| __construct (array $params) |
| validateKeyEncoding ( $key) |
| Ensure that a key is safe to use (contains no control characters and no characters above the ASCII range.)
| add ( $key, $value, $exptime=0, $flags=0) |
| Insert an item if it does not already exist.
| changeTTL ( $key, $exptime=0, $flags=0) |
| Change the expiration on a key if it exists.
| changeTTLMulti (array $keys, $exptime, $flags=0) |
| Change the expiration of multiple keys that exist.
| delete ( $key, $flags=0) |
| Delete an item if it exists.
| deleteMulti (array $keys, $flags=0) |
| Delete a batch of items.
| deleteObjectsExpiringBefore ( $timestamp, ?callable $progress=null, $limit=INF, ?string $tag=null) |
| Delete all objects expiring before a certain date.
| get ( $key, $flags=0) |
| Get an item with the given key.
| getMulti (array $keys, $flags=0) |
| Get an associative array containing the item for each of the keys that have items.
| getQoS ( $flag) |
| getSegmentationSize () |
| getSegmentedValueMaxSize () |
| incrWithInit ( $key, $exptime, $step=1, $init=null, $flags=0) |
| Increase the value of the given key (no TTL change) if it exists or create it otherwise.
| lock ( $key, $timeout=6, $exptime=6, $rclass='') |
| merge ( $key, callable $callback, $exptime=0, $attempts=10, $flags=0) |
| Merge changes into the existing cache value (possibly creating a new one)
| set ( $key, $value, $exptime=0, $flags=0) |
| Set an item.
| setMulti (array $valueByKey, $exptime=0, $flags=0) |
| Batch insertion/replace.
| unlock ( $key) |
| Release an advisory lock on a key string.
| clearLastError () |
| Clear the "last error" registry.
| getCurrentTime () |
| getLastError ( $watchPoint=0) |
| Get the "last error" registry.
| getLogger () |
| getScopedLock ( $key, $timeout=6, $exptime=30, $rclass='') |
| Get a lightweight exclusive self-unlocking lock.
| getWithSetCallback ( $key, $exptime, $callback, $flags=0) |
| Get an item, regenerating and setting it if not found.
| isKeyGlobal ( $key) |
| Check whether a cache key is in the global keyspace.
| makeGlobalKey ( $keygroup,... $components) |
| Make a cache key from the given components, in the "global" keyspace.
| makeKey ( $keygroup,... $components) |
| Make a cache key from the given components, in the default keyspace.
| setLogger (LoggerInterface $logger) |
| setMockTime (&$time) |
| watchErrors () |
| Get a "watch point" token that can be used to get the "last error" to occur after now.
| doIncrWithInit ( $key, $exptime, $step, $init, $flags) |
| doIncrWithInitAsync ( $key, $exptime, $step, $init) |
| doIncrWithInitSync ( $key, $exptime, $step, $init) |
| fixExpiry ( $exptime) |
| makeKeyInternal ( $keyspace, $components) |
| Format a cache key.
| requireConvertGenericKey () |
| Whether ::proxyCall() must re-encode cache keys before calling read/write methods.
| stripRouteFromKey ( $key) |
| validateKeyAndPrependRoute ( $key) |
| cas ( $casToken, $key, $value, $exptime=0, $flags=0) |
| Set an item if the current CAS token matches the provided CAS token.
| debug ( $text) |
| doAdd ( $key, $value, $exptime=0, $flags=0) |
| Insert an item if it does not already exist.
| doCas ( $casToken, $key, $value, $exptime=0, $flags=0) |
| Set an item if the current CAS token matches the provided CAS token.
| doChangeTTL ( $key, $exptime, $flags) |
| doChangeTTLMulti (array $keys, $exptime, $flags=0) |
| doDelete ( $key, $flags=0) |
| Delete an item.
| doDeleteMulti (array $keys, $flags=0) |
| doGet ( $key, $flags=0, &$casToken=null) |
| Get an item.
| doGetMulti (array $keys, $flags=0) |
| Get an associative array containing the item for each of the keys that have items.
| doLock ( $key, $timeout, $exptime) |
| doSet ( $key, $value, $exptime=0, $flags=0) |
| Set an item.
| doSetMulti (array $data, $exptime=0, $flags=0) |
| doUnlock ( $key) |
| getExpirationAsTimestamp ( $exptime) |
| Convert an optionally relative timestamp to an absolute time.
| getExpirationAsTTL ( $exptime) |
| Convert an optionally absolute expiry time to a relative time.
| getSerialized ( $value, $key) |
| Get the serialized form a value, logging a warning if it involves custom classes.
| isInteger ( $value) |
| Check if a value is an integer.
| isRelativeExpiration ( $exptime) |
| makeLockKey ( $key) |
| makeValueOrSegmentList ( $key, $value, $exptime, $flags, &$ok) |
| Make the entry to store at a key (inline or segment list), storing any segments.
| mergeViaCas ( $key, callable $callback, $exptime, $attempts, $flags) |
| resolveSegments ( $key, $mainValue) |
| Get and reassemble the chunks of blob at the given key.
| serialize ( $value) |
| tokensMatch ( $value, $otherValue) |
| unserialize ( $value) |
| updateOpStats (string $op, array $keyInfo) |
| fieldHasFlags ( $field, $flags) |
| mergeFlagMaps (array $bags) |
| Merge the flag maps of one or more BagOStuff objects into a "lowest common denominator" map.
| proxyCall (string $method, int $arg0Sig, int $resSig, array $genericArgs, BagOStuff $wrapper) |
| Call a method on behalf of wrapper BagOStuff instance.
| setLastError ( $error) |
| Set the "last error" registry due to a problem encountered during an attempted operation.
const | MAX_CONFLICTS_ONE = 1 |
| Abort after the first merge conflict.
const | READ_LATEST = 1 |
| Bitfield constants for get()/getMulti(); these are only advisory.
const | READ_VERIFIED = 2 |
| Promise that the caller handles detection of staleness.
| Allow partitioning of the value if it is a large string.
const | WRITE_BACKGROUND = 64 |
| If supported, do not block on write operation completion; instead, treat writes as succesful based on whether they could be buffered.
const | WRITE_CACHE_ONLY = 8 |
| Bitfield constants for set()/merge(); these are only advisory.
| Delete all the segments if the value is partitioned.
const | ATTR_DURABILITY = 2 |
| Durability of writes; see QOS_DURABILITY_* (higher means stronger)
const | ATTR_EMULATION = 1 |
const | ERR_NO_RESPONSE = 1 |
| Storage medium failed to yield a complete response to an operation.
const | ERR_NONE = 0 |
| No storage medium error.
const | ERR_UNEXPECTED = 3 |
| Storage medium operation failed due to usage limitations or an I/O error.
const | ERR_UNREACHABLE = 2 |
| Storage medium could not be reached to establish a connection.
| Data is saved to disk and writes do not usually block on fsync()
| Data is never saved to begin with (blackhole store)
| Data is saved to disk and writes usually block on fsync(), like a standard RDBMS.
| Data is lost at the end of the current web request or CLI script.
| Data is lost once the service storing the data restarts.
const | QOS_UNKNOWN = INF |
| Generic "unknown" value; useful for comparisons (always "good enough")
static int | $nextErrorMonitorId = 1 |
| Next sequence number to use for watch/error events.
Store data in a memcached server or memcached cluster.
This is a base class for MemcachedPhpBagOStuff and MemcachedPeclBagOStuff.
Definition at line 33 of file MemcachedBagOStuff.php.