Interface GearmanWorker

  • All Known Implementing Classes:

    public interface GearmanWorker
    A Gearman Worker is responsible for executing jobs it receives from the Job Server. A Worker registers with the Job Server the types of jobs that it may execute, the server will use this information, along with other attributes, to determine which Worker will execute a particular job request. As data is generated or as a job's state changes, the worker passes this information back to the Job Server.
    • Method Detail

      • work

        void work()
        This method is executed once the worker is ready to accept jobs from the Gearman Job Server. It should be called after all the GearmanJobServerConnection have been added to the worker and all the applicable GearmanFunction have been registered with the worker. After this method is executed, the Worker should be capable of receiving jobs from the Gearman Job Server and executing thus jobs.
      • hasServer

        boolean hasServer​(GearmanJobServerConnection conn)
        Has a connection to the specified Gearman Job Server been registered with this worker.
        conn - The connection to the specified Gearman Job Server.
        True if the Gearman Job Server has been registered with the worker, otherwise false.
      • echo

        String echo​(String text,
                    GearmanJobServerConnection conn)
        Send an echo request to the specified GearmanJobServerConnection, the Gearman Job Server should echo the contents of the echo request back to the Worker. This is can be used to verify the connection between a Worker and a Server.
        text - the text to include in the echo request.
        conn - A connection to Gearman Job Server to which the request should be sent.
        a string which should be equal to text sent to the server.
      • registerFunction

        void registerFunction​(Class<? extends GearmanFunction> function,
                              long timeout)
        Registers a particular GearmanFunction with the worker. Once a function has been registered with a worker, the worker is capable of executing any GearmanJob that matches the registered function. Upon registering a function, the Worker notifies all Gearman Job Servers that it can accept any job that contains the applicable function.
        function - The function being registered with the Worker.
        timeout - The amount of time the Worker will allow a job to execute the particular function. If the execution of the function exceeds the timeout value, the job will be marked as failed.
      • registerFunction

        void registerFunction​(Class<? extends GearmanFunction> function)
        Registers a particular GearmanFunction with the worker. Once a function has been registered with a worker, the worker is capable of executing any GearmanJob that matches the registered function. Upon registering a function, the Worker notifies all Gearman Job Servers that is can accept any job that contains the applicable function.
        function - The function being registered with the Worker.
      • registerFunctionFactory

        void registerFunctionFactory​(GearmanFunctionFactory factory,
                                     long timeout)
        Registers a GearmanFunctionFactory with the worker and specifies the timeout associated with any functions generated by this factory.
        factory - A function factory is factory that the worker will use to create the instance of a function when the worker needs a function of the type specified by the factory.
        timeout - The amount of time the Worker will allow a job to execute the particular function. If the execution of the function exceeds the timeout value, the job will be marked as failed.
      • registerFunctionFactory

        void registerFunctionFactory​(GearmanFunctionFactory factory)
        Registers a GearmanFunctionFactory with the worker.
        factory - A function factory is factory that the worker will use to create the instance of a function when the worker needs a function of the type specified by the factory.
      • getRegisteredFunctions

        Set<String> getRegisteredFunctions()
        Retrieve the names of all functions that have been registered with this worker. If no functions have been registered, any empty set should be returned.
        The name of all registered functions.
      • setWorkerID

        void setWorkerID​(String id)
        Set the ID for a particular worker instance. This enables monitoring and reporting commands to uniquely identify specific workers.
        id - The ID.
      • setWorkerID

        void setWorkerID​(String id,
                         GearmanJobServerConnection conn)
        Set the ID used by a particular Gearman Job Server to identify a particular Worker. This enables monitoring and reporting commands to uniquely identify specific workers.
        id - The ID.
        conn - The Gearman Job Server to which this worker ID applies.
      • getWorkerID

        String getWorkerID()
        Retrieves the ID used by this worker instance.
        worker ID
      • getWorkerID

        String getWorkerID​(GearmanJobServerConnection conn)
        Retrieves the ID this worker uses to identify itself with a specific connection.
        conn -
        worker ID
      • unregisterFunction

        void unregisterFunction​(String functionName)
        Unregisters a particular GearmanFunction from the worker. Once a function has been unregistered from the Worker, a Worker will no longer accept jobs which require the execution of the unregistered function.
        functionName -
      • unregisterAll

        void unregisterAll()
        Unregisters allGearmanFunction from the worker. The effect of which is that the worker will not execute any new jobs.
      • stop

        void stop()
        Stops the work loop and requests a shutdown.
      • shutdown

        List<Exception> shutdown()
        Stops the work loop and closes all open connections.
        a List of any Exceptions thrown when closing connections
      • isRunning

        boolean isRunning()
        Determine if the worker is currently executing the work loop.
        True if the work loop is executing, else false.
      • setJobUniqueIdRequired

        void setJobUniqueIdRequired​(boolean requiresJobUUID)
        Should worker only ask for jobs which contain a Unique Id.
        requiresJobUUID - True if should worker only ask for jobs which contain a Unique Id.
      • isJobUniqueIdRequired

        boolean isJobUniqueIdRequired()
        Does worker only ask for jobs which contain a Unique Id.
        true if worker only asks for jobs which contain a Unique Id, else false.