Python Module Index b | c | d | e | f | g | i | l | m | p | s | t | u | v | w | x b backports This module contains backports to support older Python versions bot User-interface related functions for building bots bot_choice Options and Choices for :func:`pywikibot.input_choice` c comms Communication layer comms.eventstreams Server-Sent Events client comms.http Basic HTTP access interface config Module to define and load pywikibot configuration default and user preferences cosmetic_changes This module can do slight modifications to tidy a wiki page's source code d daemonize Module to daemonize the current process on Unix. data Data Exchange data.api Module providing several layers of data access to the wiki data.memento Fix ups for memento-client package version 0.6.1 data.mysql Miscellaneous helper functions for mysql queries data.sparql SPARQL Query interface data.wikistats Objects representing WikiStats API date Date data and manipulation module diff Diff module e echo Classes and functions for working with the Echo extension editor Text editor class for your favourite editor exceptions Pywikibot exceptions and warning classes f families Families package families.commons_family Family module for Wikimedia Commons families.foundation_family Family module for Foundation Wiki families.i18n_family Family module for Translate Wiki families.incubator_family Family module for Incubator Wiki families.lingualibre_family Family module for Lingua Libre families.mediawiki_family Family module for MediaWiki Wiki families.meta_family Family module for Meta Wiki families.osm_family Family module for OpenStreetMap Wiki families.outreach_family Family module for Wikimedia Outreach Wiki families.species_family Family module for Wikimedia Species Wiki families.vikidia_family Family module for Vikidia Wiki families.wikibooks_family Family module for Wikibooks families.wikidata_family Family module for Wikidata families.wikihow_family Family module for Wikihow Wiki families.wikimania_family Family module for Wikimania Wikis families.wikimediachapter_family Family module for Wikimedia chapter, thematic organisation and WUG wikis families.wikinews_family Family module for Wikinews families.wikipedia_family Family module for Wikipedia families.wikiquote_family Family module for Wikiquote families.wikisource_family Family module for Wikisource families.wikispore_family Family module for Wikispore families.wikitech_family Family module for Wikitech families.wikiversity_family Family module for Wikiversity families.wikivoyage_family Family module for Wikivoyage families.wiktionary_family Family module for Wiktionary families.wowwiki_family Family module for Fandom WOW Wiki family Objects representing MediaWiki families fixes File containing all standard fixes flow Objects representing Flow entities, like boards, topics, and posts g pywikibot.scripts.generate_family_file This script generates a family file from a given URL pywikibot.scripts.generate_user_files Script to create i i18n Various i18n functions interwiki_graph Module with the Graphviz drawing calls l logentries Objects representing Mediawiki log entries logging User output/logging functions login Library to log the bot in to a wiki account pywikibot.scripts.login Script to log the bot in to a wiki account m make_dist p page Interface of various types of MediaWiki pages page._decorators Decorators for Page objects page._revision Object representing page revision page._toolforge Object representing interface to toolforge tools pagegenerators This module offers a wide variety of page generators pagegenerators._factory GeneratorFactory module wich handles pagegenerators options pagegenerators._filters Page filter generators provided by the pagegenerators module pagegenerators._generators Page filter generators provided by the pagegenerators module plural Module containing plural rules of various languages proofreadpage Objects used with ProofreadPage Extension pwb pywikibot pywikibot.logging Structures holding data for Wikibase entities pywikibot.scripts Folder which holds framework scripts pywikibot.scripts.preload_sites Script that preloads site and user info for all sites of given family pywikibot Objects representing API interface to MediaWiki site extenstions Objects representing API generators to MediaWiki site pywikibot.time s Spawns an interactive Python shell and imports the pywikibot library scripts scripts.add_text scripts.archivebot scripts.basic scripts.blockpageschecker scripts.category scripts.category_redirect scripts.change_pagelang scripts.checkimages scripts.claimit scripts.clean_sandbox scripts.commons_information scripts.commonscat scripts.coordinate_import scripts.cosmetic_changes scripts.create_isbn_edition scripts.data_ingestion scripts.dataextend scripts.delete scripts.delinker scripts.djvutext scripts.download_dump scripts.fixing_redirects scripts.harvest_template