MediaWiki master
MediaWiki\Specials Namespace Reference


namespace  Contribute
namespace  Redirects


class  SpecialActiveUsers
 Implements Special:Activeusers. More...
class  SpecialAllMessages
 List of the MediaWiki interface messages. More...
class  SpecialAllPages
 Implements Special:Allpages. More...
class  SpecialAncientPages
 Implements Special:Ancientpages. More...
class  SpecialApiHelp
 Redirect to help pages served by api.php. More...
class  SpecialApiSandbox
 Implements Special:ApiSandbox. More...
class  SpecialAuthenticationPopupSuccess
 A page for the 'mediawiki.authenticationPopup' module. More...
class  SpecialAutoblockList
 List of autoblocks. More...
class  SpecialBlankpage
 Blank page designed for basic benchmarking of MediaWiki. More...
class  SpecialBlock
 Allow users with 'block' user right to block IPs and user accounts from editing pages and other actions. More...
class  SpecialBlockList
 List of existing blocks. More...
class  SpecialBookSources
 Information on citing a book with a particular ISBN. More...
class  SpecialBotPasswords
 Let users manage bot passwords. More...
class  SpecialBrokenRedirects
 List of redirects to non-existent pages. More...
class  SpecialCategories
 Implements Special:Categories. More...
class  SpecialChangeContentModel
class  SpecialChangeCredentials
 Change user credentials, such as the password. More...
class  SpecialChangeEmail
 Let users change their email address. More...
class  SpecialChangePassword
 Compatibility and shortcut redirect to Special:ChangeCredentials, and to hide internal AuthManager class names. More...
class  SpecialComparePages
 Implements Special:ComparePages. More...
class  SpecialConfirmEmail
 Email confirmation for registered users. More...
class  SpecialContribute
 Promote ways for editors to contribute. More...
class  SpecialContributions
 Special:Contributions, show user contributions in a paged list. More...
class  SpecialCreateAccount
 Implements Special:CreateAccount. More...
class  SpecialDeadendPages
 List of pages that contain no links to other pages. More...
class  SpecialDeletedContributions
 Implements Special:DeletedContributions to display archived revisions. More...
class  SpecialDeletePage
 Redirect from Special:DeletePage/$1 to index.php?title=$1&action=delete. More...
class  SpecialDiff
 Redirect from Special:Diff/### to index.php?diff=### and from Special:Diff/###/### to index.php?oldid=###&diff=###. More...
class  SpecialDoubleRedirects
 List of redirects to another redirecting page. More...
class  SpecialEditPage
 Redirect from Special:Edit/$1 to index.php?title=$1&action=edit. More...
class  SpecialEditRecovery
class  SpecialEditTags
 Add or remove change tags to individual revisions. More...
class  SpecialEditWatchlist
 Users can edit their watchlist via this page. More...
class  SpecialEmailInvalidate
 Cancel an email confirmation using the e-mail confirmation code. More...
class  SpecialEmailUser
 Send an e-mail from one user to another. More...
class  SpecialExpandTemplates
 A special page to enter wikitext and expands its templates, parser functions, and variables, allowing easier debugging of these. More...
class  SpecialExport
 A special page that allows users to export pages in a XML file. More...
class  SpecialFewestRevisions
 List articles with the fewest revisions. More...
class  SpecialFileDuplicateSearch
 Search the database for files of the requested hash, comparing this with the 'img_sha1' field in the image table. More...
class  SpecialFilepath
 Redirects to the URL of a thumbnail for the given file. More...
class  SpecialGoToInterwiki
 Landing page for non-local interwiki links. More...
class  SpecialImport
 MediaWiki page data importer. More...
class  SpecialJavaScriptTest
class  SpecialLinkAccounts
 Link/unlink external accounts to the current user. More...
class  SpecialLinkSearch
 Special:LinkSearch to search the external-links table. More...
class  SpecialListDuplicatedFiles
 List all files where the current version is a duplicate of the current version of another file. More...
class  SpecialListFiles
 Implements Special:Listfiles. More...
class  SpecialListGrants
 List all defined rights grants and the associated rights. More...
class  SpecialListGroupRights
 List all defined user groups and the associated rights. More...
class  SpecialListRedirects
 Lists all the redirecting pages on the wiki. More...
class  SpecialListUsers
 Implements Special:Listusers. More...
class  SpecialLockdb
 A form to make the database read-only (eg for maintenance purposes). More...
class  SpecialLog
 A special page that lists log entries. More...
class  SpecialLonelyPages
 List of articles with no article linking to them, thus being lonely. More...
class  SpecialLongPages
 Implements Special:Longpages. More...
class  SpecialMediaStatistics
 Implements Special:MediaStatistics. More...
class  SpecialMergeHistory
 Combine the revision history of two articles into one. More...
class  SpecialMIMESearch
 Search the database for files of the requested MIME type, comparing this with the 'img_major_mime' and 'img_minor_mime' fields in the image table. More...
class  SpecialMostCategories
 List of pages that have the highest category count. More...
class  SpecialMostImages
 List of the most used images. More...
class  SpecialMostInterwikis
 List of pages that have the highest interwiki count. More...
class  SpecialMostLinked
 List of pages ordered by the number of pages linking to them. More...
class  SpecialMostLinkedCategories
 List of categories with the most pages in them. More...
class  SpecialMostLinkedTemplates
 List of templates with a large number of transclusion links, i.e. More...
