/* eslint-disable es-x/no-array-prototype-includes */

( function () {
	'use strict';

	var debug,
		hovzer = $.getFootHovzer();

	OO.ui.getViewportSpacing = function () {
		return {
			top: 0,
			right: 0,
			bottom: hovzer.$.outerHeight(),
			left: 0

	 * @classdesc Access the debug toolbar. Enabled server-side through `$wgDebugToolbar`.
	 * @class mw.Debug
	 * @singleton
	 * @constructor
	 * @description Create an instance of `mw.Debug`.
	 * @author John Du Hart
	 * @since 1.19
	debug = mw.Debug = {
		 * Toolbar container element.
		 * @type {jQuery}
		$container: null,

		 * Object containing data for the debug toolbar.
		 * @type {Object}
		data: {},

		 * Initialize the debugging pane.
		 * Shouldn't be called before the document is ready
		 * (since it binds to elements on the page).
		 * @param {Object} [data] Defaults to 'debugInfo' from mw.config
		init: function ( data ) {

			this.data = data || mw.config.get( 'debugInfo' );

			// Insert the container into the DOM
			hovzer.$.append( this.$container );

			$( '.mw-debug-panelink' ).on( 'click', this.switchPane );

		 * Switch between panes.
		 * Should be called with an HTMLElement as its thisArg,
		 * because it's meant to be an event handler.
		 * TODO: Store cookie for last pane open.
		 * @param {jQuery.Event} e
		switchPane: function ( e ) {
			var currentPaneId = debug.$container.data( 'currentPane' ),
				requestedPaneId = $( this ).prop( 'id' ).slice( 9 ),
				$currentPane = $( '#mw-debug-pane-' + currentPaneId ),
				$requestedPane = $( '#mw-debug-pane-' + requestedPaneId ),
				hovDone = false;

			function updateHov() {
				if ( !hovDone ) {
					hovDone = true;

			// Skip hash fragment handling. Prevents screen from jumping.

			$( this ).addClass( 'current' );
			$( '.mw-debug-panelink' ).not( this ).removeClass( 'current' );

			// Hide the current pane
			if ( requestedPaneId === currentPaneId ) {
				// FIXME: Use CSS transition
				// eslint-disable-next-line no-jquery/no-slide
				$currentPane.slideUp( updateHov );
				debug.$container.data( 'currentPane', null );

			debug.$container.data( 'currentPane', requestedPaneId );

			if ( currentPaneId === undefined || currentPaneId === null ) {
				// FIXME: Use CSS transition
				// eslint-disable-next-line no-jquery/no-slide
				$requestedPane.slideDown( updateHov );
			} else {

		 * Construct the HTML for the debugging toolbar.
		buildHtml: function () {
			var $container, $bits, panes, paneId, gitInfoText, $gitInfo;

			$container = $( '<div>' )
				.attr( {
					id: 'mw-debug-toolbar',
					lang: 'en',
					dir: 'ltr'
				} )
				.addClass( 'mw-debug' );

			$bits = $( '<div>' ).addClass( 'mw-debug-bits' );

			 * Returns a jQuery element for a debug-bit div
			 * @ignore
			 * @param {string} id
			 * @return {jQuery}
			function bitDiv( id ) {
				return $( '<div>' ).prop( {
					id: 'mw-debug-' + id,
					className: 'mw-debug-bit'
				} ).appendTo( $bits );

			 * Returns a jQuery element for a pane link
			 * @ignore
			 * @param {string} id
			 * @param {string} text
			 * @return {jQuery}
			function paneLabel( id, text ) {
				return $( '<a>' )
					.prop( {
						className: 'mw-debug-panelabel',
						href: '#mw-debug-pane-' + id
					} )
					.text( text );

			 * Returns a jQuery element for a debug-bit div with a for a pane link
			 * @ignore
			 * @param {string} id CSS id snippet. Will be prefixed with 'mw-debug-'
			 * @param {string} text Text to show
			 * @param {string} count Optional count to show
			 * @return {jQuery}
			function paneTriggerBitDiv( id, text, count ) {
				if ( count ) {
					text = text + ' (' + count + ')';
				return $( '<div>' ).prop( {
					id: 'mw-debug-' + id,
					className: 'mw-debug-bit mw-debug-panelink'
				} )
					.append( paneLabel( id, text ) )
					.appendTo( $bits );

			paneTriggerBitDiv( 'console', 'Console', this.data.log.length );

			paneTriggerBitDiv( 'querylist', 'Queries', this.data.queries.length );

			paneTriggerBitDiv( 'debuglog', 'Debug log', this.data.debugLog.length );

			paneTriggerBitDiv( 'request', 'Request' );

			paneTriggerBitDiv( 'includes', 'PHP includes', this.data.includes.length );

			if ( this.data.gitRevision !== false ) {
				gitInfoText = '(' + this.data.gitRevision.slice( 0, 7 ) + ')';
				if ( this.data.gitViewUrl !== false ) {
					$gitInfo = $( '<a>' )
						.attr( 'href', this.data.gitViewUrl )
						.text( gitInfoText );
				} else {
					$gitInfo = $( document.createTextNode( gitInfoText ) );

			bitDiv( 'mwversion' )
				.append( $( '<a>' ).attr( 'href', 'https://www.mediawiki.org/' ).text( 'MediaWiki' ) )
				.append( document.createTextNode( ': ' + this.data.mwVersion + ' ' ) )
				.append( $gitInfo );

			if ( this.data.gitBranch !== false ) {
				bitDiv( 'gitbranch' ).text( 'Git branch: ' + this.data.gitBranch );

			bitDiv( 'phpversion' )
				.append( $( '<a>' ).attr( 'href', 'https://php.net/' ).text( 'PHP' ) )
				.append( ': ' + this.data.phpVersion );

			bitDiv( 'time' )
				.text( 'Time: ' + this.data.time.toFixed( 5 ) );

			bitDiv( 'memory' )
				.text( 'Memory: ' + this.data.memory + ' (Peak: ' + this.data.memoryPeak + ')' );

