MediaWiki Wikibase extension
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Wikibase\Repo Namespace Reference

Root namespace for Repo extension code. More...


namespace  Actions
namespace  Api
 Repo implementations of MediaWiki's Action API
namespace  ChangeModification
namespace  ChangeOp
namespace  Content
 Repo integration with MediaWiki's Content mechanism
namespace  Diff
namespace  Dumpers
 Code relating to dumping Repo entities.
namespace  EditEntity
 Interfaces and Implementations for editing Wikibase entities.
namespace  EntityReferenceExtractors
namespace  FederatedProperties
namespace  Hooks
 Repo handling of MediaWiki's Hooks
namespace  Interactors
 Various random 'Interactors' that do 'things' (ill defined)
namespace  IO
namespace  LinkedData
namespace  Localizer
namespace  Maintenance
 Repo integration with MediaWiki's maintenance scripts
namespace  Merge
namespace  Normalization
namespace  Notifications
 'Notifications' of Repo changes to Client sites
namespace  ParserOutput
 ParserOutput integration for pages that are entities.
namespace  Parsers
namespace  Rdf
namespace  RestApi
namespace  Search
 Entity search on a Repo.
namespace  Specials
 Repo integration with MediaWiki's Special pages
namespace  Store
namespace  Tests
 Root namespace for Repo extension test code.
namespace  UpdateRepo
namespace  Validators
namespace  View


class  AddPageInfo
class  ArrayValueCollector
class  BabelUserLanguageLookup
 Service for looking up the languages understood by a user. More...
class  BuilderBasedDataTypeValidatorFactory
 A factory providing ValueValidators based on factory callbacks. More...
class  CachingCommonsMediaFileNameLookup
 Caching service that looks up normalized file names from Wikimedia Commons. More...
class  ClaimSummaryBuilder
 EditSummary-Builder for claim operations. More...
class  CopyrightMessageBuilder
class  DataTypeSelector
 Data provider for the property type (a.k.a. More...
interface  DataTypeValidatorFactory
 A factory providing ValueValidators based on DataType id. More...
class  DispatchingEntityTypeStatementGrouper
class  EntityIdHtmlLinkFormatterFactory
 A factory for generating EntityIdFormatter returning HTML. More...
class  EntityIdLabelFormatterFactory
 A factory for generating EntityIdHtmlLinkFormatters. More...
class  EntityTypesConfigFeddyPropsAugmenter
 Service that modifies entity type definitions for federated properties. More...
class  FingerprintSearchTextGenerator
class  GenericEventDispatcher
 Dispatches a notification to a set of watchers. More...
class  ItemDisambiguation
 Class representing the disambiguation of a list of WikibaseItems. More...
class  ItemSearchTextGenerator
class  LocalizedTextProviderFactory
class  MediaWikiLanguageDirectionalityLookup
 Service for looking up language directionalities based on MediaWiki's Language class. More...
class  MediaWikiLocalizedTextProvider
 A LocalizedTextProvider wrapping MediaWiki's message system. More...
class  OutputPageJsConfigBuilder
 Handles adding user-specific or other js config to OutputPage. More...
class  PropertyDataTypeChanger
 Class for changing a property's data type. More...
class  PropertyInfoBuilder
 Class to build the information about a property. More...
class  PropertyServices
class  PurgeEntityDataJob
 Job to purge Special:EntityData URLs from the HTTP cache after a page was deleted. More...
class  RangeTraversable
 Lazy and potentially infinite version of PHPs native range() function (without $step support). More...
class  RepoHooks
 File defining the hook handlers for the Wikibase extension. More...
class  SiteLinkGlobalIdentifiersProvider
class  SiteLinkPageNormalizer
class  SiteLinkTargetProvider
class  SnakFactory
 Factory for creating new snaks. More...
class  StatementGrouperBuilder
 Factory for a StatementGrouper. More...
class  StatementRankSerializer
 Serializer and Deserializer for Statement Ranks. More...
class  SummaryFormatter
 Formatter for Summary objects. More...
class  ValidatorBuilders
 Defines validators for the basic well known data types supported by Wikibase. More...
class  ValueParserFactory
 Builds ValueParser objects. More...
class  WikibasePingback
 Send information about this Wikibase instance to TODO. More...
class  WikibaseRepo
 Top level factory for the WikibaseRepo extension. More...

Detailed Description

Root namespace for Repo extension code.