MediaWiki master
Wikimedia\Rdbms\LBFactorySimple Class Reference

LoadBalancer manager for sites with one "main" cluster and any number of "external" clusters. More...

Inherits Wikimedia\Rdbms\LBFactory.

Collaboration diagram for Wikimedia\Rdbms\LBFactorySimple:

Public Member Functions

 __construct (array $conf)
 getAllExternalLBs ()
 Get the tracked load balancer instances for all external clusters.
 getAllMainLBs ()
 Get the tracked load balancer instances for all main clusters.
 getExternalLB ( $cluster)
 Get the tracked load balancer instance for an external cluster.
 getMainLB ( $domain=false)
 Get the tracked load balancer instance for the main cluster that handles the given domain.
 newExternalLB ( $cluster)
 Create a new load balancer instance for an external cluster.
 newMainLB ( $domain=false)
 Create a new load balancer instance for the main cluster that handles the given domain.
- Public Member Functions inherited from Wikimedia\Rdbms\LBFactory
 autoReconfigure ()
 Reload config using the callback passed defined $config['configCallback'].
 beginPrimaryChanges ( $fname=__METHOD__)
 Wrap subsequent queries for all transaction round aware primary connections in a transaction.
 closeAll ( $fname=__METHOD__)
 Close all connections on instantiated tracked load balancer instances.
 commitAndWaitForReplication ( $fname, $ticket, array $opts=[])
 Commit primary DB transactions and wait for replication (if $ticket indicates it is safe).
 commitPrimaryChanges ( $fname=__METHOD__, int $maxWriteDuration=0)
 Commit all primary connection transactions and flush all replica connection transactions.
 destroy ()
 Close all connections and make further attempts to open connections result in DBAccessError.
 disableChronologyProtection ()
 Disable the ChronologyProtector on all instantiated tracked load balancer instances.
 flushPrimarySessions ( $fname=__METHOD__)
 Release important session-level state (named lock, table locks) as post-rollback cleanup.
 flushReplicaSnapshots ( $fname=__METHOD__)
 Commit all replica database server transactions, clearing any point-in-time view snapshots.
 getAllLBs ()
 Get all tracked load balancer instances (generator)
 getAutoCommitPrimaryConnection ( $domain=false)
 Like IConnectionProvider::getPrimaryDatabase() but with AUTOCOMMIT mode.
 getEmptyTransactionTicket ( $fname)
 Get a token asserting that no write transactions are active on tracked connections.
 getLoadBalancer ( $domain=false)
 Get the tracked load balancer instance for a given domain.
 getLocalDomainID ()
 Get the local (and default) database domain ID of connection handles.
 getMappedDomain ( $domain)
 getPrimaryDatabase ( $domain=false)
 Get connection to the primary database.
 getReplicaDatabase ( $domain=false, $group=null)
 Get connection to a replica database.
 getTransactionProfiler ()
 Get the TransactionProfiler used by this instance.
 hasOrMadeRecentPrimaryChanges ( $age=null)
 Determine if any primary connection has pending/written changes from this request.
 hasPrimaryChanges ()
 Determine if any primary connection has pending changes.
 hasStreamingReplicaServers ()
 Whether it has streaming replica servers.
 hasTransactionRound ()
 Check if an explicit transaction round is active.
 isLocalDomain ( $domain)
 Determine whether, after mapping, the domain refers to the main domain of the local wiki.
 isReadyForRoundOperations ()
 Check if transaction rounds can be started, committed, or rolled back right now.
 isSharedVirtualDomain ( $domain)
 Is the domain a virtual domain with a statically configured database name?
 laggedReplicaUsed ()
 Determine if any lagged replica database server connection was used.
 reconfigure (array $conf)
 Reconfigure using the given config array.
 redefineLocalDomain ( $domain)
 Close all connections and redefine the local database domain.
 rollbackPrimaryChanges ( $fname=__METHOD__)
 Rollback all primary connection transactions and flush all replica connection transactions.
 setAgentName ( $agent)
 setDefaultReplicationWaitTimeout ( $seconds)
 Set the default timeout for replication wait checks.
 setDomainAliases (array $aliases)
 Convert certain database domains to alternative ones.
 setIndexAliases (array $aliases)
 Convert certain index names to alternative names before querying the DB.
 setLocalDomainPrefix ( $prefix)
 Set a new table prefix for the existing local domain ID for testing.
 setTableAliases (array $aliases)
 Make certain table names use their own database, schema, and table prefix when passed into SQL queries pre-escaped and without a qualified database name.
 setWaitForReplicationListener ( $name, ?callable $callback=null)
 Add a callback to be run in every call to waitForReplication() prior to any waiting.
 shutdown ( $flags=self::SHUTDOWN_NORMAL, ?callable $workCallback=null, &$cpIndex=null, &$cpClientId=null)
 Prepare all instantiated tracked load balancer instances for shutdown.
 waitForReplication (array $opts=[])
 Waits for the replica database server to catch up to the current primary position.

