file | addChangeTag.php |
| Adds a change tag to the wiki.
file | attachLatest.php |
| Corrects wrong values in the page_latest field in the database.
file | BackupDumper.php |
| Base classes for database-dumping maintenance scripts.
file | BaseDump.php |
| Helper class for the –prefetch option of dumpTextPass.php.
file | BatchRowIterator.php |
| This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
file | BatchRowWriter.php |
| Updates database rows by primary key in batches.
file | blockUsers.php |
| This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
file | changePassword.php |
| Change the password of a given user.
file | checkBadRedirects.php |
| Check that pages marked as being redirects really are.
file | checkImages.php |
| Check images to see if they exist, are readable, etc.
file | CheckSignatures.php |
| This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
file | checkStorage.php |
| Fsck for MediaWiki.
file | checkUsernames.php |
| Check that database usernames are actually valid.
file | cleanupCaps.php |
| Clean up broken page links when somebody turns on $wgCapitalLinks.
file | cleanupEmptyCategories.php |
| Clean up empty categories in the category table.
file | cleanupImages.php |
| Clean up broken, unparseable upload filenames.
file | cleanupInvalidDbKeys.php |
| Cleans up invalid titles in various tables.
file | cleanupPageLang.php |
| Clean up deprecated language codes in page_lang.
file | cleanupPreferences.php |
| Clean up user preferences from the database.
file | cleanupSpam.php |
| Cleanup all spam from a given hostname.
file | cleanupTitles.php |
| Clean up broken, unparseable titles.
file | cleanupUploadStash.php |
| Remove old or broken uploads from temporary uploaded file storage, clean up associated database records.
file | cleanupWatchlist.php |
| Remove broken, unparseable titles in the watchlist table.
file | clearInterwikiCache.php |
| This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
file | CodeCleanerGlobalsPass.php |
| Psy CodeCleaner to allow PHP super globals.
file | CommandLineInc.php |
| Backwards-compatibility wrapper for old-style maintenance scripts.
file | compareLanguageConverterOutput.php |
| This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
file | compareParserCache.php |
| This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
file | compareParsers.php |
| Take page text out of an XML dump file and render basic HTML out to files.
file | compressOld.php |
| Compress the text of a wiki.
file | copyFileBackend.php |
| Copy all files in some containers of one backend to another.
file | copyJobQueue.php |
| Copy all jobs from one job queue system to another.
file | createAndPromote.php |
| Creates an account and grants it rights.
file | createBotPassword.php |
| Creates a bot password for an existing user account.
file | deleteArchivedFiles.php |
| Delete archived (non-current) files from the database.
file | deleteArchivedRevisions.php |
| Delete archived (deleted from public) revisions from the database.
file | deleteBatch.php |
| Deletes a batch of pages.
file | deleteDefaultMessages.php |
| Deletes all pages in the MediaWiki namespace which were last edited by "MediaWiki default".
file | deleteEqualMessages.php |
| This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
file | deleteLocalPasswords.php |
| Delete unused local passwords.
file | DeleteLocalPasswords.php |
| Helper for deleting unused local passwords.
file | deleteOldRevisions.php |
| Delete old (non-current) revisions from the database.
file | deleteOrphanedRevisions.php |
| Delete revisions which refer to a nonexisting page.
file | deleteSelfExternals.php |
| Delete self-references to $wgServer from the externallinks table.
file | deleteUserEmail.php |
| Deletes a given user's associated email address Usage: php deleteUserEmail.php <user> where <user> can be either the username or user ID.
file | doMaintenance.php |
| We want to make this whole thing as seamless as possible to the end-user.
file | dumpBackup.php |
| Script that dumps wiki pages or logging database into an XML interchange wrapper format for export or backup.
file | dumpIterator.php |
| Take page text out of an XML dump file and perform some operation on it.
file | dumpLinks.php |
| Quick demo hack to generate a plaintext link dump, per the proposed wiki link database standard: http://www.usemod.com/cgi-bin/mb.pl?LinkDatabase.
file | dumpRev.php |
| Get the text of a revision, resolving external storage if needed.
file | dumpTextPass.php |
| BackupDumper that postprocesses XML dumps from dumpBackup.php to add page text.
