MediaWiki master
Collaboration diagram for Maintenance:


 Maintenance archives


file  addChangeTag.php
 Adds a change tag to the wiki.
file  attachLatest.php
 Corrects wrong values in the page_latest field in the database.
file  BackupDumper.php
 Base classes for database-dumping maintenance scripts.
file  BaseDump.php
 Helper class for the –prefetch option of dumpTextPass.php.
file  BatchRowIterator.php
 This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
file  BatchRowWriter.php
 Updates database rows by primary key in batches.
file  blockUsers.php
 This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
file  changePassword.php
 Change the password of a given user.
file  checkBadRedirects.php
 Check that pages marked as being redirects really are.
file  checkImages.php
 Check images to see if they exist, are readable, etc.
file  CheckSignatures.php
 This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
file  checkStorage.php
 Fsck for MediaWiki.
file  checkUsernames.php
 Check that database usernames are actually valid.
file  cleanupCaps.php
 Clean up broken page links when somebody turns on $wgCapitalLinks.
file  cleanupEmptyCategories.php
 Clean up empty categories in the category table.
file  cleanupImages.php
 Clean up broken, unparseable upload filenames.
file  cleanupInvalidDbKeys.php
 Cleans up invalid titles in various tables.
file  cleanupPageLang.php
 Clean up deprecated language codes in page_lang.
file  cleanupPreferences.php
 Clean up user preferences from the database.
file  cleanupSpam.php
 Cleanup all spam from a given hostname.
file  cleanupTitles.php
 Clean up broken, unparseable titles.
file  cleanupUploadStash.php
 Remove old or broken uploads from temporary uploaded file storage, clean up associated database records.
file  cleanupWatchlist.php
 Remove broken, unparseable titles in the watchlist table.
file  clearInterwikiCache.php
 This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
file  CodeCleanerGlobalsPass.php
 Psy CodeCleaner to allow PHP super globals.
file  CommandLineInc.php
 Backwards-compatibility wrapper for old-style maintenance scripts.
file  compareLanguageConverterOutput.php
 This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
file  compareParserCache.php
 This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
file  compareParsers.php
 Take page text out of an XML dump file and render basic HTML out to files.
file  compressOld.php
 Compress the text of a wiki.
file  copyFileBackend.php
 Copy all files in some containers of one backend to another.
file  copyJobQueue.php
 Copy all jobs from one job queue system to another.
file  createAndPromote.php
 Creates an account and grants it rights.
file  createBotPassword.php
 Creates a bot password for an existing user account.
file  deleteArchivedFiles.php
 Delete archived (non-current) files from the database.
file  deleteArchivedRevisions.php
 Delete archived (deleted from public) revisions from the database.
file  deleteBatch.php
 Deletes a batch of pages.
file  deleteDefaultMessages.php
 Deletes all pages in the MediaWiki namespace which were last edited by "MediaWiki default".
file  deleteEqualMessages.php
 This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
file  deleteLocalPasswords.php
 Delete unused local passwords.
file  DeleteLocalPasswords.php
 Helper for deleting unused local passwords.
file  deleteOldRevisions.php
 Delete old (non-current) revisions from the database.
file  deleteOrphanedRevisions.php
 Delete revisions which refer to a nonexisting page.
file  deleteSelfExternals.php
 Delete self-references to $wgServer from the externallinks table.
file  deleteUserEmail.php
 Deletes a given user's associated email address Usage: php deleteUserEmail.php <user> where <user> can be either the username or user ID.
file  doMaintenance.php
 We want to make this whole thing as seamless as possible to the end-user.
file  dumpBackup.php
 Script that dumps wiki pages or logging database into an XML interchange wrapper format for export or backup.
file  dumpIterator.php
 Take page text out of an XML dump file and perform some operation on it.
file  dumpRev.php
 Get the text of a revision, resolving external storage if needed.
file  dumpTextPass.php
 BackupDumper that postprocesses XML dumps from dumpBackup.php to add page text.
file  dumpUploads.php
 Dump a the list of files uploaded, for feeding to tar or similar.
