Y',
'PČP dt both' => 'j. xg Y, H.i',
'PČP td time' => 'H.i',
'PČP td date' => 'j. xg Y',
'PČP td both' => 'H.i, j. xg Y',
'ISO dt time' => 'xnH:xni:xns',
'ISO dt date' => 'xnY-xnm-xnd',
'ISO dt both' => 'xnY-xnm-xnd"T"xnH:xni:xns',

Date formats definitions.

ČSN - Česká státní norma 01 6910 / Czech state norm 01 6910; numeral representation, basic = 1-12(31), padded = 01-12(31) PČP - Pravidla českého pravopisu / The rules of Czech ortography (ISBN 80-200-0475-0); verbal representation ISO - ISO 8601:2004 - Data elements and interchange formats – Information interchange – Representation of dates and times dt - date, time order td - time, date order

Definition at line 345 of file MessagesCs.php.

◆ $datePreferences

Initial value:
= [
'ČSN basic dt',
'ČSN padded dt',
'ČSN basic td',
'ČSN padded td',
'PČP dt',
'PČP td',
'ISO dt',

Date formats list for Special:Preferences see $dateFormats for definitions.

Definition at line 321 of file MessagesCs.php.

◆ $defaultDateFormat

$defaultDateFormat = 'ČSN basic dt'

Default date format to be used.

Definition at line 334 of file MessagesCs.php.

◆ $fallback

$fallback = 'sk'

Definition at line 8 of file MessagesCs.php.

◆ $fallback8bitEncoding

$fallback8bitEncoding = 'cp1250'

Definition at line 9 of file MessagesCs.php.

◆ $linkTrail

$linkTrail = '/^([a-záčďéěíňóřšťúůýž]+)(.*)$/sDu'

Regular expression matching the "link trail", e.g.

"ed" in [[Toast]]ed, as the first group, and the remainder of the string as the second group.

Definition at line 390 of file MessagesCs.php.

◆ $magicWords



Definition at line 170 of file MessagesCs.php.

◆ $namespaceAliases

Initial value:
= [
'Uživatel_diskuse' => NS_USER_TALK, # old literal translation backward compatibility
'Uživatelka_diskuse' => NS_USER_TALK, # female complement to old literal translation style
'$1_diskuse' => NS_PROJECT_TALK, # old literal translation backward compatibility
'Soubor_diskuse' => NS_FILE_TALK, # old literal translation backward compatibility
'MediaWiki_diskuse' => NS_MEDIAWIKI_TALK, # old literal translation backward compatibility
'Šablona_diskuse' => NS_TEMPLATE_TALK, # old literal translation backward compatibility
'Nápověda_diskuse' => NS_HELP_TALK, # old literal translation backward compatibility
'Kategorie_diskuse' => NS_CATEGORY_TALK, # old literal translation backward compatibility
Definition Defines.php:74
Definition Defines.php:70
Definition Defines.php:72
Definition Defines.php:78
Definition Defines.php:80
Definition Defines.php:68
Definition Defines.php:76

Definition at line 30 of file MessagesCs.php.

◆ $namespaceGenderAliases

Initial value:
= [
NS_USER => [ 'male' => 'Uživatel', 'female' => 'Uživatelka' ],
NS_USER_TALK => [ 'male' => 'Diskuse_s_uživatelem', 'female' => 'Diskuse_s_uživatelkou' ],
const NS_USER
Definition Defines.php:67

Definition at line 41 of file MessagesCs.php.

◆ $namespaceNames

Initial value:
= [
NS_MEDIA => 'Média',
NS_SPECIAL => 'Speciální',
NS_TALK => 'Diskuse',
NS_USER => 'Uživatel',
NS_USER_TALK => 'Diskuse_s_uživatelem',
NS_PROJECT_TALK => 'Diskuse_k_{{grammar:3sg|$1}}',
NS_FILE => 'Soubor',
NS_FILE_TALK => 'Diskuse_k_souboru',
NS_MEDIAWIKI => 'MediaWiki',
NS_MEDIAWIKI_TALK => 'Diskuse_k_MediaWiki',
NS_TEMPLATE => 'Šablona',
NS_TEMPLATE_TALK => 'Diskuse_k_šabloně',
NS_HELP => 'Nápověda',
NS_HELP_TALK => 'Diskuse_k_nápovědě',
NS_CATEGORY => 'Kategorie',
NS_CATEGORY_TALK => 'Diskuse_ke_kategorii',
const NS_HELP
Definition Defines.php:77
const NS_FILE
Definition Defines.php:71
Definition Defines.php:73
Definition Defines.php:75
Definition Defines.php:54
const NS_MEDIA
Definition Defines.php:53
const NS_TALK
Definition Defines.php:66
Definition Defines.php:79

Definition at line 11 of file MessagesCs.php.

◆ $separatorTransformTable

$separatorTransformTable = [ ',' => "\u{00A0}", '.' => ',' ]

Definition at line 392 of file MessagesCs.php.

◆ $specialPageAliases



Definition at line 47 of file MessagesCs.php.