MediaWiki master
MediaWiki\Parser Namespace Reference


namespace  Parsoid


class  BlockLevelPass
class  CacheTime
 Parser cache specific expiry check. More...
class  CoreMagicVariables
 Expansions of core magic variables, used by the parser. More...
class  CoreParserFunctions
 Various core parser functions, registered in every Parser. More...
class  CoreTagHooks
 Various tag hooks, registered in every Parser. More...
class  DateFormatter
 Date formatter. More...
class  DateFormatterFactory
class  LinkHolderArray
class  MagicWord
 This class encapsulates "magic words" such as "#redirect", NOTOC, etc. More...
class  MagicWordArray
 Class for handling an array of magic words. More...
class  MagicWordFactory
 Store information about magic words, and create/cache MagicWord objects. More...
class  MWTidy
 Class to interact with and configure Remex tidy. More...
class  Parser
 PHP Parser - Processes wiki markup (which uses a more user-friendly syntax, such as "[[link]]" for making links), and provides a one-way transformation of that wiki markup it into (X)HTML output / markup (which in turn the browser understands, and can display). More...
class  ParserCache
 Cache for ParserOutput objects corresponding to the latest page revisions. More...
class  ParserCacheFactory
class  ParserCacheFilter
interface  ParserCacheMetadata
 Read-only interface for metadata about a ParserCache entry. More...
class  ParserFactory
class  ParserObserver
class  ParserOptions
 Set options of the Parser. More...
class  ParserOutput
 ParserOutput is a rendering of a Content object or a message. More...
class  ParserOutputFlags
class  ParserOutputLinkTypes
class  ParserOutputStringSets
class  PPCustomFrame_Hash
 Expansion frame with custom arguments. More...
class  PPDPart_Hash
class  PPDStack_Hash
 Stack class to help Preprocessor::preprocessToObj() More...
class  PPDStackElement_Hash
interface  PPFrame
class  PPFrame_Hash
 An expansion frame, used as a context to expand the result of preprocessToObj() More...
interface  PPNode
 There are three types of nodes: More...
class  PPNode_Hash_Array
class  PPNode_Hash_Attr
class  PPNode_Hash_Text
class  PPNode_Hash_Tree
class  PPTemplateFrame_Hash
 Expansion frame with template arguments. More...
class  Preprocessor
class  Preprocessor_Hash
 Differences from DOM schema: More...
class  RemexRemoveTagHandler
 Helper class for Sanitizer::removeSomeTags(). More...
class  RemexStripTagHandler
 Helper class for Sanitizer::stripAllTags(). More...
class  RevisionOutputCache
 Cache for ParserOutput objects. More...
class  Sanitizer
 HTML sanitizer for MediaWiki. More...
class  StripState