scripts.i18n scripts.illustrate_wikidata scripts.image scripts.imagetransfer scripts.interwiki scripts.interwikidata scripts.listpages scripts.maintenance scripts.maintenance.cache scripts.maintenance.colors scripts.maintenance.make_i18n_dict scripts.maintenance.sorting_order scripts.maintenance.wikimedia_sites scripts.misspelling scripts.movepages scripts.newitem scripts.noreferences scripts.nowcommons scripts.pagefromfile scripts.parser_function_count scripts.patrol scripts.protect scripts.redirect scripts.reflinks scripts.replace scripts.replicate_wiki scripts.revertbot scripts.solve_disambiguation scripts.speedy_delete scripts.template scripts.templatecount scripts.touch scripts.transferbot scripts.unusedfiles scripts.upload scripts.userscripts scripts.watchlist scripts.weblinkchecker scripts.welcome setup site Library module representing MediaWiki sites (wikis) site._apisite Objects representing API interface to MediaWiki site site._basesite Objects with site methods independent of the communication interface site._datasite Objects representing API interface to Wikibase site site._namespace Objects representing Namespaces of MediaWiki site site._obsoletesites Objects representing obsolete MediaWiki sites site._siteinfo Objects representing site info data contents site._tokenwallet Objects representing api tokens site._upload Objects representing API upload to MediaWiki site site_detect Classes for detecting a MediaWiki site specialbots Module containing special bots reusable by scripts t tests tests.add_text_tests tests.api_tests tests.archivebot_tests tests.aspects tests.basepage tests.bot_tests tests.cache_tests tests.category_bot_tests tests.category_tests tests.checkimages_tests tests.conftest tests.cosmetic_changes_tests tests.data_ingestion_tests tests.date_tests tests.deletionbot_tests tests.diff_tests tests.djvu_tests tests.dry_api_tests tests.dry_site_tests tests.edit_failure_tests tests.edit_tests tests.eventstreams_tests tests.family_tests tests.file_tests tests.fixes_tests tests.fixing_redirects_tests tests.flow_edit_tests tests.flow_tests tests.flow_thanks_tests tests.generate_family_file_tests tests.generate_user_files_tests tests.gui_tests tests.harvest_template_tests tests.http_tests tests.i18n tests.i18n_tests tests.interwiki_graph_tests tests.interwiki_link_tests tests.interwikidata_tests tests.l10n_tests tests.link_tests tests.logentries_tests tests.login_tests tests.make_dist_tests tests.mediawikiversion_tests tests.memento_tests tests.namespace_tests tests.noreferences_tests tests.oauth_tests tests.page_tests tests.pagegenerators_tests tests.paraminfo_tests tests.patrolbot_tests tests.plural_tests tests.proofreadpage_tests tests.protectbot_tests tests.pwb tests.pwb.print_env tests.pwb.print_locals tests.pwb.print_unicode tests.pwb_tests tests.redirect_bot_tests tests.reflinks_tests tests.replacebot_tests tests.script_tests tests.site_decorators_tests tests.site_detect_tests tests.site_generators_tests tests.site_tests tests.sparql_tests tests.template_bot_tests tests.tests_tests tests.textlib_tests tests.thanks_tests tests.time_tests tests.timestripper_tests tests.tools_chars_tests tests.tools_deprecate_tests tests.tools_formatter_tests tests.tools_tests tests.tools_threading_tests tests.ui_options_tests tests.ui_tests tests.upload_tests tests.uploadbot_tests tests.user_tests tests.utils tests.wikibase_edit_tests tests.wikibase_tests tests.wikistats_tests tests.xmlreader_tests textlib Functions for manipulating wiki-text throttle Mechanics to slow down wiki read and/or write rate titletranslate Title translate module tools Miscellaneous helper functions (not wiki-dependent) tools._deprecate Module providing deprecation decorators tools._logging Logging tools tools.chars Character based helper functions (not wiki-dependent) tools.collections Collections datatypes tools.djvu Wrapper around djvulibre to access djvu files properties and content tools.formatter Module containing various formatting related utilities tools.itertools Iterator functions tools.threading Threading classes u userinterfaces User interfaces module userinterfaces._interface_base Abstract base user interface module userinterfaces.buffer_interface Non-interactive interface that stores output userinterfaces.terminal_interface Platform independent terminal interface module userinterfaces.terminal_interface_base Base for terminal user interfaces userinterfaces.terminal_interface_unix User interface for Unix terminals userinterfaces.terminal_interface_win32 User interface for Win32 terminals userinterfaces.transliteration Module to transliterate text v pywikibot.scripts.version Script to determine the Pywikibot version (tag, revision and date) version Module to determine the pywikibot version (tag, revision and date) w pywikibot.scripts.wrapper Wrapper script to invoke pywikibot-based scripts x xmlreader XML reading module