file  edit.php
 Make a page edit.
file  emptyUserGroup.php
 Removes all users from a given user group.
file  eraseArchivedFile.php
 Delete archived (non-current) files from storage.
file  eval.php
 This script lets a command-line user start up the wiki engine and then poke about by issuing PHP commands directly.
file  fetchText.php
 Communications protocol.
file  fileOpPerfTest.php
 Test for fileop performance.
file  findBadBlobs.php
 This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
file  findClasses.php
 This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
file  findDeprecated.php
 Maintenance script that recursively scans MediaWiki's PHP source tree for deprecated functions and methods and pretty-prints the results.
file  findMissingActors.php
 This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
file  fixDoubleRedirects.php
 Fix double redirects.
file  fixLegacyEncoding.php
 This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
file  fixMergeHistoryCorruption.php
 This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
file  fixTimestamps.php
 Fixes timestamp corruption caused by one or more webservers temporarily being set to the wrong time.
file  fixUserRegistration.php
 Fix the user_registration field.
file  formatInstallDoc.php
 Format RELEASE-NOTE file to wiki text or HTML markup.
file  generateJsonI18n.php
 Convert a PHP messages file to a set of JSON messages files.
file  generatePhpCharToUpperMappings.php
 Update list of upper case differences between JS and PHP.
file  generateSchemaChangeSql.php
 Convert a JSON abstract schema change to a schema change file in the given DBMS type.
file  generateSchemaSql.php
 Convert a JSON abstract schema to a schema file in the given DBMS type.
file  generateSitemap.php
 Creates a sitemap for the site.
file  getConfiguration.php
 Print serialized output of MediaWiki config vars.
file  getLagTimes.php
 Display replication lag times.
file  getReplicaServer.php
 Reports the hostname of a replica DB server.
file  getText.php
 Outputs page text to stdout.
file  importDump.php
 Import XML dump files into the current wiki.
file  importImages.php
 Import one or more images from the local file system into the wiki without using the web-based interface.
file  importSiteScripts.php
 Import all scripts in the MediaWiki namespace from a local site.
file  importTextFiles.php
 Import pages from text files.
file  initEditCount.php
 Init the user_editcount database field based on the number of rows in the revision table.
file  initSiteStats.php
 Re-initialise or update the site statistics table.
file  install.php
 CLI-based MediaWiki installation and configuration.
file  invalidateBotPasswords.php
 Invalidates the bot passwords of a given user.
file  invalidateUserSessions.php
 Invalidate the sessions of certain users on the wiki.
file  IteratorDecorator.php
 Allows extending classes to decorate an Iterator with reduced boilerplate.
file  jsparse.php
 This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
file  lag.php
 Shows database lag.
file  listVariants.php
 Lists all language variants.
file  Maintenance.php
 This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
file  makeTestEdits.php
 Make test edits for a user to populate a test wiki.
file  manageJobs.php
 Maintenance script that handles managing job queue admin tasks.
file  mctest.php
 Makes several 'set', 'incr' and 'get' requests on every memcached server and shows a report.
file  mergeMessageFileList.php
 Merge $wgExtensionMessagesFiles from various extensions to produce a single array containing all message files.
file  migrateFileRepoLayout.php
 Copy all files in FileRepo to an originals container using SHA1 paths.
file  migrateFileTables.php
 Maintenance script to refresh image metadata fields.
file  migrateUserGroup.php
 Re-assign users from an old group to a new one.
file  moveBatch.php
 Move a batch of pages.
file  moveToExternal.php
 Move text from the text table to external storage.
file  mwdocgen.php
 Generate class and file reference documentation for MediaWiki using doxygen.
file  MWDoxygenFilter.php
 Copyright (C) 2012 Tamas Imrei
file  mysql.php
 Execute the MySQL client binary, connecting to the wiki's DB.
file  namespaceDupes.php
 Check for articles to fix after adding/deleting namespaces.
file  NotRecursiveIterator.php
 Wraps a non-recursive iterator with methods to be recursive without children.
file  nukeNS.php
 Remove pages with only 1 revision from the MediaWiki namespace, without flooding recent changes, delete logs, etc.
file  nukePage.php
 Erase a page record from the database Irreversible (can't use standard undelete) and does not update link tables.
file  orphanStats.php
 Show some statistics on the blob_orphans table, created with trackBlobs.php.
file  pageExists.php
 This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
file  parse.php
 Parse some wikitext.
file  patchSql.php
 Manually run an SQL patch outside of the general updaters.
file  populateInterwiki.php
 Maintenance script that populates the interwiki table with list of sites from a source wiki, such as English Wikipedia.
file  populateUserIsTemp.php
 Fills the user_is_temp column of the user table for users created before MW 1.42.
file  protect.php
 Protect or unprotect a page.
file  pruneFileCache.php
 Prune file cache for pages, objects, resources, etc.
file  purgeChangedFiles.php
 Scan the logging table and purge affected files within a timeframe.
file  purgeChangedPages.php
 Send purge requests for pages edited in date range to squid/varnish.
file  purgeList.php
 Send purge requests for listed pages to CDN.
file  purgeOldText.php
 Purge old text records from the database.
file  purgePage.php
 Purges a specific page.
file  reassignEdits.php
 Reassign edits from a user or IP address to another user.
file  rebuildall.php
 Rebuild link tracking tables from scratch.
file  rebuildFileCache.php
 Build file cache for content pages.
file  rebuildImages.php
 Update image metadata records.
file  rebuildLocalisationCache.php
 Rebuild the localisation cache.
file  rebuildmessages.php
 This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
file  rebuildrecentchanges.php
 Rebuild recent changes from scratch.
file  recompressTracked.php
 Moves blobs indexed by trackBlobs.php to a specified list of destination clusters, and recompresses them in the process.
file  recountCategories.php
 Refreshes category counts.
file  refreshFileHeaders.php
 Refresh file headers from metadata.
file  removeUnusedAccounts.php
 Remove unused user accounts from the database An unused account is one which has made no edits.
file  renameDbPrefix.php
 Change the prefix of database tables.
file  renameRestrictions.php
 Rename restriction level.
file  renderDump.php
 Take page text out of an XML dump file and render basic HTML out to files.
file  resetAuthenticationThrottle.php
 Reset login/signup throttling for a specified user and/or IP.
file  resetPageRandom.php
 Resets the page_random field for articles in the provided time range.
file  resetUserEmail.php
 Reset user email.
file  resolveStubs.php
 Convert history stubs that point to an external row to direct external pointers.
file  rollbackEdits.php
 Rollback all edits by a given user or IP provided they're the most recent edit (just like real rollback)
file  RowUpdateGenerator.php
 Interface for generating updates to single rows in the database.
file  run.php
 Entry point for running maintenance scripts.
file  runBatchedQuery.php
 Run a database query in batches and wait for replica DBs.
file  runJobs.php
 Run pending jobs.
file  SchemaMaintenance.php
 Base script for schema maintenance.
file  SevenZipStream.php
 7z stream wrapper
file  shell.php
 Modern interactive shell within the MediaWiki engine.
file  showSiteStats.php
 Show the cached statistics.
file  sql.php
 Send SQL queries from the specified file to the database, performing variable replacement along the way.
file  Sqlite.php
 Helper class for sqlite-specific scripts.
file  SqliteMaintenance.php
 Performs some operations specific to SQLite database backend.
file  storageTypeStats.php
 This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
file  TableCleanup.php
 Generic class to cleanup a database table.
file  testCompression.php
 Test revision text compression and decompression.
file  TextPassDumper.php
 BackupDumper that postprocesses XML dumps from dumpBackup.php to add page text.
file  trackBlobs.php
 Adds blobs from a given external storage cluster to the blob_tracking table.
file  undelete.php
 Undelete a page by fetching it from the archive table.
file  update.php
 Run all updaters.
file  updateArticleCount.php
 Provide a better count of the number of articles and update the site statistics table, if desired.
file  updateCollation.php
 Find all rows in the categorylinks table whose collation is out-of-date (cl_collation != $wgCategoryCollation) and repopulate cl_sortkey using the page title and cl_sortkey_prefix.
file  updateRestrictions.php
 Makes the required database updates for Special:ProtectedPages to show all protected pages, even ones before the page restrictions schema change.
file  updateSpecialPages.php
 Update for cached special pages.
file  uppercaseTitlesForUnicodeTransition.php
 Obligatory redundant license notice.
file  userOptions.php
 Script to change users preferences on the fly.
file  Version.php
 Prints the version of MediaWiki.
file  view.php
 Show page contents.
file  wikiBirthday.php
 Prints the birthdate and age of a wiki install.
file  wrapOldPasswords.php
 Maintenance script to wrap all old-style passwords in a layered type.


class  AddChangeTag
 Adds a change tag to the wiki. More...
class  AttachLatest
 Maintenance script to correct wrong values in the page_latest field in the database. More...
class  MediaWiki\Maintenance\BackupDumper
class  BackupReader
 Maintenance script that imports XML dump files into the current wiki. More...
class  BaseDump
 Readahead helper for making large MediaWiki data dumps; reads in a previous XML dump to sequentially prefetch text records already normalized and decompressed. More...
class  CategoryChangesAsRdf
 Maintenance script to provide RDF representation of the recent changes in category tree. More...
class  ChangePassword
 Maintenance script to change the password of a given user. More...
class  CheckBadRedirects
 Maintenance script to check that pages marked as being redirects really are. More...
class  CheckImages
 Maintenance script to check images to see if they exist, are readable, etc. More...
class  CheckSignatures
 Maintenance script to list users with invalid signatures. More...
class  CheckStorage
 Maintenance script to do various checks on external storage. More...
class  CheckUsernames
 Maintenance script to check that database usernames are actually valid. More...
class  CleanupCaps
 Maintenance script to clean up broken page links when somebody turns on or off $wgCapitalLinks. More...
class  CleanupEmptyCategories
 Maintenance script to clean up empty categories in the category table. More...
class  CleanupImages
 Maintenance script to clean up broken, unparseable upload filenames. More...
class  CleanupInvalidDbKeys
 Maintenance script that cleans up invalid titles in various tables. More...
class  CleanupPageLang
 Maintenance script to clean up deprecated language codes in page_lang. More...
class  CleanupPreferences
 Maintenance script that removes unused preferences from the database. More...
class  CleanupSpam
 Maintenance script to cleanup all spam from a given hostname. More...
class  CleanupUploadStash
 Maintenance script to remove old or broken uploads from temporary uploaded file storage and clean up associated database records. More...
class  CleanupWatchlist
 Maintenance script to remove broken, unparseable titles in the watchlist table. More...
class  ClearInterwikiCache
 Clear the cache of interwiki prefixes. More...
class  CLIParser
 Maintenance script to parse some wikitext. More...
class  CommandLineInstaller
 Maintenance script to install and configure MediaWiki. More...
class  CompareLanguageConverterOutput
 Maintenance script that compares variant conversion output between Parser and HtmlOutputRendererHelper. More...
class  CompareParserCache
class  CompareParsers
 Maintenance script to take page text out of an XML dump file and render basic HTML out to files. More...
class  CompressOld
 Maintenance script that compress the text of a wiki. More...
class  ConvertExtensionsMessagesToTranslationAlias
 Convert existing ExtensionMessagesFiles to JSON files in different language codes that can be used as input for TranslationAliasesDirs configuration. More...
class  CopyFileBackend
 Copy all files in one container of one backend to another. More...
class  CopyJobQueue
 Copy all jobs from one job queue system to another. More...
class  CreateAndPromote
 Maintenance script to create an account and grant it rights. More...
class  DatabaseLag
 Maintenance script to show database lag. More...
class  DeleteArchivedFiles
 Maintenance script to delete archived (non-current) files from the database. More...
class  DeleteArchivedRevisions
 Maintenance script to delete archived (deleted from public) revisions from the database. More...
