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ADR 09) CSS icons

Date: 2024-02-29




In January 2023, the Design System Team set out to create a "CSS-only" icon: an icon system that could be used server-side with no JavaScript. In February 2024, the resulting system was updated to support the use of color parameters provided as CSS custom properties. This ADR covers both decisions and their results.

Initial CSS-only icon system

Considered actions

Icons as background-images

For this option, an icon SVG is included as a background-image of an empty <span>. This is how OOUI icons work: classes can be added to an element to indicate the appropriate icon image and color, and the background-image rules, language variants, and directionality variants are handled in OOUI's CSS. Some limitations of this system are that it requires some work on the server to generate the icon CSS, and it only supports a limited set of icon colors.

<span class="cdx-icon cdx-icon--info-filled cdx-icon--small cdx-icon--progressive"></span>
  "codexIcons": [
/* Generated CSS */
.cdx-icon--progressive.cdx-icon--info-filled {
	background-image: url( 'data:image/svg+xml;utf8,<svg xmlns="" xmlns:xlink="" width="20" height="20" viewBox="0 0 20 20" fill="#3366cc">...SVG markup...</svg>' );

We wanted to find a system that would enable the use of any color (like the Vue icon), that was MediaWiki-agnostic, requiring no associated implementation server-side, and that could easily output only the CSS for the icons needed by the feature. To this end, we explored the possibility of creating a Less mixin that could generate the necessary styles for any icon variant.

<span class="my-feature__icon-info-filled"></span>
@import 'some/path/css-icon.less';

@my-custom-icon-color: @color-success;

.my-feature__icon-info-filled {
	.cdx-mixin-css-icon( 'info-filled', @size-icon-small, @my-custom-icon-color );

Icon SVG markup inserted server-side

For this option, users would need to insert SVG markup server-side, essentially doing what the Icon component does in terms of determining which icon variant to show and outputting the markup. This would be a major change from the OOUI system, and would require significant work on the server-side to accomplish. It would also only work inside MediaWiki.

$iconHtml = $this->useIcon( 'info-filled', 'medium', 'progressive');
<!-- Output -->
<span class="cdx-icon">
  <svg xmlns="" width="20" height="20" viewBox="0 0 20 20" fill="#3366cc">
    <path d="M10 0C4.477 0 0 4.477 0 10s4.477 10 10 10 10-4.477 10-10S15.523 0 10 0M9 5h2v2H9zm0 4h2v6H9z"/>


We opted to set icons as background-images via a Less mixin that takes in parameters and outputs styles for the requested icon for the following reasons:

  1. It's MediaWiki agnostic and requires no implementation work outside of Codex
  2. It outputs only the CSS needed for the requested icon
  3. It allows for use of any icon color
  4. Less is already used throughout our ecosystem

Icon data

A new script transforms the icon data defined in the codex-icons package to a series of Less variables. For each icon, this data includes:

  1. The default icon path (a string)
  2. Whether the icon should flip in RTL ('true' or 'false')
  3. Exceptions to the flip rule ('false' or a selector string that will rule out languages)
  4. RTL-specific icon path ('false' or the path string)
  5. Whether the icon has language-specific variants ('true' or 'false')
  6. (or more) If there are language-specific variants, they will be included as string pairs after the other icon data. The first item in the pair is a lang code and the second is the icon path for that language.

These variables are made available to Codex users and follow the naming pattern @cdx-icon-icon-name.

Icon mixin

The icon mixin, .cdx-mixin-css-icon, takes in the following parameters:

  1. param-icon: The Less variable representing the icon to show, e.g. @cdx-icon-info-filled
  2. param-fill-color: The fill color of the icon (defaults to @color-base)
  3. param-size-icon: The size of the icon (defaults to @size-icon-medium)
  4. param-is-button-icon: Whether this icon is inside of a <button> element.

To create a CSS icon, the mixin is applied to an empty element:

<!-- Create an empty span with a class. -->
<span class="my-feature__icon--trash"></span>
@import ( reference ) '@wikimedia/codex-design-tokens/theme-wikimedia-ui.less';
@import ( reference ) '@wikimedia/codex/mixins/css-icon.less';

.my-feature__icon {
	&--trash {
		// Use the mixin to set the icon and, optionally, color and size.
		.cdx-mixin-css-icon( @cdx-icon-trash, @color-destructive );

The following CSS is generated by the mixin usage, including a background-image rule with the appropriate icon SVG (accounting for any language or directionality variants) and the requested fill color:

.my-feature__icon--trash {
	background-image: url( 'data:image/svg+xml;utf8,<svg xmlns=""xmlns:xlink="" width="20" height="20" viewBox="0 0 20 20" fill="%23D73333"><path d="M17 2h-3.5l-1-1h-5l-1 1H3v2h14zM4 17a2 2 0 002 2h8a2 2 0 002-2V5H4z"/></svg>' );
	background-position: center;
	background-repeat: no-repeat;
	background-size: calc( max( 1.25em, 20px ) );
	display: inline-block;
	min-width: 20px;
	min-height: 20px;
	width: 1.25em;
	height: 1.25em;
	vertical-align: text-bottom;

The Less mixin approach means that only a single class and a single line of Less is needed to add the icon. We preferred this approach over the use of CSS utility classes since it only requires importing the mixin to work, and all of the customization is done in one place (via the mixin parameters). This follows a common pattern in Codex in which we minimize the number of ways there are to do something in order to provide a simpler, more streamlined developer experience.

