Source code for spicerack.netbox

"""Netbox module."""

import logging
from ipaddress import IPv4Interface, IPv6Interface, ip_interface
from typing import Any, Optional, Union

import pynetbox
from requests.exceptions import RequestException
from wmflib.requests import http_session

from spicerack.decorators import retry
from spicerack.exceptions import SpicerackError

"""The interface name used in Netbox for the OOB network."""
SERVER_ROLE_SLUG: str = "server"
"""Netbox role to identify servers."""
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs] class NetboxError(SpicerackError): """General errors raised by this module."""
[docs] class NetboxAPIError(NetboxError): """Usually a wrapper for pynetbox.RequestError, errors that occur when accessing the API."""
[docs] class NetboxHostNotFoundError(NetboxError): """Raised when a host is not found for an operation."""
[docs] class NetboxScriptError(NetboxError): """Raised when a Netbox script doesn't run properly."""
[docs] class Netbox: """Class which wraps Netbox API operations.""" def __init__(self, url: str, token: str, *, dry_run: bool = True): """Create Netbox instance. Arguments: url: The Netbox top level URL (with scheme and port if necessary). token: A Netbox API token. dry_run: set to False to cause writes to Netbox to occur. """ self._api = pynetbox.api(url, token=token, threading=True) self._api.http_session = http_session(".".join((self.__module__, self.__class__.__name__))) self._dry_run = dry_run @property def api(self) -> pynetbox.api: """Get the pynetbox instance to interact directly with Netbox APIs. Caution: When feasible use higher level functionalities. """ return self._api def _get_device(self, name: str) -> pynetbox.core.response.Record: """Get a device (dcim.devices) object. Arguments: name: the name of the device to get. Raises: spicerack.netbox.NetboxAPIError: on API error. spicerack.netbox.NetboxError: on parameter error. spicerack.netbox.NetboxHostNotFoundError: if the device is not found. """ try: device = self._api.dcim.devices.get(name=name) except pynetbox.RequestError as ex: raise NetboxAPIError("Error retrieving Netbox device") from ex if device is None: raise NetboxHostNotFoundError(name) return device def _get_virtual_machine(self, hostname: str) -> pynetbox.core.response.Record: """Get a virtual machine (virtualization.virtual_machine) object. Arguments: hostname: the name of the host to get. Raises: spicerack.netbox.NetboxAPIError: on API error. spicerack.netbox.NetboxError: on parameter error. spicerack.netbox.NetboxHostNotFoundError: if the host is not found. """ try: host = self._api.virtualization.virtual_machines.get(name=hostname) except pynetbox.RequestError as ex: raise NetboxAPIError("Error retrieving Netbox VM") from ex if host is None: raise NetboxHostNotFoundError return host
[docs] def get_server(self, hostname: str) -> "NetboxServer": """Return a NetboxServer instance for the given hostname. Arguments: hostname: the device hostname. Raises: spicerack.netbox.NetboxHostNotFoundError: if the device can't be found among physical or virtual devices. spicerack.netbox.NetboxError: if the device is not a server. """ try: server = self._get_device(hostname) except NetboxHostNotFoundError: server = self._get_virtual_machine(hostname) return NetboxServer(api=self._api, server=server, dry_run=self._dry_run)
[docs] def run_script(self, name: str, *, commit: bool = False, params: dict[str, Any]) -> list: """Run a Netbox script and wait for its output. Arguments: name: Full name of the script to run (eg. import_server_facts.ImportPuppetDB). commit: save the script actions in the Netbox DB. params: script parameters (passed as POST data). Returns: The script execution logs in a list format. Raises: spicerack.netbox.NetboxScriptError: If the script coudn't be ran or its result fetched. """ # Apparently pynetbox doesn't allow to execute a Netbox script url = self._api.extras.scripts.get(name).url headers = {"Authorization": f"Token {self._api.token}"} if self._dry_run and commit:"Forcing commit = False as running in DRY-RUN") commit = False data = {"data": params, "commit": int(commit)} script_http_session = http_session(".".join((self.__module__, self.__class__.__name__)), timeout=(5.0, 30.0)) @retry(tries=30, backoff_mode="constant", exceptions=(ValueError, RequestException)) def _poll_netbox_job(url: str) -> list: """Poll Netbox to get the result of the script run.""" result = script_http_session.get(url, headers=headers) result.raise_for_status() data = result.json()["data"] if data is None: raise ValueError(f"No data from job result {url}") return data["log"] result = None try: result =, headers=headers, json=data) result.raise_for_status() logger.debug("Started Netbox script %s, waiting for results.", name) except RequestException as e: raise NetboxScriptError(f"Failed to start Netbox script {name}") from e job_url = result.json()["result"]["url"] try: return _poll_netbox_job(job_url) except (ValueError, RequestException) as e: raise NetboxScriptError(f"Failed to get Netbox script results from {job_url}") from e