class  DeleteAutoPatrolLogs
 Remove autopatrol logs in the logging table. More...
class  DeleteBatch
 Maintenance script to delete a batch of pages. More...
class  DeleteDefaultMessages
 Maintenance script that deletes all pages in the MediaWiki namespace which were last edited by "MediaWiki default". More...
class  DeleteEqualMessages
 Maintenance script that deletes all pages in the MediaWiki namespace of which the content is equal to the system default. More...
class  DeleteOldRevisions
 Maintenance script that deletes old (non-current) revisions from the database. More...
class  DeleteOrphanedRevisions
 Maintenance script that deletes revisions which refer to a nonexisting page. More...
class  DeleteSelfExternals
 Maintenance script that deletes self-references to $wgServer from the externallinks table. More...
class  DumpCategoriesAsRdf
 Maintenance script to provide RDF representation of the category tree. More...
class  DumpIterator
 Base class for iterating over a dump. More...
class  DumpLinks
 Maintenance script that generates a plaintext link dump. More...
class  DumpRenderer
 Maintenance script that takes page text out of an XML dump file and render basic HTML out to files. More...
class  DumpRev
 Maintenance script that gets the text of a revision, resolving external storage if needed. More...
class  DumpUploads
 Maintenance script to dump a the list of files uploaded, for feeding to tar or similar. More...
class  EditCLI
 Maintenance script to make a page edit. More...
class  EraseArchivedFile
 Maintenance script to delete archived (non-current) files from storage. More...
class  MediaWiki\Maintenance\FakeMaintenance
 Fake maintenance wrapper, mostly used for the web installer/updater. More...
class  FetchText
 Maintenance script used to fetch page text in a subprocess. More...
class  FileOpPerfTest
 Maintenance script to test fileop performance. More...
class  FindBadBlobs
 Maintenance script for finding and marking bad content blobs. More...
class  FindClasses
 Maintenance script for finding the files that contain classes. More...
class  FindMissingActors
 Maintenance script for finding and replacing invalid actor IDs, see T261325 and T307738. More...
class  FixDoubleRedirects
 Maintenance script that fixes double redirects. More...
class  FixInconsistentRedirects
 Fix redirect pages with missing or incomplete row in the redirect table. More...
class  FixTimestamps
 Maintenance script that fixes timestamp corruption caused by one or more webservers temporarily being set to the wrong time. More...
class  FixUserRegistration
 Maintenance script that fixes the user_registration field. More...
class  MediaWiki\Maintenance\ForkController
 Manage forking inside CLI maintenance scripts. More...
class  FormatInstallDoc
 Maintenance script that formats RELEASE-NOTE file to wiki text or HTML markup. More...
class  GenerateConfigSchema
 Maintenance script that generates configuration schema files: More...
class  GenerateJsonI18n
 Maintenance script to generate JSON i18n files from a PHP i18n file. More...
class  GeneratePhpCharToUpperMappings
 Update list of upper case differences between JS and PHP. More...
class  GenerateSchemaChangeSql
 Maintenance script to generate schema from abstract json files. More...
class  GenerateSchemaSql
 Maintenance script to generate schema from abstract json files. More...
class  GenerateSitemap
 Maintenance script that generates a sitemap for the site. More...
class  GetConfiguration
 Print serialized output of MediaWiki config vars. More...
class  GetLagTimes
 Maintenance script that displays replication lag times. More...
class  GetReplicaServer
 Maintenance script that reports the hostname of a replica DB server. More...
class  GetTextMaint
 Maintenance script that outputs page text to stdout. More...
class  GrepPages
 Search pages for a given regex. More...
class  ImageBuilder
 Maintenance script to update image metadata records. More...
class  ImportSiteScripts
 Maintenance script to import all scripts in the MediaWiki namespace from a local site. More...
class  ImportTextFiles
 Maintenance script which reads in text files and imports their content to a page of the wiki. More...
class  InitSiteStats
 Maintenance script to re-initialise or update the site statistics table. More...
