| __construct ( $env, ?array $currentFileInfo=null) |
| rgb ( $r=null, $g=null, $b=null) |
| rgba ( $r=null, $g=null, $b=null, $a=null) |
| hsl ( $h, $s, $l) |
| hsla ( $h, $s, $l, $a) |
| hsla_hue ( $h, $m1, $m2) |
| hsv ( $h, $s, $v) |
| hsva ( $h, $s, $v, $a) |
| hue ( $color=null) |
| saturation ( $color=null) |
| lightness ( $color=null) |
| hsvhue ( $color=null) |
| hsvsaturation ( $color=null) |
| hsvvalue ( $color=null) |
| red ( $color=null) |
| green ( $color=null) |
| blue ( $color=null) |
| alpha ( $color=null) |
| luma ( $color=null) |
| luminance ( $color=null) |
| saturate ( $color=null, $amount=null, $method=null) |
| desaturate ( $color=null, $amount=null, $method=null) |
| lighten ( $color=null, $amount=null, $method=null) |
| darken ( $color=null, $amount=null, $method=null) |
| fadein ( $color=null, $amount=null, $method=null) |
| fadeout ( $color=null, $amount=null, $method=null) |
| fade ( $color=null, $amount=null) |
| spin ( $color=null, $amount=null) |
| mix ( $color1=null, $color2=null, $weight=null) |
| greyscale ( $color) |
| contrast ( $color, $dark=null, $light=null, $threshold=null) |
| e ( $str) |
| escape ( $str) |
| replace ( $string, $pattern, $replacement, $flags=null) |
| todo: This function will need some additional work to make it work the same as less.js
| _percent ( $string,... $args) |
| unit ( $val, $unit=null) |
| convert ( $val, $unit) |
| round ( $n, $f=false) |
| pi () |
| mod ( $a, $b) |
| pow ( $x, $y) |
| ceil ( $n) |
| floor ( $n) |
| sqrt ( $n) |
| abs ( $n) |
| tan ( $n) |
| sin ( $n) |
| cos ( $n) |
| atan ( $n) |
| asin ( $n) |
| acos ( $n) |
| min (... $args) |
| max (... $args) |
| getunit ( $n) |
| argb ( $color) |
| percentage ( $n) |
| color ( $c) |
| isruleset ( $n) |
| iscolor ( $n) |
| isnumber ( $n) |
| isstring ( $n) |
| iskeyword ( $n) |
| isurl ( $n) |
| ispixel ( $n) |
| ispercentage ( $n) |
| isem ( $n) |
| isunit ( $n, $unit) |
| tint ( $color, $amount=null) |
| shade ( $color, $amount=null) |
| _self ( $args) |
| extract ( $values, $index) |
| length ( $values) |
| datauri ( $mimetypeNode, $filePathNode=null) |
| svggradient ( $direction,... $stops) |
| imagesize ( $filePathNode=null) |
| imagewidth ( $filePathNode=null) |
| imageheight ( $filePathNode=null) |
| colorBlend ( $mode, $color1, $color2) |
| multiply ( $color1=null, $color2=null) |
| screen ( $color1=null, $color2=null) |
| overlay ( $color1=null, $color2=null) |
| softlight ( $color1=null, $color2=null) |
| hardlight ( $color1=null, $color2=null) |
| difference ( $color1=null, $color2=null) |
| exclusion ( $color1=null, $color2=null) |
| average ( $color1=null, $color2=null) |
| negation ( $color1=null, $color2=null) |