file | dumpUploads.php |
| Dump a the list of files uploaded, for feeding to tar or similar.
file | edit.php |
| Make a page edit.
file | emptyUserGroup.php |
| Removes all users from a given user group.
file | eraseArchivedFile.php |
| Delete archived (non-current) files from storage.
file | eval.php |
| This script lets a command-line user start up the wiki engine and then poke about by issuing PHP commands directly.
file | fetchText.php |
| Communications protocol.
file | fileOpPerfTest.php |
| Test for fileop performance.
file | findBadBlobs.php |
| This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
file | findClasses.php |
| This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
file | findDeprecated.php |
| Maintenance script that recursively scans MediaWiki's PHP source tree for deprecated functions and methods and pretty-prints the results.
file | findMissingActors.php |
| This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
file | fixDoubleRedirects.php |
| Fix double redirects.
file | fixLegacyEncoding.php |
| This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
file | fixMergeHistoryCorruption.php |
| This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
file | fixTimestamps.php |
| Fixes timestamp corruption caused by one or more webservers temporarily being set to the wrong time.
file | fixUserRegistration.php |
| Fix the user_registration field.
file | formatInstallDoc.php |
| Format RELEASE-NOTE file to wiki text or HTML markup.
file | generateJsonI18n.php |
| Convert a PHP messages file to a set of JSON messages files.
file | generatePhpCharToUpperMappings.php |
| Update list of upper case differences between JS and PHP.
file | generateSchemaChangeSql.php |
| Convert a JSON abstract schema change to a schema change file in the given DBMS type.
file | generateSchemaSql.php |
| Convert a JSON abstract schema to a schema file in the given DBMS type.
file | generateSitemap.php |
| Creates a sitemap for the site.
file | getConfiguration.php |
| Print serialized output of MediaWiki config vars.
file | getLagTimes.php |
| Display replication lag times.
file | getReplicaServer.php |
| Reports the hostname of a replica DB server.
file | getText.php |
| Outputs page text to stdout.
file | importDump.php |
| Import XML dump files into the current wiki.
file | importImages.php |
| Import one or more images from the local file system into the wiki without using the web-based interface.
file | importSiteScripts.php |
| Import all scripts in the MediaWiki namespace from a local site.
file | importTextFiles.php |
| Import pages from text files.
file | initEditCount.php |
| Init the user_editcount database field based on the number of rows in the revision table.
file | initSiteStats.php |
| Re-initialise or update the site statistics table.
file | install.php |
| CLI-based MediaWiki installation and configuration.
file | invalidateBotPasswords.php |
| Invalidates the bot passwords of a given user.
file | invalidateUserSessions.php |
| Invalidate the sessions of certain users on the wiki.
file | IteratorDecorator.php |
| Allows extending classes to decorate an Iterator with reduced boilerplate.
file | jsparse.php |
| This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
file | lag.php |
| Shows database lag.
file | listVariants.php |
| Lists all language variants.
file | Maintenance.php |
| This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
file | makeTestEdits.php |
| Make test edits for a user to populate a test wiki.
file | manageJobs.php |
| Maintenance script that handles managing job queue admin tasks.
file | mctest.php |
| Makes several 'set', 'incr' and 'get' requests on every memcached server and shows a report.
file | mergeMessageFileList.php |
| Merge $wgExtensionMessagesFiles from various extensions to produce a single array containing all message files.
file | migrateFileRepoLayout.php |
| Copy all files in FileRepo to an originals container using SHA1 paths.
file | migrateFileTables.php |
| Maintenance script to refresh image metadata fields.
file | migrateUserGroup.php |
| Re-assign users from an old group to a new one.
file | moveBatch.php |
| Move a batch of pages.
file | moveToExternal.php |
| Move text from the text table to external storage.
file | mwdocgen.php |
| Generate class and file reference documentation for MediaWiki using doxygen.
file | MWDoxygenFilter.php |
| Copyright (C) 2012 Tamas Imrei tamas.nosp@m..imr.nosp@m.ei@gm.nosp@m.ail..nosp@m.com https://virtualtee.blogspot.com/.
file | mysql.php |
| Execute the MySQL client binary, connecting to the wiki's DB.
