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MediaWiki\ResourceLoader\StartUpModule Class Reference

Module for ResourceLoader initialization. More...

Inherits MediaWiki\ResourceLoader\Module.

Collaboration diagram for MediaWiki\ResourceLoader\StartUpModule:

Public Member Functions

 enableModuleContentVersion ()
 Whether to generate version hash based on module content.
 getModuleRegistrations (Context $context)
 Get registration code for all modules.
 getScript (Context $context)
 supportsURLLoading ()
 Whether this module supports URL loading.
- Public Member Functions inherited from MediaWiki\ResourceLoader\Module
 getConfig ()
 getDefinitionSummary (Context $context)
 Get the definition summary for this module.
 getDependencies (?Context $context=null)
 Get a list of modules this module depends on.
 getDeprecationInformation (Context $context)
 Get JS representing deprecation information for the current module if available.
 getDeprecationWarning ()
 Get the deprecation warning, if any.
 getFlip (Context $context)
 getGroup ()
 Specifies the group this module is in.
 getHeaders (Context $context)
 Get headers to send as part of a module web response.
 getMessages ()
 Get the messages needed for this module.
 getModuleContent (Context $context)
 Get an array of this module's resources.
 getName ()
 Get this module's name.
 getOrigin ()
 Get this module's origin.
 getScriptURLsForDebug (Context $context)
 Get alternative script URLs for legacy debug mode.
 getSkins ()
 Get list of skins for which this module must be available to load.
 getSkipFunction ()
 Get the skip function.
 getSource ()
 Get the source of this module.
 getStyles (Context $context)
 Get all CSS for this module for a given skin.
 getStyleURLsForDebug (Context $context)
 Get the URL or URLs to load for this module's CSS in debug mode.
 getTemplates ()
 Takes named templates by the module and returns an array mapping.
 getType ()
 Get the module's load type.
 getVersionHash (Context $context)
 Get a string identifying the current version of this module in a given context.
 isKnownEmpty (Context $context)
 Check whether this module is known to be empty.
 requiresES6 ()
 Whether the module requires ES6 support in the client.
 setConfig (Config $config)
 setFileDependencies (Context $context, array $paths)
 Set the indirect dependencies for this module pursuant to the skin/language context.
 setHookContainer (HookContainer $hookContainer)
 setLogger (LoggerInterface $logger)
 setMessageBlob ( $blob, $lang)
 Set in-object cache for message blobs.
 setName ( $name)
 Set this module's name.
 setSkinStylesOverride (array $moduleSkinStyles)
 Provide overrides for skinStyles to modules that support that.
 shouldEmbedModule (Context $context)
 Check whether this module should be embedded rather than linked.
 shouldSkipStructureTest ()
 Whether to skip the structure test ResourcesTest::testRespond() for this module.

Static Public Member Functions

static compileUnresolvedDependencies (array &$registryData)
 Optimize the dependency tree in $this->modules.
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from MediaWiki\ResourceLoader\Module
static expandRelativePaths (array $filePaths)
 Expand directories relative to $IP.
static getRelativePaths (array $filePaths)
 Make file paths relative to MediaWiki directory.
static getVary (Context $context)
 Get vary string.

Static Protected Member Functions

static getImplicitDependencies (array $registryData, string $moduleName, array &$handled)
 Recursively get all explicit and implicit dependencies for to the given module.
- Static Protected Member Functions inherited from MediaWiki\ResourceLoader\Module
static safeFileHash ( $filePath)
 Compute a non-cryptographic string hash of a file's contents.