class  SpecialMostRevisions
 Implements Special:Mostrevisions. More...
class  SpecialMovePage
 Implement Special:Movepage for changing page titles. More...
class  SpecialMute
 Modify your own notification preferences. More...
class  SpecialMyLanguage
 Redirect to the appropriate translated version of a page if it exists. More...
class  SpecialNamespaceInfo
 Show information about the different namespaces. More...
class  SpecialNewFiles
 Implements Special:Newimages. More...
class  SpecialNewPages
 List of newly created pages. More...
class  SpecialNewSection
 Redirect from Special:NewSection/$1 to index.php?title=$1&action=edit&section=new. More...
class  SpecialPageData
 Special page to act as an endpoint for accessing raw page data. More...
class  SpecialPageHistory
 Redirect from Special:History/$1 to index.php?title=$1&action=history. More...
class  SpecialPageInfo
 Redirect from Special:Info/$1 to index.php?title=$1&action=info. More...
class  SpecialPageLanguage
 Special page for changing the content language of a page. More...
class  SpecialPagesWithProp
 Special:PagesWithProp to search the page_props table. More...
class  SpecialPasswordPolicies
 This special page lists the defined password policies for user groups. More...
class  SpecialPasswordReset
 Special page for requesting a password reset email. More...
class  SpecialPermanentLink
 Redirect from Special:PermanentLink/### to index.php?oldid=###. More...
class  SpecialPreferences
 A special page that allows users to change their preferences. More...
class  SpecialPrefixIndex
 Implements Special:Prefixindex. More...
class  SpecialProtectedPages
 A special page that lists protected pages. More...
class  SpecialProtectedTitles
 A special page that list protected titles from creation. More...
class  SpecialProtectPage
 Redirect from Special:ProtectPage/$1 to index.php?title=$1&action=protect. More...
class  SpecialPurge
 Redirect from Special:Purge/$1 to index.php?title=$1&action=purge. More...
class  SpecialRandomInCategory
 Redirect to a random page in a category. More...
class  SpecialRandomPage
 Redirect to a random page. More...
class  SpecialRandomRedirect
 Redirect to a random redirect page (minus the second redirect) More...
class  SpecialRandomRootPage
 Redirect to a random page that isn't a subpage. More...
class  SpecialRecentChanges
 List of the last changes made to the wiki. More...
class  SpecialRecentChangesLinked
 This is to display changes made to all articles linked in an article. More...
class  SpecialRedirect
 Redirect dispatcher for user IDs, thumbnails, and various permalinks. More...
class  SpecialRemoveCredentials
 Special change to remove credentials (such as a two-factor token). More...
class  SpecialRenameUser
 Rename a user account. More...
class  SpecialResetTokens
 Let users reset tokens like the watchlist token. More...
class  SpecialRestSandbox
 A special page showing a Swagger UI for exploring REST APIs. More...
class  SpecialRevisionDelete
 Special page allowing users with the appropriate permissions to view and hide revisions. More...
class  SpecialRunJobs
 Special page designed for running background tasks (internal use only) More...
class  SpecialSearch
 Run text & title search and display the output. More...
class  SpecialShortPages
 List of the shortest pages in the database. More...
class  SpecialSpecialPages
 A special page that lists special pages. More...
class  SpecialStatistics
 Special page lists various statistics, including the contents of site_stats, plus page view details if enabled. More...
class  SpecialTags
 A special page that lists tags for edits. More...
class  SpecialTrackingCategories
 A special page that displays list of tracking categories. More...
class  SpecialUnblock
 A special page for unblocking users. More...
class  SpecialUncategorizedCategories
 List of uncategorized category pages. More...
class  SpecialUncategorizedImages
 List of file pages which haven't been categorised. More...
class  SpecialUncategorizedPages
 List of pages without any category. More...
class  SpecialUncategorizedTemplates
 List of all uncategorised pages in the Template namespace. More...
class  SpecialUndelete
 Special page allowing users with the appropriate permissions to view and restore deleted content. More...
class  SpecialUnlinkAccounts
class  SpecialUnlockdb
 Implements Special:Unlockdb. More...
class  SpecialUnusedCategories
 Implements Special:Unusedcategories. More...
class  SpecialUnusedImages
 List of unused images. More...
class  SpecialUnusedTemplates
 Lists of unused templates. More...
class  SpecialUnwatchedPages
 List of pages that are not on anyone's watchlist. More...
class  SpecialUpload
 Form for uploading media files. More...
class  SpecialUploadStash
 Web access for files temporarily stored by UploadStash. More...
class  SpecialUserLogin
 Implements Special:UserLogin. More...
class  SpecialUserLogout
 Implements Special:Userlogout. More...
class  SpecialUserRights
 Special page to allow managing user group membership. More...
class  SpecialVersion
 Version information about MediaWiki (core, extensions, libs), PHP, and the database. More...
class  SpecialWantedCategories
 List of the most wanted categories. More...
class  SpecialWantedFiles
 List of the most linked non-existent files. More...
class  SpecialWantedPages
 List of the most-linked pages that do not exist. More...
class  SpecialWantedTemplates
 List of the most wanted templates. More...
class  SpecialWatchlist
 A special page that lists last changes made to the wiki, limited to user-defined list of titles. More...
class  SpecialWhatLinksHere
 Implements Special:Whatlinkshere. More...
class  SpecialWithoutInterwiki
 List of pages without any language links. More...