[docs] class NetboxServer: """Represent a Netbox device of role server or a virtual machine.""" allowed_status_transitions: dict[str, tuple[str, ...]] = { "spare": ("planned", "failed", "decommissioned"), "planned": ("active", "failed", "decommissioned"), "failed": ("spare", "planned", "active", "decommissioned"), "active": ("failed", "decommissioned"), "decommissioned": ("planned", "spare"), } """Allowed transition between Netbox statuses. See""" def __init__( self, *, api: pynetbox.api, server: Union[pynetbox.models.dcim.Devices, pynetbox.models.virtualization.VirtualMachines], dry_run: bool = True, ): """Initialize the instance. Arguments: api: the API instance to connect to Netbox. server: the server object. Raises: spicerack.netbox.NetboxError: if the device is not of type server. """ self._server = server self._api = api self._dry_run = dry_run self._cached_mgmt_fqdn = "" # Cache the management interface as it would require an API call each time # TODO cleanup after Netbox 4 upgrade role = (server.device_role if hasattr(server, "device_role") else server.role).slug if role != SERVER_ROLE_SLUG: raise NetboxError(f"Object of type {type(server)} has invalid role {role}, only server is allowed") @property def virtual(self) -> bool: """Getter to check if the server is physical or virtual. Returns: :py:data:`True` if the server is virtual, :py:data:`False` if physical. """ return not hasattr(self._server, "rack") @property def name(self) -> str: """Get the server name. Set the server name, primary IP DNS name, management IP DNS name. Modifying its value can be done only on physical devices. Arguments: new: the new name for the host. Raises: spicerack.netbox.NetboxError: if trying to set it on a virtual device or there is an issue renaming. """ return @name.setter def name(self, new: str) -> None: """Get and set the server name. See the getter docstring for info. Arguments: new: the new name for the host. Raises: spicerack.netbox.NetboxError: if trying to set it on a virtual device or there is an issue renaming. """ if self.virtual: raise NetboxError( f"Server {} is a virtual machine, chaging the name is only for physical servers." ) current = if current == new: logger.debug("Current name is already %s", current) return if self._dry_run:"Skipping Netbox name change from %s to %s in DRY-RUN.", current, new) return = new if logger.debug("Updated Netbox name from %s to %s", current, new) else: # See raise NetboxError(f"Name change for {current} didn't get applied by Netbox.") # Update the FQDNs self.fqdn = new + "." + self.fqdn.split(".", 1)[1] self.mgmt_fqdn = new + "." + self.mgmt_fqdn.split(".", 1)[1] @property def status(self) -> str: """Get and set the server status. Modifying its value can be done only on physical devices and only between allowed transitions. The allowed transitions are defined in :py:data:`spicerack.netbox.Netbox.allowed_status_transitions`. Arguments: value: the name of the status to be set. It will be lower cased automatically. Raises: spicerack.netbox.NetboxError: if trying to set it on a virtual device or the status transision is not allowed. """ return self._server.status.value @status.setter def status(self, value: str) -> None: """Set the device status. See the getter docstring for info. Arguments: value: the name of the status to be set. It will be lower cased automatically. Raises: spicerack.netbox.NetboxError: if used on a virtual device or the status transision is not allowed. """ if self.virtual: raise NetboxError( f"Server {} is a virtual machine, its Netbox status is automatically synced from " f"Ganeti." ) current = self._server.status.value new = value.lower() allowed_transitions = NetboxServer.allowed_status_transitions.get(current, ()) if new not in allowed_transitions: raise NetboxError( f"Forbidden Netbox status transition between {current} and {new} for device {}. " f"Possible values are: {allowed_transitions}" ) if self._dry_run: "Skipping Netbox status change from %s to %s for device %s in DRY-RUN.", current, new, ) return self._server.status = value logger.debug("Updated Netbox status from %s to %s for device %s", current, new, def _set_primary_ip(self, value: Union[str, IPv4Interface, IPv6Interface], version: int) -> None: """Abstraction function to set a v4 or v6 IP on a host. Arguments: value: an IPv4 or IPv6 IP in CIDR notation. Raises: spicerack.netbox.NetboxError: if the provided IP is not valid. """ try: ip = ip_interface(value) except ValueError as exc: raise NetboxError(f"{value} is not a valid IP in the CIDR notation.") from exc if ip.version != version: raise NetboxError(f"{value} is not an IPv{version}") primary_ip = getattr(self._server, f"primary_ip{ip.version}") if not primary_ip: raise NetboxError(f"No existing primary IPv{version} for {}.") current = primary_ip.address if self._api.ipam.ip_addresses.count(address=str(ip)): raise NetboxError(f"{ip} is already in use.") if self._dry_run: "Skipping Netbox primary IPv%d change from %s to %s for device %s in DRY-RUN.", ip.version, current, value,, ) return primary_ip.address = str(ip) logger.debug( "Updated Netbox primary IPv%d from %s to %s for device %s", ip.version, current, value,, ) @property def primary_ip4_address(self) -> Optional[IPv4Interface]: """Get and set the server primary IPv4 address. And not the Netbox ipam.IpAddresses object. Arguments: value: the new IPv4 (CIDR) to be set. """ if self._server.primary_ip4: return IPv4Interface(self._server.primary_ip4.address) return None @primary_ip4_address.setter def primary_ip4_address(self, value: Union[str, IPv4Interface]) -> None: """Set the server primary IPv4 address. See the getter docstring for info. And not the Netbox ipam.IpAddresses object. Arguments: value: the new IPv4 (CIDR) to be set. """ self._set_primary_ip(value, 4) @property def primary_ip6_address(self) -> Optional[IPv6Interface]: """Get and set the server primary IPv6 address. And not the Netbox ipam.IpAddresses object. Arguments: value: the new IPv6 (CIDR) to be set. """ if self._server.primary_ip6: return IPv6Interface(self._server.primary_ip6.address) return None @primary_ip6_address.setter def primary_ip6_address(self, value: Union[str, IPv6Interface]) -> None: """Set the server primary IPv6 address. See the getter docstring for info. And not the Netbox ipam.IpAddresses object. Arguments: value: the new IPv6 (CIDR) to be set. """ self._set_primary_ip(value, 6) def _find_primary_switch_iface(self) -> pynetbox.core.response.Record: """Returns the switch side interface connected to the device's primary interface. Returns: A Netbox interface object of the switch side connected to the device's primary interface. Raises: spicerack.netbox.NetboxError: if used on a virtual device, the device primary interface is not connected, or the primary IP is not linked to an interface. """ # TODO: in the future find another way than requiring a primary IP to find the primary interface if self.virtual: raise NetboxError("Server is a virtual machine, can't return a switch interface.") primary_ip = self._server.primary_ip if not primary_ip: raise NetboxError("No primary IP, needed to find the primary interface.") netbox_iface = primary_ip.assigned_object if not netbox_iface: raise NetboxError("Primary IP not assigned to an interface.") # Netbox 3 backward compatibility if hasattr(netbox_iface, "connected_endpoint"): netbox_iface_endpoints = netbox_iface.connected_endpoint else: netbox_iface_endpoints = netbox_iface.connected_endpoints if not netbox_iface_endpoints: raise NetboxError("Primary interface not connected.") # Using connected_endpoints[0] to mimic pre-Netbox 3.3 behavior, when a cable only had one termination # per side. To be revisited if we start using the multi-termination feature. # TODO cleanup after Netbox 4 upgrade if isinstance(netbox_iface_endpoints, list): return netbox_iface_endpoints[0] return netbox_iface_endpoints @property def access_vlan(self) -> str: """Get and set the server access vlan. Can be done only on physical devices, requires the device to have a primary IP. Arguments: value: the name of the vlan to be set. """ netbox_switch_iface = self._find_primary_switch_iface() if netbox_switch_iface.untagged_vlan: return return "" @access_vlan.setter def access_vlan(self, value: str) -> None: """Set the device access vlan. See the getter docstring for info. Arguments: value: the name of the access vlan to be