MediaWiki master

Hooks allow custom code to be executed when an event occurs; this module includes all hooks provided by MediaWiki Core; for more information, see More...

Collaboration diagram for Hooks:


 ResourceLoader Hooks


file  HookContainer.php
 This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.


interface  MediaWiki\Block\Hook\AbortAutoblockHook
 This is a hook handler interface, see docs/ More...
interface  MediaWiki\Diff\Hook\AbortDiffCacheHook
 This is a hook handler interface, see docs/ More...
interface  MediaWiki\Hook\AbortEmailNotificationHook
 This is a hook handler interface, see docs/ More...
interface  MediaWiki\Hook\AbortTalkPageEmailNotificationHook
 This is a hook handler interface, see docs/ More...
interface  MediaWiki\Hook\ActionBeforeFormDisplayHook
 This is a hook handler interface, see docs/ More...
interface  MediaWiki\Hook\ActionModifyFormFieldsHook
 This is a hook handler interface, see docs/ More...
interface  MediaWiki\Hook\AddNewAccountHook
 This is a hook handler interface, see docs/ More...
interface  MediaWiki\Output\Hook\AfterBuildFeedLinksHook
 This is a hook handler interface, see docs/ More...
interface  MediaWiki\Output\Hook\AfterFinalPageOutputHook
 This is a hook handler interface, see docs/ More...
interface  MediaWiki\Hook\AfterImportPageHook
 This is a hook handler interface, see docs/ More...
interface  MediaWiki\Hook\AfterParserFetchFileAndTitleHook
 This is a hook handler interface, see docs/ More...
interface  MediaWiki\Hook\AlternateEditHook
 This is a hook handler interface, see docs/ More...
interface  MediaWiki\Hook\AlternateEditPreviewHook
 This is a hook handler interface, see docs/ More...
interface  MediaWiki\Hook\AlternateUserMailerHook
 This is a hook handler interface, see docs/ More...
interface  MediaWiki\Hook\AncientPagesQueryHook
 This is a hook handler interface, see docs/ More...
interface  MediaWiki\Api\Hook\APIAfterExecuteHook
 This is a hook handler interface, see docs/ More...
interface  MediaWiki\Hook\ApiBeforeMainHook
 This is a hook handler interface, see docs/ More...
interface  MediaWiki\Api\Hook\ApiCheckCanExecuteHook
 This is a hook handler interface, see docs/ More...
interface  MediaWiki\Api\Hook\ApiDeprecationHelpHook
 This is a hook handler interface, see docs/ More...
interface  MediaWiki\Api\Hook\ApiFeedContributions__feedItemHook
 This is a hook handler interface, see docs/ More...
interface  MediaWiki\Api\Hook\ApiFormatHighlightHook
 This is a hook handler interface, see docs/ More...
interface  MediaWiki\Api\Hook\APIGetAllowedParamsHook
 This is a hook handler interface, see docs/ More...
interface  MediaWiki\Api\Hook\APIGetDescriptionMessagesHook
 This is a hook handler interface, see docs/ More...
interface  MediaWiki\Api\Hook\APIGetParamDescriptionMessagesHook
 This is a hook handler interface, see docs/ More...
interface  MediaWiki\Api\Hook\APIHelpModifyOutputHook
 This is a hook handler interface, see docs/ More...
interface  MediaWiki\Api\Hook\ApiLogFeatureUsageHook
 This is a hook handler interface, see docs/ More...
interface  MediaWiki\Api\Hook\ApiMain__moduleManagerHook
 This is a hook handler interface, see docs/ More...
interface  MediaWiki\Api\Hook\ApiMain__onExceptionHook
 This is a hook handler interface, see docs/ More...
interface  MediaWiki\Api\Hook\ApiMakeParserOptionsHook
 This is a hook handler interface, see docs/ More...
interface  MediaWiki\Api\Hook\ApiMaxLagInfoHook
 This is a hook handler interface, see docs/ More...
interface  MediaWiki\Api\Hook\ApiOpenSearchSuggestHook
 This is a hook handler interface, see docs/ More...
interface  MediaWiki\Api\Hook\ApiOptionsHook
 This is a hook handler interface, see docs/ More...
interface  MediaWiki\Api\Hook\ApiParseMakeOutputPageHook
 This is a hook handler interface, see docs/ More...
interface  MediaWiki\Api\Hook\ApiQuery__moduleManagerHook
 This is a hook handler interface, see docs/ More...
interface  MediaWiki\Api\Hook\APIQueryAfterExecuteHook
 This is a hook handler interface, see docs/ More...
interface  MediaWiki\Api\Hook\ApiQueryBaseAfterQueryHook
 This is a hook handler interface, see docs/ More...
interface  MediaWiki\Api\Hook\ApiQueryBaseBeforeQueryHook
 This is a hook handler interface, see docs/ More...
interface  MediaWiki\Api\Hook\ApiQueryBaseProcessRowHook
 This is a hook handler interface, see docs/ More...
interface  MediaWiki\Api\Hook\ApiQueryCheckCanExecuteHook
 This is a hook handler interface, see docs/ More...
interface  MediaWiki\Api\Hook\APIQueryGeneratorAfterExecuteHook
 This is a hook handler interface, see docs/ More...
interface  MediaWiki\Api\Hook\APIQuerySiteInfoGeneralInfoHook
 This is a hook handler interface, see docs/ More...
interface  MediaWiki\Api\Hook\APIQuerySiteInfoStatisticsInfoHook
 This is a hook handler interface, see docs/ More...
interface  MediaWiki\Api\Hook\ApiQueryTokensRegisterTypesHook
 This is a hook handler interface, see docs/ More...
interface  MediaWiki\Api\Hook\ApiQueryWatchlistExtractOutputDataHook
 This is a hook handler interface, see docs/ More...
interface  MediaWiki\Api\Hook\ApiQueryWatchlistPrepareWatchedItemQueryServiceOptionsHook
 This is a hook handler interface, see docs/ More...
interface  MediaWiki\Api\Hook\ApiRsdServiceApisHook
 This is a hook handler interface, see docs/ More...
interface  MediaWiki\Api\Hook\ApiValidatePasswordHook
 This is a hook handler interface, see docs/ More...
interface  MediaWiki\Page\Hook\Article__MissingArticleConditionsHook
 This is a hook handler interface, see docs/ More...
interface  MediaWiki\Page\Hook\ArticleConfirmDeleteHook
 This is a hook handler interface, see docs/ More...
interface  MediaWiki\Diff\Hook\ArticleContentOnDiffHook
 This is a hook handler interface, see docs/ More...
interface  MediaWiki\Page\Hook\ArticleDeleteAfterSuccessHook
 This is a hook handler interface, see docs/ More...
interface  MediaWiki\Page\Hook\ArticleDeleteCompleteHook
 This is a hook handler interface, see docs/ More...
interface  MediaWiki\Page\Hook\ArticleDeleteHook
 This is a hook handler interface, see docs/ More...
interface  MediaWiki\Storage\Hook\ArticleEditUpdateNewTalkHook
 This is a hook handler interface, see docs/ More...
interface  MediaWiki\Page\Hook\ArticleFromTitleHook
 This is a hook handler interface, see docs/ More...
interface  MediaWiki\Hook\ArticleMergeCompleteHook
 This is a hook handler interface, see docs/ More...
interface  MediaWiki\Page\Hook\ArticlePageDataAfterHook
 This is a hook handler interface, see docs/ More...
interface  MediaWiki\Page\Hook\ArticlePageDataBeforeHook
 This is a hook handler interface, see docs/ More...
interface  MediaWiki\Page\Hook\ArticleParserOptionsHook
 This is a hook handler interface, see docs/ More...
interface  MediaWiki\Storage\Hook\ArticlePrepareTextForEditHook
 This is a hook handler interface, see docs/ More...
interface  MediaWiki\Page\Hook\ArticleProtectCompleteHook
 This is a hook handler interface, see docs/ More...
interface  MediaWiki\Page\Hook\ArticleProtectHook
 This is a hook handler interface, see docs/ More...
interface  MediaWiki\Page\Hook\ArticlePurgeHook
 This is a hook handler interface, see docs/ More...
interface  MediaWiki\Page\Hook\ArticleRevisionViewCustomHook
 This is a hook handler interface, see docs/ More...
interface  MediaWiki\Hook\ArticleRevisionVisibilitySetHook
 This is a hook handler interface, see docs/ More...
interface  MediaWiki\Page\Hook\ArticleShowPatrolFooterHook
 This is a hook handler interface, see docs/ More...
interface  MediaWiki\Page\Hook\ArticleUndeleteHook
 This is a hook handler interface, see docs/ More...
interface  MediaWiki\Hook\ArticleUpdateBeforeRedirectHook
 This is a hook handler interface, see docs/ More...
interface  MediaWiki\Page\Hook\ArticleViewFooterHook
 This is a hook handler interface, see docs/ More...
interface  MediaWiki\Page\Hook\ArticleViewHeaderHook
 This is a hook handler interface, see docs/ More...
interface  MediaWiki\Page\Hook\ArticleViewRedirectHook
 This is a hook handler interface, see docs/ More...
interface  MediaWiki\SpecialPage\Hook\AuthChangeFormFieldsHook
 This is a hook handler interface, see docs/ More...
interface  MediaWiki\Auth\Hook\AuthenticationAttemptThrottledHook
 This is a hook handler interface, see docs/ More...
interface  MediaWiki\Auth\Hook\AuthManagerFilterProvidersHook
 This is a hook handler interface, see docs/ More...
interface  MediaWiki\Auth\Hook\AuthManagerLoginAuthenticateAuditHook
 This is a hook handler interface, see docs/ More...
interface  MediaWiki\Auth\Hook\AuthManagerVerifyAuthenticationHook
 This is a hook handler interface, see docs/ More...
interface  MediaWiki\Auth\Hook\AuthPreserveQueryParamsHook
 This is a hook handler interface, see docs/ More...
interface  MediaWiki\User\Hook\AutopromoteConditionHook
 This is a hook handler interface, see docs/ More...
interface  MediaWiki\Cache\Hook\BacklinkCacheGetConditionsHook
 This is a hook handler interface, see docs/ More...
interface  MediaWiki\Cache\Hook\BacklinkCacheGetPrefixHook
 This is a hook handler interface, see docs/ More...
interface  MediaWiki\Hook\BadImageHook
 This is a hook handler interface, see docs/ More...
interface  MediaWiki\Page\Hook\BeforeDisplayNoArticleTextHook
 This is a hook handler interface, see docs/ More...
interface  MediaWiki\Hook\BeforeInitializeHook
 This is a hook handler interface, see docs/ More...
interface  MediaWiki\Output\Hook\BeforePageDisplayHook
 This is a hook handler interface, see docs/ More...
interface  MediaWiki\Output\Hook\BeforePageRedirectHook
 This is a hook handler interface, see docs/ More...
interface  MediaWiki\Hook\BeforeParserFetchFileAndTitleHook
 This is a hook handler interface, see docs/ More...
interface  MediaWiki\Hook\BeforeParserFetchTemplateRevisionRecordHook
interface  MediaWiki\Storage\Hook\BeforeRevertedTagUpdateHook
 This is a hook handler interface, see docs/ More...
interface  MediaWiki\Hook\BeforeWelcomeCreationHook
 This is a hook handler interface, see docs/ More...
interface  MediaWiki\Hook\BitmapHandlerCheckImageAreaHook
 This is a hook handler interface, see docs/ More...
interface  MediaWiki\Hook\BitmapHandlerTransformHook
 This is a hook handler interface, see docs/ More...
interface  MediaWiki\Hook\BlockIpCompleteHook
 This is a hook handler interface, see docs/ More...
interface  MediaWiki\Hook\BlockIpHook
 This is a hook handler interface, see docs/ More...
interface  MediaWiki\Hook\BookInformationHook
 This is a hook handler interface, see docs/ More...
interface  MediaWiki\Hook\CanonicalNamespacesHook
 This is a hook handler interface, see docs/ More...
interface  MediaWiki\Page\Hook\CategoryAfterPageAddedHook
 This is a hook handler interface, see docs/ More...
interface  MediaWiki\Page\Hook\CategoryAfterPageRemovedHook
 This is a hook handler interface, see docs/ More...
interface  MediaWiki\Page\Hook\CategoryPageViewHook
 This is a hook handler interface, see docs/ More...
interface  MediaWiki\Hook\CategoryViewer__doCategoryQueryHook
 This is a hook handler interface, see docs/ More...
interface  MediaWiki\Hook\CategoryViewer__generateLinkHook
 This is a hook handler interface, see docs/ More...
interface  MediaWiki\SpecialPage\Hook\ChangeAuthenticationDataAuditHook
 This is a hook handler interface, see docs/ More...
interface  MediaWiki\Hook\ChangesListInitRowsHook
 This is a hook handler interface, see docs/ More...
interface  MediaWiki\Hook\ChangesListInsertArticleLinkHook
 This is a hook handler interface, see docs/ More...
interface  MediaWiki\Hook\ChangesListInsertLogEntryHook
 This is a hook handler interface, see docs/ More...
interface  MediaWiki\SpecialPage\Hook\ChangesListSpecialPageQueryHook
 This is a hook handler interface, see docs/ More...
interface  MediaWiki\SpecialPage\Hook\ChangesListSpecialPageStructuredFiltersHook
 This is a hook handler interface, see docs/ More...
interface  MediaWiki\ChangeTags\Hook\ChangeTagAfterDeleteHook
 This is a hook handler interface, see docs/ More...
interface  MediaWiki\ChangeTags\Hook\ChangeTagCanCreateHook
 This is a hook handler interface, see docs/ More...
interface  MediaWiki\ChangeTags\Hook\ChangeTagCanDeleteHook
 This is a hook handler interface, see docs/ More...
interface  MediaWiki\ChangeTags\Hook\ChangeTagsAfterUpdateTagsHook
 This is a hook handler interface, see docs/ More...
interface  MediaWiki\ChangeTags\Hook\ChangeTagsAllowedAddHook
 This is a hook handler interface, see docs/ More...
interface  MediaWiki\ChangeTags\Hook\ChangeTagsListActiveHook
 This is a hook handler interface, see docs/ More...
interface  MediaWiki\Hook\ChangeUserGroupsHook
 This is a hook handler interface, see docs/ More...
interface  MediaWiki\Hook\Collation__factoryHook
 This is a hook handler interface, see docs/ More...
interface  MediaWiki\User\Options\Hook\ConditionalDefaultOptionsAddConditionHook
 This is a hook handler interface, see docs/ More...
interface  MediaWiki\User\Hook\ConfirmEmailCompleteHook
 This is a hook handler interface, see docs/ More...
interface  MediaWiki\Content\Hook\ContentAlterParserOutputHook
 This is a hook handler interface, see docs/ More...
interface  MediaWiki\Content\Hook\ContentGetParserOutputHook
 This is a hook handler interface, see docs/ More...
interface  MediaWiki\Revision\Hook\ContentHandlerDefaultModelForHook
 This is a hook handler interface, see docs/ More...
interface  MediaWiki\Content\Hook\ContentHandlerForModelIDHook
 This is a hook handler interface, see docs/ More...
interface  MediaWiki\Content\Hook\ContentModelCanBeUsedOnHook
 This is a hook handler interface, see docs/ More...
interface  MediaWiki\Hook\ContentSecurityPolicyDefaultSourceHook
 This is a hook handler interface, see docs/ More...
interface  MediaWiki\Hook\ContentSecurityPolicyDirectivesHook
 This is a hook handler interface, see docs/ More...
interface  MediaWiki\Hook\ContentSecurityPolicyScriptSourceHook
 This is a hook handler interface, see docs/ More...
interface  MediaWiki\Hook\ContribsPager__getQueryInfoHook
 This is a hook handler interface, see docs/ More...
interface  MediaWiki\Hook\ContribsPager__reallyDoQueryHook
 This is a hook handler interface, see docs/ More...
interface  MediaWiki\Hook\ContributionsLineEndingHook
 This is a hook handler interface, see docs/ More...
interface  MediaWiki\Hook\ContributionsToolLinksHook
 This is a hook handler interface, see docs/ More...
interface  MediaWiki\Content\Hook\ConvertContentHook
 This is a hook handler interface, see docs/ More...
interface  MediaWiki\Hook\CustomEditorHook
 This is a hook handler interface, see docs/ More...
interface  MediaWiki\Hook\DeletedContribsPager__reallyDoQueryHook
 This is a hook handler interface, see docs/ More...
interface  MediaWiki\Hook\DeletedContributionsLineEndingHook
 This is a hook handler interface, see docs/ More...
interface  MediaWiki\Hook\DeleteUnknownPreferencesHook
 This is a hook handler interface, see docs/ More...
interface  MediaWiki\Diff\Hook\DifferenceEngineAfterLoadNewTextHook
 This is a hook handler interface, see docs/ More...
interface  MediaWiki\Diff\Hook\DifferenceEngineLoadTextAfterNewContentIsLoadedHook
 This is a hook handler interface, see docs/ More...
interface  MediaWiki\Diff\Hook\DifferenceEngineMarkPatrolledLinkHook
 This is a hook handler interface, see docs/ More...
interface  MediaWiki\Diff\Hook\DifferenceEngineMarkPatrolledRCIDHook
 This is a hook handler interface, see docs/ More...
interface  MediaWiki\Diff\Hook\DifferenceEngineNewHeaderHook
 This is a hook handler interface, see docs/ More...
interface  MediaWiki\Diff\Hook\DifferenceEngineOldHeaderHook
 This is a hook handler interface, see docs/ More...
interface  MediaWiki\Diff\Hook\DifferenceEngineOldHeaderNoOldRevHook
 This is a hook handler interface, see docs/ More...
interface  MediaWiki\Diff\Hook\DifferenceEngineRenderRevisionAddParserOutputHook
 This is a hook handler interface, see docs/ More...
interface  MediaWiki\Diff\Hook\DifferenceEngineRenderRevisionShowFinalPatrolLinkHook
 This is a hook handler interface, see docs/ More...
interface  MediaWiki\Diff\Hook\DifferenceEngineShowDiffHook
 This is a hook handler interface, see docs/ More...
interface  MediaWiki\Diff\Hook\DifferenceEngineShowDiffPageHook
 This is a hook handler interface, see docs/ More...
interface  MediaWiki\Diff\Hook\DifferenceEngineShowDiffPageMaybeShowMissingRevisionHook
 This is a hook handler interface, see docs/ More...
interface  MediaWiki\Diff\Hook\DifferenceEngineShowEmptyOldContentHook
 This is a hook handler interface, see docs/ More...
interface  MediaWiki\Diff\Hook\DifferenceEngineViewHeaderHook
 This is a hook handler interface, see docs/ More...
interface  MediaWiki\Diff\Hook\DiffToolsHook
 This is a hook handler interface, see docs/ More...
interface  MediaWiki\Page\Hook\DisplayOldSubtitleHook
 This is a hook handler interface, see docs/ More...
interface  MediaWiki\Hook\EditFilterHook
 This is a hook handler interface, see docs/ More...
interface  MediaWiki\Hook\EditFilterMergedContentHook
 This is a hook handler interface, see docs/ More...
interface  MediaWiki\Hook\EditFormInitialTextHook
 This is a hook handler interface, see docs/ More...
interface  MediaWiki\Hook\EditFormPreloadTextHook
 This is a hook handler interface, see docs/ More...
interface  MediaWiki\Hook\EditPage__attemptSave_afterHook
 This is a hook handler interface, see docs/ More...
interface  MediaWiki\Hook\EditPage__attemptSaveHook
 This is a hook handler interface, see docs/ More...
interface  MediaWiki\Hook\EditPage__importFormDataHook
 This is a hook handler interface, see docs/ More...
interface  MediaWiki\Hook\EditPage__showEditForm_fieldsHook
 This is a hook handler interface, see docs/ More...
interface  MediaWiki\Hook\EditPage__showEditForm_initialHook
 This is a hook handler interface, see docs/ More...
interface  MediaWiki\Hook\EditPage__showReadOnlyForm_initialHook
 This is a hook handler interface, see docs/ More...
interface  MediaWiki\Hook\EditPage__showStandardInputs_optionsHook
 This is a hook handler interface, see docs/ More...
interface  MediaWiki\Hook\EditPageBeforeConflictDiffHook
 This is a hook handler interface, see docs/ More...
interface  MediaWiki\Hook\EditPageBeforeEditButtonsHook
 This is a hook handler interface, see docs/ More...
interface  MediaWiki\Hook\EditPageBeforeEditToolbarHook
 This is a hook handler interface, see docs/ More...
interface  MediaWiki\Hook\EditPageCopyrightWarningHook
 This is a hook handler interface, see docs/ More...
interface  MediaWiki\Hook\EditPageGetCheckboxesDefinitionHook
 This is a hook handler interface, see docs/ More...
interface  MediaWiki\Hook\EditPageGetDiffContentHook
 This is a hook handler interface, see docs/ More...
interface  MediaWiki\Hook\EditPageGetPreviewContentHook
 This is a hook handler interface, see docs/ More...
interface  MediaWiki\Hook\EditPageNoSuchSectionHook
 This is a hook handler interface, see docs/ More...
interface  MediaWiki\Hook\EditPageTosSummaryHook
 This is a hook handler interface, see docs/ More...
interface  MediaWiki\User\Hook\EmailConfirmedHook
 This is a hook handler interface, see docs/ More...
interface  MediaWiki\Mail\Hook\EmailUserAuthorizeSendHook
 This is a hook handler interface, see docs/ More...
interface  MediaWiki\Hook\EmailUserCCHook
 This is a hook handler interface, see docs/ More...
interface  MediaWiki\Hook\EmailUserCompleteHook
 This is a hook handler interface, see docs/ More...
interface  MediaWiki\Hook\EmailUserFormHook
 This is a hook handler interface, see docs/ More...
interface  MediaWiki\Hook\EmailUserHook
 This is a hook handler interface, see docs/ More...
interface  MediaWiki\Hook\EmailUserPermissionsErrorsHook
 This is a hook handler interface, see docs/ More...
interface  MediaWiki\Mail\Hook\EmailUserSendEmailHook
 This is a hook handler interface, see docs/ More...
interface  MediaWiki\Hook\EnhancedChangesList__getLogTextHook
 This is a hook handler interface, see docs/ More...
interface  MediaWiki\Hook\EnhancedChangesListModifyBlockLineDataHook
 This is a hook handler interface, see docs/ More...
interface  MediaWiki\Hook\EnhancedChangesListModifyLineDataHook
 This is a hook handler interface, see docs/ More...
interface  MediaWiki\Auth\Hook\ExemptFromAccountCreationThrottleHook
 This is a hook handler interface, see docs/ More...
interface  MediaWiki\Hook\ExtensionTypesHook
 This is a hook handler interface, see docs/ More...
interface  MediaWiki\Hook\FetchChangesListHook
 This is a hook handler interface, see docs/ More...
interface  MediaWiki\Hook\FileDeleteCompleteHook
 This is a hook handler interface, see docs/ More...
interface  MediaWiki\Hook\FileTransformedHook
 This is a hook handler interface, see docs/ More...
interface  MediaWiki\Hook\FileUndeleteCompleteHook
 This is a hook handler interface, see docs/ More...
interface  MediaWiki\Hook\FileUploadHook
 This is a hook handler interface, see docs/ More...
interface  MediaWiki\Hook\FormatAutocommentsHook
 This is a hook handler interface, see docs/ More...
interface  MediaWiki\Hook\GalleryGetModesHook
 This is a hook handler interface, see docs/ More...
interface  MediaWiki\Actions\Hook\GetActionNameHook
interface  MediaWiki\Block\Hook\GetAllBlockActionsHook
 This is a hook handler interface, see docs/ More...
interface  MediaWiki\User\Hook\GetAutoPromoteGroupsHook
 This is a hook handler interface, see docs/ More...
interface  MediaWiki\Hook\GetBlockErrorMessageKeyHook
 This is a hook handler interface, see docs/ More...
interface  MediaWiki\Output\Hook\GetCacheVaryCookiesHook
 This is a hook handler interface, see docs/ More...
interface  MediaWiki\Hook\GetCanonicalURLHook
 This is a hook handler interface, see docs/ More...
interface  MediaWiki\Content\Hook\GetContentModelsHook
 This is a hook handler interface, see docs/ More...
interface  MediaWiki\Hook\GetDefaultSortkeyHook
 This is a hook handler interface, see docs/ More...
interface  MediaWiki\Content\Hook\GetDifferenceEngineHook
 This is a hook handler interface, see docs/ More...
interface  MediaWiki\Hook\GetDoubleUnderscoreIDsHook
 This is a hook handler interface, see docs/ More...
interface  MediaWiki\Hook\GetExtendedMetadataHook
 This is a hook handler interface, see docs/ More...
interface  MediaWiki\Hook\GetFullURLHook
 This is a hook handler interface, see docs/ More...
interface  MediaWiki\Hook\GetHumanTimestampHook
 This is a hook handler interface, see docs/ More...
interface  MediaWiki\Hook\GetInternalURLHook
 This is a hook handler interface, see docs/ More...
interface  MediaWiki\Hook\GetIPHook
 This is a hook handler interface, see docs/ More...
interface  MediaWiki\Hook\GetLangPreferredVariantHook
 This is a hook handler interface, see docs/ More...
interface  MediaWiki\Hook\GetLinkColoursHook
 This is a hook handler interface, see docs/ More...
interface  MediaWiki\Hook\GetLocalURL__ArticleHook
 This is a hook handler interface, see docs/ More...
interface  MediaWiki\Hook\GetLocalURL__InternalHook
 This is a hook handler interface, see docs/ More...
interface  MediaWiki\Hook\GetLocalURLHook
 This is a hook handler interface, see docs/ More...
interface  MediaWiki\Hook\GetLogTypesOnUserHook
 This is a hook handler interface, see docs/ More...
interface  MediaWiki\Hook\GetMagicVariableIDsHook
 This is a hook handler interface, see docs/ More...
interface  MediaWiki\Hook\GetMetadataVersionHook
 This is a hook handler interface, see docs/ More...
interface  MediaWiki\Hook\GetNewMessagesAlertHook
 This is a hook handler interface, see docs/ More...
interface  MediaWiki\Preferences\Hook\GetPreferencesHook
 This is a hook handler interface, see docs/ More...
interface  MediaWiki\Hook\GetRelativeTimestampHook
 This is a hook handler interface, see docs/ More...
interface  MediaWiki\Content\Hook\GetSlotDiffRendererHook
 This is a hook handler interface, see docs/ More...
interface  MediaWiki\Block\Hook\GetUserBlockHook
 This is a hook handler interface, see docs/ More...
interface  MediaWiki\Permissions\Hook\GetUserPermissionsErrorsExpensiveHook
 This is a hook handler interface, see docs/ More...
interface  MediaWiki\Permissions\Hook\GetUserPermissionsErrorsHook
 This is a hook handler interface, see docs/ More...
interface  MediaWiki\Hook\GitViewersHook
 This is a hook handler interface, see docs/ More...
interface  MediaWiki\Hook\HistoryPageToolLinksHook
 This is a hook handler interface, see docs/ More...
interface  MediaWiki\Hook\HistoryToolsHook
 This is a hook handler interface, see docs/ More...
interface  MediaWiki\Cache\Hook\HtmlCacheUpdaterAppendUrlsHook
 This is a hook handler interface, see docs/ More...
interface  MediaWiki\Cache\Hook\HtmlCacheUpdaterVaryUrlsHook
 This is a hook handler interface, see docs/ More...
interface  MediaWiki\Cache\Hook\HTMLFileCache__useFileCacheHook
 This is a hook handler interface, see docs/ More...
interface  MediaWiki\Linker\Hook\HtmlPageLinkRendererBeginHook
 This is a hook handler interface, see docs/ More...
interface  MediaWiki\Linker\Hook\HtmlPageLinkRendererEndHook
 This is a hook handler interface, see docs/ More...
interface  MediaWiki\Hook\ImageBeforeProduceHTMLHook
 This is a hook handler interface, see docs/ More...
interface  MediaWiki\Page\Hook\ImageOpenShowImageInlineBeforeHook
 This is a hook handler interface, see docs/ More...
interface  MediaWiki\Page\Hook\ImagePageAfterImageLinksHook
 This is a hook handler interface, see docs/ More...
interface  MediaWiki\Page\Hook\ImagePageFileHistoryLineHook
 This is a hook handler interface, see docs/ More...
interface  MediaWiki\Page\Hook\ImagePageFindFileHook
 This is a hook handler interface, see docs/ More...
interface  MediaWiki\Page\Hook\ImagePageShowTOCHook
 This is a hook handler interface, see docs/ More...
interface  MediaWiki\Hook\ImgAuthBeforeStreamHook
 This is a hook handler interface, see docs/ More...
interface  MediaWiki\Hook\ImgAuthModifyHeadersHook
 This is a hook handler interface, see docs/ More...
interface  MediaWiki\Hook\ImportHandleContentXMLTagHook
 This is a hook handler interface, see docs/ More...
interface  MediaWiki\Hook\ImportHandleLogItemXMLTagHook
 This is a hook handler interface, see docs/ More...
interface  MediaWiki\Hook\ImportHandlePageXMLTagHook
 This is a hook handler interface, see docs/ More...
interface  MediaWiki\Hook\ImportHandleRevisionXMLTagHook
 This is a hook handler interface, see docs/ More...
interface  MediaWiki\Hook\ImportHandleToplevelXMLTagHook
 This is a hook handler interface, see docs/ More...
interface  MediaWiki\Hook\ImportHandleUnknownUserHook
 This is a hook handler interface, see docs/ More...
interface  MediaWiki\Hook\ImportHandleUploadXMLTagHook
 This is a hook handler interface, see docs/ More...
interface  MediaWiki\Hook\ImportLogInterwikiLinkHook
 This is a hook handler interface, see docs/ More...
interface  MediaWiki\Hook\ImportSourcesHook
 This is a hook handler interface, see docs/ More...
interface  MediaWiki\Hook\InfoActionHook
 This is a hook handler interface, see docs/ More...
interface  MediaWiki\Hook\InitializeArticleMaybeRedirectHook
 This is a hook handler interface, see docs/ More...
interface  MediaWiki\Hook\InternalParseBeforeLinksHook
 This is a hook handler interface, see docs/ More...
interface  MediaWiki\Interwiki\Hook\InterwikiLoadPrefixHook
 This is a hook handler interface, see docs/ More...
interface  MediaWiki\User\Hook\InvalidateEmailCompleteHook
 This is a hook handler interface, see docs/ More...
interface  MediaWiki\Hook\IRCLineURLHook
 This is a hook handler interface, see docs/ More...
interface  MediaWiki\Page\Hook\IsFileCacheableHook
 This is a hook handler interface, see docs/ More...
interface  MediaWiki\Hook\IsTrustedProxyHook
 This is a hook handler interface, see docs/ More...
interface  MediaWiki\Hook\IsUploadAllowedFromUrlHook
 This is a hook handler interface, see docs/ More...
interface  MediaWiki\Hook\IsValidEmailAddrHook
 This is a hook handler interface, see docs/ More...
interface  MediaWiki\User\Hook\IsValidPasswordHook
 This is a hook handler interface, see docs/ More...
interface  MediaWiki\Content\Hook\JsonValidateSaveHook
 This is a hook handler interface, see docs/ More...
interface  MediaWiki\Languages\Hook\Language__getMessagesFileNameHook
 This is a hook handler interface, see docs/ More...
interface  MediaWiki\Hook\LanguageGetNamespacesHook
 This is a hook handler interface, see docs/ More...
interface  MediaWiki\Languages\Hook\LanguageGetTranslatedLanguageNamesHook
 This is a hook handler interface, see docs/ More...
interface  MediaWiki\Output\Hook\LanguageLinksHook
 This is a hook handler interface, see docs/ More...
interface  MediaWiki\Hook\LanguageSelectorHook
 This is a hook handler interface, see docs/ More...
interface  MediaWiki\Linker\Hook\LinkerGenerateRollbackLinkHook
interface  MediaWiki\Hook\LinkerMakeExternalImageHook
 This is a hook handler interface, see docs/ More...
interface  MediaWiki\Hook\LinkerMakeExternalLinkHook
 This is a hook handler interface, see docs/ More...
interface  MediaWiki\Hook\LinkerMakeMediaLinkFileHook
 This is a hook handler interface, see docs/ More...
interface  MediaWiki\Hook\LinksUpdateCompleteHook
 This is a hook handler interface, see docs/ More...
interface  MediaWiki\Hook\LinksUpdateHook
 This is a hook handler interface, see docs/ More...
interface  MediaWiki\ChangeTags\Hook\ListDefinedTagsHook
 This is a hook handler interface, see docs/ More...
interface  MediaWiki\Installer\Hook\LoadExtensionSchemaUpdatesHook
 This is a hook handler interface, see docs/ More...
interface  MediaWiki\User\Options\Hook\LoadUserOptionsHook
 This is a hook handler interface, see docs/ More...
interface  MediaWiki\Hook\LocalFile__getHistoryHook
 This is a hook handler interface, see docs/ More...
interface  MediaWiki\Hook\LocalFilePurgeThumbnailsHook
 This is a hook handler interface, see docs/ More...
interface  MediaWiki\Hook\LocalisationCacheRecacheFallbackHook
 This is a hook handler interface, see docs/ More...
interface  MediaWiki\Hook\LocalisationCacheRecacheHook
 This is a hook handler interface, see docs/ More...
interface  MediaWiki\Auth\Hook\LocalUserCreatedHook
 This is a hook handler interface, see docs/ More...
interface  MediaWiki\Hook\LogEventsListGetExtraInputsHook
 This is a hook handler interface, see docs/ More...
interface  MediaWiki\Hook\LogEventsListLineEndingHook
 This is a hook handler interface, see docs/ More...
interface  MediaWiki\Hook\LogEventsListShowLogExtractHook
 This is a hook handler interface, see docs/ More...
interface  MediaWiki\Hook\LogExceptionHook
 This is a hook handler interface, see docs/ More...
interface  MediaWiki\Hook\LoginFormValidErrorMessagesHook
 This is a hook handler interface, see docs/ More...
interface  MediaWiki\Hook\LogLineHook
 This is a hook handler interface, see docs/ More...
interface  MediaWiki\Hook\LonelyPagesQueryHook
 This is a hook handler interface, see docs/ More...
interface  MediaWiki\Hook\MagicWordwgVariableIDsHook
 This is a hook handler interface, see docs/ More...
interface  MediaWiki\Hook\MaintenanceRefreshLinksInitHook
 This is a hook handler interface, see docs/ More...
interface  MediaWiki\Hook\MaintenanceShellStartHook
interface  MediaWiki\Hook\MaintenanceUpdateAddParamsHook
 This is a hook handler interface, see docs/ More...
interface  MediaWiki\Output\Hook\MakeGlobalVariablesScriptHook
 This is a hook handler interface, see docs/ More...
interface  MediaWiki\Hook\ManualLogEntryBeforePublishHook
 This is a hook handler interface, see docs/ More...
interface  MediaWiki\Hook\MarkPatrolledCompleteHook
 This is a hook handler interface, see docs/ More...
interface  MediaWiki\Hook\MarkPatrolledHook
 This is a hook handler interface, see docs/ More...
interface  MediaWiki\Hook\MediaWikiPerformActionHook
 This is a hook handler interface, see docs/ More...
interface  MediaWiki\Hook\MediaWikiServicesHook
 This is a hook handler interface, see docs/ More...
interface  MediaWiki\Cache\Hook\MessageCache__getHook
 This is a hook handler interface, see docs/ More...
interface  MediaWiki\Cache\Hook\MessageCacheFetchOverridesHook
 This is a hook handler interface, see docs/ More...
interface  MediaWiki\Cache\Hook\MessageCacheReplaceHook
 This is a hook handler interface, see docs/ More...
interface  MediaWiki\Cache\Hook\MessagesPreLoadHook
 This is a hook handler interface, see docs/ More...
interface  MediaWiki\Hook\MimeMagicGuessFromContentHook
 This is a hook handler interface, see docs/ More...
interface  MediaWiki\Hook\MimeMagicImproveFromExtensionHook
 This is a hook handler interface, see docs/ More...
interface  MediaWiki\Hook\MimeMagicInitHook
 This is a hook handler interface, see docs/ More...
interface  MediaWiki\Hook\ModifyExportQueryHook
 This is a hook handler interface, see docs/ More...
interface  MediaWiki\Hook\MovePageCheckPermissionsHook
 This is a hook handler interface, see docs/ More...
interface  MediaWiki\Hook\MovePageIsValidMoveHook
 This is a hook handler interface, see docs/ More...
interface  MediaWiki\Storage\Hook\MultiContentSaveHook
 This is a hook handler interface, see docs/ More...
interface  MediaWiki\Hook\NamespaceIsMovableHook
 This is a hook handler interface, see docs/ More...
interface  MediaWiki\Diff\Hook\NewDifferenceEngineHook
 This is a hook handler interface, see docs/ More...
interface  MediaWiki\Hook\NewPagesLineEndingHook
 This is a hook handler interface, see docs/ More...
interface  MediaWiki\Hook\OldChangesListRecentChangesLineHook
 This is a hook handler interface, see docs/ More...
interface  MediaWiki\Hook\OpenSearchUrlsHook
 This is a hook handler interface, see docs/ More...
interface  MediaWiki\Page\Hook\OpportunisticLinksUpdateHook
 This is a hook handler interface, see docs/ More...
interface  MediaWiki\Hook\OtherAutoblockLogLinkHook
 This is a hook handler interface, see docs/ More...
interface  MediaWiki\Hook\OtherBlockLogLinkHook
 This is a hook handler interface, see docs/ More...
interface  MediaWiki\Output\Hook\OutputPageAfterGetHeadLinksArrayHook
 This is a hook handler interface, see docs/ More...
interface  MediaWiki\Output\Hook\OutputPageBeforeHTMLHook
 This is a hook handler interface, see docs/ More...
interface  MediaWiki\Output\Hook\OutputPageBodyAttributesHook
 This is a hook handler interface, see docs/ More...
interface  MediaWiki\Output\Hook\OutputPageCheckLastModifiedHook
 This is a hook handler interface, see docs/ More...
interface  MediaWiki\Output\Hook\OutputPageParserOutputHook
 This is a hook handler interface, see docs/ More...
interface  MediaWiki\Output\Hook\OutputPageRenderCategoryLinkHook
 This is a hook handler interface, see docs/ More...
interface  MediaWiki\Content\Hook\PageContentLanguageHook
 This is a hook handler interface, see docs/ More...
interface  MediaWiki\Storage\Hook\PageContentSaveHook
 This is a hook handler interface, see docs/ More...
interface  MediaWiki\Page\Hook\PageDeleteCompleteHook
 This is a hook handler interface, see docs/ More...
interface  MediaWiki\Page\Hook\PageDeleteHook
 This is a hook handler interface, see docs/ More...
interface  MediaWiki\Page\Hook\PageDeletionDataUpdatesHook
 This is a hook handler interface, see docs/ More...
interface  MediaWiki\Hook\PageHistoryBeforeListHook
 This is a hook handler interface, see docs/ More...
interface  MediaWiki\Hook\PageHistoryLineEndingHook
 This is a hook handler interface, see docs/ More...
interface  MediaWiki\Hook\PageHistoryPager__doBatchLookupsHook
 This is a hook handler interface, see docs/ More...
interface  MediaWiki\Hook\PageHistoryPager__getQueryInfoHook
 This is a hook handler interface, see docs/ More...
interface  MediaWiki\Hook\PageMoveCompleteHook
 This is a hook handler interface, see docs/ More...
interface  MediaWiki\Hook\PageMoveCompletingHook
 This is a hook handler interface, see docs/ More...
interface  MediaWiki\Hook\PageRenderingHashHook
 This is a hook handler interface, see docs/ More...
interface  MediaWiki\Storage\Hook\PageSaveCompleteHook
 This is a hook handler interface, see docs/ More...
interface  MediaWiki\Page\Hook\PageUndeleteCompleteHook
 This is a hook handler interface, see docs/ More...
interface  MediaWiki\Page\Hook\PageUndeleteHook
 This is a hook handler interface, see docs/ More...
interface  MediaWiki\Page\Hook\PageViewUpdatesHook
 This is a hook handler interface, see docs/ More...
interface  MediaWiki\Hook\ParserAfterParseHook
 This is a hook handler interface, see docs/ More...
interface  MediaWiki\Hook\ParserAfterTidyHook
 This is a hook handler interface, see docs/ More...
interface  MediaWiki\Hook\ParserBeforeInternalParseHook
 This is a hook handler interface, see docs/ More...
interface  MediaWiki\Hook\ParserBeforePreprocessHook
 This is a hook handler interface, see docs/ More...
interface  MediaWiki\Hook\ParserCacheSaveCompleteHook
 This is a hook handler interface, see docs/ More...
interface  MediaWiki\Hook\ParserClearStateHook
 This is a hook handler interface, see docs/ More...
interface  MediaWiki\Hook\ParserClonedHook
 This is a hook handler interface, see docs/ More...
interface  MediaWiki\Hook\ParserFetchTemplateDataHook
 This is a hook handler interface, see docs/ More...
interface  MediaWiki\Hook\ParserFirstCallInitHook
 This is a hook handler interface, see docs/ More...
interface  MediaWiki\Hook\ParserGetVariableValueSwitchHook
 This is a hook handler interface, see docs/ More...
interface  MediaWiki\Hook\ParserGetVariableValueTsHook
 This is a hook handler interface, see docs/ More...
interface  MediaWiki\Hook\ParserLimitReportFormatHook
 This is a hook handler interface, see docs/ More...
interface  MediaWiki\Hook\ParserLimitReportPrepareHook
 This is a hook handler interface, see docs/ More...
interface  MediaWiki\Hook\ParserLogLinterDataHook
 This is a hook handler interface, see docs/ More...
interface  MediaWiki\Hook\ParserMakeImageParamsHook
 This is a hook handler interface, see docs/ More...
interface  MediaWiki\Hook\ParserModifyImageHTMLHook
 This is a hook handler interface, see docs/ More...
interface  MediaWiki\Hook\ParserOptionsRegisterHook
 This is a hook handler interface, see docs/ More...
interface  MediaWiki\Hook\ParserOutputPostCacheTransformHook
 This is a hook handler interface, see docs/ More...
interface  MediaWiki\Storage\Hook\ParserOutputStashForEditHook
 This is a hook handler interface, see docs/ More...
interface  MediaWiki\Hook\ParserPreSaveTransformCompleteHook
 This is a hook handler interface, see docs/ More...
interface  MediaWiki\Hook\ParserTestGlobalsHook
 This is a hook handler interface, see docs/ More...
interface  MediaWiki\Hook\PasswordPoliciesForUserHook
 This is a hook handler interface, see docs/ More...
interface  MediaWiki\Block\Hook\PerformRetroactiveAutoblockHook
 This is a hook handler interface, see docs/ More...
interface  MediaWiki\Permissions\Hook\PermissionErrorAuditHook
 This is a hook handler interface, see docs/ Use the hook name "PermissionErrorAudit" to register handlers implementing this interface. More...
interface  MediaWiki\User\Hook\PingLimiterHook
 This is a hook handler interface, see docs/ More...
interface  MediaWiki\Content\Hook\PlaceNewSectionHook
 This is a hook handler interface, see docs/ More...
interface  MediaWiki\Hook\PostLoginRedirectHook
 This is a hook handler interface, see docs/ More...
interface  MediaWiki\Preferences\Hook\PreferencesFormPreSaveHook
 This is a hook handler interface, see docs/ More...
interface  MediaWiki\Hook\PreferencesGetIconHook
 This is a hook handler interface, see docs/ More...
interface  MediaWiki\Hook\PreferencesGetLayoutHook
 This is a hook handler interface, see docs/ More...
interface  MediaWiki\Hook\PreferencesGetLegendHook
 This is a hook handler interface, see docs/ More...
interface  MediaWiki\Search\Hook\PrefixSearchBackendHook
 This is a hook handler interface, see docs/ More...
interface  MediaWiki\Search\Hook\PrefixSearchExtractNamespaceHook
 This is a hook handler interface, see docs/ More...
interface  MediaWiki\Hook\PrefsEmailAuditHook
 This is a hook handler interface, see docs/ More...
interface  MediaWiki\Hook\ProtectionForm__buildFormHook
 This is a hook handler interface, see docs/ More...
interface  MediaWiki\Hook\ProtectionForm__saveHook
 This is a hook handler interface, see docs/ More...
interface  MediaWiki\Hook\ProtectionForm__showLogExtractHook
 This is a hook handler interface, see docs/ More...
interface  MediaWiki\Hook\ProtectionFormAddFormFieldsHook
interface  MediaWiki\Hook\RandomPageQueryHook
 This is a hook handler interface, see docs/ More...
interface  MediaWiki\Hook\RawPageViewBeforeOutputHook
 This is a hook handler interface, see docs/ More...
interface  MediaWiki\Hook\RecentChange_saveHook
 This is a hook handler interface, see docs/ More...
interface  MediaWiki\Hook\RecentChangesPurgeRowsHook
 This is a hook handler interface, see docs/ More...
interface  MediaWiki\SpecialPage\Hook\RedirectSpecialArticleRedirectParamsHook
 This is a hook handler interface, see docs/ More...
interface  MediaWiki\Hook\RejectParserCacheValueHook
 This is a hook handler interface, see docs/ More...
interface  MediaWiki\RenameUser\Hook\RenameUserAbortHook
 This is a hook handler interface, see docs/ More...
interface  MediaWiki\RenameUser\Hook\RenameUserCompleteHook
 This is a hook handler interface, see docs/ More...
interface  MediaWiki\RenameUser\Hook\RenameUserPreRenameHook
 This is a hook handler interface, see docs/ More...
interface  MediaWiki\RenameUser\Hook\RenameUserSQLHook
 This is a hook handler interface, see docs/ More...
interface  MediaWiki\RenameUser\Hook\RenameUserWarningHook
 This is a hook handler interface, see docs/ More...
interface  MediaWiki\Hook\RequestContextCreateSkinHook
 This is a hook handler interface, see docs/ More...
interface  MediaWiki\Api\Hook\RequestHasSameOriginSecurityHook
 This is a hook handler interface, see docs/ More...
interface  MediaWiki\Auth\Hook\ResetPasswordExpirationHook
 This is a hook handler interface, see docs/ More...
interface  MediaWiki\Rest\Hook\RestCheckCanExecuteHook
 This is a hook handler interface, see docs/ More...
interface  MediaWiki\Storage\Hook\RevisionDataUpdatesHook
 This is a hook handler interface, see docs/ More...
interface  MediaWiki\Page\Hook\RevisionFromEditCompleteHook
 This is a hook handler interface, see docs/ More...
interface  MediaWiki\Revision\Hook\RevisionRecordInsertedHook
 This is a hook handler interface, see docs/ More...
interface  MediaWiki\Page\Hook\RevisionUndeletedHook
 This is a hook handler interface, see docs/ More...
interface  MediaWiki\Page\Hook\RollbackCompleteHook
 This is a hook handler interface, see docs/ More...
interface  MediaWiki\User\Options\Hook\SaveUserOptionsHook
 This is a hook handler interface, see docs/ More...
interface  MediaWiki\Search\Hook\SearchableNamespacesHook
 This is a hook handler interface, see docs/ More...
interface  MediaWiki\Search\Hook\SearchAfterNoDirectMatchHook
 This is a hook handler interface, see docs/ More...
interface  MediaWiki\Content\Hook\SearchDataForIndex2Hook
 This is a hook handler interface, see docs/ More...
interface  MediaWiki\Content\Hook\SearchDataForIndexHook
 This is a hook handler interface, see docs/ More...
interface  MediaWiki\Search\Hook\SearchGetNearMatchBeforeHook
 This is a hook handler interface, see docs/ More...
interface  MediaWiki\Search\Hook\SearchGetNearMatchCompleteHook
 This is a hook handler interface, see docs/ More...
interface  MediaWiki\Search\Hook\SearchGetNearMatchHook
 This is a hook handler interface, see docs/ More...
interface  MediaWiki\Search\Hook\SearchIndexFieldsHook
 This is a hook handler interface, see docs/ More...
interface  MediaWiki\Search\Hook\SearchResultInitFromTitleHook
 This is a hook handler interface, see docs/ More...
interface  MediaWiki\Rest\Hook\SearchResultProvideDescriptionHook
 This is a hook handler interface, see docs/ More...
interface  MediaWiki\Search\Hook\SearchResultProvideThumbnailHook
 This is a hook handler interface, see docs/ More...
interface  MediaWiki\Search\Hook\SearchResultsAugmentHook
 This is a hook handler interface, see docs/ More...
interface  MediaWiki\Auth\Hook\SecuritySensitiveOperationStatusHook
 This is a hook handler interface, see docs/ More...
interface  MediaWiki\Hook\SelfLinkBeginHook
 This is a hook handler interface, see docs/ More...
interface  MediaWiki\Hook\SendWatchlistEmailNotificationHook
 This is a hook handler interface, see docs/ More...
interface  MediaWiki\Session\Hook\SessionCheckInfoHook
 This is a hook handler interface, see docs/ More...
interface  MediaWiki\Session\Hook\SessionMetadataHook
 This is a hook handler interface, see docs/ More...
interface  MediaWiki\Hook\SetupAfterCacheHook
 This is a hook handler interface, see docs/ More...
interface  MediaWiki\Hook\ShortPagesQueryHook
 This is a hook handler interface, see docs/ More...
interface  MediaWiki\Page\Hook\ShowMissingArticleHook
 This is a hook handler interface, see docs/ More...
interface  MediaWiki\Search\Hook\ShowSearchHitHook
 This is a hook handler interface, see docs/ More...
interface  MediaWiki\Search\Hook\ShowSearchHitTitleHook
 This is a hook handler interface, see docs/ More...
interface  MediaWiki\Hook\SidebarBeforeOutputHook
 This is a hook handler interface, see docs/ More...
interface  MediaWiki\Hook\SiteNoticeAfterHook
 This is a hook handler interface, see docs/ More...
interface  MediaWiki\Hook\SiteNoticeBeforeHook
 This is a hook handler interface, see docs/ More...
interface  MediaWiki\Hook\SkinAddFooterLinksHook
 This is a hook handler interface, see docs/ More...
interface  MediaWiki\Hook\SkinAfterBottomScriptsHook
 This is a hook handler interface, see docs/ More...
interface  MediaWiki\Hook\SkinAfterContentHook
 This is a hook handler interface, see docs/ More...
interface  MediaWiki\Skins\Hook\SkinAfterPortletHook
 This is a hook handler interface, see docs/ More...
interface  MediaWiki\Hook\SkinBuildSidebarHook
 This is a hook handler interface, see docs/ More...
interface  MediaWiki\Hook\SkinCopyrightFooterHook
 This is a hook handler interface, see docs/ More...
interface  MediaWiki\Hook\SkinCopyrightFooterMessageHook
 This is a hook handler interface, see docs/ More...
interface  MediaWiki\Hook\SkinEditSectionLinksHook
 This is a hook handler interface, see docs/ More...
interface  MediaWiki\Hook\SkinPreloadExistenceHook
 This is a hook handler interface, see docs/ More...
interface  MediaWiki\Hook\SkinSubPageSubtitleHook
 This is a hook handler interface, see docs/ More...
interface  MediaWiki\Hook\SkinTemplateGetLanguageLinkHook
 This is a hook handler interface, see docs/ More...
interface  MediaWiki\Hook\SkinTemplateNavigation__UniversalHook
 This is a hook handler interface, see docs/ More...
interface  MediaWiki\Hook\SoftwareInfoHook
 This is a hook handler interface, see docs/ More...
interface  MediaWiki\Hook\SpecialBlockModifyFormFieldsHook
 This is a hook handler interface, see docs/ More...
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 This is a hook handler interface, see docs/ More...
interface  MediaWiki\Hook\SpecialContributions__getForm__filtersHook
 This is a hook handler interface, see docs/ More...
interface  MediaWiki\Hook\SpecialContributionsBeforeMainOutputHook
 This is a hook handler interface, see docs/ More...
interface  MediaWiki\Hook\SpecialCreateAccountBenefitsHook
 This is a hook handler interface, see docs/ More...
interface  MediaWiki\Hook\SpecialExportGetExtraPagesHook
 This is a hook handler interface, see docs/ More...
interface  MediaWiki\Hook\SpecialListusersDefaultQueryHook
 This is a hook handler interface, see docs/ More...
interface  MediaWiki\Hook\SpecialListusersFormatRowHook
 This is a hook handler interface, see docs/ More...
interface  MediaWiki\Hook\SpecialListusersHeaderFormHook
 This is a hook handler interface, see docs/ More...
interface  MediaWiki\Hook\SpecialListusersHeaderHook
 This is a hook handler interface, see docs/ More...
interface  MediaWiki\Hook\SpecialListusersQueryInfoHook
 This is a hook handler interface, see docs/ More...
interface  MediaWiki\Hook\SpecialLogAddLogSearchRelationsHook
 This is a hook handler interface, see docs/ More...
interface  MediaWiki\Hook\SpecialMovepageAfterMoveHook
 This is a hook handler interface, see docs/ More...
interface  MediaWiki\Hook\SpecialMuteModifyFormFieldsHook
 This is a hook handler interface, see docs/ More...
interface  MediaWiki\Hook\SpecialNewpagesConditionsHook
 This is a hook handler interface, see docs/ More...
interface  MediaWiki\Hook\SpecialNewPagesFiltersHook
 This is a hook handler interface, see docs/ More...
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 This is a hook handler interface, see docs/ More...
interface  MediaWiki\SpecialPage\Hook\SpecialPageAfterExecuteHook
 This is a hook handler interface, see docs/ More...
interface  MediaWiki\SpecialPage\Hook\SpecialPageBeforeExecuteHook
 This is a hook handler interface, see docs/ More...
interface  MediaWiki\SpecialPage\Hook\SpecialPageBeforeFormDisplayHook
 This is a hook handler interface, see docs/ More...
interface  MediaWiki\User\Hook\SpecialPasswordResetOnSubmitHook
 This is a hook handler interface, see docs/ More...
interface  MediaWiki\Hook\SpecialPrefixIndexGetFormFiltersHook
 This is a hook handler interface, see docs/ More...
interface  MediaWiki\Hook\SpecialPrefixIndexQueryHook
 This is a hook handler interface, see docs/ More...
interface  MediaWiki\Hook\SpecialRandomGetRandomTitleHook
 This is a hook handler interface, see docs/ More...
interface  MediaWiki\Hook\SpecialRecentChangesPanelHook
 This is a hook handler interface, see docs/ More...
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 This is a hook handler interface, see docs/ More...
interface  MediaWiki\Hook\SpecialSearchCreateLinkHook
 This is a hook handler interface, see docs/ More...
interface  MediaWiki\Hook\SpecialSearchGoResultHook
 This is a hook handler interface, see docs/ More...
interface  MediaWiki\Hook\SpecialSearchNogomatchHook
 This is a hook handler interface, see docs/ More...
interface  MediaWiki\Search\Hook\SpecialSearchPowerBoxHook
 This is a hook handler interface, see docs/ More...
interface  MediaWiki\Search\Hook\SpecialSearchProfileFormHook
 This is a hook handler interface, see docs/ More...
interface  MediaWiki\Hook\SpecialSearchProfilesHook
 This is a hook handler interface, see docs/ More...
interface  MediaWiki\Hook\SpecialSearchResultsAppendHook
 This is a hook handler interface, see docs/ More...
interface  MediaWiki\Hook\SpecialSearchResultsHook
 This is a hook handler interface, see docs/ More...
interface  MediaWiki\Hook\SpecialSearchResultsPrependHook
 This is a hook handler interface, see docs/ More...
interface  MediaWiki\Hook\SpecialSearchSetupEngineHook
 This is a hook handler interface, see docs/ More...
interface  MediaWiki\Hook\SpecialStatsAddExtraHook
 This is a hook handler interface, see docs/ More...
interface  MediaWiki\Hook\SpecialTrackingCategories__generateCatLinkHook
 This is a hook handler interface, see docs/ More...
interface  MediaWiki\Hook\SpecialTrackingCategories__preprocessHook
 This is a hook handler interface, see docs/ More...
interface  MediaWiki\Hook\SpecialUploadCompleteHook
 This is a hook handler interface, see docs/ More...
interface  MediaWiki\Hook\SpecialVersionVersionUrlHook
 This is a hook handler interface, see docs/ More...
interface  MediaWiki\Hook\SpecialWatchlistGetNonRevisionTypesHook
 This is a hook handler interface, see docs/ More...
interface  MediaWiki\Hook\SpecialWhatLinksHereQueryHook
 This is a hook handler interface, see docs/ More...
interface  MediaWiki\Block\Hook\SpreadAnyEditBlockHook
 This is a hook handler interface, see docs/ More...
interface  MediaWiki\Hook\TempUserCreatedRedirectHook
 This is a hook handler interface, see docs/ More...
interface  MediaWiki\Hook\TestCanonicalRedirectHook
 This is a hook handler interface, see docs/ More...
interface  MediaWiki\Diff\Hook\TextSlotDiffRendererTablePrefixHook
 This is a hook handler interface, see docs/ More...
interface  MediaWiki\Hook\ThumbnailBeforeProduceHTMLHook
 This is a hook handler interface, see docs/ More...
interface  MediaWiki\Hook\TitleExistsHook
 This is a hook handler interface, see docs/ More...
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 This is a hook handler interface, see docs/ More...
interface  MediaWiki\Hook\TitleGetRestrictionTypesHook
 This is a hook handler interface, see docs/ More...
interface  MediaWiki\Hook\TitleIsAlwaysKnownHook
 This is a hook handler interface, see docs/ More...
interface  MediaWiki\Hook\TitleIsMovableHook
 This is a hook handler interface, see docs/ More...
interface  MediaWiki\Hook\TitleMoveHook
 This is a hook handler interface, see docs/ More...
interface  MediaWiki\Hook\TitleMoveStartingHook
 This is a hook handler interface, see docs/ More...
interface  MediaWiki\Permissions\Hook\TitleQuickPermissionsHook
 This is a hook handler interface, see docs/ More...
interface  MediaWiki\Permissions\Hook\TitleReadWhitelistHook
 This is a hook handler interface, see docs/ More...
interface  MediaWiki\Hook\TitleSquidURLsHook
 This is a hook handler interface, see docs/ More...
interface  MediaWiki\Hook\UnblockUserCompleteHook
 This is a hook handler interface, see docs/ More...
interface  MediaWiki\Hook\UnblockUserHook
 This is a hook handler interface, see docs/ More...
interface  MediaWiki\Hook\UndeleteForm__showHistoryHook
 This is a hook handler interface, see docs/ More...
interface  MediaWiki\Hook\UndeleteForm__showRevisionHook
 This is a hook handler interface, see docs/ More...
interface  MediaWiki\Hook\UndeletePageToolLinksHook
 This is a hook handler interface, see docs/ More...
interface  MediaWiki\Hook\UnitTestsAfterDatabaseSetupHook
 This is a hook handler interface, see docs/ More...
interface  MediaWiki\Hook\UnitTestsBeforeDatabaseTeardownHook
 This is a hook handler interface, see docs/ More...
interface  MediaWiki\Hook\UnitTestsListHook
 This is a hook handler interface, see docs/ More...
interface  MediaWiki\Hook\UnwatchArticleCompleteHook
 This is a hook handler interface, see docs/ More...
interface  MediaWiki\Hook\UnwatchArticleHook
 This is a hook handler interface, see docs/ More...
interface  MediaWiki\Hook\UpdateUserMailerFormattedPageStatusHook
 This is a hook handler interface, see docs/ More...
interface  MediaWiki\Hook\UploadCompleteHook
 This is a hook handler interface, see docs/ More...
interface  MediaWiki\Hook\UploadCreateFromRequestHook
 This is a hook handler interface, see docs/ More...
interface  MediaWiki\Hook\UploadForm_BeforeProcessingHook
 This is a hook handler interface, see docs/ More...
interface  MediaWiki\Hook\UploadForm_getInitialPageTextHook
 This is a hook handler interface, see docs/ More...
interface  MediaWiki\Hook\UploadForm_initialHook
 This is a hook handler interface, see docs/ More...
interface  MediaWiki\Hook\UploadFormInitDescriptorHook
 This is a hook handler interface, see docs/ More...
interface  MediaWiki\Hook\UploadFormSourceDescriptorsHook
 This is a hook handler interface, see docs/ More...
interface  MediaWiki\Hook\UploadStashFileHook
 This is a hook handler interface, see docs/ More...
interface  MediaWiki\Hook\UploadVerifyFileHook
 This is a hook handler interface, see docs/ More...
interface  MediaWiki\Hook\UploadVerifyUploadHook
 This is a hook handler interface, see docs/ More...
interface  MediaWiki\User\Hook\User__mailPasswordInternalHook
 This is a hook handler interface, see docs/ More...
interface  MediaWiki\User\Hook\UserAddGroupHook
 This is a hook handler interface, see docs/ More...
interface  MediaWiki\User\Hook\UserArrayFromResultHook
 This is a hook handler interface, see docs/ More...
interface  MediaWiki\Permissions\Hook\UserCanHook
 This is a hook handler interface, see docs/ More...
interface  MediaWiki\User\Hook\UserCanSendEmailHook
 This is a hook handler interface, see docs/ More...
interface  MediaWiki\User\Hook\UserClearNewTalkNotificationHook
 This is a hook handler interface, see docs/ More...
interface  MediaWiki\Hook\UserEditCountUpdateHook
 This is a hook handler interface, see docs/ More...
interface  MediaWiki\User\Hook\UserEffectiveGroupsHook
 This is a hook handler interface, see docs/ More...
interface  MediaWiki\Permissions\Hook\UserGetAllRightsHook
 This is a hook handler interface, see docs/ More...
interface  MediaWiki\User\Hook\UserGetDefaultOptionsHook
 This is a hook handler interface, see docs/ More...
interface  MediaWiki\User\Hook\UserGetEmailAuthenticationTimestampHook
 This is a hook handler interface, see docs/ More...
interface  MediaWiki\User\Hook\UserGetEmailHook
 This is a hook handler interface, see docs/ More...
interface  MediaWiki\Hook\UserGetLanguageObjectHook
 This is a hook handler interface, see docs/ More...
interface  MediaWiki\User\Hook\UserGetReservedNamesHook
 This is a hook handler interface, see docs/ More...
interface  MediaWiki\Permissions\Hook\UserGetRightsHook
 This is a hook handler interface, see docs/ More...
interface  MediaWiki\Permissions\Hook\UserGetRightsRemoveHook
 This is a hook handler interface, see docs/ More...
interface  MediaWiki\User\Hook\UserGroupsChangedHook
 This is a hook handler interface, see docs/ More...
interface  MediaWiki\Permissions\Hook\UserIsBlockedFromHook
 This is a hook handler interface, see docs/ More...
interface  MediaWiki\User\Hook\UserIsBlockedGloballyHook
 This is a hook handler interface, see docs/ More...
interface  MediaWiki\User\Hook\UserIsBotHook
 This is a hook handler interface, see docs/ More...
interface  MediaWiki\Permissions\Hook\UserIsEveryoneAllowedHook
 This is a hook handler interface, see docs/ More...
interface  MediaWiki\User\Hook\UserIsLockedHook
 This is a hook handler interface, see docs/ More...
interface  MediaWiki\User\Hook\UserLoadAfterLoadFromSessionHook
 This is a hook handler interface, see docs/ More...
interface  MediaWiki\User\Hook\UserLoadDefaultsHook
 This is a hook handler interface, see docs/ More...
interface  MediaWiki\Auth\Hook\UserLoggedInHook
 This is a hook handler interface, see docs/ More...
interface  MediaWiki\Hook\UserLoginCompleteHook
 This is a hook handler interface, see docs/ More...
interface  MediaWiki\Hook\UserLogoutCompleteHook
 This is a hook handler interface, see docs/ More...
interface  MediaWiki\User\Hook\UserLogoutHook
 This is a hook handler interface, see docs/ More...
interface  MediaWiki\Hook\UserMailerChangeReturnPathHook
 This is a hook handler interface, see docs/ More...
interface  MediaWiki\Hook\UserMailerSplitToHook
 This is a hook handler interface, see docs/ More...
interface  MediaWiki\Hook\UserMailerTransformContentHook
 This is a hook handler interface, see docs/ More...
interface  MediaWiki\Hook\UserMailerTransformMessageHook
 This is a hook handler interface, see docs/ More...
interface  MediaWiki\User\Hook\UserPrivilegedGroupsHook
 This is a hook handler interface, see docs/ More...
interface  MediaWiki\User\Hook\UserRemoveGroupHook
 This is a hook handler interface, see docs/ More...
interface  MediaWiki\User\Hook\UserSaveSettingsHook
 This is a hook handler interface, see docs/ More...
interface  MediaWiki\User\Hook\UserSendConfirmationMailHook
 This is a hook handler interface, see docs/ More...
interface  MediaWiki\User\Hook\UserSetEmailAuthenticationTimestampHook
 This is a hook handler interface, see docs/ More...
interface  MediaWiki\User\Hook\UserSetEmailHook
 This is a hook handler interface, see docs/ More...
interface  MediaWiki\Hook\UsersPagerDoBatchLookupsHook
 This is a hook handler interface, see docs/ More...
interface  MediaWiki\Hook\UserToolLinksEditHook
 This is a hook handler interface, see docs/ More...
interface  MediaWiki\Hook\ValidateExtendedMetadataCacheHook
 This is a hook handler interface, see docs/ More...
interface  MediaWiki\Hook\WantedPages__getQueryInfoHook
 This is a hook handler interface, see docs/ More...
interface  MediaWiki\Hook\WatchArticleCompleteHook
 This is a hook handler interface, see docs/ More...
interface  MediaWiki\Hook\WatchArticleHook
 This is a hook handler interface, see docs/ More...
interface  MediaWiki\Hook\WatchedItemQueryServiceExtensionsHook
 This is a hook handler interface, see docs/ More...
interface  MediaWiki\Hook\WatchlistEditorBeforeFormRenderHook
 This is a hook handler interface, see docs/ More...
interface  MediaWiki\Hook\WatchlistEditorBuildRemoveLineHook
 This is a hook handler interface, see docs/ More...
interface  MediaWiki\Hook\WebRequestPathInfoRouterHook
 This is a hook handler interface, see docs/ More...
interface  MediaWiki\Hook\WebResponseSetCookieHook
 This is a hook handler interface, see docs/ More...
interface  MediaWiki\Shell\Hook\WfShellWikiCmdHook
 This is a hook handler interface, see docs/ More...
interface  MediaWiki\SpecialPage\Hook\WgQueryPagesHook
 This is a hook handler interface, see docs/ More...
interface  MediaWiki\Hook\WhatLinksHerePropsHook
 This is a hook handler interface, see docs/ More...
interface  MediaWiki\Hook\WikiExporter__dumpStableQueryHook
 This is a hook handler interface, see docs/ More...
interface  MediaWiki\Page\Hook\WikiPageDeletionUpdatesHook
 This is a hook handler interface, see docs/ More...
interface  MediaWiki\Page\Hook\WikiPageFactoryHook
 This is a hook handler interface, see docs/ More...
interface  MediaWiki\Hook\XmlDumpWriterOpenPageHook
 This is a hook handler interface, see docs/ More...
interface  MediaWiki\Hook\XmlDumpWriterWriteRevisionHook
 This is a hook handler interface, see docs/ More...

Detailed Description

Hooks allow custom code to be executed when an event occurs; this module includes all hooks provided by MediaWiki Core; for more information, see