MediaWiki master
MediaWiki\Auth\PreAuthenticationProvider Interface Reference

A pre-authentication provider can prevent authentication early on. More...

Inherits MediaWiki\Auth\AuthenticationProvider.

Inherited by MediaWiki\Auth\AbstractPreAuthenticationProvider.

Collaboration diagram for MediaWiki\Auth\PreAuthenticationProvider:

Public Member Functions

 postAccountCreation ( $user, $creator, AuthenticationResponse $response)
 Post-creation callback.
 postAccountLink ( $user, AuthenticationResponse $response)
 Post-link callback.
 postAuthentication ( $user, AuthenticationResponse $response)
 Post-login callback.
 testForAccountCreation ( $user, $creator, array $reqs)
 Determine whether an account creation may begin.
 testForAccountLink ( $user)
 Determine whether an account may linked to another authentication method.
 testForAuthentication (array $reqs)
 Determine whether an authentication may begin.
 testUserForCreation ( $user, $autocreate, array $options=[])
 Determine whether an account may be created.
- Public Member Functions inherited from MediaWiki\Auth\AuthenticationProvider
 getAuthenticationRequests ( $action, array $options)
 Return the applicable list of AuthenticationRequests.
 getUniqueId ()
 Return a unique identifier for this instance.

Detailed Description

A pre-authentication provider can prevent authentication early on.

A PreAuthenticationProvider is used to supply arbitrary checks to be performed before the PrimaryAuthenticationProviders are consulted during the login / account creation / account linking process. Possible uses include checking that a per-IP throttle has not been reached or that a captcha has been solved.

This interface also provides callbacks that are invoked after login / account creation / account linking succeeded or failed.

See also

Definition at line 44 of file PreAuthenticationProvider.php.

Member Function Documentation

◆ postAccountCreation()

MediaWiki\Auth\PreAuthenticationProvider::postAccountCreation ( $user,
AuthenticationResponse $response )

Post-creation callback.

This will be called at the end of an account creation attempt. It will not be called if the account creation process results in a session timeout (possibly after a successful user creation, while a secondary provider is waiting for a response).

User$userUser that was attempted to be created. This may become a "UserValue" in the future, or User may be refactored into such.
User$creatorUser doing the creation. This may become a "UserValue" in the future, or User may be refactored into such.
AuthenticationResponse$responseAuthentication response that will be returned (PASS or FAIL)

Implemented in MediaWiki\Auth\AbstractPreAuthenticationProvider.

◆ postAccountLink()

MediaWiki\Auth\PreAuthenticationProvider::postAccountLink ( $user,
AuthenticationResponse $response )

Post-link callback.

This will be called at the end of an account linking attempt.

User$userUser that was attempted to be linked. This may become a "UserValue" in the future, or User may be refactored into such.
AuthenticationResponse$responseAuthentication response that will be returned (PASS or FAIL)

Implemented in MediaWiki\Auth\AbstractPreAuthenticationProvider.

◆ postAuthentication()

MediaWiki\Auth\PreAuthenticationProvider::postAuthentication ( $user,
AuthenticationResponse $response )

Post-login callback.

This will be called at the end of a login attempt. It will not be called for unfinished login attempts that fail by the session timing out.

Under certain circumstances, this can be called even when testForAuthentication was not; see AuthenticationRequest::$loginRequest.
User | null$userUser that was attempted to be logged in, if known. This may become a "UserValue" in the future, or User may be refactored into such.
AuthenticationResponse$responseAuthentication response that will be returned (PASS or FAIL)

Implemented in MediaWiki\Auth\AbstractPreAuthenticationProvider, and MediaWiki\Auth\ThrottlePreAuthenticationProvider.

◆ testForAccountCreation()

MediaWiki\Auth\PreAuthenticationProvider::testForAccountCreation ( $user,
array $reqs )

Determine whether an account creation may begin.

Called from AuthManager::beginAccountCreation()

No need to test if the account exists, AuthManager checks that
User$userUser being created (not added to the database yet). This may become a "UserValue" in the future, or User may be refactored into such.
User$creatorUser doing the creation. This may become a "UserValue" in the future, or User may be refactored into such.

Implemented in MediaWiki\Auth\AbstractPreAuthenticationProvider, and MediaWiki\Auth\ThrottlePreAuthenticationProvider.

◆ testForAccountLink()

MediaWiki\Auth\PreAuthenticationProvider::testForAccountLink ( $user)

Determine whether an account may linked to another authentication method.

User$userUser being linked. This may become a "UserValue" in the future, or User may be refactored into such.

Implemented in MediaWiki\Auth\AbstractPreAuthenticationProvider.

◆ testForAuthentication()

MediaWiki\Auth\PreAuthenticationProvider::testForAuthentication ( array $reqs)

Determine whether an authentication may begin.

Called from AuthManager::beginAuthentication()


Implemented in MediaWiki\Auth\AbstractPreAuthenticationProvider, and MediaWiki\Auth\ThrottlePreAuthenticationProvider.

◆ testUserForCreation()

MediaWiki\Auth\PreAuthenticationProvider::testUserForCreation ( $user,
array $options = [] )

Determine whether an account may be created.

User$userUser being created (not added to the database yet). This may become a "UserValue" in the future, or User may be refactored into such.
bool | string$autocreateFalse if this is not an auto-creation, or the source of the auto-creation passed to AuthManager::autoCreateUser().
  • flags: (int) Bitfield of IDBAccessObject::READ_* constants, default IDBAccessObject::READ_NORMAL
  • creating: (bool) If false (or missing), this call is only testing if a user could be created. If set, this (non-autocreation) is for actually creating an account and will be followed by a call to testForAccountCreation(). In this case, the provider might return StatusValue::newGood() here and let the later call to testForAccountCreation() do a more thorough test.
  • canAlwaysAutocreate: (bool) If true the session provider is exempt from autocreate user permissions checks.

Implemented in MediaWiki\Auth\AbstractPreAuthenticationProvider.

The documentation for this interface was generated from the following file: