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Wikimedia\ObjectCache Namespace Reference


class  APCUBagOStuff
 This is a wrapper for APCu's shared memory functions. More...
class  BagOStuff
 Class representing a cache/ephemeral data store. More...
class  CachedBagOStuff
 Wrapper around a BagOStuff that caches data in memory. More...
class  EmptyBagOStuff
 A BagOStuff object with no objects in it. More...
class  HashBagOStuff
 Simple store for keeping values in an associative array for the current process. More...
interface  IStoreKeyEncoder
 Key-encoding methods for object caching (BagOStuff and WANObjectCache) More...
class  MediumSpecificBagOStuff
 Storage medium specific cache for storing items (e.g. More...
class  MemcachedBagOStuff
 Base class for memcached clients. More...
class  MemcachedPeclBagOStuff
 A wrapper class for the PECL memcached client. More...
class  MemcachedPhpBagOStuff
 A wrapper class for the pure-PHP memcached client, exposing a BagOStuff interface. More...
class  MultiWriteBagOStuff
 A cache class that replicates all writes to multiple child caches. More...
class  RedisBagOStuff
 Redis-based caching module for redis server >= 2.6.12 and phpredis >= 2.2.4. More...
class  RESTBagOStuff
 Interface to key-value storage behind an HTTP server. More...
class  WinCacheBagOStuff
 Wrapper for WinCache object caching functions; identical interface to the APC wrapper. More...