Source code for spicerack.orchestrator

"""Orchestrator API module."""

import logging
from typing import Any, Type, Union

from requests import Response

try:  # JSONDecodeError present since requests 2.27.0, bullseye has 2.25.1
    from requests.exceptions import JSONDecodeError

    CompatJSONDecodeError: Union[Type[ValueError], Type[JSONDecodeError]] = JSONDecodeError
except ImportError:
    CompatJSONDecodeError = ValueError

from spicerack.apiclient import APIClient, APIClientResponseError
from spicerack.exceptions import SpicerackError

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs] class OrchestratorError(SpicerackError): """General errors raised by this module."""
[docs] class Orchestrator(APIClient): """Orchestrator API class."""
[docs] def request(self, *args: Any, **kwargs: Any) -> Response: """Perform an API request to Orchestrator based on the given parameters. See :py:meth:`spicerack.apiclient.APIClient.request` for all the arguments and return values. Raises: spicerack.apiclient.APIClientError: if the given uri does not start with a slash (/) or if the request couldn't be performed. spicerack.orchestrator.OrchestratorError: if the response status code is not ok, between 400 and 600. It will parse the JSON response and use it in the exception message if present. """ try: return super().request(*args, **kwargs) except APIClientResponseError as e: try: # Orchestrator tends to response 500 with a JSON on some errors response = e.response.json() message = f"[{response['Code']}] {response['Message']}" if response["Details"]: message += f" {response['Details']}" except CompatJSONDecodeError: # but also responds text on other errors like 404 message = f"{e.response.text}" raise OrchestratorError(message) from e
[docs] def clusters(self) -> dict[str, dict]: """Get the current clusters and their metadata. Returns: a dictionary of clusters with cluster names as keys and cluster metadata as values. Raises: spicerack.apiclient.APIClient: if the request fails for any reason. """ return {cluster["ClusterAlias"]: cluster for cluster in self.request("get", "/clusters-info").json()}
[docs] def instance(self, instance: str) -> dict: """Get the metadata of an instance. It will automatically splits the port if present or use the default if not. Arguments: instance: the instance name as reported in orchestrator (``FQDN:PORT``). If the port is not present it will automatically use the :py:const:`spicerack.orchestrator.DEFAULT_PORT`. Returns: a dictionary with the instance metadata. Raises: spicerack.apiclient.APIClient: if the request fails for any reason or the instance does not exists. """ host, port = instance.rsplit(":", 1) if ":" in instance else (instance, str(DEFAULT_PORT)) return self.request("get", f"/instance/{host}/{port}").json()