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EditWatchlistNormalHTMLForm Class Reference

Extend OOUIHTMLForm purely so we can have a more sensible way of getting the section headers. More...

Inherits MediaWiki\HTMLForm\OOUIHTMLForm.

Collaboration diagram for EditWatchlistNormalHTMLForm:

Public Member Functions

 displaySection ( $fields, $sectionName='', $fieldsetIDPrefix='', &$hasUserVisibleFields=false)
 getLegend ( $namespace)
 Get a string to go in the "<legend>" of a section fieldset.
- Public Member Functions inherited from MediaWiki\HTMLForm\OOUIHTMLForm
 __construct ( $descriptor, $context=null, $messagePrefix='')
 getBody ()
 Get the whole body of the form.
 getButtons ()
 Get the submit and (potentially) reset buttons.
 getErrorsOrWarnings ( $elements, $elementsType)
 getHeaderHtml ( $section=null)
 Get header HTML.
 wrapForm ( $html)
 Wrap the form innards in an actual "<form>" element.
- Public Member Functions inherited from MediaWiki\HTMLForm\HTMLForm
 __construct ( $descriptor, IContextSource $context, $messagePrefix='')
 Build a new HTMLForm from an array of field attributes.
 addButton ( $data)
 Add a button to the form.
 addFields ( $descriptor)
 Add fields to the form.
 addFooterHtml ( $html, $section=null)
 Add footer HTML, inside the form.
 addFooterText ( $msg, $section=null)
 Add footer text, inside the form.
 addHeaderHtml ( $html, $section=null)
 Add HTML to the header, inside the form.
 addHeaderText ( $msg, $section=null)
 Add HTML to the header, inside the form.
 addHiddenField ( $name, $value, array $attribs=[])
 Add a hidden field to the output Array values are discarded for security reasons (per WebRequest::getVal)
 addHiddenFields (array $fields)
 Add an array of hidden fields to the output Array values are discarded for security reasons (per WebRequest::getVal)
 addPostHtml ( $html)
 Add HTML to the end of the display.
 addPostText ( $msg)
 Add text to the end of the display.
 addPreHtml ( $html)
 Add HTML to introductory message.
 addPreText ( $msg)
 Add HTML to introductory message.
 displayForm ( $submitResult)
 Display the form (sending to the context's OutputPage object), with an appropriate error message or stack of messages, and any validation errors, etc.
 filterDataForSubmit ( $data)
 Overload this if you want to apply special filtration routines to the form as a whole, after it's submitted but before it's processed.
 formatErrors ( $errors)
 Format a stack of error messages into a single HTML string.
 getAction ()
 Get the value for the action attribute of the form.
 getDisplayFormat ()
 Getter for displayFormat.
 getField ( $fieldname)
 getFooterHtml ( $section=null)
 Get footer HTML.
 getFooterText ( $section=null)
 Get footer text.
 getHeaderText ( $section=null)
 Get header text.
 getHiddenFields ()
 Get the hidden fields that should go inside the form.
 getHTML ( $submitResult)
 Returns the raw HTML generated by the form.
 getMethod ()
 getPostHtml ()
 Get HTML at the end of the display.
 getPreHtml ()
 Get the introductory message HTML.
 getPreText ()
 Get the introductory message HTML.
 getSubmitText ()
 Get the text for the submit button, either customised or a default.
 getTitle ()
 hasField ( $fieldname)
 loadData ()
 needsJSForHtml5FormValidation ()
 Whether this form, with its current fields, requires the user agent to have JavaScript enabled for the client-side HTML5 form validation to work correctly.
 prepareForm ()
 Prepare form for submission.
 setAction ( $action)
 Set the value for the action attribute of the form.
 setAutocomplete ( $autocomplete)
 Set the value for the autocomplete attribute of the form.
 setCancelTarget ( $target)
 Sets the target where the user is redirected to after clicking cancel.
 setCollapsibleOptions ( $collapsedByDefault=false)
 Enable collapsible mode, and set whether the form is collapsed by default.
 setDisplayFormat ( $format)
 Set format in which to display the form.
 setFooterHtml ( $html, $section=null)
 Set footer HTML, inside the form.
 setFooterText ( $msg, $section=null)
 Set footer text, inside the form.
 setFormIdentifier (string $ident, bool $single=false)
 Set an internal identifier for this form.
 setHeaderHtml ( $html, $section=null)
 Set header HTML, inside the form.
 setHeaderText ( $msg, $section=null)
 Set header text, inside the form.
 setId ( $id)
 setIntro ( $msg)
 Set the introductory message, overwriting any existing message.
 setMessagePrefix ( $p)
 Set the prefix for various default messages.
 setMethod ( $method='post')
 Set the method used to submit the form.
 setName ( $name)
 setPostHtml ( $html)
 Set HTML at the end of the display.
 setPostText ( $msg)
 Set text at the end of the display.
 setPreHtml ( $html)
 Set the introductory message HTML, overwriting any existing message.
 setPreText ( $msg)
 Set the introductory message HTML, overwriting any existing message.
 setSections ( $sections)
 Set an array of information about sections.
 setSubmitCallback ( $cb)
 Set a callback to a function to do something with the form once it's been successfully validated.
 setSubmitDestructive ()
 Identify that the submit button in the form has a destructive action.
 setSubmitID ( $t)
 Set the id for the submit button.
 setSubmitName ( $name)
 setSubmitText ( $t)
 Set the text for the submit button.
 setSubmitTextMsg ( $msg)
 Set the text for the submit button to a message.
 setSubmitTooltip ( $name)
 setTableId ( $id)
 Set the id of the \<table\> or outermost \<div\> element.
 setTitle ( $t)
 Set the title for form submission.
 setTokenSalt ( $salt)
 Set the salt for the edit token.
 setValidationErrorMessage ( $msg)
 Set a message to display on a validation error.
 setWrapperAttributes ( $attributes)
 For internal use only.
 setWrapperLegend ( $legend)
 Prompt the whole form to be wrapped in a "<fieldset>", with this text as its "<legend>" element.
 setWrapperLegendMsg ( $msg)
 Prompt the whole form to be wrapped in a "<fieldset>", with this message as its "<legend>" element.
 show ()
 The here's-one-I-made-earlier option: do the submission if posted, or display the form with or without funky validation errors.
 showAlways ()
 Same as self::show with the difference, that the form will be added to the output, no matter, if the validation was good or not.
 showCancel ( $show=true)
 Show a cancel button (or prevent it).
 suppressDefaultSubmit ( $suppressSubmit=true)
 Stop a default submit button being shown for this form.
 tryAuthorizedSubmit ()
 Try submitting, with edit token check first.
 trySubmit ()
 Validate all the fields, and call the submission callback function if everything is kosher.
 wasSubmitted ()
 Test whether the form was considered to have been submitted or not, i.e.
- Public Member Functions inherited from MediaWiki\Context\ContextSource
 canUseWikiPage ()
 Check whether a WikiPage object can be get with getWikiPage().
 exportSession ()
 Export the resolved user IP, HTTP headers, user ID, and session ID.
 getActionName ()
 Get the action name for the current web request.
 getAuthority ()
 getConfig ()
 getContext ()
 Get the base IContextSource object.
 getCsrfTokenSet ()
 Get a repository to obtain and match CSRF tokens.
 getLanguage ()
 getLanguageCode ()
 getOutput ()
 getRequest ()
 getSkin ()
 getTiming ()
 getUser ()
 getWikiPage ()
 Get the WikiPage object.
 msg ( $key,... $params)
 Get a Message object with context set Parameters are the same as wfMessage()
 setContext (IContextSource $context)

Additional Inherited Members

- Static Public Member Functions inherited from MediaWiki\HTMLForm\OOUIHTMLForm
static loadInputFromParameters ( $fieldname, $descriptor, ?HTMLForm $parent=null)
 Initialise a new Object for the field.
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from MediaWiki\HTMLForm\HTMLForm
static factory ( $displayFormat, $descriptor, IContextSource $context, $messagePrefix='')
 Construct a HTMLForm object for given display type.
static getClassFromDescriptor ( $fieldname, &$descriptor)
 Get the HTMLFormField subclass for this descriptor.
- Public Attributes inherited from MediaWiki\HTMLForm\HTMLForm
array $mFieldData
- Static Public Attributes inherited from MediaWiki\HTMLForm\HTMLForm
static string[] $typeMappings
 A mapping of 'type' inputs onto standard HTMLFormField subclasses.
- Protected Member Functions inherited from MediaWiki\HTMLForm\OOUIHTMLForm
 formatField (HTMLFormField $field, $value)
 Generate the HTML for an individual field in the current display format.
Stability: stable
to override
string|Stringable HTML

 formatFormHeader ()
 formatSection (array $fieldsHtml, $sectionName, $anyFieldHasLabel)
 Put a form section together from the individual fields' HTML, merging it and wrapping.
 wrapFieldSetSection ( $legend, $section, $attributes, $isRoot)
 Wraps the given $section into a user-visible fieldset.
Stability: stable
to override
string$legendLegend text for the fieldset
string$sectionThe section content in plain Html
array$attributesAdditional attributes for the fieldset
bool$isRootSection is at the root of the tree
string The fieldset's Html

- Protected Member Functions inherited from MediaWiki\HTMLForm\HTMLForm
 getCancelTargetURL ()
 getFormAttributes ()
 Get HTML attributes for the <form> tag.
 getMessage ( $value)
 Turns a *-message parameter (which could be a MessageSpecifier, or a message name, or a name + parameters array) into a Message.
 loadFieldData ()
 Load data of form fields from the request.
- Protected Attributes inherited from MediaWiki\HTMLForm\OOUIHTMLForm
 $displayFormat = 'ooui'
- Protected Attributes inherited from MediaWiki\HTMLForm\HTMLForm
array $availableDisplayFormats
 Available formats in which to display the form.
array $availableSubclassDisplayFormats
 Available formats in which to display the form.
string $displayFormat = 'table'
 Format in which to display form.
string false $mAction = false
 Form action URL.
string null $mAutocomplete = null
 Form attribute autocomplete.
array[] $mButtons = []
LinkTarget string null $mCancelTarget
bool $mCollapsed = false
 Whether the form is collapsed by default.
bool $mCollapsible = false
 Whether the form can be collapsed.
array $mFieldTree = []
HTMLFormField[] $mFlatFields = []
string $mFooter = ''
string null $mFormIdentifier
string $mHeader = ''
array[] $mHiddenFields = []
string null $mId
string $mMessagePrefix
string $mMethod = 'post'
string null $mName
string $mPost = ''
string $mPre = ''
string[] $mSectionFooters = []
string[] $mSectionHeaders = []
array[] $mSections = []
 Additional information about form sections.
bool $mShowCancel = false
bool $mShowSubmit = true
bool $mSingleForm = false
callable null $mSubmitCallback
string[] $mSubmitFlags = [ 'primary', 'progressive' ]
string null $mSubmitID
string null $mSubmitName
string null $mSubmitText
string null $mSubmitTooltip
bool $mSubSectionBeforeFields = true
 If true, sections that contain both fields and subsections will render their subsections before their fields.
string $mTableId = ''
Title null $mTitle
string array $mTokenSalt = ''
 Salt for the edit token.
bool $mUseMultipart = false
array[] $mValidationErrorMessage
bool $mWasSubmitted = false
array $mWrapperAttributes = []
string false $mWrapperLegend = false

Detailed Description

Extend OOUIHTMLForm purely so we can have a more sensible way of getting the section headers.

Definition at line 26 of file EditWatchlistNormalHTMLForm.php.

Member Function Documentation

◆ displaySection()

EditWatchlistNormalHTMLForm::displaySection ( $fields,
$sectionName = '',
$fieldsetIDPrefix = '',
& $hasUserVisibleFields = false )
Stability: stable
to override

Throws an exception when called on uninitialized field data, e.g. when HTMLForm::displayForm was called without calling HTMLForm::prepareForm first.

array[] | HTMLFormField[]$fieldsArray of fields (either arrays or objects).
string$sectionNameID attribute of the "<table>" tag for this section, ignored if empty.
string$fieldsetIDPrefixID prefix for the "<fieldset>" tag of each subsection, ignored if empty.
bool&$hasUserVisibleFieldsWhether the section had user-visible fields.

Reimplemented from MediaWiki\HTMLForm\HTMLForm.

Definition at line 35 of file EditWatchlistNormalHTMLForm.php.

◆ getLegend()

EditWatchlistNormalHTMLForm::getLegend ( $key)

Get a string to go in the "<legend>" of a section fieldset.

Override this if you want something more complicated.

Stability: stable
to override
string Plain text (not HTML-escaped)

Reimplemented from MediaWiki\HTMLForm\HTMLForm.

Definition at line 27 of file EditWatchlistNormalHTMLForm.php.

References MediaWiki\Context\ContextSource\getContext(), MediaWiki\Context\ContextSource\msg(), and NS_MAIN.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file: