| __construct (Document $doc, string $lname, ?string $prefix=null) |
| Create a new HTMLTemplateElement.
DocumentFragment | getContent () |
| _htmlSerialize (array &$result, array $options) |
| Convert the children of a node to an HTML string.This is effectively 'innerHTML' for nodes in HTML documents. This is overridden in specific children, in particular HTMLTemplateElement.- See also
- https://html.spec.whatwg.org/#html-fragment-serialisation-algorithm
- Parameters
string[] | &$result | The result is accumulated here |
array | $options | Format options passed to WhatWG::htmlSerialize |
static callable(Element,?string,?string)(string $localName) void | __construct (Document $nodeDocument, string $lname, ?string $ns, ?string $prefix=null) |
| Fetch the appropriate attribute change handler for a change to the attribute named $localName .
int | getNodeType () |
| Return the node type enumeration for this node.- See also
- https://dom.spec.whatwg.org/#dom-node-nodetype
- Returns
- int
string | getNodeName () |
| Return the nodeName for this node.- See also
- https://dom.spec.whatwg.org/#dom-node-nodename
- Returns
- string
NamedNodeMap | getAttributes () |
string | getPrefix () |
string | getLocalName () |
string | getNamespaceURI () |
string | getTagName () |
string | getInnerHTML () |
string | getOuterHTML () |
| setIdAttribute (string $qualifiedName, bool $isId) |
| _xmlSerialize (?string $namespace, NamespacePrefixMap $prefixMap, int &$prefixIndex, array $options, array &$markup) |
| XML serialize the given node.This is overridden in subclasses. Note that this is effectively "outerHTML", due to a spec inconsistency: https://github.com/w3c/DOM-Parsing/issues/28 .- See also
- https://w3c.github.io/DOM-Parsing/#dfn-xml-serialization
- Parameters
?string | $namespace | |
NamespacePrefixMap | $prefixMap | |
int | &$prefixIndex | |
array | $options | |
string[] | &$markup | accumulator for the result |
string | getAttribute (string $qname) |
| Fetch the value of an attribute with the given qualified name.
| setAttribute (string $qname, string $value) |
| Set the value of first attribute with a particular qualifiedName.
| _setAttribute (string $qname, string $value) |
| Internal version of ::setAttribute() which bypasses checks and lowercasing; used by Remex when tree building.
| removeAttribute (string $qname) |
| Remove the first attribute given a particular qualifiedName.
bool | hasAttribute (string $qname) |
| Test Element for attribute with the given qualified name.
bool | toggleAttribute (string $qname, ?bool $force=null) |
| Toggle the first attribute with the given qualified name.
string | getAttributeNS (?string $ns, string $lname) |
| Fetch value of attribute with the given namespace and localName.
| setAttributeNS (?string $ns, string $qname, string $value) |
| Set value of attribute with a particular namespace and localName.
| _setAttributeNS (?string $ns, ?string $prefix, string $lname, string $value) |
| Internal version of ::setAttributeNS which bypasses checks and prefix parsing; used by Remex when tree building.
| removeAttributeNS (?string $ns, string $lname) |
| Remove attribute given a particular namespace and localName.
bool | hasAttributeNS (?string $ns, string $lname) |
| Test Element for attribute with the given namespace and localName.
Attr | getAttributeNode (string $qname) |
| Fetch the Attr node with the given qualifiedName.
Attr | setAttributeNode ( $attr) |
| Add an Attr node to an Element node.
Attr | removeAttributeNode ( $attr) |
| Remove the given attribute node from this Element.
Attr | getAttributeNodeNS (?string $ns, string $lname) |
| Fetch the Attr node with the given namespace and localName.
Attr | setAttributeNodeNS ( $attr) |
| Add a namespace-aware Attr node to an Element node.
bool | hasAttributes () |
| Test whether this Element has any attributes.
array | getAttributeNames () |
| Fetch the qualified names of all attributes on this Element.
mixed null | getClassList () |
bool | matches (string $selectors) |
bool | webkitMatchesSelector (string $selectors) |
Element | closest (string $selectors) |
bool | _isHTMLElement () |
| Calls isHTMLDocument() on ownerDocument.
Element | _nextElement (?Element $root) |
| Return the next element, in source order, after this one or null if there are no more.
HTMLCollection | getElementsByTagName (string $lname) |
HTMLCollection | getElementsByClassName (string $names) |
array< Element > | _getElementsById (string $id) |
| This is a non-standard Dodo extension that interfaces with the Zest CSS selector library to allow quick lookup by ID even if there are multiple nodes in the document with the same ID.
static callable(Element)(string $lname) static callable(Element)(string $lname) HTMLCollection | getElementsByTagNameNS (?string $ns, string $lname) |
| __construct (Document $nodeDocument) |
bool | hasChildNodes () |
| Return true iff there are children of this node.
int | _length () |
| - See also
- https://dom.spec.whatwg.org/#concept-node-length
- Returns
- int The length of this node.
bool | _empty () |
| - See also
- https://dom.spec.whatwg.org/#concept-node-empty
- Returns
- bool Whether this node is considered empty.
NodeList | getChildNodes () |
| Keeping child nodes as an array makes insertion/removal of nodes quite expensive.
Node | getFirstChild () |
| Be careful to use this method in most cases rather than directly accessing _firstChildOrChildren .
Node | getLastChild () |
| This should be overridden in ContainerNode and Leaf.
string | getTextContent () |
| Generic implementation of ::getTextContent to be used by Element and DocumentFragment (but not Document!).
| setTextContent (?string $value) |
| Generic implementation of ::setTextContent to be used by Element and DocumentFragment (but not Document!).
string | getNodeValue () |
| Return the value for this node.
| setNodeValue (?string $val) |
Document | getOwnerDocument () |
| The ownerDocument getter steps are to return null, if this is a document; otherwise this’s node document.
Node | getParentNode () |
| Nodes might not have a parentNode.
Element | getParentElement () |
| This value is the same as parentNode, except it puts an extra condition, that the parentNode must be an Element.
Wikimedia IDLeDOM Node | getRootNode ($options=null) |
| Return this' shadow-including root if options['composed'] is true; otherwise return this' root.
Node | getPreviousSibling () |
Node | getNextSibling () |
| _roothook () |
| <script> elements need to know when they're inserted into the document.
Node | insertBefore ($node, $refNode=null) |
| Insert $node as a child of $this, and insert it before $refChild in the document order.
| appendChild ( $node) |
Node | _unsafeAppendChild (Node $node) |
| Does not check for insertion validity.
Node | replaceChild ( $new, $old) |
Node | removeChild ( $node) |
| normalize () |
| Puts $this and the entire subtree rooted at $this into "normalized" form.
int | compareDocumentPosition ( $that) |
bool | contains ( $node) |
bool | isSameNode ( $node) |
bool | isEqualNode ( $node) |
| Determine whether this node and $other are equal.
Node | cloneNode (bool $deep=false) |
| Clone this Node.
string | lookupPrefix (?string $ns) |
| Return DOMString containing prefix for given namespace URI.
string | lookupNamespaceURI (?string $prefix) |
| Return DOMString containing namespace URI for a given prefix.
bool | isDefaultNamespace (?string $ns) |
| Determine whether this is the default namespace.
string | getNodePath () |
| Get an XPath for a node.
| _resetNodeDocument (Document $doc) |
| Set the ownerDocument reference on a subtree rooted at $this.
bool | getIsConnected () |
| Determine whether this Node is rooted (belongs to the tree rooted at the node document).
int | _getSiblingIndex () |
| The index of this Node in its parent's childNodes list.
int | _lastModTime () |
| Return the lastModTime value for this node.
| _modify () |
| Increment the owner document's modclock [and use the new value to update the lastModTime value for this node and all of its ancestors.
mixed | getExtensionData (string $key, $defaultValue=null) |
| Get "extension data" associate with this node, using the given $key.
| setExtensionData (string $key, $value) |
| Set "extension data" associate with this node, using the given $key.
void | addEventListener (string $type, $callback, $options=null) |
void | removeEventListener (string $type, $callback, $options=null) |
bool | dispatchEvent ( $event) |
string | getBaseURI () |
string | getId () |
| setId (string $val) |
string | getClassName () |
| setClassName (string $val) |
| setClassList (string $val) |
string | getSlot () |
| setSlot (string $val) |
ShadowRoot | attachShadow ( $init) |
ShadowRoot null | getShadowRoot () |
Wikimedia IDLeDOM Element null | insertAdjacentElement (string $where, $element) |
void | insertAdjacentText (string $where, string $data) |
| setOuterHTML (?string $val) |
void | insertAdjacentHTML (string $position, string $text) |
void | setIdAttributeNode ( $attr, bool $isId) |
void | setIdAttributeNS (string $namespace, string $qualifiedName, bool $isId) |
void | before (... $nodes) |
void | after (... $nodes) |
void | replaceWith (... $nodes) |
void | remove () |
| setInnerHTML (?string $val) |
Element null | getPreviousElementSibling () |
Element null | getNextElementSibling () |
HTMLCollection | getChildren () |
Element null | getFirstElementChild () |
Element null | getLastElementChild () |
int | getChildElementCount () |
void | prepend (... $nodes) |
void | append (... $nodes) |
void | replaceChildren (... $nodes) |
Element null | querySelector (string $selectors) |
NodeList | querySelectorAll (string $selectors) |
HTMLSlotElement null | getAssignedSlot () |
string | getTitle () |
| setTitle (string $val) |
string | getLang () |
| setLang (string $val) |
bool | getTranslate () |
| setTranslate (bool $val) |
string | getDir () |
| setDir (string $val) |
bool | getHidden () |
| setHidden (bool $val) |
void | click () |
string | getAccessKey () |
| setAccessKey (string $val) |
string | getAccessKeyLabel () |
bool | getDraggable () |
| setDraggable (bool $val) |
bool | getSpellcheck () |
| setSpellcheck (bool $val) |
string | getAutocapitalize () |
| setAutocapitalize (string $val) |
string | getInnerText () |
| setInnerText (?string $val) |
Element null | getOffsetParent () |
int | getOffsetTop () |
int | getOffsetLeft () |
int | getOffsetWidth () |
int | getOffsetHeight () |
CSSStyleDeclaration | getStyle () |
| setStyle (string $val) |
string | getContentEditable () |
| setContentEditable (string $val) |
string | getEnterKeyHint () |
| setEnterKeyHint (string $val) |
bool | getIsContentEditable () |
string | getInputMode () |
| setInputMode (string $val) |
Public Member Functions inherited from Wikimedia::IDLeDOM::GlobalEventHandlers |
EventHandlerNonNull callable null | getOnload () |
| setOnload ( $val) |
DOMStringMap | getDataset () |
string | getNonce () |
| setNonce (string $val) |
int | getTabIndex () |
| setTabIndex (int $val) |
void | blur () |