			$bits.appendTo( $container );

			panes = {
				console: this.buildConsoleTable(),
				querylist: this.buildQueryTable(),
				debuglog: this.buildDebugLogTable(),
				request: this.buildRequestPane(),
				includes: this.buildIncludesPane()

			for ( paneId in panes ) {
				$( '<div>' )
					.prop( {
						className: 'mw-debug-pane',
						id: 'mw-debug-pane-' + paneId
					} )
					.append( panes[ paneId ] )
					.appendTo( $container );

			this.$container = $container;

		 * Build the console panel.
		 * @return {jQuery} Console panel
		buildConsoleTable: function () {
			var $table, entryTypeText, i, length, entry;

			$table = $( '<table>' ).attr( 'id', 'mw-debug-console' );
			length = this.data.log.length;

			$( '<colgroup>' ).css( 'width', /* padding = */ 20 + ( 10 * /* fontSize = */ 11 ) ).appendTo( $table );
			$( '<colgroup>' ).appendTo( $table );
			$( '<colgroup>' ).css( 'width', 350 ).appendTo( $table );

			entryTypeText = function ( entryType ) {
				switch ( entryType ) {
					case 'log':
						return 'Log';
					case 'warn':
						return 'Warning';
					case 'deprecated':
						return 'Deprecated';
						return 'Unknown';

			for ( i = 0; i < length; i++ ) {
				entry = this.data.log[ i ];
				entry.typeText = entryTypeText( entry.type );

				// The following classes are used here:
				// * mw-debug-console-log
				// * mw-debug-console-warn
				// * mw-debug-console-deprecated
				$( '<tr>' )
					.append( $( '<td>' )
						.text( entry.typeText )
						.addClass( 'mw-debug-console-' + entry.type )
					.append( $( '<td>' ).html( entry.msg ) )
					.append( $( '<td>' ).text( entry.caller ) )
					.appendTo( $table );

			return $table;

		 * Build query list pane.
		 * @return {jQuery}
		buildQueryTable: function () {
			var $table, i, length, query;

			$table = $( '<table>' ).attr( 'id', 'mw-debug-querylist' );
			length = this.data.queries.length;

			$( '<tr>' )
				.append( $( '<th>' ).attr( 'scope', 'col' ).text( '#' ).css( 'width', '4em' ) )
				.append( $( '<th>' ).attr( 'scope', 'col' ).text( 'SQL' ) )
				.append( $( '<th>' ).attr( 'scope', 'col' ).text( 'Time' ).css( 'width', '8em' ) )
				.append( $( '<th>' ).attr( 'scope', 'col' ).text( 'Call' ).css( 'width', '18em' ) )
				.appendTo( $table );

			for ( i = 0; i < length; i++ ) {
				query = this.data.queries[ i ];

				$( '<tr>' )
					.append( $( '<td>' ).text( i + 1 ) )
					.append( $( '<td>' ).text( query.sql ) )
					.append( $( '<td>' ).text( ( query.time * 1000 ).toFixed( 4 ) + 'ms' ).addClass( 'stats' ) )
					.append( $( '<td>' ).text( query.function ) )
					.appendTo( $table );

			return $table;

		 * Build legacy debug log pane.
		 * @return {jQuery}
		buildDebugLogTable: function () {
			var $list, i, length, line;
			$list = $( '<ul>' );
			length = this.data.debugLog.length;

			for ( i = 0; i < length; i++ ) {
				line = this.data.debugLog[ i ];
				$( '<li>' )
					.html( mw.html.escape( line ).replace( /\n/g, '<br />\n' ) )
					.appendTo( $list );

			return $list;

		 * Build request information pane.
		 * @return {jQuery}
		buildRequestPane: function () {

			function buildTable( title, data ) {
				var $unit, $table, key;

				$unit = $( '<div>' ).append( $( '<h2>' ).text( title ) );

				$table = $( '<table>' ).appendTo( $unit );

				$( '<tr>' )
						$( '<th>' ).attr( 'scope', 'col' ).text( 'Key' ),
						$( '<th>' ).attr( 'scope', 'col' ).text( 'Value' )
					.appendTo( $table );

				for ( key in data ) {
					$( '<tr>' )
						.append( $( '<th>' ).attr( 'scope', 'row' ).text( key ) )
						.append( $( '<td>' ).text( data[ key ] ) )
						.appendTo( $table );

				return $unit;

			return $( '<div>' )
				.text( this.data.request.method + ' ' + this.data.request.url )
				.append( buildTable( 'Headers', this.data.request.headers ) )
				.append( buildTable( 'Parameters', this.data.request.params ) );

		 * Build included files pane.
		 * @return {jQuery}
		buildIncludesPane: function () {
			var $table, i, length, file;

			$table = $( '<table>' );
			length = this.data.includes.length;

			for ( i = 0; i < length; i++ ) {
				file = this.data.includes[ i ];
				$( '<tr>' )
					.append( $( '<td>' ).text( file.name ) )
					.append( $( '<td>' ).text( file.size ).addClass( 'nr' ) )
					.appendTo( $table );

			return $table;

	$( function () {
	} );

}() );