Source code for spicerack.alertmanager

"""Alertmanager module."""

import logging
import re
from import Iterator, Mapping, Sequence
from contextlib import contextmanager
from datetime import datetime, timedelta, timezone
from typing import Optional, Union

from cumin import NodeSet, nodeset_fromlist
from requests import Response
from requests.auth import AuthBase
from requests.exceptions import RequestException
from wmflib.requests import DEFAULT_RETRY_STATUS_CODES, http_session

from spicerack.administrative import Reason
from spicerack.exceptions import SpicerackError
from spicerack.typing import TypeHosts

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
MatchersType = Sequence[dict[str, Union[str, int, float, bool]]]
PORT_REGEX: str = r"(\..+)?(:[0-9]+)?"
"""The regular expression used to match FQDNs and port numbers in the instance labels."""

[docs] class Alertmanager: """Operate on Alertmanager via its APIs.""" def __init__( self, *, alertmanager_urls: Sequence[str], http_authentication: Optional[AuthBase] = None, http_proxies: Optional[dict[str, str]] = None, dry_run: bool = True, ) -> None: """Initialize the instance. When using Alertmanager in high availability (cluster) make sure to pass all hosts in your cluster as `alertmanager_urls`. Arguments: alertmanager_urls: list of Alertmanager instances to connect to. http_authentication: Requests authentication configuration to use to connect to the Alertmanager instances. http_proxies: HTTP proxies in requests format to use to connect to the Alertmanager instances. dry_run: whether this is a DRY-RUN. Raises: spicerack.alertmanager.AlertmanagerError: if `alertmanager_urls` is empty. """ if not alertmanager_urls: raise AlertmanagerError("At least one alertmanager URL is required.") # Alertmanager API returns HTTP 500 (Internal Server Error) on some requests with a valid JSON response # For example when trying to delete a silence that doesn't exist or has already been deleted or is expired # Do not retry on 500 and accept it's first response. self._http_session = http_session( ".".join((self.__module__, self.__class__.__name__)), timeout=2, retry_codes=tuple(i for i in DEFAULT_RETRY_STATUS_CODES if i != 500), ) self._alertmanager_urls = alertmanager_urls self._dry_run = dry_run self._http_authentication = http_authentication if http_authentication: self._http_session.auth = http_authentication self._http_proxies = http_proxies if http_proxies: self._http_session.proxies = http_proxies def _api_request(self, method: str, path: str, json: Optional[Mapping] = None) -> Response: """Perform an Alertmanager API request on multiple endpoints and return the requests response object. The request is performed on all configured alertmanager endpoints and returns at the first successful response. Arguments: method: the HTTP method to use for the request. path: the final API path to call, the base path is prefixed automatically. json: if present, the JSON payload to send in the request. Raises: spicerack.alertmanager.AlertmanagerError: if unable to perform the request on any alertmanager endpoint. """ response = None for am_url in self._alertmanager_urls: url = f"{am_url}/api/v2/{path}" if self._dry_run and method.lower() not in ("head", "get"): logger.debug("Would have called %s %s", method.upper(), url) response = Response() response.status_code = 200 return response try: response = self._http_session.request(method, url, json=json) response.raise_for_status() return response except RequestException as e: logger.error("Failed to %s to %s: %s", method.upper(), url, e) raise AlertmanagerError(f"Unable to {method.upper()} to any Alertmanager: {self._alertmanager_urls}", response)
[docs] @contextmanager def downtimed( self, reason: Reason, *, matchers: MatchersType, duration: timedelta = timedelta(hours=4), remove_on_error: bool = False, ) -> Iterator[None]: """Context manager to perform actions while the matching alerts are downtimed on Alertmanager. Arguments: reason: the reason to set for the downtime on Alertmanager. matchers: the list of matchers to be applied to the downtime. The downtime will match alerts that match **all** the matchers provided, as they are ANDed by AlertManager. duration: the length of the downtime period. remove_on_error: should the downtime be removed even if an exception was raised. Yields: None: it just yields control to the caller once Alertmanager has received the downtime and deletes the downtime once getting back the control. """ downtime_id = self.downtime(reason, matchers=matchers, duration=duration) try: # pylint: disable=no-else-raise yield except BaseException: if remove_on_error: self.remove_downtime(downtime_id) raise else: self.remove_downtime(downtime_id)
[docs] def downtime(self, reason: Reason, *, matchers: MatchersType, duration: timedelta = timedelta(hours=4)) -> str: """Issue a new downtime. Arguments: reason: the downtime reason. matchers: the list of matchers to be applied to the downtime. The downtime will match alerts that match **all** the matchers provided, as they are ANDed by AlertManager. duration: the length of the downtime period. Returns: The downtime ID. Raises: spicerack.alertmanager.AlertmanagerError: if none of the `alertmanager_urls` API returned a success or the parameters are invalid. """ if not matchers: raise AlertmanagerError("No matchers provided.") # Swagger API format for startsAt/endsAt is 'date-time' which includes a timezone. # Using astimezone() assumes that the given datetime is in local time, thus use # now() and not utcnow() as that will get converted to UTC anyways. start = end = start + duration payload = { "matchers": list(matchers), "startsAt": start.isoformat(), "endsAt": end.isoformat(), "comment": str(reason), "createdBy": reason.owner, } response = self._api_request("post", "silences", json=payload) if self._dry_run: # Bail out earlier as the next statement would fail return "" silence = response.json()["silenceID"]"Created silence ID %s", silence) return silence
[docs] def remove_downtime(self, downtime_id: str) -> None: """Remove a downtime. Arguments: downtime_id: the downtime ID to remove. Raises: spicerack.alertmanager.AlertmanagerError: if none of the `alertmanager_urls` API returned a success. """ try: self._api_request("delete", f"silence/{downtime_id}")"Deleted silence ID %s", downtime_id) except AlertmanagerError as e: if ( e.response is not None and e.response.status_code == 500 and "silence" in e.response.json() and "already expired" in e.response.json() ): logger.warning("Silence ID %s has been already deleted or is expired", downtime_id) else: raise
[docs] def hosts( self, target_hosts: TypeHosts, *, verbatim_hosts: bool = False, ) -> "AlertmanagerHosts": """Returns an AlertmanagerHosts instance for the specified hosts. Arguments: target_hosts: the target hosts either as a NodeSet instance or a sequence of strings. verbatim_hosts: if :py:data:`True` use the hosts passed verbatim as is, if instead :py:data:`False`, the default, consider the given target hosts as FQDNs and extract their hostnames to be used in Alertmanager. Raises: spicerack.alertmanager.AlertmanagerError: if no target hosts are provided. """ return AlertmanagerHosts( target_hosts=target_hosts, verbatim_hosts=verbatim_hosts, alertmanager_urls=self._alertmanager_urls, http_authentication=self._http_authentication, http_proxies=self._http_proxies, dry_run=self._dry_run, )
[docs] class AlertmanagerHosts(Alertmanager): """Operate on Alertmanager for a list of hosts via its APIs.""" def __init__( self, target_hosts: TypeHosts, *, verbatim_hosts: bool = False, alertmanager_urls: Sequence[str], http_authentication: Optional[AuthBase] = None, http_proxies: Optional[dict[str, str]] = None, dry_run: bool = True, ) -> None: """Initialize the instance. Arguments: target_hosts: the target hosts either as a NodeSet instance or a sequence of strings. verbatim_hosts: if :py:data:`True` use the hosts passed verbatim as is, if instead :py:data:`False`, the default, consider the given target hosts as FQDNs and extract their hostnames to be used in Alertmanager. alertmanager_urls: list of Alertmanager instances to connect to. http_authentication: Requests authentication configuration to use to connect to the Alertmanager instances. http_proxies: HTTP proxies in requests format to use to connect to the Alertmanager instances. dry_run: whether this is a DRY-RUN. Raises: spicerack.alertmanager.AlertmanagerError: if no target hosts are provided. """ super().__init__( alertmanager_urls=alertmanager_urls, http_authentication=http_authentication, http_proxies=http_proxies, dry_run=dry_run, ) if not verbatim_hosts: target_hosts = [target_host.split(".")[0] for target_host in target_hosts] if isinstance(target_hosts, NodeSet): self._target_hosts = target_hosts else: self._target_hosts = nodeset_fromlist(target_hosts) if not self._target_hosts: raise AlertmanagerError("Got empty target hosts list.") self._verbatim_hosts = verbatim_hosts