Protected Member Functions

 getLBsForOwner ()
 Get all tracked load balancers with the internal "for owner" interface.
- Protected Member Functions inherited from Wikimedia\Rdbms\LBFactory
 baseLoadBalancerParams ()
 Get parameters to ILoadBalancer::__construct()
 configure (array $conf)
 initLoadBalancer (ILoadBalancerForOwner $lb)

Additional Inherited Members

- Public Attributes inherited from Wikimedia\Rdbms\ILBFactory
 Default main cluster name (do not change this)
 Do not save "session consistency" DB replication positions.
 Idiom for "no special shutdown flags".
- Protected Attributes inherited from Wikimedia\Rdbms\LBFactory
ChronologyProtector $chronologyProtector
DatabaseDomain[] string[] $domainAliases = []
 Map of (domain alias => DB domain)
DatabaseDomain $localDomain
 Local domain.
string false $readOnlyReason = false
 Reason all LBs are read-only or false if not.
BagOStuff $srvCache
array string[] $virtualDomains = []
 List of registered virtual domains.
array array[] $virtualDomainsMapping = []
 Map of virtual domain to array of cluster and domain.
WANObjectCache $wanCache

Detailed Description

LoadBalancer manager for sites with one "main" cluster and any number of "external" clusters.

See also

The class allows for large site farms to split up their data in the following ways:

  • Vertically shard compact site-specific data by site (e.g. page/comment metadata)
  • Vertically shard compact global data by module (e.g. account/notification data)
  • Horizontally shard any bulk data by blob key (e.g. page/comment content)

Definition at line 36 of file LBFactorySimple.php.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ __construct()

Wikimedia\Rdbms\LBFactorySimple::__construct ( array $conf)
See also
array$confAdditional parameters include:
  • servers : list of server config maps to Database::factory(). Additionally, the server maps should have a 'load' key, which is used to decide how often clients connect to one server verses the others. A 'max lag' key should also be set on server maps, indicating how stale the data can be before the load balancer tries to avoid using it. The map can have 'is static' set to disable blocking replication sync checks (intended for archive servers with unchanging data).
  • externalClusters : map of cluster names to server arrays. The servers arrays have the same format as "servers" above.
  • loadMonitor: LoadMonitor::__construct() parameters with "class" field. [optional]

Reimplemented from Wikimedia\Rdbms\LBFactory.

Definition at line 63 of file LBFactorySimple.php.

Member Function Documentation

◆ getAllExternalLBs()

Wikimedia\Rdbms\LBFactorySimple::getAllExternalLBs ( )

Get the tracked load balancer instances for all external clusters.

If no tracked instance exists for a cluster, then one will be instantiated

ILoadBalancer[] Map of (cluster name => ILoadBalancer)

Implements Wikimedia\Rdbms\ILBFactory.

Definition at line 118 of file LBFactorySimple.php.

◆ getAllMainLBs()

Wikimedia\Rdbms\LBFactorySimple::getAllMainLBs ( )

Get the tracked load balancer instances for all main clusters.

If no tracked instance exists for a cluster, then one will be instantiated

Note that default main cluster name is ILoadBalancer::CLUSTER_MAIN_DEFAULT

ILoadBalancer[] Map of (cluster name => ILoadBalancer)

Implements Wikimedia\Rdbms\ILBFactory.

Definition at line 114 of file LBFactorySimple.php.

◆ getExternalLB()

Wikimedia\Rdbms\LBFactorySimple::getExternalLB ( $cluster)

Get the tracked load balancer instance for an external cluster.

If no tracked instances exists, then one will be instantiated

string$clusterExternal cluster name
InvalidArgumentExceptionIf $cluster is not recognized

Implements Wikimedia\Rdbms\ILBFactory.

Definition at line 106 of file LBFactorySimple.php.

◆ getLBsForOwner()

Wikimedia\Rdbms\LBFactorySimple::getLBsForOwner ( )

Get all tracked load balancers with the internal "for owner" interface.


Reimplemented from Wikimedia\Rdbms\LBFactory.

Definition at line 141 of file LBFactorySimple.php.

◆ getMainLB()

Wikimedia\Rdbms\LBFactorySimple::getMainLB ( $domain = false)

Get the tracked load balancer instance for the main cluster that handles the given domain.

If no tracked instances exists, then one will be instantiated

The local/default database domain used by the load balancer instance will still inherit from this ILBFactory instance, regardless of the $domain parameter.
string | false$domainDomain ID, or false for the current domain

Implements Wikimedia\Rdbms\ILBFactory.

Definition at line 89 of file LBFactorySimple.php.

◆ newExternalLB()

Wikimedia\Rdbms\LBFactorySimple::newExternalLB ( $cluster)

Create a new load balancer instance for an external cluster.

The resulting object will be untracked and the caller is responsible for cleaning it up. Database replication positions will not be saved by ChronologyProtector.

This method is for only advanced usage and callers should almost always use getExternalLB() instead. This method can be useful when a table is used as a key/value store. In that cases, one might want to query it in autocommit mode (DBO_TRX off) but still use DBO_TRX transaction rounds on other tables.

string$clusterExternal cluster name
InvalidArgumentExceptionIf $cluster is not recognized

Implements Wikimedia\Rdbms\ILBFactory.

Definition at line 95 of file LBFactorySimple.php.

◆ newMainLB()

Wikimedia\Rdbms\LBFactorySimple::newMainLB ( $domain = false)

Create a new load balancer instance for the main cluster that handles the given domain.

The resulting object is considered to be owned by the caller. Namely, it will be untracked, the caller is responsible for cleaning it up, and replication positions from it will not be saved by ChronologyProtector.

This method is for only advanced usage and callers should almost always use getMainLB() instead. This method can be useful when a table is used as a key/value store. In that cases, one might want to query it in autocommit mode (DBO_TRX off) but still use DBO_TRX transaction rounds on other tables.

The local/default database domain used by the load balancer instance will still inherit from this ILBFactory instance, regardless of the $domain parameter.
string | false$domainDomain ID, or false for the current domain

Implements Wikimedia\Rdbms\ILBFactory.

Definition at line 82 of file LBFactorySimple.php.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file: