tests.pwb_tests module#

Test pwb.py.

If pwb.py does not load python files as expected, more tests from coverage should be added locally. https://bitbucket.org/ned/coveragepy/src/default/tests/test_execfile.py

class tests.pwb_tests.TestPwb(*args, **kwargs)[source]#

Bases: DisableSiteMixin, PwbTestCase

Test pwb.py functionality.

This is registered as a Site test because it will not run without a user config file.

abstract_class = False#
pwb = True#

Test argv of pywikibot.

Make sure that argv passed to the script is not contaminated by global options given to pwb.py wrapper.


Test external environment of pywikibot.

Make sure the environment is not contaminated, and is the same as the environment we get when directly running a script.


Test internal environment of pywikibot.

Make sure the environment is not contaminated, and is the same as the environment we get when directly running a script.


Test shell.py script call which gives one similar result.


Test pwb.py script call which is found.


Test pwbot.py script call which is not found.


Test script call which gives multiple similar results.


Test printing unicode in pywikibot.