file | namespaceDupes.php |
| Check for articles to fix after adding/deleting namespaces.
file | NotRecursiveIterator.php |
| Wraps a non-recursive iterator with methods to be recursive without children.
file | nukeNS.php |
| Remove pages with only 1 revision from the MediaWiki namespace, without flooding recent changes, delete logs, etc.
file | nukePage.php |
| Erase a page record from the database Irreversible (can't use standard undelete) and does not update link tables.
file | orphanStats.php |
| Show some statistics on the blob_orphans table, created with trackBlobs.php.
file | pageExists.php |
| This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
file | parse.php |
| Parse some wikitext.
file | patchSql.php |
| Manually run an SQL patch outside of the general updaters.
file | populateInterwiki.php |
| Maintenance script that populates the interwiki table with list of sites from a source wiki, such as English Wikipedia.
file | populateUserIsTemp.php |
| Fills the user_is_temp column of the user table for users created before MW 1.42.
file | protect.php |
| Protect or unprotect a page.
file | pruneFileCache.php |
| Prune file cache for pages, objects, resources, etc.
file | purgeChangedFiles.php |
| Scan the logging table and purge affected files within a timeframe.
file | purgeChangedPages.php |
| Send purge requests for pages edited in date range to squid/varnish.
file | purgeList.php |
| Send purge requests for listed pages to CDN.
file | purgeOldText.php |
| Purge old text records from the database.
file | purgePage.php |
| Purges a specific page.
file | reassignEdits.php |
| Reassign edits from a user or IP address to another user.
file | rebuildall.php |
| Rebuild link tracking tables from scratch.
file | rebuildFileCache.php |
| Build file cache for content pages.
file | rebuildImages.php |
| Update image metadata records.
file | rebuildLocalisationCache.php |
| Rebuild the localisation cache.
file | rebuildmessages.php |
| This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
file | rebuildrecentchanges.php |
| Rebuild recent changes from scratch.
file | recompressTracked.php |
| Moves blobs indexed by trackBlobs.php to a specified list of destination clusters, and recompresses them in the process.
file | recountCategories.php |
| Refreshes category counts.
file | refreshImageMetadata.php |
| Refresh image metadata fields.
file | removeUnusedAccounts.php |
| Remove unused user accounts from the database An unused account is one which has made no edits.
file | renameDbPrefix.php |
| Change the prefix of database tables.
file | renameRestrictions.php |
| Rename restriction level.
file | renderDump.php |
| Take page text out of an XML dump file and render basic HTML out to files.
file | resetAuthenticationThrottle.php |
| Reset login/signup throttling for a specified user and/or IP.
file | resetPageRandom.php |
| Resets the page_random field for articles in the provided time range.
file | resetUserEmail.php |
| Reset user email.
file | resolveStubs.php |
| Convert history stubs that point to an external row to direct external pointers.
file | rollbackEdits.php |
| Rollback all edits by a given user or IP provided they're the most recent edit (just like real rollback)
file | RowUpdateGenerator.php |
| Interface for generating updates to single rows in the database.
file | run.php |
| Entry point for running maintenance scripts.
file | runBatchedQuery.php |
| Run a database query in batches and wait for replica DBs.
file | runJobs.php |
| Run pending jobs.
file | SchemaMaintenance.php |
| Base script for schema maintenance.
file | SevenZipStream.php |
| 7z stream wrapper
file | shell.php |
| Modern interactive shell within the MediaWiki engine.
file | showSiteStats.php |
| Show the cached statistics.
file | sql.php |
| Send SQL queries from the specified file to the database, performing variable replacement along the way.
file | Sqlite.php |
| Helper class for sqlite-specific scripts.
file | SqliteMaintenance.php |
| Performs some operations specific to SQLite database backend.
file | storageTypeStats.php |
| This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
file | TableCleanup.php |
| Generic class to cleanup a database table.
file | testCompression.php |
| Test revision text compression and decompression.
file | TextPassDumper.php |
| BackupDumper that postprocesses XML dumps from dumpBackup.php to add page text.
file | trackBlobs.php |
| Adds blobs from a given external storage cluster to the blob_tracking table.
