Source code for spicerack.confctl

"""Confctl module to abstract Conftool."""

import logging
import re
from import Iterable, Iterator
from contextlib import contextmanager
from typing import Union

from conftool import kvobject
from conftool.cli import ConftoolClient
from conftool.drivers import BackendError

from spicerack.exceptions import SpicerackError

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs] class ConfctlError(SpicerackError): """Custom exception class for errors of this module."""
[docs] class Confctl: """Confctl class to abstract conftool operations.""" def __init__( self, config: str = "/etc/conftool/config.yaml", schema: str = "/etc/conftool/schema.yaml", dry_run: bool = True, ) -> None: """Initialize the instance. Arguments: config: the path to the configuration file to load. schema: the path to the Conftool schema to load. dry_run: whether this is a DRY-RUN. """ self._dry_run = dry_run # If DRY-RUN is enabled, we will not write to etcd. This is useful when we want to use more complex # functionalities of Conftool, like the dbconfig extension, without affecting the production data. # While this should work in simple cases, it won't work in more complex cases, like when we need to read # the value of a key that was just written. self._client = ConftoolClient(configfile=config, schemafile=schema, irc_logging=False, read_only=dry_run)
[docs] def entity(self, entity_name: str) -> "ConftoolEntity": """Get the Conftool specific entity class. Arguments: entity_name: the name of the entity.. """ return ConftoolEntity(self._client.get(entity_name), dry_run=self._dry_run)
[docs] class ConftoolEntity: """ConftoolEntity class to perform operations on a specific Conftool entity.""" def __init__(self, entity: kvobject.Entity, dry_run: bool = True) -> None: """Initialize the instance. Arguments: entity: an instance of Conftool entity. dry_run: whether this is a DRY-RUN. """ self._entity = entity self._dry_run = dry_run def _select(self, tags: dict[str, str]) -> Iterator[kvobject.Entity]: """Generator that yields the selected objects based on the provided tags. Arguments: tags: dictionary with tag: expression pairs of Conftool selectors. Yields: conftool.kvobject.Entity: the selected object. Raises: spicerack.confctl.ConfctlError: if no match is found. """ selectors = {} for tag, expr in tags.items(): selectors[tag] = re.compile(f"^{expr}$") obj = None for obj in self._entity.query(selectors): # pylint: disable=use-yield-from; False positive obj is checked yield obj if obj is None: raise ConfctlError("No match found")
[docs] def update(self, changed: dict[str, Union[bool, str, int, float]], **tags: str) -> None: """Updates the value of conftool objects corresponding to the selection done with tags. Arguments: changed: the new values to set for the selected objects. **tags: arbitrary Conftool tags as keyword arguments. Raises: spicerack.confctl.ConfctlError: on etcd or Conftool errors. Examples: >>> confctl.update({'pooled': 'no'}, service='appservers-.*', name='eqiad') """ logger.debug("Updating conftool matching tags: %s", tags) self.update_objects(changed, self._select(tags))
[docs] def get(self, **tags: str) -> Iterator[kvobject.Entity]: """Generator that yields conftool objects corresponding to the selection. Arguments: **tags: arbitrary Conftool tags as keyword arguments. Yields: conftool.kvobject.Entity: the selected object. """ for obj in self._select(tags): logger.debug("Selected conftool object: %s", obj) yield obj
[docs] def set_and_verify(self, key: str, value: Union[bool, str, int, float], **tags: str) -> None: """Set and verify a single Conftool value. Arguments: key: the key in Conftool to modify. value: the value to set. **tags: arbitrary Conftool tags as keyword arguments. Raises: spicerack.confctl.ConfctlError: on etcd or Conftool errors or failing to verify the changes. """"Setting %s=%s for tags: %s", key, value, tags) self.update({key: value}, **tags) for obj in self.get(**tags): # Verify the changes were applied new = getattr(obj, key) if new != value and not self._dry_run: raise ConfctlError(f"Conftool key {key} has value '{new}', expecting '{value}' for tags: {tags}")
[docs] def filter_objects( self, filter_expr: dict[str, Union[bool, str, int, float]], **tags: str ) -> Iterator[kvobject.Entity]: """Filters objects coming from conftool based on values. A generator will be returned which will contain only objects that match all filters. Arguments: filter_expr: a set of desired field names and values. **tags: arbitrary Conftool tags as keyword arguments. Yields: conftool.kvobject.Entity: the selected object. Raises: spicerack.confctl.ConfctlError: if no object corresponds to the tags. """ for obj in self._select(tags): matching = True for key, desired in filter_expr.items(): try: value = getattr(obj, key) except AttributeError as e: raise ConfctlError(f'Could not find property "{key}" in object {obj.pprint()}') from e if value != desired: matching = False if matching: yield obj
[docs] def update_objects( self, changed: dict[str, Union[bool, str, int, float]], objects: Iterable[kvobject.Entity], ) -> None: """Updates the value of the provided conftool objects. Examples: >>> inactive = confctl.filter_objects({'pooled': 'inactive'}, service='appservers-.*', name='eqiad') >>> confctl.update_objects({'pooled': 'no'}, inactive) Arguments: changed: the new values to set for the selected objects. query: an iterator of conftool objects. Raises: spicerack.confctl.ConfctlError: on etcd or Conftool errors. """ # TODO: make the api nicer by returning an EntitiesCollection from filter_objects so we can allow to write # >>> inactive.update({'pooled': 'no'}) if self._dry_run: message_prefix = "Skipping conftool update on dry-run mode" else: message_prefix = "Updating conftool" for obj in objects: logger.debug("%s: %s -> %s", message_prefix, obj, changed) if self._dry_run: continue try: obj.update(changed) except BackendError as e: raise ConfctlError("Error writing to etcd") from e except Exception as e: raise ConfctlError("Generic error in conftool") from e
[docs] @contextmanager def change_and_revert( self, field: str, original: Union[bool, str, int, float], changed: Union[bool, str, int, float], **tags: str ) -> Iterator[Iterable[kvobject.Entity]]: """Context manager to perform actions with a changed value in conftool. This method will only act on objects that had the original value. Warning: If the code executed within the contextmanager raises an unhandled exception, the original state of the objects will NOT be restored. Arguments: field: The field to change the value of. original: the original value. changed: changed value. tags: Appropriate conftool tags for the chosen entity to select objects. Yields: generator: conftool.kvObject.Entity the objects that were acted upon. """ objects = list(self.filter_objects({field: original}, **tags)) self.update_objects({field: changed}, objects) yield objects self.update_objects({field: original}, objects)