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Wikimedia\ObjectCache Namespace Reference


class  APCUBagOStuff
 Store data in the local server memory via APCu (php-apcu) More...
class  BagOStuff
 Abstract class for any ephemeral data store. More...
class  CachedBagOStuff
 Wrap any BagOStuff and add an in-process memory cache to it. More...
class  EmptyBagOStuff
 No-op implementation that stores nothing. More...
class  HashBagOStuff
 Store data in a memory for the current request/process only. More...
interface  IStoreKeyEncoder
 Key-encoding methods for object caching (BagOStuff and WANObjectCache) More...
class  MediumSpecificBagOStuff
 Helper classs that implements most of BagOStuff for a backend. More...
class  MemcachedBagOStuff
 Store data in a memcached server or memcached cluster. More...
class  MemcachedPeclBagOStuff
 Store data on memcached server(s) via the php-memcached PECL extension. More...
class  MemcachedPhpBagOStuff
 Store data on memcached servers(s) via a pure-PHP memcached client. More...
class  MultiWriteBagOStuff
 Wrap multiple BagOStuff objects, to implement different caching tiers. More...
class  RedisBagOStuff
 Store data in Redis. More...
class  RedisConnectionPool
 Manage one or more Redis client connection. More...
class  RedisConnRef
 Wrapper class for Redis connections that automatically reuses connections (via RAII pattern) More...
class  RESTBagOStuff
 Store key-value data via an HTTP service. More...
class  SerializedValueContainer
 Helper class for segmenting large cache values without relying on serializing classes. More...
interface  StorageAwareness
 Generic interface providing error code and quality-of-service constants for object stores. More...
class  WANObjectCache
 Multi-datacenter aware caching interface. More...