file | undelete.php |
| Undelete a page by fetching it from the archive table.
file | update.php |
| Run all updaters.
file | updateArticleCount.php |
| Provide a better count of the number of articles and update the site statistics table, if desired.
file | updateCollation.php |
| Find all rows in the categorylinks table whose collation is out-of-date (cl_collation != $wgCategoryCollation) and repopulate cl_sortkey using the page title and cl_sortkey_prefix.
file | updateRestrictions.php |
| Makes the required database updates for Special:ProtectedPages to show all protected pages, even ones before the page restrictions schema change.
file | updateSpecialPages.php |
| Update for cached special pages.
file | uppercaseTitlesForUnicodeTransition.php |
| Obligatory redundant license notice.
file | userOptions.php |
| Script to change users preferences on the fly.
file | Version.php |
| Prints the version of MediaWiki.
file | view.php |
| Show page contents.
file | wikiBirthday.php |
| Prints the birthdate and age of a wiki install.
file | wrapOldPasswords.php |
| Maintenance script to wrap all old-style passwords in a layered type.
class | AddChangeTag |
| Adds a change tag to the wiki. More...
class | AttachLatest |
| Maintenance script to correct wrong values in the page_latest field in the database. More...
class | MediaWiki\Maintenance\BackupDumper |
class | BackupReader |
| Maintenance script that imports XML dump files into the current wiki. More...
class | BaseDump |
| Readahead helper for making large MediaWiki data dumps; reads in a previous XML dump to sequentially prefetch text records already normalized and decompressed. More...
class | CategoryChangesAsRdf |
| Maintenance script to provide RDF representation of the recent changes in category tree. More...
class | ChangePassword |
| Maintenance script to change the password of a given user. More...
class | CheckBadRedirects |
| Maintenance script to check that pages marked as being redirects really are. More...
class | CheckImages |
| Maintenance script to check images to see if they exist, are readable, etc. More...
class | CheckSignatures |
| Maintenance script to list users with invalid signatures. More...
class | CheckStorage |
| Maintenance script to do various checks on external storage. More...
class | CheckUsernames |
| Maintenance script to check that database usernames are actually valid. More...
class | CleanupCaps |
| Maintenance script to clean up broken page links when somebody turns on or off $wgCapitalLinks. More...
class | CleanupEmptyCategories |
| Maintenance script to clean up empty categories in the category table. More...
class | CleanupImages |
| Maintenance script to clean up broken, unparseable upload filenames. More...
class | CleanupInvalidDbKeys |
| Maintenance script that cleans up invalid titles in various tables. More...
class | CleanupPageLang |
| Maintenance script to clean up deprecated language codes in page_lang. More...
class | CleanupPreferences |
| Maintenance script that removes unused preferences from the database. More...
class | CleanupSpam |
| Maintenance script to cleanup all spam from a given hostname. More...
class | CleanupUploadStash |
| Maintenance script to remove old or broken uploads from temporary uploaded file storage and clean up associated database records. More...
class | CleanupWatchlist |
| Maintenance script to remove broken, unparseable titles in the watchlist table. More...
class | ClearInterwikiCache |
| Clear the cache of interwiki prefixes. More...
class | CLIParser |
| Maintenance script to parse some wikitext. More...
class | CommandLineInstaller |
| Maintenance script to install and configure MediaWiki. More...
class | CompareLanguageConverterOutput |
| Maintenance script that compares variant conversion output between Parser and HtmlOutputRendererHelper. More...
class | CompareParserCache |
class | CompareParsers |
| Maintenance script to take page text out of an XML dump file and render basic HTML out to files. More...
class | CompressOld |
| Maintenance script that compress the text of a wiki. More...
class | ConvertExtensionsMessagesToTranslationAlias |
| Convert existing ExtensionMessagesFiles to JSON files in different language codes that can be used as input for TranslationAliasesDirs configuration. More...
class | CopyFileBackend |
| Copy all files in one container of one backend to another. More...
class | CopyJobQueue |
| Copy all jobs from one job queue system to another. More...
class | CreateAndPromote |
| Maintenance script to create an account and grant it rights. More...
class | DatabaseLag |
| Maintenance script to show database lag. More...
