MediaWiki master
SetupDynamicConfig.php File Reference

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 $rcMaxAgeDays = $wgRCMaxAge / ( 3600 * 24 )
 $wgCanonicalNamespaceNames = NamespaceInfo::CANONICAL_NAMES
 Definitions of the NS_ constants are in Defines.php.
 $wgCookiePrefix = strtr( $wgCookiePrefix, '=,; +."\'\\[', '__________' )
 $wgDefaultUserOptions ['rcdays']
if(! $wgEnableEmail) if(! $wgLocaltimezone) $wgDefaultUserOptions ['timecorrection'] = "System|$wgLocalTZoffset"
 $wgDefaultUserOptions ['watchlistdays']
if(count( $wgDummyLanguageCodes) !==0) $wgDummyLanguageCodes
if(isset($wgRateLimits[ 'emailuser'])) if(isset( $wgRateLimits['changetag'])) $wgFileExtensions = array_values( array_diff( $wgFileExtensions, $wgProhibitedFileExtensions ) )
 $wgLockManagers []
if( $wgRightsIcon) if(isset($wgFooterIcons[ 'copyright'][ 'copyright']) &&$wgFooterIcons[ 'copyright'][ 'copyright']===[]) if(isset( $wgFooterIcons['poweredby']) &&isset( $wgFooterIcons['poweredby']['mediawiki']) &&is_array( $wgFooterIcons['poweredby']['mediawiki']) && $wgFooterIcons['poweredby']['mediawiki']['src']===null) $wgNamespaceProtection [NS_MEDIAWIKI] = 'editinterface'
if($wgLogos !==false &&isset($wgLogos else [ '1x'])) if(isset( $wgFileBlacklist))

Variable Documentation

◆ $rcMaxAgeDays

$rcMaxAgeDays = $wgRCMaxAge / ( 3600 * 24 )

Definition at line 203 of file SetupDynamicConfig.php.

◆ $wgCanonicalNamespaceNames

$wgCanonicalNamespaceNames = NamespaceInfo::CANONICAL_NAMES

Definitions of the NS_ constants are in Defines.php.

Access: internal

Definition at line 257 of file SetupDynamicConfig.php.

◆ $wgCookiePrefix

$wgCookiePrefix = strtr( $wgCookiePrefix, '=,; +."\'\\[', '__________' )

Definition at line 215 of file SetupDynamicConfig.php.

◆ $wgDefaultUserOptions [1/3]

$wgDefaultUserOptions[ 'rcdays']
Initial value:
= min(
ceil( $rcMaxAgeDays )

Definition at line 205 of file SetupDynamicConfig.php.

◆ $wgDefaultUserOptions [2/3]

if(! $wgEnableEmail) if (! $wgLocaltimezone) $wgDefaultUserOptions[ 'timecorrection'] = "System|$wgLocalTZoffset"

Definition at line 251 of file SetupDynamicConfig.php.

◆ $wgDefaultUserOptions [3/3]

$wgDefaultUserOptions[ 'watchlistdays']
Initial value:
= min(
ceil( $rcMaxAgeDays )

Definition at line 209 of file SetupDynamicConfig.php.

◆ $wgDummyLanguageCodes

if (count($wgDummyLanguageCodes) !==0) $wgDummyLanguageCodes
Initial value:
= [
'qqq' => 'qqq',
'qqx' => 'qqx',
] + $wgExtraLanguageCodes + LanguageCode::getDeprecatedCodeMapping()
Config variable stub for the ExtraLanguageCodes setting, for use by phpdoc and IDEs.

Definition at line 267 of file SetupDynamicConfig.php.

◆ $wgFileExtensions

if(isset( $wgRateLimits['emailuser'])) if (isset($wgRateLimits[ 'changetag'])) $wgFileExtensions = array_values( array_diff( $wgFileExtensions, $wgProhibitedFileExtensions ) )

Definition at line 63 of file SetupDynamicConfig.php.

◆ $wgGalleryOptions

Initial value:
= [
'imagesPerRow' => 0,
'imageWidth' => 120,
'imageHeight' => 120,
'captionLength' => true,
'showBytes' => true,
'showDimensions' => true,
'mode' => 'traditional',

Definition at line 125 of file SetupDynamicConfig.php.

◆ $wgLockManagers

Initial value:
= [
'name' => 'fsLockManager',
'class' => FSLockManager::class,
'lockDirectory' => "{$wgUploadDirectory}/lockdir",

Definition at line 113 of file SetupDynamicConfig.php.

◆ $wgNamespaceProtection

if($wgRightsIcon) if(isset( $wgFooterIcons['copyright']['copyright']) && $wgFooterIcons['copyright']['copyright']===[]) if (isset($wgFooterIcons[ 'poweredby']) &&isset($wgFooterIcons[ 'poweredby'][ 'mediawiki']) &&is_array($wgFooterIcons[ 'poweredby'][ 'mediawiki']) &&$wgFooterIcons[ 'poweredby'][ 'mediawiki'][ 'src']===null) $wgNamespaceProtection[NS_MEDIAWIKI] = 'editinterface'

Definition at line 110 of file SetupDynamicConfig.php.

◆ else

if (isset($wgSlaveLagCritical)) else
Initial value:
$wgFileBlacklist = $wgProhibitedFileExtensions
Config variable stub for the ProhibitedFileExtensions setting, for use by phpdoc and IDEs.

Definition at line 22 of file SetupDynamicConfig.php.