MediaWiki Wikibase extension
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Wikibase\Repo\Validators Namespace Reference


class  AlternativeValidator
 An AlternativeValidator uses a list of sub-validators to validate the data. More...
class  CommonsMediaExistsValidator
 Validator for commons media values which checks whether the file in question exists. More...
class  CompositeEntityValidator
 Composite validator for applying multiple validators as one. More...
class  CompositeValidator
 A CompositeValidator uses a list of sub-validators to validate the data. More...
class  DataFieldValidator
 The DataFieldValidator class allows the validation of a single field of a complex DataValues object based on the DataValue's array representation. More...
class  DataValueValidator
 The DataValueValidator class allows the validation of the plain value of a simple DataValues object based on the DataValue's array representation. More...
class  EntityConstraintProvider
 Provides constraints for each entity type. More...
class  EntityExistsValidator
 EntityExistsValidator checks that a given entity exists. More...
class  EntityUriValidator
interface  EntityValidator
 Validator interface used for validating Entities in a global context. More...
class  FingerprintUniquenessValidator
 Validates the uniqueness of changing parts in a ChangeOpFingerprintResult across entities in store. More...
class  InterWikiLinkExistsValidator
 Validator for interwiki links. More...
class  LabelDescriptionNotEqualValidator
class  LabelUniquenessValidator
class  MembershipValidator
 MembershipValidator checks that a value is in a fixed set of allowed values. More...
class  NotEntityIdValidator
 Validator for checking that a given string is NOT an EntityId. More...
class  NotEqualViolation
 Represents a violation of a not equal constraint. More...
class  NotMulValidator
 Validator ensuring the "mul" language code is not being used for descriptions. More...
class  NumberRangeValidator
 NumberRangeValidator checks that a numerical value is in a given range. More...
class  NumberValidator
class  RegexValidator
 RegexValidator checks a string against a regular expression. More...
class  SiteLinkUniquenessValidator
 Validator for checking that site links are unique across all Items. More...
class  SnakValidator
class  StringLengthValidator
 StringLengthValidator checks a string's length. More...
class  TermValidatorFactory
 Provides validators for terms (like the maximum length of labels, etc). More...
class  TimestampPrecisionValidator
 Validate a date value, making sure that the day component is not 00 for day-precision values, and that the month component is not 00 for values with precision day or month. More...
class  TypeValidator
 TypeValidator checks a value's data type. More...
class  UniquenessViolation
 Represents a violation of a uniqueness constraint. More...
class  UrlSchemeValidators
 UrlSchemeValidators is a collection of validators for some commonly used URL schemes. More...
class  UrlValidator
 UrlValidator checks URLs based on sub-validators for each scheme. More...
class  ValidatorErrorLocalizer
class  WikiLinkExistsValidator
 Validator for wiki links. More...