MediaWiki master
MediaWiki\Password Namespace Reference


class  AbstractPbkdf2Password
 A PBKDF2-hashed password. More...
class  Argon2Password
 Implements Argon2, a modern key derivation algorithm designed to resist GPU cracking and side-channel attacks. More...
class  BcryptPassword
 A Bcrypt-hashed password. More...
class  EncryptedPassword
 Helper class for passwords that use another password hash underneath it and encrypts that hash with a configured secret. More...
class  InvalidPassword
 Represents an invalid password hash. More...
class  LayeredParameterizedPassword
 This password hash type layers one or more parameterized password types on top of each other. More...
class  MWOldPassword
 The old style of MediaWiki password hashing. More...
class  MWSaltedPassword
 The old style of MediaWiki password hashing, with a salt. More...
class  ParameterizedPassword
 Helper class for password hash types that have a delimited set of parameters inside the hash. More...
class  Password
 Represents a password hash for use in authentication. More...
class  PasswordError
 Show an error when any operation involving passwords fails to run. More...
class  PasswordFactory
 Factory class for creating and checking Password objects. More...
class  PasswordPolicyChecks
 Functions to check passwords against a policy requirement. More...
class  Pbkdf2PasswordUsingHashExtension
 A PBKDF2-hashed password, using PHP's hash extension. More...
class  Pbkdf2PasswordUsingOpenSSL
 A PBKDF2-hashed password, using OpenSSL. More...
class  UserPasswordPolicy
 Check if a user's password complies with any password policies that apply to that user, based on the user's group membership. More...