class | DeleteArchivedFiles |
| Maintenance script to delete archived (non-current) files from the database. More...
class | DeleteArchivedRevisions |
| Maintenance script to delete archived (deleted from public) revisions from the database. More...
class | DeleteAutoPatrolLogs |
| Remove autopatrol logs in the logging table. More...
class | DeleteBatch |
| Maintenance script to delete a batch of pages. More...
class | DeleteDefaultMessages |
| Maintenance script that deletes all pages in the MediaWiki namespace which were last edited by "MediaWiki default". More...
class | DeleteEqualMessages |
| Maintenance script that deletes all pages in the MediaWiki namespace of which the content is equal to the system default. More...
class | DeleteOldRevisions |
| Maintenance script that deletes old (non-current) revisions from the database. More...
class | DeleteOrphanedRevisions |
| Maintenance script that deletes revisions which refer to a nonexisting page. More...
class | DeleteSelfExternals |
| Maintenance script that deletes self-references to $wgServer from the externallinks table. More...
class | DumpCategoriesAsRdf |
| Maintenance script to provide RDF representation of the category tree. More...
class | DumpIterator |
| Base class for iterating over a dump. More...
class | DumpLinks |
| Maintenance script that generates a plaintext link dump. More...
class | DumpRenderer |
| Maintenance script that takes page text out of an XML dump file and render basic HTML out to files. More...
class | DumpRev |
| Maintenance script that gets the text of a revision, resolving external storage if needed. More...
class | DumpUploads |
| Maintenance script to dump a the list of files uploaded, for feeding to tar or similar. More...
class | EditCLI |
| Maintenance script to make a page edit. More...
class | EraseArchivedFile |
| Maintenance script to delete archived (non-current) files from storage. More...
class | MediaWiki\Maintenance\FakeMaintenance |
| Fake maintenance wrapper, mostly used for the web installer/updater. More...
class | FetchText |
| Maintenance script used to fetch page text in a subprocess. More...
class | FileOpPerfTest |
| Maintenance script to test fileop performance. More...
class | FindBadBlobs |
| Maintenance script for finding and marking bad content blobs. More...
class | FindClasses |
| Maintenance script for finding the files that contain classes. More...
class | FindMissingActors |
| Maintenance script for finding and replacing invalid actor IDs, see T261325 and T307738. More...
class | FixDoubleRedirects |
| Maintenance script that fixes double redirects. More...
class | FixInconsistentRedirects |
| Fix redirect pages with missing or incomplete row in the redirect table. More...
class | FixTimestamps |
| Maintenance script that fixes timestamp corruption caused by one or more webservers temporarily being set to the wrong time. More...
class | FixUserRegistration |
| Maintenance script that fixes the user_registration field. More...
class | MediaWiki\Maintenance\ForkController |
| Manage forking inside CLI maintenance scripts. More...
class | FormatInstallDoc |
| Maintenance script that formats RELEASE-NOTE file to wiki text or HTML markup. More...
class | GenerateConfigSchema |
| Maintenance script that generates configuration schema files: More...
class | GenerateJsonI18n |
| Maintenance script to generate JSON i18n files from a PHP i18n file. More...
class | GeneratePhpCharToUpperMappings |
| Update list of upper case differences between JS and PHP. More...
class | GenerateSchemaChangeSql |
| Maintenance script to generate schema from abstract json files. More...
class | GenerateSchemaSql |
| Maintenance script to generate schema from abstract json files. More...
class | GenerateSitemap |
| Maintenance script that generates a sitemap for the site. More...
class | GetConfiguration |
| Print serialized output of MediaWiki config vars. More...
class | GetLagTimes |
| Maintenance script that displays replication lag times. More...
class | GetReplicaServer |
| Maintenance script that reports the hostname of a replica DB server. More...
class | GetTextMaint |
| Maintenance script that outputs page text to stdout. More...
class | GrepPages |
| Search pages for a given regex. More...
class | ImageBuilder |
| Maintenance script to update image metadata records. More...
class | ImportSiteScripts |
| Maintenance script to import all scripts in the MediaWiki namespace from a local site. More...
class | ImportTextFiles |
| Maintenance script which reads in text files and imports their content to a page of the wiki. More...