class  InitUserPreference
 Maintenance script that initializes a user preference based on the value of another preference. More...
class  InvalidateBotPasswords
 Maintenance script to invalidate the bot passwords of a given user. More...
class  InvalidateUserSessions
 Invalidate the sessions of certain users on the wiki. More...
class  JSParseHelper
 Ad-hoc run ResourceLoader validation for user-supplied JavaScript. More...
class  MediaWiki\Maintenance\LoggedUpdateMaintenance
 Class for scripts that perform database maintenance and want to log the update in updatelog so we can later skip it. More...
class  MediaWiki\Maintenance\Maintenance
 Abstract maintenance class for quickly writing and churning out maintenance scripts with minimal effort. More...
class  MediaWiki\Maintenance\MaintenanceParameters
 Command line parameter handling for maintenance scripts. More...
class  MakeTestEdits
 Make test edits for a user to populate a test wiki. More...
class  ManageForeignResources
 Manage foreign resources registered with ResourceLoader. More...
class  ManageJobs
 Maintenance script that handles managing job queue admin tasks (re-push, delete, ...) More...
class  Mcc
 Diagnostic tool for interacting with memcached. More...
class  McTest
 Maintenance script that makes several 'set', 'incr' and 'get' requests on every memcached server and shows a report. More...
class  MergeMessageFileList
 Maintenance script that merges $wgExtensionMessagesFiles from various extensions to produce a single array containing all message files. More...
class  MigrateBlocks
 Maintenance script that migrates rows from ipblocks to block and block_target. More...
class  MigrateExternallinks
 Maintenance script that migrates externallinks data. More...
class  MigrateFileRepoLayout
 Copy all files in FileRepo to an originals container using SHA1 paths. More...
class  MigrateFileTables
 Maintenance script to refresh image metadata fields. More...
class  MigrateLinksTable
 Maintenance script that populates normalization column in links tables. More...
class  MigrateRevisionActorTemp
 Maintenance script that merges the revision_actor_temp table into the revision table. More...
class  MigrateRevisionCommentTemp
 Maintenance script that merges the revision_comment_temp table into the revision table. More...
class  MigrateUserGroup
 Maintenance script that re-assigns users from an old group to a new one. More...
class  MoveBatch
 Maintenance script to move a batch of pages. More...
class  MWDocGen
 Maintenance script that builds doxygen documentation. More...
class  MWEval
 Maintenance script providing an interactive console for evaluating php commands in the context of an initialized MediaWiki instance. More...
class  MwSql
 Maintenance script that sends SQL queries from the specified file to the database. More...
class  MysqlMaintenance
class  NamespaceDupes
 Maintenance script that checks for articles to fix after adding/deleting namespaces. More...
class  NukeNS
 Maintenance script that removes pages with only one revision from the MediaWiki namespace. More...
class  NukePage
 Maintenance script that erases a page record from the database. More...
class  MediaWiki\Maintenance\OrderedStreamingForkController
 Apply a transformation to values via a pool of sub processes. More...
class  OrphanStats
 Maintenance script that shows some statistics on the blob_orphans table, created with trackBlobs.php. More...
class  PageExists
class  PatchSql
 Maintenance script that manually runs an SQL patch outside of the general updaters. More...
class  PopulateChangeTagDef
 Populate and improve accuracy of change_tag_def statistics. More...
class  PopulateUserIsTemp
 Maintenance script that Fills the user_is_temp column of the user table for users created before MW 1.42. More...
class  Protect
 Maintenance script that protects or unprotects a page. More...
class  PruneFileCache
 Maintenance script that prunes file cache for pages, objects, resources, etc. More...
class  PruneUnusedLinkTargetRows
 Maintenance script that cleans unused rows in linktarget table. More...
class  PurgeChangedFiles
 Maintenance script that scans the deletion log and purges affected files within a timeframe. More...
class  PurgeChangedPages
 Maintenance script that sends purge requests for pages edited in a date range to squid/varnish. More...
class  PurgeList
 Maintenance script that sends purge requests for listed pages to CDN. More...