Icons in buttons

Icons in buttons are special because they must change color depending on the button's action/weight and state (e.g. hover). Using the mixin to set the background image wouldn't work because the fill color must be changed in the Button code, depending on Button props and state.

Instead, special handling was added to the mixin to use mask-image instead of background-image for the icon image when an icon appears in button. Then, the background-color can be changed in the Button code to set the appropriate icon color for different actions/weights and states.

We noted that mask-image is not supported in the earliest versions of Firefox that we support (v39-52), so as a fallback we show either a @color-base icon or an inverted, light icon, whichever has more contrast. This way, the icon is always at least visible, if not the most ideal color.


  • We provided a lightweight way to add icons on the server-side using Less, which is already widely used in MediaWiki. Language and directionality variants are handled automatically.
  • CSS icons can be any color.
  • Only the CSS for the requested icon(s) is included.
  • Developers must use the mixin to set the icon instead of the current procedure in MediaWiki, which is to define a list of needed OOUI icons and set them via CSS classes.
  • Developers must use Less to take advantage of the CSS icon implementation. This means that Codex icons are only available when one is using either JavaScript (and Vue) or Less.

Further reading:

  1. Original task
  2. Front-end standards group discussion
  3. CSS-only icon documentation

Updates to support CSS custom properties

Ahead of their project to implement night mode in MediaWiki, the Web team requested that the Codex CSS-only icon system support the use of CSS custom properties as fill colors. This presented a challenge as CSS custom properties cannot be used in the fill property of an SVG background-image since the SVG URL has no context of the property's current value.

Considered actions

Use currentColor for the SVG fill

We hoped we could simply set the fill attribute of the SVG to currentColor and then add a color rule for the element, but this does not work for the same reason that using a CSS custom property for the fill does not—the SVG URL has no idea what the currentColor is.

Use mask-image for all icons

We had previously used mask-image to set the icon image for icons within buttons, because we could then set the background-color to different values depending on the button type and state. If we did this for all icons, instead of using background-image, we could control the color via background-color, which works with CSS custom properties.

This option has two downsides:

  • Users of Firefox versions 52 and lower would no longer get the right icon color, and would have to experience the same fallback as they do for icons within buttons (either a dark or light icon depending on which has more contrast, but no more color granularity)
  • This only works when the icon is placed within an empty element. For example, the CSS-only Select includes the icon on the <select> element, and using mask-image there disrupts the background of the entire element (see T358513). Note that as part of that task, we developed a workaround where either a dark or inverted icon can be shown.

Redo the CSS icon system

Another option would be to remove the current mixin-based CSS icon system and instead build a new system into MediaWiki in which developers can pass in which icon they want and get back actual SVG markup, including a fill attribute for the color (or currentColor). In this context, a CSS custom property would work.

This option has some downsides:

  • It would be a breaking change
  • It would require an entirely new system, built in PHP and in MediaWiki
  • It would be Mediawiki-specific


We decided to use mask-image for all CSS icons so we could continue to use the existing CSS icon system with no breaking changes. Now, requesting a @color-destructive trash icon, as in the example above, will yield the following CSS:

.my-feature__icon--trash {
	background-color: #bf3c2c;
	display: inline-block;
	min-width: 20px;
	min-height: 20px;
	width: 1.25em;
	height: 1.25em;
	vertical-align: text-bottom;
	mask-image: url( 'data:image/svg+xml;utf8,<svg xmlns="" xmlns:xlink="" width="20" height="20" viewBox="0 0 20 20" fill="%23000000"><path d="M17 2h-3.5l-1-1h-5l-1 1H3v2h14zM4 17a2 2 0 002 2h8a2 2 0 002-2V5H4z"/></svg>' );
	mask-size: calc( max( 1.25em, 20px ) );
	mask-repeat: no-repeat;
	mask-position: center;


  • The CSS icon mixin now supports colors provided as CSS custom properties, which will work with night mode.
  • Users of old versions of Firefox have a slightly degraded experience (less color granularity).
  • The CSS icon mixin no longer works unless it's applied to an empty element.
  • There may be instances other than the bug we identified for the Select component where the updated mixin does not work.
  • Less continues to be a hard requirement for the CSS icon system.

Further reading:

  1. Task