class | InitSiteStats |
| Maintenance script to re-initialise or update the site statistics table. More...
class | InitUserPreference |
| Maintenance script that initializes a user preference based on the value of another preference. More...
class | InvalidateBotPasswords |
| Maintenance script to invalidate the bot passwords of a given user. More...
class | InvalidateUserSessions |
| Invalidate the sessions of certain users on the wiki. More...
class | JSParseHelper |
| Ad-hoc run ResourceLoader validation for user-supplied JavaScript. More...
class | MediaWiki\Maintenance\LoggedUpdateMaintenance |
| Class for scripts that perform database maintenance and want to log the update in updatelog so we can later skip it. More...
class | MediaWiki\Maintenance\Maintenance |
| Abstract maintenance class for quickly writing and churning out maintenance scripts with minimal effort. More...
class | MediaWiki\Maintenance\MaintenanceParameters |
| Command line parameter handling for maintenance scripts. More...
class | MakeTestEdits |
| Make test edits for a user to populate a test wiki. More...
class | ManageForeignResources |
| Manage foreign resources registered with ResourceLoader. More...
class | ManageJobs |
| Maintenance script that handles managing job queue admin tasks (re-push, delete, ...) More...
class | Mcc |
| Diagnostic tool for interacting with memcached. More...
class | McTest |
| Maintenance script that makes several 'set', 'incr' and 'get' requests on every memcached server and shows a report. More...
class | MergeMessageFileList |
| Maintenance script that merges $wgExtensionMessagesFiles from various extensions to produce a single array containing all message files. More...
class | MigrateBlocks |
| Maintenance script that migrates rows from ipblocks to block and block_target. More...
class | MigrateExternallinks |
| Maintenance script that migrates externallinks data. More...
class | MigrateFileRepoLayout |
| Copy all files in FileRepo to an originals container using SHA1 paths. More...
class | MigrateFileTables |
| Maintenance script to refresh image metadata fields. More...
class | MigrateLinksTable |
| Maintenance script that populates normalization column in links tables. More...
class | MigrateRevisionActorTemp |
| Maintenance script that merges the revision_actor_temp table into the revision table. More...
class | MigrateRevisionCommentTemp |
| Maintenance script that merges the revision_comment_temp table into the revision table. More...
class | MigrateUserGroup |
| Maintenance script that re-assigns users from an old group to a new one. More...
class | MoveBatch |
| Maintenance script to move a batch of pages. More...
class | MWDocGen |
| Maintenance script that builds doxygen documentation. More...
class | MWEval |
| Maintenance script providing an interactive console for evaluating php commands in the context of an initialized MediaWiki instance. More...
class | MwSql |
| Maintenance script that sends SQL queries from the specified file to the database. More...
class | MysqlMaintenance |
class | NamespaceDupes |
| Maintenance script that checks for articles to fix after adding/deleting namespaces. More...
class | NukeNS |
| Maintenance script that removes pages with only one revision from the MediaWiki namespace. More...
class | NukePage |
| Maintenance script that erases a page record from the database. More...
class | MediaWiki\Maintenance\OrderedStreamingForkController |
| Apply a transformation to values via a pool of sub processes. More...
class | OrphanStats |
| Maintenance script that shows some statistics on the blob_orphans table, created with trackBlobs.php. More...
class | PageExists |
class | PatchSql |
| Maintenance script that manually runs an SQL patch outside of the general updaters. More...
class | PopulateChangeTagDef |
| Populate and improve accuracy of change_tag_def statistics. More...
class | PopulateUserIsTemp |
| Maintenance script that Fills the user_is_temp column of the user table for users created before MW 1.42. More...
class | Protect |
| Maintenance script that protects or unprotects a page. More...
class | PruneFileCache |
| Maintenance script that prunes file cache for pages, objects, resources, etc. More...
class | PruneUnusedLinkTargetRows |
| Maintenance script that cleans unused rows in linktarget table. More...
class | PurgeChangedFiles |
| Maintenance script that scans the deletion log and purges affected files within a timeframe. More...
class | PurgeChangedPages |
| Maintenance script that sends purge requests for pages edited in a date range to squid/varnish. More...