class  PurgeOldText
 Maintenance script that purges old text records from the database. More...
class  PurgePage
 Maintenance script that purges a list of pages passed through stdin. More...
class  PurgeParserCache
 Remove expired objects from the parser cache database. More...
class  PurgeRecentChanges
 Purge rows from the recentchanges table older than wgRCMaxAge. More...
class  ReassignEdits
 Maintenance script that reassigns edits from a user or IP address to another user. More...
class  RebuildAll
 Maintenance script that rebuilds link tracking tables from scratch. More...
class  RebuildFileCache
 Maintenance script that builds the file cache. More...
class  RebuildLocalisationCache
 Maintenance script to rebuild the localisation cache. More...
class  RebuildMessages
 Maintenance script that purges cache used by MessageCache. More...
class  RebuildRecentchanges
 Maintenance script that rebuilds recent changes from scratch. More...
class  RebuildTextIndex
 Rebuild search index table from scratch. More...
class  RecompressTracked
 Maintenance script that moves blobs indexed by trackBlobs.php to a specified list of destination clusters, and recompresses them in the process. More...
class  RecountCategories
 Maintenance script that refreshes category membership counts in the category table. More...
class  RefreshFileHeaders
 Maintenance script to refresh file headers from metadata. More...
class  RefreshImageMetadata
 Maintenance script to refresh image metadata fields. More...
class  RefreshLinks
 Refresh link tables. More...
class  RemoveUnusedAccounts
 Maintenance script that removes unused user accounts from the database. More...
class  RenameDbPrefix
 Maintenance script that changes the prefix of database tables. More...
class  RenameRestrictions
 Maintenance script that updates page_restrictions and protected_titles tables to use a new name for a given restriction level. More...
class  ResetAuthenticationThrottle
 Reset login/signup throttling for a specified user and/or IP. More...
class  ResetPageRandom
 Maintenance script that resets page_random over a time range. More...
class  ResetUserEmail
 Maintenance script that resets user email. More...
class  RollbackEdits
 Maintenance script to rollback all edits by a given user or IP provided they're the most recent edit. More...
class  RunBatchedQuery
 Maintenance script to run a database query in batches and wait for replica DBs. More...
class  RunJobs
 Maintenance script that runs pending jobs. More...
class  SearchDump
 Maintenance script that runs a regex in the revisions from a dump. More...
class  MediaWiki\Maintenance\SevenZipStream
 Stream wrapper around 7za filter program. More...
class  ShowJobs
 Report number of jobs currently waiting in primary database. More...
class  ShowSiteStats
 Maintenance script to show the cached statistics. More...
class  Sqlite
 This class contains code common to different SQLite-related maintenance scripts. More...
class  SqliteMaintenance
 Maintenance script that performs some operations specific to SQLite database backend. More...
class  TableCleanup
 Generic class to cleanup a database table. More...
class  MediaWiki\Maintenance\TextPassDumper
class  TitleCleanup
 Maintenance script to clean up broken, unparseable titles. More...
class  UpdateArticleCount
 Maintenance script to provide a better count of the number of articles and update the site statistics table, if desired. More...
class  UpdateCollation
 Maintenance script that will find all rows in the categorylinks table whose collation is out-of-date. More...
class  UpdateMediaWiki
 Maintenance script to run database schema updates. More...
class  UpdateRestrictions
 Maintenance script that updates page_restrictions table from old page_restriction column. More...
class  UpdateSearchIndex
 Periodic off-peak updating of the search index. More...
class  UpdateSpecialPages
 Maintenance script to update cached special pages. More...
class  UppercaseTitlesForUnicodeTransition
 Maintenance script to rename titles affected by changes to Unicode (or otherwise to Language::ucfirst). More...
class  UserOptionsMaintenance
class  MediaWiki\Maintenance\Version
class  ViewCLI
 Maintenance script to show page contents. More...
class  WikiBirthday
class  WrapOldPasswords
 Maintenance script to wrap all passwords of a certain type in a specified layered type that wraps around the old type. More...

Detailed Description