Additional Inherited Members

- Protected Member Functions inherited from MediaWiki\ResourceLoader\Module
 buildContent (Context $context)
 Bundle all resources attached to this module into an array.
 getFileDependencies (Context $context)
 Get the indirect dependencies for this module pursuant to the skin/language context.
 getHookRunner ()
 Get a HookRunner for running core hooks.
 getLessVars (Context $context)
 Get module-specific LESS variables, if any.
 getLogger ()
 getMessageBlob (Context $context)
 Get the hash of the message blob.
 getPreloadLinks (Context $context)
 Get a list of resources that web browsers may preload.
 saveFileDependencies (Context $context, array $curFileRefs)
 Save the indirect dependencies for this module pursuant to the skin/language context.
 validateScriptFile ( $fileName, $contents)
 Validate a user-provided JavaScript blob.
- Protected Attributes inherited from MediaWiki\ResourceLoader\Module
Config $config
array $contents = []
 Map of (context hash => cached module content)
string bool $deprecated = false
 Deprecation string or true if deprecated; false otherwise.
array $fileDeps = []
 Map of (variant => indirect file dependencies)
LoggerInterface $logger
array $msgBlobs = []
 Map of (language => in-object cache for message blob)
string null $name = null
 Module name.
int $origin = self::ORIGIN_CORE_SITEWIDE
 Script and style modules form a hierarchy of trustworthiness, with core modules like skins and jQuery as most trustworthy, and user scripts as least trustworthy.
string[] null $skins = null
 Skin names.
array $versionHash = []
 Map of (context hash => cached module version hash)

Detailed Description

Module for ResourceLoader initialization.

See also

The startup module, as being called only from ClientHtml, has the ability to vary based extra query parameters, in addition to those from Context:

  • safemode: Only register modules that have ORIGIN_CORE as their origin. This disables ORIGIN_USER modules and (T185303, T145498) See also: OutputPage::disallowUserJs()
Access: internal

Definition at line 45 of file StartUpModule.php.

Member Function Documentation

◆ compileUnresolvedDependencies()

static MediaWiki\ResourceLoader\StartUpModule::compileUnresolvedDependencies ( array & $registryData)

Optimize the dependency tree in $this->modules.

The optimization basically works like this: Given we have module A with the dependencies B and C and module B with the dependency C. Now we don't have to tell the client to explicitly fetch module C as that's already included in module B.

This way we can reasonably reduce the amount of module registration data send to the client.

array[]&$registryDataModules keyed by name with properties:
  • string 'version'
  • array 'dependencies'
  • string|null 'group'
  • string 'source'

Definition at line 136 of file StartUpModule.php.

◆ enableModuleContentVersion()

MediaWiki\ResourceLoader\StartUpModule::enableModuleContentVersion ( )

Whether to generate version hash based on module content.

If a module requires database or file system access to build the module content, consider disabling this in favour of manually tracking relevant aspects in getDefinitionSummary(). See getVersionHash() for how this is used.

Stability: stable
to override

Reimplemented from MediaWiki\ResourceLoader\Module.

Definition at line 453 of file StartUpModule.php.

◆ getImplicitDependencies()

static MediaWiki\ResourceLoader\StartUpModule::getImplicitDependencies ( array $registryData,
string $moduleName,
array & $handled )

Recursively get all explicit and implicit dependencies for to the given module.

array<string,true>&$handled Internal parameter for recursion.

Definition at line 72 of file StartUpModule.php.

◆ getModuleRegistrations()

MediaWiki\ResourceLoader\StartUpModule::getModuleRegistrations ( Context $context)

Get registration code for all modules.

string JavaScript code for registering all modules with the client loader

Definition at line 161 of file StartUpModule.php.

◆ getScript()

MediaWiki\ResourceLoader\StartUpModule::getScript ( Context $context)

◆ supportsURLLoading()

MediaWiki\ResourceLoader\StartUpModule::supportsURLLoading ( )

Whether this module supports URL loading.

If this function returns false, getScript() will be used even in cases (debug mode, no only param) where getScriptURLsForDebug() would normally be used instead.

Stability: stable
to override

Reimplemented from MediaWiki\ResourceLoader\Module.

Definition at line 449 of file StartUpModule.php.

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