[docs] @contextmanager def downtimed( self, reason: Reason, *, matchers: MatchersType = (), duration: timedelta = timedelta(hours=4), remove_on_error: bool = False, ) -> Iterator[None]: """Context manager to perform actions while the hosts are downtimed on Alertmanager. Arguments: reason: the reason to set for the downtime on Alertmanager. matchers: an optional list of matchers to be applied to the downtime. They will be added to the matcher automatically generated to match the current instance ``target_hosts`` hosts. For this reason the provided matchers cannot be for the ``instance`` property. The downtime will match alerts that match **all** the matchers provided, as they are ANDed by AlertManager. duration: the length of the downtime period. remove_on_error: should the downtime be removed even if an exception was raised. Yields: None: it just yields control to the caller once Alertmanager has received the downtime and deletes the downtime once getting back the control. """ # Keep this kinda duplicated method from the parent class for a few reasons: # * It needs a different default value for the matchers argument. # * It needs a different docstring for documenting the different behaviour of the matchers argument. # * Calling super() within a contextmanager is not that trivial and will de-facto require more code. downtime_id = self.downtime(reason, matchers=matchers, duration=duration) try: # pylint: disable=no-else-raise yield except BaseException: if remove_on_error: self.remove_downtime(downtime_id) raise else: self.remove_downtime(downtime_id)
[docs] def downtime(self, reason: Reason, *, matchers: MatchersType = (), duration: timedelta = timedelta(hours=4)) -> str: """Issue a new downtime for the given hosts. Arguments: reason: the downtime reason. matchers: an optional list of matchers to be applied to the downtime. They will be added to the matcher automatically generated to match the current instance ``target_hosts`` hosts. For this reason the provided matchers cannot be for the ``instance`` property. The downtime will match alerts that match **all** the matchers provided, as they are ANDed by AlertManager. duration: the length of the downtime period. Returns: str: the downtime ID. Raises: spicerack.alertmanager.AlertmanagerError: if none of the `alertmanager_urls` API returned a success or the parameters are invalid. """ if any(item.get("name") == "instance" for item in matchers): raise AlertmanagerError("Matchers cannot target the instance property.") # If none of the hosts has the port embedded, put the port regex only once at the end group_port = all(":" not in host for host in self._target_hosts) group_port_regex = PORT_REGEX if group_port else "" target_hosts = [] for host in sorted(self._target_hosts): if group_port or ":" in host: target_hosts.append(re.escape(host)) else: target_hosts.append(rf"{re.escape(host)}{PORT_REGEX}") target_regex = "|".join(target_hosts) target_matchers = list(matchers) target_matchers.append({"name": "instance", "value": rf"^({target_regex}){group_port_regex}$", "isRegex": True}) return super().downtime(reason, matchers=target_matchers, duration=duration)
[docs] class AlertmanagerError(SpicerackError): """Custom exception class for errors of this module.""" def __init__(self, message: str, response: Optional[Response] = None) -> None: """Initializes an AlertmanagerError instance with the API response instance. Arguments: message: the actual exception message. response: the requests response object, if present. """ super().__init__(message) self.response = response