class | PurgeList |
| Maintenance script that sends purge requests for listed pages to CDN. More...
class | PurgeOldText |
| Maintenance script that purges old text records from the database. More...
class | PurgePage |
| Maintenance script that purges a list of pages passed through stdin. More...
class | PurgeParserCache |
| Remove expired objects from the parser cache database. More...
class | PurgeRecentChanges |
| Purge rows from the recentchanges table older than wgRCMaxAge. More...
class | ReassignEdits |
| Maintenance script that reassigns edits from a user or IP address to another user. More...
class | RebuildAll |
| Maintenance script that rebuilds link tracking tables from scratch. More...
class | RebuildFileCache |
| Maintenance script that builds the file cache. More...
class | RebuildLocalisationCache |
| Maintenance script to rebuild the localisation cache. More...
class | RebuildMessages |
| Maintenance script that purges cache used by MessageCache. More...
class | RebuildRecentchanges |
| Maintenance script that rebuilds recent changes from scratch. More...
class | RebuildTextIndex |
| Rebuild search index table from scratch. More...
class | RecompressTracked |
| Maintenance script that moves blobs indexed by trackBlobs.php to a specified list of destination clusters, and recompresses them in the process. More...
class | RecountCategories |
| Maintenance script that refreshes category membership counts in the category table. More...
class | RefreshFileHeaders |
| Maintenance script to refresh file headers from metadata. More...
class | RefreshImageMetadata |
| Maintenance script to refresh image metadata fields. More...
class | RefreshLinks |
| Refresh link tables. More...
class | RemoveUnusedAccounts |
| Maintenance script that removes unused user accounts from the database. More...
class | RenameDbPrefix |
| Maintenance script that changes the prefix of database tables. More...
class | RenameRestrictions |
| Maintenance script that updates page_restrictions and protected_titles tables to use a new name for a given restriction level. More...
class | ResetAuthenticationThrottle |
| Reset login/signup throttling for a specified user and/or IP. More...
class | ResetPageRandom |
| Maintenance script that resets page_random over a time range. More...
class | ResetUserEmail |
| Maintenance script that resets user email. More...
class | RollbackEdits |
| Maintenance script to rollback all edits by a given user or IP provided they're the most recent edit. More...
class | RunBatchedQuery |
| Maintenance script to run a database query in batches and wait for replica DBs. More...
class | RunJobs |
| Maintenance script that runs pending jobs. More...
class | SearchDump |
| Maintenance script that runs a regex in the revisions from a dump. More...
class | MediaWiki\Maintenance\SevenZipStream |
| Stream wrapper around 7za filter program. More...
class | ShowJobs |
| Report number of jobs currently waiting in primary database. More...
class | ShowSiteStats |
| Maintenance script to show the cached statistics. More...
class | Sqlite |
| This class contains code common to different SQLite-related maintenance scripts. More...
class | SqliteMaintenance |
| Maintenance script that performs some operations specific to SQLite database backend. More...
class | TableCleanup |
| Generic class to cleanup a database table. More...
class | MediaWiki\Maintenance\TextPassDumper |
class | TitleCleanup |
| Maintenance script to clean up broken, unparseable titles. More...
class | UpdateArticleCount |
| Maintenance script to provide a better count of the number of articles and update the site statistics table, if desired. More...
class | UpdateCollation |
| Maintenance script that will find all rows in the categorylinks table whose collation is out-of-date. More...
class | UpdateMediaWiki |
| Maintenance script to run database schema updates. More...
class | UpdateRestrictions |
| Maintenance script that updates page_restrictions table from old page_restriction column. More...
class | UpdateSearchIndex |
| Periodic off-peak updating of the search index. More...
class | UpdateSpecialPages |
| Maintenance script to update cached special pages. More...
class | UppercaseTitlesForUnicodeTransition |
| Maintenance script to rename titles affected by changes to Unicode (or otherwise to Language::ucfirst). More...
class | UserOptionsMaintenance |
class | MediaWiki\Maintenance\Version |
class | ViewCLI |
| Maintenance script to show page contents. More...
class | WikiBirthday |
class | WrapOldPasswords |
| Maintenance script to wrap all passwords of a certain type in a specified layered type that wraps around the old type. More...