set. Raises: spicerack.netbox.NetboxError: if used on a virtual device, the device primary interface is not connected or the vlan doesn't exist. """ netbox_switch_iface = self._find_primary_switch_iface() new_vlan = self._api.ipam.vlans.get(name=value, status="active") if not new_vlan: raise NetboxError(f"Failed to find an active VLAN with name {value}") current = if netbox_switch_iface.untagged_vlan else "NOT SET" if self._dry_run: "Skipping Netbox update of switchport access vlan from %s to %s for device %s in DRY-RUN.", current, value,, ) return netbox_switch_iface.untagged_vlan = new_vlan logger.debug( "Updated Netbox switchport access vlan from %s to %s for device %s", current, value, ) @property def fqdn(self) -> str: """Get and set the device primary IPs FQDN if one is already set. Notes: If the FQDN for any of the primary IPs is not set it will not be updated. This is to prevent setting a IPv6 AAAA record by accident. Arguments: value: the new FQDN for the host. Raises: spicerack.netbox.NetboxError: if the server has no FQDN defined in Netbox. """ # Until is fixed we can't use the primary_ip attribute for attr_name in ("primary_ip4", "primary_ip6"): address = getattr(self._server, attr_name) if address is not None and address.dns_name: return address.dns_name raise NetboxError(f"Server {} does not have any primary IP with a DNS name set.") @fqdn.setter def fqdn(self, value: str) -> None: """Get and set the device primary IPs FQDN if one is already set. Notes: If the FQDN for any of the primary IPs is not set it will not be updated. This is to prevent setting a IPv6 AAAA record by accident. Arguments: value: the new FQDN for the host. Raises: spicerack.netbox.NetboxError: if trying to set it on a virtual device or if the server has no FQDN defined in Netbox. """ if self.virtual: raise NetboxError( f"Server {} is a virtual machine, changing the FQDN is only for physical servers." ) for attr_name in ("primary_ip4", "primary_ip6"): address = getattr(self._server, attr_name) if address is not None and address.dns_name: if address.dns_name == value: logger.debug("Current dns_name is already %s", value) continue address.dns_name = value if not raise NetboxError(f"Spicerack was not able to update the {attr_name} FQDN for {}.") logger.debug("Updated %s dns_name to %s", attr_name, value) @property def mgmt_fqdn(self) -> str: """Get and set the management FQDN of the device. Arguments: value: the new FQDN for the host. Raises: spicerack.netbox.NetboxError: for virtual servers or the server has no management FQDN defined in Netbox. """ if self.virtual: raise NetboxError(f"Server {} is a virtual machine, does not have a management address.") if self._cached_mgmt_fqdn: return self._cached_mgmt_fqdn address = self._api.ipam.ip_addresses.get(, interface=MANAGEMENT_IFACE_NAME) # TODO: check also that address.assigned_object.mgmt_only is True if it will not generate anymore an additional # API call to Netbox or the Netbox API become more efficient. if address is not None and address.dns_name: self._cached_mgmt_fqdn = address.dns_name return self._cached_mgmt_fqdn raise NetboxError(f"Server {} has no management interface with a DNS name set.") @mgmt_fqdn.setter def mgmt_fqdn(self, value: str) -> None: """Get and set the management FQDN of the device. Arguments: value: the new FQDN for the host. Raises: spicerack.netbox.NetboxError: if trying to set it on a virtual device or can't find the management IP. """ if self.virtual: raise NetboxError( f"Server {} is a virtual machine, " "changing the mgmt FQDN is only for physical servers." ) address = self._api.ipam.ip_addresses.get(, interface=MANAGEMENT_IFACE_NAME) # TODO: see the getter TODO if address is not None: if address.dns_name == value: self._cached_mgmt_fqdn = value logger.debug("Current dns_name is already %s", value) return address.dns_name = value if not raise NetboxError(f"Spicerack was not able to update the mgmt_fqdn for {}.") self._cached_mgmt_fqdn = value logger.debug("Updated mgmt FQDN to %s", value) @property def asset_tag_fqdn(self) -> str: """Return the management FQDN for the asset tag of the device. Raises: spicerack.netbox.NetboxError: for virtual servers or the server has no management FQDN defined in Netbox. """ parts = self.mgmt_fqdn.split(".") parts[0] = self._server.asset_tag.lower() return ".".join(parts)
[docs] def as_dict(self) -> dict: """Return a dict containing details about the server.""" ret = dict(self._server) ret["is_virtual"] = self.virtual return ret