MediaWiki Wikibase extension
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Wikibase\Repo\Diff Namespace Reference


class  BasicDiffView
 Class for generating views of DiffOp objects. More...
class  BasicEntityDiffVisualizer
 Class for generating views of EntityDiff objects. More...
class  ClaimDiffer
 Class for generating a ClaimDifference given two statements. More...
class  ClaimDifference
 Represents the difference between two Statement objects. More...
class  ClaimDifferenceVisualizer
 Class for generating HTML for Claim Diffs. More...
class  DifferencesSnakVisualizer
 Visualizes Snaks for difference views. More...
class  DiffOpValueFormatter
 Class for generating diff rows for a given set of old and new values. More...
interface  DiffView
 Interface for generating views of DiffOp objects. More...
class  DispatchingEntityDiffVisualizer
 Class for dynamic dispatching of EntityDiffVisualizer. More...
class  EntityContentDiffView
 Difference view for Wikibase entities. More...
interface  EntityDiffVisualizer
 Service interface for rendering EntityContentDiffs as HTML. More...
class  EntityDiffVisualizerFactory
 Turns entity change request into ChangeOp objects based on change request deserialization configured for the particular entity type. More...
class  ItemDiffVisualizer
 Class for generating views of EntityDiff objects. More...
class  SiteLinkDiffView
 Class for generating views of DiffOp objects representing diffs of an Item’s site links (including badges). More...